—Morag[source]We must begin again, as we did on the moon, to master what is now ours--so that someday we can destroy all the craven Skrulls and reign as undisputed masters of the stars! It is a great task for a great people!
The Kree are a blue-skinned humanoid race of extraterrestrial beings that hail from the planet Hala in the Pama System of the Large Magellanic Cloud. They are technologically advanced and extremely militaristic, having conquered their galaxy to form the Kree Empire.
The Xorrians[]
Over six million years ago, the Xorrians allegedly spawned the Kree (along with all humanoid life-forms, such as Skrulls and Humans) from their own DNA.[7]
The Celestials and the Progenitors[]
Two distinct groups of giant godlike aliens experimented on the early Kree:
- The Celestials experimented on ancient Kree, creating the Kree Eternals and the Kree Deviants.[8]
- The Progenitors experimented on prehistoric Kree,[9] engineering them by using the Primagen (or Prima Materia).[10] Their attempt at turning them into new beings,[9] resulted in the very first race of Inhumans.[6]
The Skrulls[]
A million years ago,[8] a race of humanoid reptiles called the Skrulls came upon prehistoric Hala. At that time the Skrulls were a largely peaceful space-faring race, and they set about educating the natives to the point where they could join their trading empire. However, Hala was home to two equally intelligent races, the Kree and the Cotati.[5]
The Skrulls proposed a test to determine the worthier race between the Kree and the Cotati. Taking members of both races to a distant planetoid in another galaxy, the Blue Area of the Earth's Moon, the Skrulls created an arena and bid the two races to use the resources they had to create something of worth. The Skrulls then left. The Kree constructed a magnificent city known as the Blue City, while the Cotati created a beautiful garden.[5]
A year later the Skrulls returned to judge the two races and found the Cotati's accomplishment the worthier. Enraged, the Kree killed the Skrulls and the Cotati and seized the Skrulls' star-ship. They used the ship to return to their native planet, then set about deciphering the technology of the star-ship.[5] The Kree eventually spread throughout the galaxy, establishing a vast empire, and the subsequent encounters with the Skrulls led to the Kree-Skrull War.[11]
Interbreeding with various other races led to the creation of a second race of Kree with pink skin. The Pink Kree would eventually come to outnumber the Blue Kree.[12]
At some point, allegedly due to a Kree trying to acquire the Crystal of Ultimate Vision without denying the temptation of its powers,[13] the Kree were cursed with evolutionary stagnation.[10]
Kree Civil War[]
In the more recent times, Hala was destroyed by the Slaughter Lords,[14] fracturing the entire Kree race and empire, and leaving millions of now homeless Kree to find refuge in other planets. These also included Earth where Alpha Flight helped the refugees settle in different camps.[15][16] The Kree Empire attempted to rebuild itself, and with the help of Noh-Varr gained a new leader in the Extreme Intelligence.[17]
However, when some Kree explorers who had been off world attempted to return back home, only to see that their dear planet had been destroyed, they deemed the Supreme Intelligence and his followers as detrimental to their race. From this, they decided to rebuild the Kree race in a new improved image, founding the Kree Imperium. As this new movement went against the old way of the Kree, a civil war soon ensued, with the Imperium utilizing the newly manufactured Super-Inhuman Vox to battle the old Empire.[18]
The Civil War went to a ceasefire, when the Imperium, wishing to redeem the Kree race and move on from their past mistakes, merged with their former archenemy, the Skrull Empire, to form the peaceful Kree/Skrull Alliance, which was set be governed by the Kree/Skrull hybrid Emperor Hulkling.[19] Meanwhile, the Kree Empire, still governed by the Extreme Intelligence, rebranded itself into the Utopian Kree.[20]
Outwardly the Kree resemble humans, with little exception through skin color or modified genetics. Denser skin with increase muscles flexibility gives the Kree endurance, durability, and stamina twice the level of humans. They also have "duplicates" of several internal organs,[21] and usually require more nitrogen to breathe comfortably on earth.[22]
Kree physiology originally developed through heavier gravity, higher nitrogen-to-oxygen air content, and a form of dependency centered around the Cotati.[8]
Evolution and Mutation[]
