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compressionに関するエントリは45件あります。 githubimageperformance などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression』などがあります。
  • Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression

    Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

      Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression
    • WebP: The WebPage compression format

      September 7, 2024 Hacker News Reddit Lobsters RussianI want to provide a smooth experience to my site visitors, so I work on accessibility and ensure it works without JavaScript enabled. I care about page load time because some pages contain large illustrations, so I minify my HTML. But one thing makes turning my blog light as a feather a pain in the ass. The hurdleSee, a major win in traffic redu

        WebP: The WebPage compression format
      • langchainのアップデートで追加された"Contextual Compression Retriever"を使用して,200ページ超のwebページを読みこませたQ&Aボットを作成する - Qiita

        UnstructuredURLLoaderでホームページの内容を読みこみ、textsplitterで適切なサイズにテキストを分割します。 その後、OpenAIEmbeddingsを使用して、埋め込みを作成します。 その埋め込みをEmbeddingsFilterを用いてフィルタリングします。 (EmbeddingsFilter Making an extra LLM call over each retrieved document is expensive and slow. The EmbeddingsFilter provides a cheaper and faster option by embedding the documents and query and only returning those documents which have sufficiently simil

          langchainのアップデートで追加された"Contextual Compression Retriever"を使用して,200ページ超のwebページを読みこませたQ&Aボットを作成する - Qiita
        • Compression Dictionary Transport (Shared Brotli) によるコンテンツ圧縮の最適化 | blog.jxck.io

          Intro Chrome で Compression Dictionary Transport の Experiment が行われている。 Intent to Experiment: Compression dictionary transport with Shared Brotli https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/NgH-BeYO72E この提案の仕様および本サイトへの適用について解説する。 brotli の Dictionary 圧縮方式は、基本的に「同じ値が出てきたら、それらをまとめて小さく表現する」という方式が中心となる。 # 繰り返しを数値で表現する場合 from: aaaabbbbb to: a4b5 この方式は、対象としたデータの中で、如何に効率よく「同じ値」を見つけるかが肝となる。例えば以下の例

            Compression Dictionary Transport (Shared Brotli) によるコンテンツ圧縮の最適化 | blog.jxck.io
          • GitHub - jtesta/ssh-audit: SSH server & client security auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc)

            SSH1 and SSH2 protocol server support; analyze SSH client configuration; grab banner, recognize device or software and operating system, detect compression; gather key-exchange, host-key, encryption and message authentication code algorithms; output algorithm security information (available since, removed/disabled, unsafe/weak/legacy, etc); output algorithm recommendations (append or remove based

              GitHub - jtesta/ssh-audit: SSH server & client security auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc)
            • How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format — Lightspeed

              How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression FormatAugust 5, 2020 November 2, 2021 Update: Firefox 93 now supports the AVIF format without feature flag. August 26, 2020 Update: Chrome 85 now supports the AVIF format and the link to the preview build of the Squoosh.app has been updated as it now fully supports AVIF. A More Optimal Image Format One of the upcoming technologies we're really ex

                How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format — Lightspeed
              • GitHub - caoscott/SReC: PyTorch Implementation of "Lossless Image Compression through Super-Resolution"

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                  GitHub - caoscott/SReC: PyTorch Implementation of "Lossless Image Compression through Super-Resolution"
                • GitHub - mhx/dwarfs: A fast high compression read-only file system for Linux, Windows and macOS

                  DwarFS is a read-only file system with a focus on achieving very high compression ratios in particular for very redundant data. This probably doesn't sound very exciting, because if it's redundant, it should compress well. However, I found that other read-only, compressed file systems don't do a very good job at making use of this redundancy. See here for a comparison with other compressed file sy

                    GitHub - mhx/dwarfs: A fast high compression read-only file system for Linux, Windows and macOS
                  • How to recognize the compression algorithms with your eyes - ZenHAX

                    online casino malaysia online casino singapore[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1065: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/vendor/autoload.php:3) [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/phpbb/session.php on line 1065: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at [ROOT]/vendor/autolo

                    • GitHub - phoboslab/qoi: The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression

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                        GitHub - phoboslab/qoi: The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression
                      • GitHub - google/lyra: A Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression

