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objectsに関するエントリは69件あります。 railscloudflareJavaScript などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Cleanup.pictures - Remove objects, people, text and defects from any picture for free』などがあります。
  • Cleanup.pictures - Remove objects, people, text and defects from any picture for free

    PhotographersCreative AgenciesReal EstateE-commerceRemove text, logo or watermarkDevelopers API Photographers use Cleanup.pictures to remove time stamps or remove tourists from holiday pictures before printing them for their customers. They clean portrait photos to create the perfect profile pictures. Cleanup.pictures is the perfect app to remove cracks on photographs. You can clean any images, re

      Cleanup.pictures - Remove objects, people, text and defects from any picture for free
    • GitHub - google/intermock: Mocking library to create mock objects with fake data for TypeScript interfaces

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

        GitHub - google/intermock: Mocking library to create mock objects with fake data for TypeScript interfaces
      • Cloudflare Workers + Durable Objects でホワイトボードを作ってみた - ジンジャー研究室

        Cloudflare の比較的新しい機能、 Durable Objects を使ってオンラインホワイトボードを作ってみた。 github.com エレベーターピッチ(テンプレはこちらからお借りしました) - 1秒で適当な概念図を描き始めて議論をしたい - ソフトウェア開発者向けの、 - Whiteboard というプロダクトは、 - オンライン共同編集アプリです。 - これは直感的かつ雑念の入る余地のない最低限の操作ができ、 - Google Jamboard とは違って、 - Slack コマンドから一瞬でログインできる仕組みが備わっている。 本当に Jamboard に勝ってるの?まあ、お遊びなので許して。 あと、今のところ組織内で使う想定だから自分でデプロイしないと使えないよ。 Durable Object を雑に紹介 ベータ版の公式のアナウンスが分かりやすい。エッジから状態を管理す

          Cloudflare Workers + Durable Objects でホワイトボードを作ってみた - ジンジャー研究室
        • Cloudflare、分散したCDNエッジ間でも強い一貫性を提供する「Durable Objects」正式リリース。ステートフルな分散アプリが容易に

          Cloudflare、分散したCDNエッジ間でも強い一貫性を提供する「Durable Objects」正式リリース。ステートフルな分散アプリが容易に Cloudflareは、分散したCDNエッジ間でも強い一貫性を維持するオブジェクトを提供する「Durable Objects」の正式リリースを発表しました。 Today, we’re announcing that Durable Objects are generally available and production-ready for you to use! https://t.co/zSUc5w7Cn4 #FullStackWeek — Cloudflare (@Cloudflare) November 15, 2021 Cloudflareは、世界中に分散されたCDNエッジにJavaScriptのコードを配置し実行できる「Clou

            Cloudflare、分散したCDNエッジ間でも強い一貫性を提供する「Durable Objects」正式リリース。ステートフルな分散アプリが容易に
          • Rails 6.1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!

            Rails 6.1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more! Rails 6.1 has been released and wow does it have a lot of great stuff! We’ve been hard at work these past few months implementing improvements to multiple databases, adding support for destroying associations in jobs instead of in-memory, turning errors into objects,

              Rails 6.1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!
            • Amazon S3 Encrypts New Objects By Default | Amazon Web Services

              AWS News Blog Amazon S3 Encrypts New Objects By Default At AWS, security is the top priority. Starting today, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) encrypts all new objects by default. Now, S3 automatically applies server-side encryption (SSE-S3) for each new object, unless you specify a different encryption option. SSE-S3 was first launched in 2011. As Jeff wrote at the time: “Amazon S3 serve

                Amazon S3 Encrypts New Objects By Default | Amazon Web Services
              • The Future Shape of Ruby Objects

                These are the notes for a talk I gave at RubyKaigi 2021, which is why they’re written as if we were talking and going through some slides and code together. Hello I’m Chris Seaton. I’m a Senior Staff Engineer at Shopify where I’m working on Ruby performance. I’m the founder of TruffleRuby, which is a very highly optimizing implementation of Ruby. I also maintain The Ruby Bibliography at rubybib.or

                • sold: A linker for shared objects

                  "I'm Feeling Lucky" - Building Great Search Experiences for Today's Users (#IAC19)

                    sold: A linker for shared objects
                  • GitHub - azat-io/eslint-plugin-perfectionist: ☂️ ESLint plugin for sorting various data such as objects, imports, types, enums, JSX props, etc.

                    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                      GitHub - azat-io/eslint-plugin-perfectionist: ☂️ ESLint plugin for sorting various data such as objects, imports, types, enums, JSX props, etc.
                    • Rails 6.1 RC1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!