The Kree were an evolutionarily stagnant race. This was due to a single member of the Kree race attempting to gain control of the Crystal of Ultimate Vision. This unnamed Kree found the crystal, but attempted to use it to become akin to a god, with powers as of those of the Phoenix Force. As punishment, the crystal "genetically froze their evolution in place" allowing the rest of creation to pass them by.[13]
Although, it was stated that the Kree produced super humanoid beings through natural mutation.[23]
The explosion of the first Nega-Bomb in the Kree Empire led the survivors' genetic structures to quickly mutate and adapt to the radiation, allowing the Kree to escape their evolutionary dead end by changing their DNA and allegedly granting them unlimited potential.[4]
Somehow, a group of pink-skinned Kree managed to produce a mutant Kree, Tsu-Zana, in order to overthrow the domination of both Shi'ar and blue-skinned Kree, as their savior. She rejected that destiny and is still residing on Earth under the codename Ultra-Girl.[24]
A radioactive property of the Fault (possibly the Many-Angled Ones) caused spontaneous mutations among Kree (yet sparing Inhumans) to mutate and eventually merge into a monstrous organism.[25]
Humans and Eternals[]
The Kree have shown to be reproductive via cross-breeding with humans normals[26] and Eternals.[27]
Deathbird's and Vulcan's child was infused with Kree genes.[28][verification needed]
Hulkling is also a Skrull-Kree hybrid, conceived via natural ways.[29]
A conclave called the Knights of Infinity are a nomadic band of Kree/Skrull hybrids who were gathered and created by the first of their kind; Dorrek Supreme, who is the heir to the throne of a Kree/Skrull alliance.[30]
Diseases and Genetic Conditions[]
The Kree are vulnerable to many fatal diseases, among them Blackgorge, Betath's Plague, the Wasting.[31]
They are also afflicted by cancer, which they call blackend.[32]
A Kree woman, Una-Rogg, claimed that most female Kree possess an inherent ability to manipulate the wills of men and that 'maybe one in a hundred thousand' will also be able to drain life force from them,[33] because of this, male Kree 'fear' them and all female Kree undergo a painful procedure when they are young which interferes with their ability to 'give and receive pleasure' also referred to as 'neutering' their 'pleasure centers',[34] this procedure is contextually hinted at being synonymous with female genital mutilation.[33] It is also referred to 'psychological mutilation'.[35]
If a Kree woman with these powers does not undergo this procedure then like Una-Rogg they develop the ability to drain the life force from men as well as their manipulation ability, when Una-Rogg described this ability she said she could 'get a man to love me so much that I drained him of his essence'[34] if they undergo the procedure while young then they lose the manipulation ability and will not develop the life draining one, if performed as an adult then they lose both powers. A group of Kree called the Kree Bloodhounds patrol any world where Kree females are present to hunt down any who have not undergone the procedure, if a Kree female's blood is spilled they can quickly find her and take her to undergo the procedure.[33]
This procedure must be performed in stages in an adult to avoid 'frying' their brain, the first stage removes the power to drain a man's life force and the second prevents them from being sexually dominating and enjoying pleasure.[34]
On Earth-9591, Mar-Vell and his Kree contingent were irradiated by a nuke. Mar-Vell subsequently developed a mutant cataract.[36]
The blue-skinned Kree, who often refer to themselves as Blue Kree, know that they are the original Kree species but, over the course of centuries, they have become a minority in the Kree Empire.[37]
The Blue Kree believe that the "pink-skinned" Kree (commonly known as "Pinks") who are similar in appearance to Caucasian humans are the result of breeding with members of other, genetically-compatible humanoid races who were conquered by the empire. Over time, the numbers of the Pink Kree have increased so that (relatively) few "full-blooded" Blue Kree remain.[12] A few Inhumans have learned that the alien Progenitors used a catalyst called Primagen to engineer the Kree[10] but it is not known who (if any) are aware that the pink-skinned Kree were created as a result of those ancient experiments.[38]
However, the Kree known as Mon-Tog possessed much darker skin resembling an African Human.[39] He is the only case of dark-skinned Kree, and there is seemingly no real explanation.
