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the act of facing or being made to face one's own attitudes and shortcomings, the way one is perceived, and the consequences of one's behavior, or of causing another to face these things. It is a therapeutic technique which demonstrates where change must begin, but which also has destructive potential.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The act by the therapist, or another patient in a therapy group, of openly interpreting a patient's resistances, attitudes, feelings, or effects on either the therapist, the group, or its member(s).
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Psychiatry Bellicose communication that deliberately invites a Pt or client to self-examine some aspect of his/her behavior in which there is a discrepancy between words and deeds
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The act by the therapist, or another patient in a therapy group, of openly interpreting a patient's resistances, attitudes, feelings, or effects on either the therapist, the group, or its member(s).
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. Insistence by one person that another person should give due attention and weight to data asserted or opinions expressed.
2. A rough method of visual field testing in which the examiner compares the extent of the area of the patient's visual perception with his or her own, while sitting face to face and with opposite eyes mutually fixated.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005

Patient discussion about confrontation

Q. When it comes to stress and confrontation, any suggestions on how to deal with that. all i can do is cry and withdraw. I've found that this doesn't solve a thing or resolve any issue that may be at hand. I am unable to cope with these situations. I would love some ideas to try and deal with life and to allow my life to continue when it comes to things like this.

A. I heard from members of our group that just just discussing your daily feelings makes you them feel better. This is very useful to people. Please tell us more and share with us. There are so many people that care here.
More discussions about confrontation
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References in periodicals archive ?
Thus, the pretrial admission of the certification does not violate the Confrontation Clause.
and its progeny reshaped Confrontation Clause doctrine.
To answer the questions as to why such confrontation exists in a society aiming to mature itself in democratic values it is corruption stemming from the lust of state leadership, whether political or military, to acquire absolute power and authority, and attempt to violate their constitutional limitations and boundaries.Pakistani politics is a witness to confrontation between past leaderships and institutions leaving valuable lessons to learn from for the future leadership of the country.
Remarkably, the Williams plurality understood that it would "also decide whether Crawford substantially impedes the ability of prosecutors to introduce DNA evidence and thus may effectively relegate the prosecution in some cases to rel[y] on older, less reliable forms of proof." (9) The plurality, in deeming forensic crime labs inherently reliable, went against prior Court opinions, thus affording greater weight to the prosecution than defendants' rights under the Confrontation Clause.
For the time being, we have been two years out of the World Group, so we cannot think ahead of that." As he shared his thoughts about the upcoming tie against India, the word " confrontation" came out once again.
4- By inviting their "moderate" pawns with long-standing ties to Al-Qaeda and ISIL to the peace talks, and by seeking direct military confrontation with Damascus, it is obvious that the United States, Saudi Arabia and the mere extras are not hoping for a peaceful Syria.
"These actions could provoke a further escalation of the conflict and lead to the loss of more innocent lives, increasing the flow of refugees and risking a confrontation with the anti-ISIS (Islamic State) coalition operating in Syria," Kerry said.
There are many scenarios in education that call for some type of confrontation, such as with student discipline, parent contact and conferences, teacher remediation and peer conflict.
Dr Mahathir lambasted the aggressive mindset in dealing with confrontation, saying that 'the world is still very primitive when we cannot solve our problems except by confrontation, violence, destruction and killing a huge number of people.
Any physical confrontation that results in someone having a bleed on the brain is bound to be considered serious by the court."
The manager of a Nike store is now being investigated by the company for racial profiling after a confrontation with customers.