                        The basic architecture of the Lyra codec is quite simple. Features are extracted from speech every 20ms and are then compressed for transmission at a desired bitrate between 3.2kbps and 9.2kbps. On the other end, a generative model uses those features to recreate the speech signal. Lyra harnesses the power of new natural-sounding generative models to maintain the low bitrate of parametric codecs w

                          GitHub - google/lyra: A Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression
                        • Sorted integers compression with Elias-Fano encoding

                          January 6, 2018 compression elias-fano data structures In the previous post we discovered how to compress a set of integers by representing it as a bitmap and then compressing the latter using a succinct representation. This post instead is about compression of monotone non-decreasing integers lists by using Elias-Fano encoding. It may sound like a niche algorithm, something that solves such an in

                            Sorted integers compression with Elias-Fano encoding
                          • Pointer compression in Oilpan · V8

                            Show navigation It is absolutely idiotic to have 64-bit pointers when I compile a program that uses less than 4 gigabytes of RAM. When such pointer values appear inside a struct, they not only waste half the memory, they effectively throw away half of the cache. – Donald Knuth (2008) Truer words have (almost) never been spoken. We also see CPU vendors not actually shipping 64-bit CPUs and Android

                            • Pointer Compression in V8 · V8

                              Show navigation There is a constant battle between memory and performance. As users, we would like things to be fast as well as consume as little memory as possible. Unfortunately, usually improving performance comes at a cost of memory consumption (and vice versa). Back in 2014 Chrome switched from being a 32-bit process to a 64-bit process. This gave Chrome better security, stability and perform

                              • Stable Diffusion Based Image Compression

                                IntroStable Diffusion is currently inspiring the open source machine learning community as well as upsetting artists world wide. I was curious to see what else this impactful technology release could be used for other than making professional artists and designers ponder their job security. While experimenting with the model, I found that it makes for an extremely powerful lossy image compression

                                  Stable Diffusion Based Image Compression
                                • Reported Supply Chain Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data Compression Library, CVE-2024-3094 | CISA

                                  Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock (A locked padlock) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

                                  • LangChainの新機能Contextual Compression Retrieverを試す|mah_lab / 西見 公宏

                                    Q&Aチャットボットのようなシステムを作成するとき、ユーザーの問い合わせに関連した情報をプロンプトに埋め込んで精度の高い回答を返す、といった仕組みはもはや一般的だと思います。 https://blog.langchain.dev/improving-document-retrieval-with-contextual-compression/その上で、関連情報を取り出す仕組みとしてベクトルDBの利用が一般的になってきていますが、抽出した文章が必ずしも質問に対して適切な情報源になっているとは限らない可能性はあります。類似度から算出して似ていると評価されていても、文脈が違うケースもあったりするのではないでしょうか。 先日(4/21)追加されたContextual Compression Retrieverはまさにこの問題を解決するためのもので、ベクトルDBなどから抽出した情報の評価を行い、更に

                                      LangChainの新機能Contextual Compression Retrieverを試す|mah_lab / 西見 公宏
                                    • Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression

                                      Philosophy We strive to create an environment conducive to many different types of research across many different time scales and levels of risk. Learn more about our Philosophy Learn more

                                        Lyra: A New Very Low-Bitrate Codec for Speech Compression
                                      • GitHub - phiresky/sqlite-zstd: Transparent dictionary-based row-level compression for SQLite

                                        The data will be moved to _table_name_zstd, while table_name will be a view that can be queried as normally, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. This function will not compress any data by itself, you need to call zstd_incremental_maintenance afterwards. config is a json object describing the configuration. See TransparentCompressConfig for detail. The following differences apply

                                          GitHub - phiresky/sqlite-zstd: Transparent dictionary-based row-level compression for SQLite
                                        • GitHub - 101arrowz/fflate: High performance (de)compression in an 8kB package

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                                            GitHub - 101arrowz/fflate: High performance (de)compression in an 8kB package
                                          • RFC8879 TLS Certificate Compression について - ASnoKaze blog