The Supreme Intelligence arranged for further advancement of the Kree. Through a series of events, he arranged for a large number of his people to be irradiated with a Nega-Bomb (killing 90% of the Kree), and then artificially sped up their evolution by means of an artifact called the Forever Crystal,[4][40] affecting countless millennia of evolution in mere moments.[41]
This new brand of evolved Kree, called Ruul, have a grayish skin tone and many shoulder-length tentacles atop their heads. Individuals possessed the power of "forced evolution", the ability to "will" adaptation to different environments, spontaneously developing the ability to breathe underwater, fly, or whatever their circumstances require.[42][41] Male Ruul were capable of experiencing physical pleasure but it had been removed from the women at a genetic level, meaning they were incapable of enjoying pleasure but didn't care as they were unaware that they were missing anything.[34] At one point it was claimed there were at least a billion Ruul.[43]
Eternals and Deviants[]
The Celestials have at some point, as many others species visited and modified the ancient Kree genetics. The last and only known Kree Eternal is Ard-Con, alias Ultimus the Demon-Druid. The fate of the Kree Deviants is unknown.[8]
There have been a few occasions where the Kree developed some mutant individuals, despite not being able to evolve. One case was Ultragirl who was classified as a "V-Factor Mutant".[44] However, it could also be that her mutant status comes from her Human DNA.[45] Eighty-Five of Earth-691 was described as a Mutant Kree.[46]
Alternate Realities[]
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength: A Kree warrior has twice the strength of a human of a similar age, height, and build.
Superhuman Durability: The Kree are very durable, while not bulletproof they are still fully capable of effortlessly shrugging off hits from beings as powerful as Captain America and are presumed to be capable of surviving much stronger hits.
Superhuman Endurance: A Kree warrior has twice the endurance of a human with similar training.
Superhuman Stamina: A Kree warrior has twice the stamina of a human with similar training.
"Seventh Sense:" Kree women possess the potential for psychic abilities of various kinds, collectively referred to as a "seventh sense". This psychic potential has manifested as clairvoyance, precognition, or even lethal attributes. Some Kree women can reach into the mind of male-sex species to manipulate their desires or drain another's life force completely. Kree technology has since been created to discover and remove the powers surgically, and technorganic Bloodhounds were used to track down female reaching the adult age with those abilities.[49]Abilities
Average Strength Level
Breathing Problem: the Kree require a breathing formula in order to breathe without problems on planets like Earth.[47]
Super-Soldier Serum: The Human Super-Soldier Formula has a corrosive effect on the Kree.[50]Habitat
Type of Government
Military-Technocratic Dictatorship Empire.[51] The Kree were for the most part governed by the Supreme Intelligence.[52] Their government was comprised of the Imperial Minister,[53] the High Command which handled military matters,[54] and the supreme council which reviewed their forces' actions and determine any breaches in command.[55]
For a time the Kree were governed by the Shi'ar Empire,[56] until they managed to regain their independence.[57]
The Kree Imperium, which was separate from the Kree Empire and was later merged into the Kree/Skrull Alliance, was ruled over by the benevolent king Dorrek-Vell.[58][20]Level of Technology
Cultural Traits
The Kree were a proud and arrogant people,[60] known their disciplined tenacity.[82] They were a very resourceful people, especially when it came to vengeance.[83] The Kree families were divided in different houses, some having histories of being soldiers,[84] and the most ancient and noble houses having held great power in the Kree Empire. Their aristocracy held a traditional powerbase among the Kree.[85]
The known elements of the Kree Law[51] or the Kree Legal System, was developed thanks to the Voldi's influence.[86]
Koth was the first lawgiver of the Kree, and some of the funding rules of Kree law are contained in the Tablets of Koth.[51]
The Accusers are the enforcers of Kree law.[8] Besides the Accusers were also the Pursuers, Detainers, Protectors and Judges.[87]