                      Rails 6.1 RC1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more! The first release candidate for Rails 6.1 has been released and wow does it have a lot of great stuff! We’ve been hard at work these past few months implementing improvements to multiple databases, adding support for destroying associations in jobs instead of in-m

                        Rails 6.1 RC1: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!
                      • Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects

                        Last year, we announced the Browser Rendering API – letting users running Puppeteer, a browser automation library, directly in Workers. Puppeteer is one of the most popular libraries used to interact with a headless browser instance to accomplish tasks like taking screenshots, generating PDFs, crawling web pages, and testing web applications. We’ve heard from developers that configuring and mainta

                          Running Serverless Puppeteer with Workers and Durable Objects
                        • Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, the Modern Way

                          Announcing Visual Copilot - Figma to production in half the time

                            Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript, the Modern Way
                          • Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

                            Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless2020-09-28 We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter. That vision means Workers is about more than just edge compute -- we're rethinking how applications

                              Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless
                            • Remix on Cloudflare WorkersからDurable Objectsを使う | DevelopersIO

                              少し長いですが2ページのみのためソースコードを全文掲載しています。違和感を感じる部分としてはWorker内ではドメイン、ホスト名がないため指定は不要という点かもしれません。今回は公式ドキュメントにあわせてhttps://.../を利用しています。 app/routes/index.tsx import { redirect } from '@remix-run/cloudflare'; import type { ActionFunction, LoaderFunction } from '@remix-run/cloudflare'; import { json } from '@remix-run/cloudflare'; import { Form, Link, useLoaderData } from '@remix-run/react'; import type { Task }

                                Remix on Cloudflare WorkersからDurable Objectsを使う | DevelopersIO
                              • GitHub - openai/shap-e: Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images

                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                  GitHub - openai/shap-e: Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images
                                • Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects

                                  BlogRuby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects. Value objects are a powerful tool for improving the quality of code. They are easy to understand and use and can help improve the readability and maintainability of code by making it more concise, consistent, and easier to reason about. Value objects ar

                                    Ruby 3.2 introduces Data, a new core class for immutable value objects
                                  • Cloudflareが「ステートフルなサーバーレス」を実現する「Durable Objects」を発表

                                    Cloudflareが提供するサーバーレスコンピューティングサービスの「Cloudflare Workers」が、同サービス上で実行するコードの状態を保持し、ステートフルなサービスを実現できる新機能「Durable Objects」を発表しました。Durable Objectsを利用することで、サーバーレスコンピューティングでは実現が難しかったデータの一貫性を確保できるほか、複数クライアント間のリアルタイム処理を実現することができます。 Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-workers-durable-objects/ Cloudflare Workersは、は、ウェブサイトを世界各地のDNSサーバーにキャッシ

                                      Cloudflareが「ステートフルなサーバーレス」を実現する「Durable Objects」を発表
                                    • Cloudflare Workers の Durable Objects について

                                      とくに断りがない限り、引用文は Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless を Deepl で翻訳したものです。 前提知識として、 Cloudflare Workers 自体の解説はしません。こちらを参照してください。 Cloudflare Workers それは Frontend / Node.js が CDN Edge Side まで拡張されるもの 要約すると Cloudflare Workers は CDN Edge で低遅延、低スペックCPUの Node.js の Worker が高速に動くサーバーレス環境です。 Durable Objects とは 注意: まだクローズドベータです。 本来は、手元で動かしてから記事を書くつもりでしたが、クローズドベータに申し込みしてから待てども待てども解禁

                                        Cloudflare Workers の Durable Objects について
                                      • Remove objects from photos | Magic Eraser by Magic Studio

                                        Remove unwanted objects, people, text in secondsUpload, select the bit you need removed, erase, download Free to use. No signup required!

                                          Remove objects from photos | Magic Eraser by Magic Studio
                                        • Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!

