
スカラーシップとしての最後のイベントはINDIE STREAM FESの参加で、これは世界中のインディゲーム開発者向けのパーティでした。そこで『ロックマン』の生みの親として知られる稲船敬二さんをはじめ、たくさんのクールな人々に会いました。首都圏からはるか遠方までさまざまな企業の開発者と話をする機会があり、アメリカ国外でもゲーム産業はこんなに盛り上がっているんだと誇らしく思いました。
My name is Forrest Pruitt, and I was selected as a 2014 IGDA Japan scholar. For me, this meant traveling from Tennessee in the United States to Tokyo for the Tokyo Game Show. It was my first time visiting Japan, and I had no idea what to expect. I was apprehensive about many things before the trip; not speaking japanese, the insane public transportation systems, being an obvious gaijin (foreigner), and not having anyone I knew in the area all made me quite nervous. All the same, I was incredibly excited to have the opportunity to attend an event I had dreamed of attending since I was a young child. I have always been intrigued by Japanese culture and interested in the Japanese game industry, so I was ecstatic to have the chance to meet actual developers there.

I arrived a few days early to get my bearings and do a bit of sightseeing. I spent time riding the JR line trains around, trying to get a feel for how to quickly get from place to place. I visited the Imperial Palace Gardens, the Shinjuku area, and Akihabara on my first day, mostly wondering around and observing a culture so different from my own. I spent far too much time in the arcades in Akihabara (they are so much bigger than back home!) and soaking in the otaku (geek) culture around me.
After an exhausting first day (my FitBit tells me I took more than 40,000 steps that day), I headed back to Chiba and slept well. The next morning, I was to meet the other scholars and the organizers of the scholarship, namely Kenji Ono and Ogata Miyuki from IGDA Japan and Naoki Matsuyama as our translator. Waiting outside the JR Ochanomizu train station, I was worried it would be difficult to find each other, but it did not take long for a large group of us to accumulate and for the introductions to begin.
I can’t express how amazed I am at the group of people that made up my 2014 IGDA Scholars program. These impressive individuals were an international group with backgrounds that touched all areas of game development, from fellow programmers to artists to designers, to producers. If there were not ten of us, I would spend time talking about each one of them-- suffice it to say, they are incredible people doing incredible things.
Our first studio tour was at
Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc. (UEI). Here we heard from two individuals in different roles; one on the business side of things, and another who is a researcher and developer. Games are only about ⅓ of what
UEI develops; the rest is in the areas of business solutions, R&D, and content development. They claimed to have created the first MMORPG for mobile devices before smart phones existed. The main technology they demonstrated for us was enchant.js, a Javascript game engine. There are already thousands of games developed by hobbies and some professionals use it in Japanese markets.
A few
UEI employees showed us around their studio. We got to see the desks of around 50 (many were at home after an all-nighter the previous day), each containing manga, collectible figures, or empty coffee drinks. The environment was open, with many developers sharing the same space. It seemed like a pleasant and bright working environment.
Afterwards, we were taken back to the small lecture hall to hear about MOONblock, a drag-and-drop, web-based game programming environment. It is set up to make teaching game development easier, as well as making rapid prototypes. It is pretty neat, and can be viewed
We left
UEI and took the train to
Land Ho!, a development company of around eighty people. Skipping lunch due to time constraints, we went quickly. Kenji was kind enough to buy 'Calorie Mates' for all of us- a surprisingly nutritious and delicious thing that resembled a thick cookie designed for eating on the go.
The company was originally created by former SEGA developers, and started making games during the Dreamcast era. They have worked on horse racing simulators (apparently a popular genre in Japan), as well as some of the Just 'Dance! games', 'Crimson Dragon', and many others.
The conversation at
Land Ho! was mostly around the differences between working for publishers versus developers. As a developer,
Land Ho! takes work from larger companies, completes the task, is paid a fixed amount, and does not get paid dependent on how well the game does in the market. Our speaker was clearly biased towards working for developers (as he himself does), but he discussed the pros and cons of both. Working in a studio at a publisher usually means more direction and specific tasks, but less individual impact on the game. Working for a developer can mean working on only what publishers will pay you to work on, but each developer has more power over the whole process.
We toured the offices of Land Ho! after this conversation. Their working space was spread across three floors, but still had an open plan like
UEI. There was much we weren’t allowed to see, as they were working on at least one unannounced game. All the same, the environment seemed quite pleasant.
The final studio was
Aiming. When we arrived, we were greated by a number of the employees from a number of departments at
Aiming is a relatively new company, having only started in May 2011.
Aiming is a massive planner, producer, developer, and operator of online games in Japan with more than 400 employees. It had the fortune to grow very quickly, having created a few very successful Japanese mobile MMO’s in the past years.
Employees at
Aiming attend ‘study sessions’ on Mondays and play games together throughout the week in an attempt to get all developers ‘on the same page’. This positive time together speeds up operations and is at the core of company culture. There are many possible roles at Aiming, some of which they described to us.
