Trump reflation bubble will burst warns 'Dr Doom' (「Dr Doom」がトランプ・リフレ・バブル崩壊をワーニング) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, cernobbio, italy Telegraph: 7 APRIL 2017 ? 4:52PMThe Trump 'reflation rally' on global bourses is seriously overstretched and ignores the risk of dangerous and impulsive actions by the White House, the world's roving 'Dr Doom' has warned. 世界中の株式市場におけるトランプ「リフレ・ラリー」は深刻なほどオーバーストレッチであり、ホワイトハウスの危
Fresh blow to Trump stimulus as infrastructure plan crumbles (インフラ計画崩壊でトランプに新たな打撃) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 6 JUNE 2017 ? 7:15PMDonald Trump's vaulting scheme to rebuild America's derelict bridges, roads, ports, and tunnels, has dwindled to almost nothing. 米国の老朽化した橋、道路、港、トンネルを再建するなどというドナルド・トランプ大統領の身の程知らずなスキームがほぼ壊滅しかかっています。 The level of fiscal stimulus will be too small to have any macro-
Italy's €17bn bank crisis is the fruit of unworkable EU policies (イタリアの170億ユーロ銀行危機はポンコツEU政策のせい) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 26 JUNE 2017 • 8:05PMItaly's long-simmering banking crisis has erupted again. The emergency plan to wind down two Venetian lenders at a cost of up to €17bn is a fiasco of the first order. イタリアで長引く銀行危機が再び発作を起こしました。 ベネチアの銀行2行を170億ユーロを投じて解体するという緊急対策は、超一流の大失敗です。 While the
Global funds think equities overvalued but keep buying, as US markets take a dive (グローバルファンドは割高だと思いつつも株を買い続けています) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 21 MARCH 2017 • 8:14PMGlobal fund managers say stock markets are more overvalued today than at any time this century, but are continuing to buy equities aggressively, betting the day of reckoning is a way off yet. グローバルファンドマネジャーは、今の株式市場は今世紀始まって以来の割高だと
US shale surge overwhelms oil market as Opec splits deepen (米シェール急増で石油市場圧倒。OPEC分裂、悪化) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, houston Telegraph: 9 MARCH 2017 • 6:44PMOil prices have plunged to the lowest level this year as US shale producers boost output at an astonishing pace and crude inventories keep rising, triggering a wave of selling by hedge funds with record speculative positions. 石油価格は今年、米シェール業者が驚くべきスピー
Japanese giants itching to pull the plug on French debt (日本の超大手がフランス国債を地獄に落とす) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 27 FEBRUARY 2017 • 7:42PMJapanese investors are increasingly alarmed by political risk in Europe and may be forced to liquidate large holdings of French public debt if the situation deteriorates further. 日本人投資家がヨーロッパの政治リスクに警戒感を強めて、状況が更に悪化すればフランス国債を大量に処分せざるを得なくなるかもしれません。 The giant Japan
The cost of leaving the euro is rising every month for Italy (イタリアのユーロ離脱コストが毎月増加中) AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph: 1 FEBRUARY 2017 • 8:29PMA forensic report by Italy's Mediobanca has landed with explosive force on desks across Rome, Milan, and Turin. イタリアのメディオバンカによる詳細な報告書が、ローマ、ミラノ、トリノのデスクで炸裂しました。 It lays out in minute detail why Italy is finally running out of road after eighteen years of econo
Europe's ideological civil war laid bare in Davos (ヨーロッパのイデオロギー内戦がダヴォスで明らかに) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in davos Telegraph: 19 JANUARY 2017 • 3:44PMEurope's leaders lashed out at each other in Davos in an inflamed dispute over how to stop the EU collapsing, laying bare the festering divisions that will plague the European project long after British withdrawal. ヨーロッパの指導者達はダヴォスでEU崩壊の阻止方法を巡る激論の中で噛み付き合い
Chinese authorities need to guard against bad debt crisis (中国当局には不良債権危機への防波堤が必要) ROGER BOOTLE Telegraph: 2 OCTOBER 2016 • 5:32PMIt's time for another China disaster story. The world seems to have a decided appetite for them. Not long ago, attention focused on the Chinese stock market. Supposedly, the sharp fall in stock prices in the summer of last year presaged some sort of economic disaster. また中
Six reasons why post-Brexit Britain can be like others that thrive outside the single market (ブレグジット後の英国が単一市場外で元気な国みたいになれちゃう6つの理由) ROGER BOOTLE Telegraph: 11 SEPTEMBER 2016 • 10:34PMSo much of the current discussion about our future relationship with the EU is about access to the single market. If we could have all the benefits of belonging to the single market without being obliged to obey its ru
