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Related to congenic: backcrossing


Relating to an inbred strain of animals produced by repeated crossing of one gene line onto another inbred (isogenic) line.
[con- + G. genos, birth, + -ic]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Referring to organisms which differ in only one gene locus, the result of specific inbreeding of animals in experimental settings
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Of organisms that differ only at a single genetic locus.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
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R0 mice, which were homozygous for the NSY-derived whole Chr14 on the control C3H background, were previously constructed [16] using the speed congenic method [20, 21].
Huiling et al., "Colonization of albumin-producing hepatocytes derived from transplanted F344 rat bone marrow cells in the liver of congenic Nagase's analbuminemic rats," Journal of Hepatology, vol.
*** Indicates statistical significance by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test; p < 0.01 compared with the congenic cells from the same chimera.
Raine, "Homing of T cells to the central nervous system throughout the course of relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in Thy-1 congenic mice," Journal of Neuroimmunology, vol.
Autoantibody profiles and systemic immune deposits in inbred, congenic, and intra-H-2 recombinant strains," Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, vol.
The disease characteristics of different strains of scrapie in Sine congenic mouse lines: implications for the nature of the agent and host control of pathogenesis.
Specifically, male, DiD-labelled, an eGFP expressing mAT-MASC were delivered into a healthy, congenic, female recipient.
Congenic mapping of alcohol and pentobarbital withdrawal liability loci to a <1 centimorgan interval of murine chromosome 4: Identification of Mpdz as a candidate gene.
Differential induction of antiviral effects against West Nile virus in primary mouse macrophages derived from flavivirus-susceptible and congenic resistant mice by alpha/beta interferon and poly(I-C).
The ADRA2A locus is associated with impaired insulin granule docking and reduced [beta]-cell exocytosis in congenic GK (Goto-Kakizaki) rats (65).
Centimorgan-range one-step mapping of fertility traits using interspecific recombinant congenic mice.