





翌日から私たちは東京ゲームショウに参加しました。ショウは巨大でたくさんのゲームをプレイし、ゲーム開発者と話をすることができました。初日は基調講演を聴講しました。そこではマネージャやCEO、そして他のプロフェッショナルたちが日本のゲーム産業の過去から未来について議論していました。基調講演ではApp StoreやGoogle Playに関しても触れていました。最後にパネラーは未来に対する自分たちの考えを共有しました。ローカライズやカルチャライズがほどこされたファミリー向けゲームのマルチリージョンにおける同時配信や、高い品質のグラフィックやアニメーション、そしてマルチプレイのサポートといった議論もありました。



I was thrilled when I found out that I had been awarded a 2014 IGDA Tokyo Game Show (TGS) scholarship. The scholarship would prove to be an amazing chance to learn about the Japanese game industry by visiting studios, talking to game developers and attending the Tokyo Game Show itself. This experience was one of the most memorable of my life and I am deeply thankful to have been chosen as an IGDA scholar. I visited three innovative game studios: Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. (UEI); LAND HO! Co., Ltd.; and Aiming Inc. In addition, I attended both business and public days at TGS. The highlight of this year’s show was the rise of indie developers and of smartphone gaming. In this piece, I will discuss my experiences and adventures in the land of giant GUNDAMs and of amazing game developers.

We started off our week with the studio tours. Our first stop was UEI, a company that develops innovative applications, online social games, and devices. I was surprised to learn about their tablet, enchantMOON, which doesn’t feature a user interface ? instead, users interact with it by drawing right on the screen. Another UEI product is MOONBlock, a simple programming language that children can use to learn about programming and to create their own games. The company has also developed enchant.js, an open source HTML5 game-engine library that has been used by thousands of mobile games in Japan. Finally, they are responsible for the creation of 9leap, a website where game creators can upload and share their work.

Our second stop was LAND HO!, a game studio that creates console, mobile and social games and applications. They develop games for a global audience by making the most of a variety of partnerships with publishers. At LAND HO!, we discussed the differences between publishers and developers and the important role that each plays within game production. I was impressed to learn that the company develops a variety of titles aimed at a wide audience.
Our third and final stop was Aiming. The studio develops, produces and operates social games for smartphones and PCs. There, we got a presentation about Aiming’s production model and learned that they play their games together and make adjustments based on their market. They also monitor and analyze game and user activities. At Aiming, we had the fantastic opportunity of speaking with mentors about the technical aspects of game development. The experience provided me with meaningful inspiration for my future career.
On the days that followed, we attended Tokyo Game Show itself. The show was huge and I got to play lots of games and speak with developers. On the first day, we attended the opening keynote. There, we saw managers, CEOs and other professionals speaking at a panel on the past and future of Japan’s game industry. This discussion also touched on the rise of services such as Apple’s App Store and of Google Play. Finally, the panel participants shared their thoughts about the future. Their prognosis included family games with simultaneous localization and culturalization for different regions, high-quality graphics and animation, and support for multiplayer games.

On the second business day, we attended Sense of Wonder Night. There, we took in presentations on several indie games that sought to give the crowd a “sense of wonder” at having witnessed something truly innovative. That afternoon, a feeling of wonder would wash over us again while we took a peek at awe-inspiring games like Lurking, Expand and Picolecitta while they were being presented on stage. This was one of my favorite events at TGS.
From those two afternoons, it was clear that indie games had grown in prominence in Japan, and indie corner supported by Sony was a great place to both play indie games and to chat with the people that make them. After both of those afternoons, we attended parties that were great opportunities to meet game developers from around the world.
Going to TGS as an IGDA scholar was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I learned so much from both the mentors and from other scholars. I also met tons of other amazing people. With that thought in mind, I would like to conclude by thanking the UEI,  LAND HO!, and Aiming studios for sharing so much valuable information with us. I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Ono, Mr. Fujiwara and Ms. Ogata for all their support. I felt truly inspired after playing such incredible games at TGS and now that I’m back home, I feel motivated to try out new things. I’ll treasure every memory from those delightful days.( Concordia University, Aline Czarnobai)

日本語翻訳:小野憲史, Internationalization Force, IGDA日本
Japanese translation: Kenji Ono, Internationalization Force, IGDA Japan

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