





次に訪れたのはランド・ホーで、元セガのスタッフによって設立されました。彼らは数え切れないほどのタイトルを手がけており、競馬シミュレーションやXbox Oneでリリースされた「クリムゾンドラゴン」のようなヒットタイトルも含まれていました。ほとんどのタイトルはパブリッシャーから発売されており、(スマホゲームでは主流の)自社パブリッシングや(クラウドファウンディングなど)スポンサーから出資してもらって開発されている他のタイトルに比べて、興味深い変化のように感じられました。デベロッパーとパブリッシャーの違いについても講演され、小規模から中堅のスタジオから見た、興味深い業界内の知見のように感じられました。話は同社の採用プロセスにも及び、同社が通年採用をしていて、外国人でも歓迎しているが、言語の壁が問題になるかもしれないと聞き、興味を持ちました。彼らはより規模の小さいスタジオとして、幅広いスキルを持った人材を採用したいと考えており、採用されればすぐに実戦投入されると説明されました。そして、ここが何か尖ったスキルを持つ専門職の求人を嗜好しがちな大手企業との違いだと述べられました。







ショウの終了後、INDIE STREAM FESに参加して、数え切れないほどの素晴らしいゲーム業界の人々と出会い、日本で働くことの可能性についても話をすることが出来ました。もっとも素晴らしかったのは「ロックマン」シリーズのクリエイターで、個人的なヒーローである、稲船敬二さんにお会いできたことでした。



My name is Jacob Paris and I was fortunate enough to be one of the scholars chosen to attend the Tokyo Game Show in 2014 with IGDA Japan. I study a Masters of Information Technology at the Royal Melbourne University of Technology (RMIT) in Australia.  I also run a small studio, working on software contracts and developing our own intellectual property, Grow, which we’re hoping to release on Steam early next year.

I’ve always had a love for Japanese culture, the Japanese games industry and the Tokyo Game Show which led me to visit the show once before during my first journey overseas in 2010. However, the business element of the show was something I’d never experienced and the opportunity is something I’m incredibly grateful for.

Of course, the IGDA scholarship afforded us countless other opportunities beyond the show itself, beginning with visits to local game development studios. The first studio visited was Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. (UEI), a company invested in new and interesting technologies and software. They discussed their past and current projects, many of which were firsts in the industry. Of particular interest to me was a game development platform known as ‘Moonblock’ which made use of the companies own Javascript programming language ‘enchant.js’. It was a very simple, online platform that allowed for beginners to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of programming for games. Having worked a lot teaching children about game development, I thought it seemed like the perfect starting point and I intend to make use of it in the future. One of the speakers, Kevin Kratzer, also discussed how he managed to join the company through a university supported placement.

We were also shown around UEI’s studio where we had the chance to marvel at their desk set ups and discuss development pipelines with one of the lead artists.  I was surprised to hear that most art assets were given 3-5 days to complete, much more time than I was expecting. Due to their focus on new and emerging technology, UEI had a worker base primarily comprised of engineers.

The next stop was LandHo!, a studio established by a group of past SEGA employees. They’d worked on countless titles, including a range of successful horse simulators and the XboxOne release title, Crimson Dragon.  The vast majority of their projects were contract-based, an interesting change from the more self-funded or sponsor-funded projects of the other studios. They outlined the differences between developers and publishers, something they had unique insight into as a small to mid-sized studio. We discussed their hiring process and I was interested to hear that they were always accepting applications and also that they were happy to hire foreigners, though the language barrier could be an issue. They mentioned that as a smaller studio they preferred someone with a broad range of skills and they take this into account when hiring, a big difference from larger studios that hire for specialized jobs and skill sets.

Aiming was our last stop. A much larger studio, Aiming had almost 300 employees. They were only 3 years old, established when 100 employees left development studio 1-UP. They believed people would eventually want to play hardcore games on mobile devices and made this their focus. This was my first look at the Japanese mobile industry which differed greatly from the industry I saw in Australia. Whilst the western world was still highly focused on the potential of casual mobile games, Japan was focusing on more hardcore games and these were leading the charts. This made me a bit more optimistic about the future of mobile games.

I was very impressed with Aiming’s use of agile development practices and their dedication to playing and enjoying games together as a team. We were told details about the different development roles which gave us a good look at the way the studio was run.

After this we were separated by our preferred roles (artist, programmer, producer etc.) and sat down to talk with members of each role from the studio. The artists spoke with Mr. Takayuki Hirota who provided plenty of useful feedback and insights. I was able to show him my game and he seemed very happy with it, telling me to continue my work and to send him through a portfolio if I ever thought about working or interning in Japan. This was incredibly exciting for me, as I’d never considered working overseas.

The following day we took part in the business side of the Tokyo Game Show, beginning with a keynote speech which highlighted the individuality of the Japanese mobile industry and spoke on future change. We had the opportunity to play a wide array of games and take in the starkly unique culture of the Japanese industry. It was definitely an amazing experience. The show was packed with people, even on these business days. We broke up into groups and met up at the end, sharing stories and showing off purchases.  We then sat down with some convenience store ice cream and chatted before heading out to a late night of karaoke. I was so happy to have some of my favorite anime songs come up on screen, even if I couldn’t sing the Japanese lyrics. It was a crazy and awesome night and one of my best memories from the trip.

The second business day was equally amazing, especially as we knew which games and booths we wanted to focus on. Myself and Forrest ran to the Monster Hunter booth and got to enjoy the cheers of the booth employees each time a player defeated a monster. Later in the day we attended the Sense of Wonder Night, an event to celebrate the creative efforts of independent developers from across the world. It’s an event I’ve always dreamt of attending and it did not disappoint: the games shown were some of the best I saw at TGS. Two came from fellow Australians and friends and it made me happy to see our independent scene so well represented on stage. My personal favorite was "Picolecetta", a game that focused on teamwork and set the audience cheering. Afterward we attended the TGS after party and spent the night delving into deep discussions of the game industry and the gaming community.

The next day was the TGS public day, though we took half of it off to visit a local café with some resident sugar gliders. After lunch we popped into the show, but it was so busy that we found ourselves spending most of the time checking StreetPass and chatting. The frantic halls of the public days made me even more appreciative of the opportunity to attend the more quiet business days.

Later, we attended the IndieStream event where I got to meet countless amazing people from the industry and even discuss possible work in Japan. Most notable for me though was the opportunity to meet Keiji Inafude, the creator of Megaman and my personal hero.

The trip was utterly amazing and I can’t possibly express my gratitude for all the opportunities IGDA Japan and especially Kenji Ono provided. Though the trips to studios and the show were undoubtedly wonderful, the greatest thing to come from the scholarship was the chance to meet my fellow scholars. They’re all such brilliant people who have enlightened me more than I could have ever expected. They’ve also become fantastic friends that I hope I’ll have for a lifetime.

This scholarship has opened up my eyes to the industry outside of Australia; a refreshingly positive look at prospects outside of my troubled local industry. I now know that I want to travel to other countries in search of opportunities. Once again, thank you to IGDA Japan and Kenji Ono for what I would not hesitate to call a life-changing experience.(Royal Melbourne University of Technology, Jacob Paris)

日本語翻訳:小野憲史, Internationalization Force, IGDA日本
Japanese translation: Kenji Ono, Internationalization Force, IGDA Japan

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