                                          Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more! The second release candidate for Rails 6.1 has been released and brings a more robust experience for those already trying this version. We’ve been hard at work tweaking and adjusting the nobs to have so using this version is a smooth ride to everyone. The final re

                                            Rails 6.1 RC2: Horizontal Sharding, Multi-DB Improvements, Strict Loading, Destroy Associations in Background, Error Objects, and more!
                                          • iOS開発入門Objectsまとめ

                                            はじめに Xcode 11.4 の Storyboard で表示される Objects についてまとめました。これでざっくり色々使えるはず! github サンプルコード集 Widgets ラベルとかボタンをウィジェットとしてまとめました。 基本的には IB で設定可能ですがコードで設定する場合の簡易実装も書いてます。 Label 文字表示するだけのやつ。 簡易実装 @IBOutlet private weak var label: UILabel! { didSet { label.text = "Labelです" label.textColor = .systemGray2 label.textAlignment = .natural label.font = .systemFont(ofSize: 17) } }

                                            • Introducing default data integrity protections for new objects in Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services

                                              AWS News Blog Introducing default data integrity protections for new objects in Amazon S3 Update on December 2, 2024: Updated SDKs with default integrity protections will be available in the coming weeks. At Amazon Web Services (AWS), the vast majority of new capabilities are driven by your direct feedback. Two years ago, Jeff announced additional checksum algorithms and the optional client-side c

                                                Introducing default data integrity protections for new objects in Amazon S3 | Amazon Web Services
                                              • NEW – Replicate Existing Objects with Amazon S3 Batch Replication | Amazon Web Services

                                                AWS News Blog NEW – Replicate Existing Objects with Amazon S3 Batch Replication Starting today, you can replicate existing Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects and synchronize your buckets using the new Amazon S3 Batch Replication feature. Amazon S3 Replication supports several customer use cases. For example, you can use it to minimize latency by maintaining copies of your data in AW

                                                  NEW – Replicate Existing Objects with Amazon S3 Batch Replication | Amazon Web Services
                                                • Nutanix Objects Violates MinIO’s Open Source License

                                                  Try the Erasure Code Calculator to configure your usable capacity Try Now MinIO is the creator of MinIO Object Storage, an open source object storage platform. We strongly believe in keeping our software open source - the best quality software is made with community collaboration, so people are free to innovate and improve. Open source licenses are essential to ensuring people know where their sof

                                                    Nutanix Objects Violates MinIO’s Open Source License
                                                  • Cute Isometric Objects For Design | Isometriclove

                                                    • Towards Digital Nature: Bridging the Gap between Turing Machine Objects and Linguistic Objects in LLMMs for Universal Interaction of Object-Oriented Descriptions

                                                      In this paper, we propose a novel approach to establish a connection between linguistic objects and classes in Large Language Model Machines (LLMMs) such as GPT3.5 and GPT4, and their counterparts in high level programming languages like Python. Our goal is to promote the development of Digital Nature: a worldview where digital and physical realities are seamlessly intertwined and can be easily ma

                                                      • Amazon S3 now automatically encrypts all new objects

                                                        Amazon S3 now automatically applies S3 managed server-side encryption (SSE-S3) as a base level of encryption to all new objects added to S3, at no additional cost and with no impact on performance. SSE-S3 uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard and has been configured for trillions of objects by customers. This new base level of encryption helps customers meet their encryption requirements, with

                                                          Amazon S3 now automatically encrypts all new objects
                                                        • Draggable objects

                                                          4 Jan 2023 Many of my interactive pages have a draggable object. I want the reader to move the object around, and I want the diagram to respond in some way. Here I’ll document the code I use to make this work with both mouse and touch input, using browser features that are widely supported since 2020. Here’s a common case I want to support: Drag the circle with mouse or touchThis is the simple mod

                                                          • GitHub - elfshaker/elfshaker: elfshaker stores binary objects efficiently

                                                            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                              GitHub - elfshaker/elfshaker: elfshaker stores binary objects efficiently
                                                            • Use Maps More and Objects Less

                                                              Announcing Visual Copilot - Figma to production in half the time

                                                                Use Maps More and Objects Less
                                                              • Remove unwanted objects from photos by dragging boxes

                                                                Simply drag boxes to select and remove unwanted objects from your photos for free. The objects are automatically cropped out and removed by advanced AI machine learning inpainting technology.

                                                                • エルメスの展覧会「夢のかたち Hermès Bespoke Objects」へ

                                                                  東京・六本木の六本木ヒルズノースタワーで開催されたエルメスの展覧会「夢のかたち Hermès Bespoke Objects」を見てきました。 顧客ののスペシャルオーダーを叶えてきたエルメスにフォーカスした展覧会です。 エルメスってこんなモノをつくれるんだ!こんなオーダーにも答えてくれんだ!と驚きがいっぱいの展覧会でした。 会場に入ってすぐに見えてくるのか凧! シルク生地でつくられた凧が優雅に空を泳いでいます。 エルメスオレンジのトンネルを抜けると体験エリアに。 参加者がデザイナーになった気分で書いた絵が壁に映し出されます。 すぐとなりには職人さんの工房が再現されていました。 机や壁にかけられた道具達に、カラフルな生地。 工房で鳴り響く音が聞こえてきそうです。 次の部屋は壁中引き出しに扉。 開けられる扉を一つひとつ見ていくと、中にはバッグがあり、背景のスクリーンに映し出される映像と共に、バ