                                            「RFC8879 TLS Certificate Compression」が昨日公開されました。 これは、TLSハンドシェイク中に送信されるサーバ証明書を圧縮する仕組みを定義しています。 これによって、ハンドシェイクの通信量を削減できます。ハンドシェイク中は、パケットロスが起こっても後続のパケットは多くないのでロスリカバリとしては不利な状況です。ハンドシェイクに必要なパケット数が減るというのはメリットが有るのかなと思います。 また、QUIC(HTTP/3)においてもTLSハンドシェイクを利用していますが、QUICではClient Address Validationが終わるまで一度に送れる通信量に制限があるため、通信量が減ることはそういった意味でもメリットがあります。 この点については、FastlyのPatrick McManus氏がブログを書かれています。実際に送信されるパケット数がどう

                                              RFC8879 TLS Certificate Compression について - ASnoKaze blog
                                            • GitHub - TheRealOrange/icer_compression: Progressive, error tolerant, wavelet-based image compression algorithm

                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                GitHub - TheRealOrange/icer_compression: Progressive, error tolerant, wavelet-based image compression algorithm
                                              • How to Improve Rails Caching with Brotli Compression

                                                Caching is an effective way to speed up the performance of Rails applications. However, the costs of an in-memory cache database could become significant for larger-scale projects. In this blog post, I’ll describe optimizing the Rails caching mechanism using the Brotli compression algorithm instead of the default Gzip. I’ll also discuss a more advanced technique of using in-memory cache for extrem

                                                  How to Improve Rails Caching with Brotli Compression
                                                • New for Firebase Hosting: request logging, Brotli compression, and internationalization

                                                  New for Firebase Hosting: request logging, Brotli compression, and internationalization We’re excited to announce several new features that make developing with Firebase Hosting even better! New features! Server-side analytics with Cloud Logging Our new integration with Cloud Logging gives you access to web request logs for your Hosting sites. Cloud Logging, previously known as Stackdriver Logging

                                                    New for Firebase Hosting: request logging, Brotli compression, and internationalization
                                                  • Large Text Compression Benchmark

                                                     Large Text Compression Benchmark Matt Mahoney Last update: Sept 19, 2024. history This competition ranks lossless data compression programs by the compressed size (including the size of the decompression program) of the first 109 bytes of the XML text dump of the English version of Wikipedia on Mar. 3, 2006. About the test data. The goal of this benchmark is not to find the best overall compress

                                                    • 最大レベル11まで提供:Brotli圧縮とCompression Rulesの導入

                                                      CloudflareはSpeed Weekを通じて、パフォーマンスを最適化することの重要性について述べてきました。圧縮は、インターネット上で送信されるファイルサイズを小さくすることで、重要な役割を果たしています。ファイルサイズが小さくなると、ダウンロードが速くなり、Webサイトの読み込みが速くなり、ユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上します。 家庭用洗剤を実世界の例として挙げてみましょう。この洗剤は「一般的な洗剤のボトルは、90%が水で、実際の貴重な成分は10%以下である」と推定されます。一般的な500mlの家庭用洗剤の90%を取り除くと、重量は600gから60gに減ります。この削減は、使用者の受け取り時に水分を補給する指示とともに60gの小包だけを送付することを可能にします。ガロンに換算すると、この重量削減はビジネスにとって莫大な送料節約に直結し、環境への影響は言うまでもありません。 これが圧

                                                        最大レベル11まで提供:Brotli圧縮とCompression Rulesの導入
                                                      • Compression Streams are now supported on all browsers  |  Blog  |  web.dev

                                                        Web Platform Dive into the web platform, at your pace.

                                                          Compression Streams are now supported on all browsers  |  Blog  |  web.dev
                                                        • Browser Image Compressionで画像をアップロード前に圧縮する[Javascript] | バシャログ。

                                                          どうもfujiharaです。本日は画像をアップロード前に圧縮できる BrowserImageCompressionをご紹介します。 インストール npm install browser-image-compression --save or yarn add browser-image-compression コード 以下が簡単な確認用コードになります。(react-create-appで作成) import './App.css'; import { useState } from 'react'; import imageCompression from 'browser-image-compression'; function App() { const [image_url, setImageUrl] = useState(''); const compressOption = {

                                                            Browser Image Compressionで画像をアップロード前に圧縮する[Javascript] | バシャログ。
                                                          • Rotation-Based Compression

                                                            2024-09-23 Background In the late 19th to mid 20th century, the United States Department of Agriculture hired dozens of artists to paint watercolors of every fruit that grows in the United States. The collection contains 7,497 watercolor paintings, 87 line drawings, and 79 wax models created by approximately 21 artists. I thought this would make a great set of images to choose a random photo every