Ronan, as the Accuser, was called to judge upon trials.[88] He is therefore a Kree legislator.[51] Ronan also presented himself as judge and jury, master and supreme Accuser of the Kree Authority.[89]
Other protagonists includes the "Supreme Judiciary".[51]
The jurisdiction of Kree Law extend to every place where Kree sets foots, as according to the tablets of Koth, the first lawgiver, "wheresoever Kree sets foot so shall Kree law hold sway".[51]
The very fact of being of showing slight distrust for the leaders was enough to cause arrest.[8]
The Kree had around 5370 rules for war.[84] Their highest principle was that every death of a Kree should be answered with an enemy's death.[83]
Children of officers were always forced to join the Imperial Militia, being not allowed to refuse.[61]
Kree guards were honorbound to obey their superiors, only if the orders were for the benefit of the Kree. If they were forced to serve another individual, then actions taken by the guards that were not in self-interest could be open to interpretation.[90]
If a Kree executor failed to kill a traitor, then they would be subject to execution instead.[55]
Of all crimes, the ultimate one was to be "un-Kree".[88]
As the Kree highly valued racial purity, it was considered an offensive crime to deviate their genetics which included mating with non-Kree species.[91] This law appeared to have been completely disregard in the Alliance society.[92]
The sentences include:
- The rite of Protronic which involved the total disintegration of both mind and the body in order to prevent reincarnation. This was a tradition that was older than Kree civilization.[12]
- Exile, with a death sentence in case of return.[93][94]
- Trial by combat.[51]
- Condemnation to the Negative Zone.[89]
In unsolved cases, the Accusers can decide not to decide and let the tried be, judging him upon his actions to come.[88]
The Kree maintained a strict apartheid system towards the pink-skinned Kree, favoring the blue-skinned Kree. It is unknown what status is applied to the "throwback" Blue Kree occurring in pink families.[8]
Some of the Kree inventions were outlawed, such as the organic-destroying robots Null-Trons and the genetic-enhance Psyche-Magnitron.[8]
Supreme Intelligence[]
As the Kree prized science and rational thought, they created a living God to those ideals: the Supreme Intelligence.[52] The worship of that creature was made the Kree official state religion.[95]
The afterlife of the Kree was the Etherplex. The being known as the Sublime Intelligence decided which Kree was allowed to enter the realm.[96]
Since its inception, the Kree Imperium, and as a result the Alliance, had disavowed the worship of the Supreme Intelligence.[97][92] Meanwhile, the Utopian Kree maintained their adoration to the Intelligence.[20]
An Kree Army officer and his crew once prayed to the "Gods of Pama". The prayer ended this way: "...and consign you to the gods of Pama, for your having died valiantly in battle... a death that the Kree appreciate above anything else. So say we all".[98]
Korath the Pursuer once made an omen to Gardar,[94] possibly a Kree god.
A group of Kree also worshiped a being known as Tam-Bor,[99] and Mar-Vell had also invoked his name.[69]
The ex-prime minister Zarek posed as a god-like being named Zo in order to seize control over the empire.[99]
The government allowed the Universal Church of Truth to erect temples throughout the Kree Empire, including on Kree-Lar.[95]
Some Kree also gathered into secret sects of Cotati worshipers, forming the Priest of Pama.[95] Their religious practices were outlawed by the High Command, though some Cotati followers were tolerated if they proved to be valuable.[31]
The creators of the Kree, the Progenitors, have been called gods of the Kree,[10][17] in the same way that the Kree have been called gods to the Inhumans.[10]
Some Kree were noted to venerate a native sun god and warriors, and did an invocation to that deity.[100]
On Earth-1610, the Kree worshiped the being known as Hala, who was also the alleged ancestor of Mahr Vehl.[101]
In the Cancerverse, just like the majority of the beings, the Kree also worshiped the Many-Angled Ones following their takeover of the universe.[102]
On Earth-200080, the Kree were seemingly atheists, learning in their early childhood a mathematical equation proving the nonexistence of any deities.[103]
The Kree language (simply known as "Kree")[104] existed in different versions, including at least ancient Imperial Kree[105] and Kreevian.[106]
- Please find here our Kree Dictionary.