Planners create concepts, design game specs, create levels, and create the rules of the games in development. This role is equivalent to the Western ‘Game Designer’ role.
Operators deliver games to users and monitor/analyze live gameplay. Front-end operators talk to clients directly, seeking feedback, while backend operators perform analytics on the massive stream of incoming data. New employees tend to start in this position, to get a feel for the game works, how people perceive it, and what is being done to improve it.
Designers (Artists in Western studios) create art that conforms to the style of the game without interrupting or interfering with gameplay. This is especially important for mobile games, which operate on relatively small screens. Character, Background, Effect, and Motion Designers were discussed, as well as technical artists and illustrators.
Engineers use an incredibly large variety of tools to take the game plan and design and create the world. Web Engineers at Aiming mostly use Ruby, PHP, and relational database management systems to do their work. Bridge Engineers do localization, tech transfer, and global negotiation work-- basically, doing the work to get a game from Japan to another country. Server engineers use tools and languages dependent on the type of game, with the same going for Client engineers. In my experience, this is standard throughout the world; you pick your tools based on the individual project, because there are so many!
After finishing up at
Aiming, the group had dinner at a Denny’s (surprisingly nothing like Denny’s back in the states) and split up.
The next morning, we all met up outside of Kaihin Makuhari station near the MASSIVE Makuhari Messe convention center. We traded a business card and a QR scan for our passes (a seemingly insecure system?) and waited for the moment we would be allowed to enter the TGS show floor. First on the agenda for the day was the keynote. To get to the hall with the keynote, we had to walk through the amazing, sensory-overloading floor of one of the largest game conventions in the world, which made settling down at the keynote pretty difficult.
The keynote was in Japanese, but they gave out translation receivers that allowed the English-only speakers among us to still understand it. It was in a roundtable format, with representatives from all across the Japanese market as well as a guy from King in the UK. The theme of TGS this year was ‘Changing Games: The transformation of Fun’, and the people in the keynote seemed to all agree that this transformation was one from console/web to mobile. They offered advice on culturalization of games in and out of Japan, though most of the content seemed to be meant less for developers and more for the business and production minded individuals in the audience.
The second half of the keynote was sponsored and presented by Google. To put it gently, it was basically just a massive advertisement for Google’s Android platform and why developers should use it in their games. It felt like a talk that would have done better not as a keynote, but as a sponsored talk where people who had never heard of Google could go and become indoctrinated. Needless to say, I did not enjoy this part of the keynote.
After the Google talk, the other scholars and myself were set free onto the Tokyo Game Show floor. Because we were attending on business day, the crowds were not too large and we were able to move between booths with ease. I spent most of the first day with Jacob, an artist and Masters student from Australia, geeking out over the various games that would not be Westernized for years to come. We chatted with indie developers, took loads of pictures, and mostly just gawked at the sheer marvel of the show.
Tokyo Game Show is different than other game events, like PAX or GDC. There are very few talks that go on; they mostly let the games talk for themselves. I was expecting to fill my days with a mixture of talks and seeing stuff on the floor like I did earlier this year at GDC, but ended up finding myself with much more time just to wander around and see what kinds of games were being made in Japan this year.
After the end of the first day, some of the scholars got together and headed out to Akihabara to have dinner and sing some Karaoke. The whole evening was great. We went to a restaurant that you bought your meal from a vending machine, were given a ticket, and gave it to the cook at the counter. Afterwards, we went to a Karaoke bar with private rooms, and tunes from games to pop culture to anime, and everything in between. I feel like we all really bonded that night, and it is one of my fondest memories from the trip.
The next day, we went back to TGS and enjoyed the show more. I got a chance to play Monster Hunter 4G, a game recently released on the Nintendo 3DS, but with no scheduled release for the west yet. I played many more games and talked to more developers that day. At the end of the day, we all attended an event called ‘Sense of Wonder Night’. It showcased 10 independent games from all over the world that were in some way awe-inspiring. Most of the games are better seen than described, but if you are interested in seeing some amazing games, check out this years finalists.
The last event I attended as part of the scholarship was the Indie Stream Fest, a party for independent developers from around the world. I met many cool people there, including Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man. I got a chance to talk to developers from companies local and from far away, and really get a better feel for the game industry outside of the United States.
The rest of my time in Japan was spent with the other scholars. We explored Tokyo together, seeing old temples, eating tasty food, and playing games in arcades. Some of us got together and celebrated my birthday, which happened on my last day in Tokyo.
I can’t express how amazing this experience was. I am incredibly thankful to IGDA Japan for the opportunity to see and explore Tokyo and the game industry there. I made some amazing friends that I have remained in contact with. I was able to network with developers in the Tokyo area, as well as gain insight into a gaming culture I had not had much exposure to. I had a fantastic time, and I want to encourage anyone considering applying to the program to do it. You will not regret it! (The University of Tennessee, Forrest Pruitt)
日本語翻訳:小野憲史, Internationalization Force, IGDA日本
Japanese translation: Kenji Ono, Internationalization Force, IGDA Japan