Italy eyes €40bn bank rescue as first Brexit domino falls Italy (イタリアでブレギジットの初被害。銀行救済に400億ユーロ) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 27 JUNE 2016 • 6:50PMItaly is preparing a €40bn rescue of its financial system as bank shares collapse on the Milan bourse and the powerful after-shocks of Brexit shake European markets. ミラノ市場での銀行株暴落とブレギジットの強烈な余波が欧州市場を揺るがし、イタリアは400億ユーロ規模の金融システム救済策を準備しつつあります。 An Italian
Parliament must decide what Brexit means in the interests of the whole Kingdom (全英の利益におけるブレギジットの意味を、議会は決断しなければならない) AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph: 26 JUNE 2016 • 7:14PMPost-Referendum events are moving with lighting speed. The battle ground has already shifted to the neuralgic question of what Brexit actually means, and here the old lines of political cleavage are breaking down. 国民投票後の事態が電光石火の
The sky has not fallen after Brexit but we face years of hard labour (ブレギジットで空が落ちたわけじゃないが、長期的に苦労しそう) AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph: 24 JUNE 2016 • 6:14PMIt is time for Project Grit. We warned over the final weeks of the campaign that a vote to leave the EU would be traumatic, and that is what the country now faces as markets shudder and Westminster is thrown into turmoil. プロジェクト・グリットの時です。 僕らは選
UK and Europe face Mutual Assured Destruction if they botch Brexit (ブレギジット失敗なら英欧はMAD) AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph: 22 JUNE 2016 • 8:13PMWhatever the result of Britain's referendum on the EU we can be sure of one thing: there will not be a global financial crisis the next day. EUを巡る英国民投票の結果がどうであれ、僕らが確信出来ることが一つあります。 それは、翌日に世界的金融危機は起こらない、ということです。 Nothing dreadful will suddenly happen. The US Fe
India's rockstar central banker defeated as Modi revolution stalls (インド・モディ革命頓挫でカリスマ中銀総裁、敗北) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 20 JUNE 2016 • 7:28PMIndia's bid to become the 'economic super-tiger' of Asia is in serious doubt after an assault on the independence of the central bank and failure to deliver on promised reforms. 中銀の独立性への攻撃と約束された改革を実行していないことを受けて、インドのアジアの「経済スーパータイガー」化の試みがかなり怪しくなっています。 T
Remain's models are built on poor foundations (EU残留モデルは根拠に乏しい) ROGER BOOTLE Telegraph: 19 JUNE 2016 • 6:47PMIn this, my last column before D-Day, I want to discuss some key features of the case for Brexit that, in my view, have been misrepresented or ignored. このDデイ前、最後のコラムの中で、誤解されているか無視されていると僕が考えている、ブレギジットの正当性の主な特徴を幾つかディスカッションしてみたいと思います。 The Treasury, and some other bodies, have subjected the Brex
AEP: ECB closes ranks with Bank of England to avert Brexit crunch (ブレギジット・クランチ回避のため、ECBがイングランド銀行と結束) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 16 JUNE 2016 • 7:31PMThe European Central Bank has pledged to flood the financial system with euro liquidity if credit markets seize up after a Brexit vote. 信用市場がブレギジット後に機能不全に陥った場合、金融システムにユーロを注入するとECBが宣言しました。 The move came as European bank stocks plummeted across
Brexit might trigger run on Britain's record financial debts, S&P warns (ブレギジットで英国の記録的債務が危機になるかも、とS&P) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 9 JUNE 2016 • 3:58PMBritain is the world's most vulnerable state on a key measure of short-term debt and credit markets might suddenly seize up if voters opt for Brexit, Standard & Poor's has warned. 英国は短期債の主要指標において世界で最も脆弱な状況にあり、有権者がブレギジットの票決を出せばマーケットは急停止に陥るかもしれ
The European Union and the euro: this is a marriage made in hell (EUとユーロ:最悪の組み合わせ) ROGER BOOTLE Telegraph: 23 MAY 2016 • 10:00AMOver recent weeks I have traversed the country debating whether the UK should leave theEU. I have been struck by the way that most speakers for Remain readily acknowledge that the euro is a disaster yet still argue that we should stay in the EU. Apparently, they regard th
The things economists know. . . and don't know about Brexit (エコノミストがブレギジットについて知ってること…と、知らないこと) ROGER BOOTLE Telegraph: 24 APRIL 2016 • 5:18PMLast week we were treated to a fine exhibition of the economist's art. I refer to the Treasury study of the economic impact of Brexit, which told us that in 15 years' time, on a central view, the average British household would be worse off by £4,300 a year.