The young Kree were taught by their elders not how to live but how to survive.[26] Through years they were trained to show utter obedience to the leaders.[53] Kree soldiers were trained for galactic combat and taught the Code of the Kree which told to always keep on fighting until they achieved victory.[107]
The Kree Empire had a institution known as Retribution Gardens that acted as the preeminent military preschool franchise.[108] The Kree went to multi-versities where they learned through the use of edutapes.[48]
The Kree had an Era of Symbolism in their history of theatre.[109] They had quite beautiful art but didn't appreciate it the same way humans did. Instead of admiring the beauty, they admired the practical technical skills that were required to make it.[110]
The Kree used as currency the kredits,[111] or credits.[112] The Kree also began using the Sol, a new form of currency made out of Mysterium, after recognizing Planet Arakko as the capital of the Sol System.[113]
The Kree celebrated the weak falling to the strong, and it was deemed to be against their nature to support the weak. It was believed that the Kree should earn their own fate and be able to support themselves.[114]Representatives
- Despite the existence of both Kree Eternals and Kree Deviants created by the Celestials,[8] and the similar experiments which were performed on the Kree as those performed on the Skrulls, humans, and Eyungs,[115] the Kree themselves have not been explicitly stated to be granted a latent potential like other species.
- Kree soldiers appeared during Avengers Disassembled when they attacked the Earth and were driven off by the Avengers. In the process, Hawkeye was killed. But this may not have been the real Kree, as the entire incident was later discovered to be a product of the Scarlet Witch's reality-altering powers.
- According to Noh-Varr "exploring" (in multiple meanings) is part of the Kree cycle.[116] It is unknown if this true for the mainstream Kree or exclusive to his universe.
- Some Kree names are references to the comic book industry: Mar-Vell is named after Marvel Comics, Att-Lass is named after Atlas Comics, Dea-Sea is named after DC Comics, Star-Lyn is named after Jim Starlin.
- There is a possibility that the Kree might have been based on the civilization of the island of Crete. It is also speculated that Crete might have been the basis for the legend of Atlantis which could have been the inspiration for the Inhumans' city of Attilan.[117]
- The reason why most Kree possess blue skin could be because high amounts of nitrogen deprive the body of oxygen and turn the skin blue-gray.[118]
- The Shi'ar appeared to have a disdain for the Kree as they had an old saying that the stain of the Kree touch could never fade away.[83]
See Also
- 908 appearance(s) of Kree
- 14 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Kree
- 169 minor appearance(s) of Kree
- 397 mention(s) of Kree
- 19 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Kree
- 1 invocation(s) of Kree
- 103 image(s) of Kree
- 437 representative(s) of Kree
- 4 item(s) used/owned by Kree
Links and References
- ↑ Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S2E12
- ↑ Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S5E02
- ↑ Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S5E01
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Avengers #347
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Avengers #133
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Royals #7–8
- ↑ Thor #215
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #6
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Royals #9
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Royals #5
- ↑ Avengers #133–134
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Captain Marvel #38
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 X-Men Annual #11
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 3) #25
- ↑ Mighty Captain Marvel #0
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #13
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Royals #6
- ↑ Death of Inhumans #2–3
- ↑ Empyre #2
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Guardians of the Galaxy (Vol. 6) #1
- ↑ Marvel Fact Files #6