                                                              Rotation-Based Compression
                                                            • LangChainのContextual Compressionがどのようにコンテキストを圧縮しているのか

                                                              LangChainにContextual Compressionという抽象化が追加されました。概要は以下にあります。 Contextual Compressionは「インデックスするドキュメントのテキスト」と「プロンプトに含めるコンテキストとしてのテキスト」の性質が異る点に注目して、ドキュメント検索の後処理としてプロンプトに含めるテキストの内容に変換処理をかけて改善します。 前提知識 「LLMに質問の答えを生成してもらうためにコンテキストとして事前に検索したテキストをプロンプトに挿入する」という大枠の仕組みさえ知っていればokです。 最近読んだ以下のスライドが分かりやすかったです。 使うRetriever ドキュメント取得のRetrieverにはChatGPT Retriever PluginsをLangChainでデバッグするで作ったRetriverを利用します。 「最近話題になった英語

                                                                LangChainのContextual Compressionがどのようにコンテキストを圧縮しているのか
                                                              • GitHub - richardartoul/tsdb-layer: Time Series and FoundationDB. Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go.

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                                                                  GitHub - richardartoul/tsdb-layer: Time Series and FoundationDB. Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go.
                                                                • GitHub - microsoft/LLMLingua: [EMNLP'23, ACL'24] To speed up LLMs' inference and enhance LLM's perceive of key information, compress the prompt and KV-Cache, which achieves up to 20x compression with minimal performance loss.

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                                                                    GitHub - microsoft/LLMLingua: [EMNLP'23, ACL'24] To speed up LLMs' inference and enhance LLM's perceive of key information, compress the prompt and KV-Cache, which achieves up to 20x compression with minimal performance loss.
                                                                  • Compression Therapy Market Size, Trends, Growth Report 2032

                                                                    Compression Therapy Market Research Report Information By Technique (Static and Dynamic), By Product (Compression Garments, Compression Pump and Compression Braces), By Application (Varicose Vein, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Lymphedema and Leg Ulcer), and By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, And Rest Of The World) – Market Forecast Till 2032 Global Compression Therapy Market Overview The Comp

                                                                    • Oculus Link Test Update Lets You Boost Bitrate To Fight Compression

                                                                      Oculus Link Test Update Lets You Boost Bitrate To Fight Compression The Oculus PC app’s latest test channel update lets you set the bandwidth used by Oculus Link. On an RTX 2070 with a USB 3 connection and Quest 2, the result was essentially indistinguishable from a “real” PC headset, at least over 15 minutes of testing. We should note that Link’s USB connection is still limited to a 72 Hz frame r

                                                                        Oculus Link Test Update Lets You Boost Bitrate To Fight Compression
                                                                      • AIDB on X: "Microsoftなどの研究者らが、プロンプト圧縮技術『LLMLingua-"2"』を公開し、タスクの精度を維持したまま圧縮率2-5倍を達成したと報告しています。 さらにプロンプトが圧縮されることにより、回答速度が倍速になるとのこと。 "LLMLingua-2: Learn Compression Target via Data Distillation for… https://t.co/4bEsVp3pfp"

                                                                        • Depth image compression by colorization for Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras

                                                                          Depth image compression by colorization for Intel® RealSense™ Depth CamerasDepth image compression by colorization for Intel® RealSense™ Depth Cameras

                                                                          • Compression and decompression in the browser with the Compression Streams API  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                                            Build with Chrome Learn how Chrome works, participate in origin trials, and build with Chrome everywhere.

                                                                            • GitHub - Donaldcwl/browser-image-compression: Image compression in web browser

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                                                                                GitHub - Donaldcwl/browser-image-compression: Image compression in web browser
                                                                              • LLMZip: Lossless Text Compression using Large Language Models

                                                                                We provide new estimates of an asymptotic upper bound on the entropy of English using the large language model LLaMA-7B as a predictor for the next token given a window of past tokens. This estimate is significantly smaller than currently available estimates in \cite{cover1978convergent}, \cite{lutati2023focus}. A natural byproduct is an algorithm for lossless compression of English text which com

                                                                                • GitHub - WICG/compression-dictionary-transport

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                                                                                    GitHub - WICG/compression-dictionary-transport
