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Related to confirmation: conformation


Verification of the results obtained from a screening method, using a gold-standard technique, or so-called confirmation method
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Patient discussion about confirmation

Q. How can I confirm that? We have been in search for a bridegroom for the past one year and later we found one. Shockingly we heard that he is addicted to drugs. How can I confirm that?

A. It can be difficult to discern whether or not a person uses drugs if their drug use is only very sporadic. There may be no obvious pointers, unless the person actually appears to be intoxicated when you see them one time. This might mean an unsteady walk, sleepiness, hyper-activity, excessive talking, aggression . . . and so on, depending on which drug has been used. Even when a person is not intoxicated, problematic drug use nevertheless usually exhibits a few symptoms: Preoccupation, Changes in behavior, financial problems, Physical deterioration, Secretiveness, new associations.

These are just a few common symptoms which may indicate that a person is using drugs. They are not definite, as every individual and situation of drug use is different. In general, new regular drug users undergo a change in their attitudes and behavior. This is likely to be most easily noticed by other family members.

Q. Is addiction confirms alcoholism? my husband regularly takes alcohol. I am afraid whether he is addicted to alcohol….Is addiction confirms alcoholism?

A. JENNIF,check out the alcohol communitie,here------mrfoot56

Q. How come without any test they confirm that my child is having autism? my child is having autism, when they find that he is very sensitive for light, sound, taste and some other symptoms related to autism they send him to psychologist and was confirmed for autism and I was surprised to see no tests were taken for him…but for some other child they have taken....How come without any test they confirm that my child is having autism?

A. The first thing that comes to my mind is for you and your child to have testing for heavy metals in your body. You would be amazed and infuriated at what you find in your body. In a child, heavy metals, such as lead or mercury,(and there are far more than that), can affect a child's cognitive ability, behavior, and overall health.
Doctors Data in St. Charles IL is a highly acclaimed lab where you can have this testing done. You can either have your doctor call them for the test kits or call yourself for info. Here is their website:
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References in classic literature ?
The gamekeeper was now relieved from his anxiety, and Mr Allworthy himself began to be concerned at Tom's sufferings: for besides that Mr Thwackum, being highly enraged that he was not able to make the boy say what he himself pleased, had carried his severity much beyond the good man's intention, this latter began now to suspect that the squire had been mistaken; which his extreme eagerness and anger seemed to make probable; and as for what the servants had said in confirmation of their master's account, he laid no great stress upon that.
Finding time for everything in his busy day, he was able at certain intervals to take separately for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes the boys whom he was preparing for confirmation. He wanted to make them feel that this was the first consciously serious step in their lives; he tried to grope into the depths of their souls; he wanted to instil in them his own vehement devotion.
The effect of his discourse on the lady too, could not escape her observation, for though she was too honorable to listen, and had even changed her seat, on purpose that she might NOT hear, to one close by the piano forte on which Marianne was playing, she could not keep herself from seeing that Elinor changed colour, attended with agitation, and was too intent on what he said to pursue her employment.-- Still farther in confirmation of her hopes, in the interval of Marianne's turning from one lesson to another, some words of the Colonel's inevitably reached her ear, in which he seemed to be apologising for the badness of his house.
The conviction rushed upon me with staggering force, and I was overwhelmed by this confirmation of my worst fears.
He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular.
The confirmations of this fact will be worthy of a distinct and particular examination.
22 July 2019 - Canadian business information services provider Thomson Reuters (TSX: TRI) (NYSE: TRI) has closed the acquisition of secure audit confirmation services provider Confirmation, the company said.
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 22, 2019-Thomson Reuters Closes Acquisition of Secure Audit Confirmation Services Provider Confirmation
The News Agency Agency (NAN) recalls that President Mohammadu Buhari on July 10, sent a letter to the Senate, requesting for confirmation of the nominees.
Characteristics of respondents Confirmation requests should be addressed to respondents who will generate meaningful and competent evidential matter.
At the beginning of 2018, WMD launched the Order Confirmation module, which automatically compares incoming order confirmations with the underlying orders.
No matter its vintage, each photograph captures a ceremonial moment in the lives of the congregation's teenage sons and daughters: confirmation.