                                                                    エルメスの展覧会「夢のかたち Hermès Bespoke Objects」へ
                                                                  • GitHub - igrek51/wat: Deep inspection of Python objects

                                                                    Deep inspection of Python objects. WAT is a powerful inspection tool designed to help you explore unknown objects and examine them at runtime. "Wat" is a variant of the English word "what" that is often used to express confusion or disgust If you ever find yourself in a Python console, feeling lost and confused, and wondering "WAT? What is this thing?", that's where wat inspector comes in handy. L

                                                                      GitHub - igrek51/wat: Deep inspection of Python objects
                                                                    • Durable Objects, now in Open Beta

                                                                      Back in September, we announced Durable Objects - a new paradigm for stateful serverless. Since then, we’ve seen incredible demand and countless unlocked opportunities on our platform. We’ve watched large enterprises build applications from complex API features to real-time games in a matter of days from inception to launch. We’ve heard from developers that Durable Objects lets them spend time the

                                                                        Durable Objects, now in Open Beta
                                                                      • GitHub - craigmichaelmartin/pure-orm: A pure ORM for writing native SQL queries yielding pure business objects

                                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                          GitHub - craigmichaelmartin/pure-orm: A pure ORM for writing native SQL queries yielding pure business objects
                                                                        • Application Actions: Use Them Instead of Page Objects

                                                                          Hello, reader. This article was an opinion piece about why app actions are better than page objects. The page object pattern is well known in the QA community, and widely and successfully used in the Cypress ecosystem. Writing maintainable end-to-end tests is challenging. Often testers create another layer of indirection on top of the web page called page objects to execute common actions. In this

                                                                            Application Actions: Use Them Instead of Page Objects
                                                                          • Tracking Objects as Points (CenterTrack) - arutema47's blog

                                                                            なんの論文? CenterNetの著者からの最新論文。CenterNetと同様にシンプルなアプローチながら、有効性や応用性が高く様々な研究で使われるようになりそう。 前作CenterNetはPointを用いた物体検出であったが、今回は同様のPoint-baseのネットワークでトラッキングの提案。 従来Deepトラッキング系の研究よりも高速、かつ高精度を実現。 著者のAbst.が端的で面白い。 "Our tracker, CenterTrack, applies a detection model to a pair of images and detections from the prior frame. CenterTrack localizes objects and predicts their associations with the previous frame. That’

                                                                              Tracking Objects as Points (CenterTrack) - arutema47's blog
                                                                            • GitHub - tc39/proposal-structs: JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects

                                                                              Structs are declarative sealed objects. There are two kinds of structs: unshared structs and shared structs. Unshared structs behave as if they were sealed objects. Shared structs have additional restrictions and can be concurrently accessed from different agents. Both unshared and shared structs have the following properties: Opaque storage like plain objects. Not aliasable via ArrayBuffer or Sha

                                                                                GitHub - tc39/proposal-structs: JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects
                                                                              • GitHub - kaspth/active_record-associated_object: Extract Collaborator Objects from your Active Records, a new concept called Associated Objects

                                                                                You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                                  GitHub - kaspth/active_record-associated_object: Extract Collaborator Objects from your Active Records, a new concept called Associated Objects
                                                                                • Designing Objects in Motion – Kensho Miyoshi

                                                                                  「カイテン」の要素は、身体が回転したり、曲線に沿って動くときに感じられる遠心力のことを指す。例えば、バレリーナがつま先立ちの状態でスピンをするときや、ハンマー投げの選手がハンマーを振り回すとき、曲がり道に沿って走るとき、遊園地でティーカップに乗るときに感じられる。回転運動や曲線に沿った運動をする物体にたいして、この要素の身体感覚が共感される。 わたしたちの身体そのものの体積は短時間ではさほど変化することはないものの、わたしたちの身体が占めていると「感じる」空間については、よりダイナミックに変化する。身体を大きく広げたときと、縮めたときとでは、自分の身体が占めると感じる空間の形や大きさは異なるはずだ。「タイセキ」の要素は、身体や物体が占めると感じる空間の形や大きさの感覚を指しており、パーソナルスペースと呼ばれている身体感覚に近い。 たとえば自動ドアの動く範囲に障害物がありドアが閉まらない様子

                                                                                    Designing Objects in Motion – Kensho Miyoshi