Leave camp must accept that Norway model is the only safe way to exit EU (ブレギジット陣営はノルウェー方式が唯一安全なEU離脱方法だと認めろ) AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph: 1 JUNE 2016 • 7:30PMThe Leave campaign must choose. It cannot safeguard access to the EU single market and offer a plausible arrangement for the British economy, unless it capitulates on the free movement of EU citizens. ブレギジット陣営は選択しなければいけません。 EU市民の移動の自由を受
Devastating MORI poll shows Europe's peoples share British rage over EU (世論調査の悲惨な結果で、欧州人も英国みたいにEUに怒ってることが判明) Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph: 10 MAY 2016 ? 7:43AMWhen David Cameron first announced the UK's referendum on Europe in 2013, the reaction from EU capitals was disdain. Brexit would be a disastrous error for Britain ? perhaps suicidal ? but Europe would brush off the effects. デイヴィッド・キャメロ
Fear, Loathing and Brexit Paul Krugman NYT:JUNE 17, 2016There are still four and a half months to go before the presidential election. But there's a vote next week that could matter as much for the world's future as what happens here: Britain's referendum on whether to stay in the European Union. 米大統領選挙まで後4ヶ月半もあります。 でも、来週はここと同じ位、世界の未来にとって重要かもしれない投票が行われます。 英国のEU残留如何を巡る国民投票です。 Unfortunately, this vo
Trump's Delusions of Competence (トランプの競争力妄想) Paul Krugman NYT:MAY 27, 2016In general, you shouldn't pay much attention to polls at this point, especially with Republicans unifying around Donald Trump while Bernie Sanders hasn't conceded the inevitable. Still, I was struck by several recent polls showing Mr. Trump favored over Hillary Clinton on the question of who can best manage the economy. 一般的に
The Diabetic Economy (糖尿病経済) Paul Krugman NYT:MAY 2, 2016LISBON — Things are terrible here in Portugal, but not quite as terrible as they were a couple of years ago. The same thing can be said about the European economy as a whole. That is, I guess, the good news. 【リスボンより】 ここポルトガルの状況は最悪ですが、2年前ほど最悪ではありません。 ヨーロッパ経済全体についても、同じことが言えます。 それは良いニュース、だと思います。 The bad news is that eight years after what was s
On Economic Stupidity (経済的愚かさについて) Paul Krugman NYT:FEB. 12, 2016Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign famously focused on "the economy, stupid." But macroeconomic policy — what to do about recessions — has been largely absent from this year's election discussion. ビル・クリントン氏の1992年の大統領選挙は、「大事なのは経済なんだよ、バカ」に焦点が当たったことで有名です。 しかしマクロ経済政策(不況についてどうするか)は、今年の大統領選の議論に殆ど登場していません。 Yet economic risks have by no means been
Privilege, Pathology and Power (優越、病変、権力) Paul Krugman NYT:JAN. 1, 2016Wealth can be bad for your soul. That's not just a hoary piece of folk wisdom; it's a conclusion from serious social science, confirmed by statistical analysis and experiment. The affluent are, on average, less likely to exhibit empathy, less likely to respect norms and even laws, more likely to cheat, than those occupying lowe
Austerity's Grim Legacy (緊縮政策の残酷な遺産) Paul Krugman NYT:NOV. 6, 2015When economic crisis struck in 2008, policy makers by and large did the right thing. The Federal Reserve and other central banks realized that supporting the financial system took priority over conventional notions of monetary prudence. The Obama administration and its counterparts realized that in a slumping economy budget deficits
最初はぎょっとしたけど、開票結果の地図見て「よくわかりました。本当にありがとうございました」でした。あっちで頭から湯気立てて「あの低能の低学歴の貧民愚民どもめ!」とやってる友人をなだめる私…鎮まらないけど(笑)。50歳になったRick Astley君がゲスト出演のSaturday Kitchenでも観て和めばいいのに。 中年になって益々Honey richな声になった感じ。会話してる姿も初観で、こんなひょうきんな人だったと30年経って知り、色々感慨深い…良いもん、昭和組だもん。 『50』、iTuneでもPrimeでも見つからないよ!どっちでも良いから早く扱って下さい。 Was Brexit fear a giant hoax or is this the calm before the next storm? (ブレギジット恐怖は大法螺か、今は次の嵐の前の静けさか?) AMBROSE EV