- ↑ What If? #17
- ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #32
- ↑ Ultragirl #2
- ↑ Realm of Kings: Inhumans #5
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Life of Captain Marvel (Vol. 2) #4
- ↑ Silver Surfer Annual #6
- ↑ X-Men (Vol. 4) #19
- ↑ Young Avengers #10–12
- ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 4) #4
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Untold Legend of Captain Marvel #1
- ↑ Death of Captain Marvel #1
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #13
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #23
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #15
- ↑ Ruins #1
- ↑ Captain Marvel #16
- ↑ History of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #1
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Inhumans #10
- ↑ Avengers Forever #12
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 Avengers (Vol. 3) #35
- ↑ Maximum Security #1–3
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #25
- ↑ Ultragirl #1
- ↑ Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt #6
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy #8
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Marvel Super-Heroes #12
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 Captain Marvel #8
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 4) #12–13
- ↑ Captain America #704
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 51.6 Annihilation: Ronan #1
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 X-Men Unlimited #5
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 Captain Marvel #1
- ↑ Captain Marvel #7
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 Captain Marvel #10
- ↑ Imperial Guard #3
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 5) #3–4
- ↑ Empyre: Aftermath Avengers #1
- ↑ Captain Marvel #6
- ↑ 60.0 60.1 Fantastic Four #65
- ↑ 61.0 61.1 Young Avengers #11
- ↑ Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #10
- ↑ Venom: First Host #5
- ↑ Planet Hulk: Gladiator Guidebook #1
- ↑ Captain Marvel #46
- ↑ Silver Surfer (Vol. 3) #6
- ↑ Inhumans (Vol. 3) #1
- ↑ Ms. Marvel #17
- ↑ 69.0 69.1 Captain Marvel #44
- ↑ Realm of Kings: Inhumans #3
- ↑ Iron Man #278
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 7) #129
- ↑ Cable / X-Force #'96
- ↑ Life of Captain Marvel (Vol. 2) #2–4
- ↑ Thing: Freakshow #3–4
- ↑ Captain Marvel #5–7
- ↑ Avengers #93
- ↑ Captain Marvel #7–16
- ↑ Captain Marvel #6–16
- ↑ Captain Marvel #1–11
- ↑ Untold Legend of Captain Marvel #2
- ↑ Thanos #2
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 Avengers #365
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #7
- ↑ Realm of Kings: Inhumans #1–2
- ↑ Iron Man (Vol. 5) #6
- ↑ Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 4) #6
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 88.2 Captain Marvel #5
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 Inhumans (Vol. 3) #3
- ↑ Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord #4
- ↑ Annihilation: Conquest - Starlord #1
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 Captain Marvel: Assault on Eden #1
- ↑ Annihilation: Ronan #2
- ↑ 94.0 94.1 Annihilation: Ronan #3
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 95.2 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #7
- ↑ Chaos War: Dead Avengers #1
- ↑ Death of Inhumans #2
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 5) #3
- ↑ 99.0 99.1 Captain Marvel #15–16
- ↑ Fantastic Four Annual #18
- ↑ Ultimate Secret #4
- ↑ Annihilation - Scourge: Silver Surfer #1
- ↑ Dark Reign: The List - Wolverine #1
- ↑ Extreme Venomverse #3 ; Greatness and Catastrophe
- ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy: Telltale Games #1
- ↑ Avengers (Vol. 3) #7
- ↑ Captain Marvel #26
- ↑ Guardians Team-Up #6
- ↑ Star-Lord #8
- ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 6) #1
- ↑ Captain Marvel #11
- ↑ Iron Man #279
- ↑ S.W.O.R.D. (Vol. 2) #6–7
- ↑ FF #7
- ↑ All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2 ; Celestials's entry
- ↑ Young Avengers (Vol. 2) #15
- ↑ Comic Tropes (August 27, 2017) Jack Kirby's Evolution - Comic Tropes (Episode 68) YouTube. Retrieved on June 12 2020.
- ↑ Nitrate and Nitrite Poisoning Why so blue?