Salesforce + Sprout Gain a full 360-degree customer view with this global partnership.
Salesforce + Sprout Gain a full 360-degree customer view with this global partnership.
Easily generate the optimal responsive image dimensions One image for all screen resolutions and different devices is not enough. An image per pixel is too much - so how can someone automatically choose the optimal responsive image sizes? Â Learn more... Responsive websites, even the most modern ones, often struggle with selecting image resolutions that best match the various user devices. They com
<img src="1.jpg" id="picture" style="width:200px; height:200px;" data-antimoderate-idata="data:image/jpg;base64, /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD//gATQ3JlYXRlZCB3aXRoIEdJTVD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIiEmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4+JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wgARCAAlACgDAREAAhEBAxEB/8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAA
Asynchronous image downloading and caching. Loading image from either URLSession-based networking or local provided data. Useful image processors and filters provided. Multiple-layer hybrid cache for both memory and disk. Fine control on cache behavior. Customizable expiration date and size limit. Cancelable downloading and auto-reusing previous downloaded content to improve performance. Independe
A subtle tilt effect for images. The idea is to move and rotate semi-transparent copies with the same background image in order to create a subtle motion or depth effect. Today weâd like to share a little image effect with you. The idea is to add a tilt effect to an image by subtly moving copies of layers of semi-transparent divisions with the respective background-image. Maybe youâve seen this ef
OKZoom by OKFocus OKZoom is a JQuery plugin that produces a portable loupe of variable size and shape. All other jQuery 'zoom' plugins we have encountered implement a square magnifying area. Ours is a circle. You want a circle. Usage Bind OKZoom to one or many image elements. The easiest way is to have a large image that is sized down using HTML or CSS: the loupe will show the full-size image on h
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