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disturbed orientation in regard to time, place, or person, sometimes accompanied by disordered consciousness.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A mental state in which reactions to environmental stimuli are inappropriate because the person is bewildered, perplexed, or unable to orientate herself or himself.
[L. confusio, a confounding]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Psychology A mental state involving impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person.

con·fu′sion·al adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Neurology Disorientation with respect to time, space–place, or person, which may be accompanied by disordered consciousness. See Nocturnal confusion.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A mental state in which reactions to environmental stimuli are inappropriate because the subject is bewildered, perplexed, or disoriented.
[L. confusio, a confounding]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A state of DISORIENTATION from disturbance of memory, loss of contact with reality, HALLUCINATION or DEMENTIA. Confusion is often temporary and the result of brain disorder from toxic influences, EPILEPSY or head injury.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


A mental state in which reactions to environmental stimuli are inappropriate.
[L. confusio, a confounding]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about confusion

Q. I am confused. I am overweight and my age is 39. When I checked with my weight/age chart I have found myself in the normal range. But I feel bulky and my doctor says I am overweight. I don’t understand why according to the chart I am not obese but when the doctor takes my weight and finds me as an obese. I am confused.

A. Obesity is based on the persons Basal Metabolic Rate i.e. BMI calculation. This is calculated by using the data such as your present height and weight. A simple weight/age chart is not wrong but it’s not a complete calculation to indicate a person obese. BMI is important to be known as it gives an indication that the overweight may have future chances of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Q. I was confused, is he really sticking to diet? My friend is following Fixed-menu diet which I didn’t hear before. He told that he is in diet but he is taking some of the food which he likes. I was confused, is he really sticking to diet?

A. Of course, your friend may be under diet control. I will tell you what fixed menu diet means? A fixed-menu diet provides a list of all the foods you will eat. The merits of this kind of diet are that it can be easy to follow because the foods are selected for you. However the demerit of this type of diet is that you get only few varieties of food which will make the diet boring and it will be hard to follow. If you start with a fixed-menu diet, it is easy to follow.

Q. Many diagnosis confusing me! So many people say so many diagnosis for bipolar. I am confused. I want to know what is the proper diagnosis for bipolar1?

A. bipolar/depression are both mental illnesses chemical impalance in the brain--every person is biochemically unique possessing or lacking some enzymes systems which differ subtly from those of others,these systema are inherited(genetic).the only diagnosis that they give so that you can understand is;depression,a swing between two states,episodes of overactivity,elation,or irritabillity,increased appetite for food,sex,alcohol,outbust of inappropiate anger,laugther,delusions,attacks can last for montha or days.I have about 7pdrs an none of them can give you an answer that the every day person can understand.---mrfoot56
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References in periodicals archive ?
'So at the end of the day it will only cause confusion so I took the position which the Senate panel adopted that let us discuss what power should be devolved to the autonomous region rather than debate on reserve and concurrent powers for the reason that, number 1 it is unconstitutional, number 2, it will simply cause confusion in the process of making decision,' he continued.
However, he said, the political parties were not helping their case either; confusion in Punjab, KP and Balochistan explained behaviour of the political parties.
" She said that globally, labour matters are managed in a tripartite manner."Why introduce this drama that would lead to confusion at the fund?" she asked.
Now we have yet to see that our political system is free of multiple confusions and present time is displaying worst model of confusion.
When consumers experience confusion with products and services, they can be confronted with conflicting and ambiguous choices (Walsh & Mitchell, 2010) and become less capable of making rational buying decisions when choosing which store offers the best quality or value (Mitchell & Papavassiliou, 1999).
[USA], August 2 ( ANI ): In a new study, hospital patients with dementia and other causes of confusion have longer stays and worse treatment outcomes than people without the condition.
Infringement, however, can strip the trademark of its value by causing "confusion among consumers" as to the identity and origin of the client's product.
With these 5 aggregator apps, not only will you suffer from much less confusion everyday, you will also be saving a lot of resources on your smartphone.
Este estudio evalua la probabilidad de confusion del consumidor de papitas dado el uso de la estrategia me-too.
At first the Babel or the confusion commenced with the question of selecting a candidate to oppose the incumbent President.
(10) The law for analyzing forward-confusion cases is well-established among the circuit courts; each circuit, however, has adopted its own individual, multipronged likelihood-of-confusion test for analyzing consumer confusion. (11) In recent years, courts have faced a growing trend of reverse confusion cases where a senior user is actually the smaller, weaker user, and is faced with a larger junior user poaching a mark that the senior user originally established.