Starting on October 12, 2021, developers will no longer be able to retrieve AdMob data from the AdSense Management API v1.4. Please start to migrate to the AdMob API which is generally available.

Where can I get my AdMob data?

After October 12th, 2021, using the AdMob API will be the only way you can access your AdMob data programmatically. The AdMob API helps app developers retrieve:

Start date End date
This month’s performance so far startOfMonth today
This year’s performance so far startOfYear today

But here is the really useful part: there is a handy feature that you can use to calculate relative dates by adding or subtracting days, weeks, months, or years:

Start date End date
Last 7 days’ performance today-6d today
Last month’s performance startOfMonth-1m startOfMonth-1d
Previous six months startOfMonth-6m startOfMonth-1d

You can use up to two operations per date. Let’s say we need to compare last month with the same period last year. We would need two requests like these two requests with these start and end dates:

Start date End date
Last month’s performance startOfMonth-1m startOfMonth-1d
Same month last year startOfMonth-1m-1y startOfMonth-1d-1y

If you want to try these out, we recommend using the APIs explorer. You’ll find it at the bottom of each method documentation page:
If you have any questions about this post or the AdSense APIs in general, visit the AdSense API Forum. You can also follow our Google Ads Developers G+ page for ad-related updates.