Release Notes for Zabbix 7.0.0alpha6
Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 7.0.0alpha6.
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.
This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 7.0.0alpha6. Download here.
The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.
New Features and Improvements
ZBXNEXT-8681 | Implemented better defaults and 'Show' options for description, value, needle and scale of Gauge widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8453 | Fixed navigation confirmation window for trigger edit form, permission check, error messages for tag tab Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-7736 | Added support for active checks, "show only totals" option and host total column/row in Host availability widget Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8283 | Implemented role-based authentication for AWS monitoring Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8575 | Added Nextcloud template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8645 | Added get[oid] to retrieve single value asynchronously API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8453 | Moved triggers and trigger prototypes to mvc model and refactored edit forms to modal forms Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8145 | Implemented communication framework for dashboard widgets Frontend Installation Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8570 | Removed support for TimescaleDB v1 Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8600 | Added secrets resolving to script preprocessing step Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1096 | Implemented configurable per-item-type timeouts API Frontend Agent Proxy Server Templates |
ZBXNEXT-7726 | Added support for extended error checking in preprocessing API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-8331 | Implemented new Pie chart widget Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8638 | Implemented new evaluation functions jsonpath and xmlxpath Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-8469 | Increased PostgreSQL maximum supported version to 16 Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8714 | Increased MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.1 Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8702 | Added support of group discovery from different prototypes/lld rules API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-4165 | Implemented `selectActions` parameter for API method `mediatype.get` to display all associated actions for media types API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-7761 | Updated User groups permissions and problem tag filters 'Add' button behaviour to add a new row Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8576 | Added template integration with Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Templates |
ZBXNEXT-7687 | Extended Top Hosts widget column sorting Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-6554 | Increased remote command execution limits to 16MB Frontend Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8610 | Added MantisBT template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8621 | Improved asynchronous pollers to read configuration in separate thread to avoid blocking Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8358 | Improved item configuration sync on PostgreSQL by selecting using equal condition instead of not equal Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8541 | Added support for history.push API method API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-8649 | Fixed time period params in JavaScript Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8429 | Added HashiCorp Nomad template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8421 | Implemented dashboard tabs navigation for host dashboards Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8500, ZBXNEXT-8506 |
Moved proxies to separate database tables API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8633 | Added asynchronous SNMP poller metrics to Zabbix health templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-4781 | Added new eventlog.count item key Agent Server |
ZBXNEXT-8581 | Added support for HTTP proxy in Azure templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8520 | Turned auditlog table into hypertable Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-8558 | Added MantisBT webhook Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8589 | Updated documentation, unified metric names and descriptions in PostgreSQL templates, removed unused macros, user parameters and queries in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8563 | Added warning messages that Oracle DB is deprecated on setup page and in System information widget and report Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8528 | Added AWS Cost Explorer template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8567 | Added asynchronous SNMP pollers Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8620 | Added asynchronous DNS resolving for async SNMP and Zabbix agent pollers Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8444 | Moved template configuration form to modal window Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-6974 | Implemented new "Top triggers" widget; added new filtering options to "Top triggers" report page API Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-6524 | Added operations "Add host tags", "Remove host tags" for autoregistration and discovery actions API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-8190 | Increased MariaDB maximum supported version to 11.0 Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8582 | Increased MySQL maximum supported version to 8.1 Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8481 | Added PostgreSQL by ODBC template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8561 | Added nodata trigger to remote Zabbix proxy and server health templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8560 | Added messages that Oracle DB is deprecated Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8505 | Added Cisco SD-WAN templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8482 | Added integration with OpenStack Nova Templates |
ZBXNEXT-6470, ZBXNEXT-6986 |
Implemented audit logging of LLD rule API object API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8451 | Disabled spell checking for nondescriptive textareas Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8569 | Added asynchronous agent and HTTP agent poller metrics to Zabbix health templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-743 | Implemented new "Gauge" widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-6144 | Added proxy data memory cache to avoid using proxy history tables in normal operation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-7944 | Excluded edgeupdate service from services discovery in Windows by Zabbix agent templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8460 | Added asynchronous Zabbix agent and HTTP agent pollers Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8422 | Added AWS ECS templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8515 | Switched Zabbix frontend SVG icons to fonts Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8413 | Moved Alerts -> Media types configuration form to modal window Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8497 | Removed unnecessary JavaScript preprocessing in discovery rules in Kubernetes templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8445 | Changed Data collection -> Event correlation form to modal window Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8465 | Updated JavaScript scripts in Kubernetes templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-297 | Added remote command execution via active checks Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8447 | Added new discovery manager, worker and queue metrics to Zabbix server and proxy health templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-7072 | Fixed hintbox to be automatically closed when target element disappears Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8294 | Added filters of node labels and annotations for Kubelet discovery in Kubernetes cluster state template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-2299 | Implemented problem/event filtering by performed update actions and user; reworked problem filter to support filtering by acknowledgement status and current user API Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-2732 | Improved network discovery by implementing concurrent checks within single discovery rule API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8425 | Increased the maximum length for username and password fields used in HTTP authentication from 64 to 255 characters Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8402 | Implemented support of non-numeric vectors in aggregated calculations Server |
ZBXNEXT-8245 | Converted advanced configuration from checkbox to collapsible block Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8323 | Added preprocessing cache support for Prometheus to JSON step Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8387 | Changed Alerts->Scripts configuration form to modal window Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-7640 | Updated widget help icon link to documentation link of a specific widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8386 | Changed Data collection->Discovery configuration form to modal window Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8211 | Added support for new binary item value type API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8390 | Added state filter for items in monitoring latest data Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8355 | Added various improvements for aggregation functions Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-8270 | Added support of non-blocking sockets and thread-safe connect, accept, read, write operation timeouts based on poll Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8086 | Implemented ability to use all widgets in dashboard templates Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8079 | Added an option to choose whether redirected ICMP ping response is treated as host up or host down API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-8235 | Implemented simplified cloning in the UI by leaving only one Clone button for Hosts, Templates and Maps Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8326 | Added Zabbix server and Zabbix frontend version to system information report Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-8324 | Dropped support for floats of limited range API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-7569 | Added support for Portage in system.sw.packages{,.get} items Agent |
ZBXNEXT-8237 | Changed module details view to a modal (popup) and updated module details Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-7132 | Added option of getting fully qualified domain name in system.hostname key to Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBXNEXT-8226 | Fixed the problem of insufficient length of URL fields Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8256 | Renamed action operation types related to template linkage Frontend |
Bug Fixes
ZBX-23164 | Added timespan parameter in JavaScript Cisco Meraki template Templates |
ZBX-23288 | Fixed Top triggers widget showing incorrect entries when custom trigger count is set Frontend |
ZBX-23465 | Fixed alignment of tag badges Frontend |
ZBX-23455 | Fixed inconsistency in button naming, confirmation messages, success and error messages in item and web scenario list pages Frontend |
ZBX-20038 | Fixed master host parameter for MySQL replication.get_slave_status key in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-23479 | Fixed empty hints for widget fields referring to another widgets Frontend |
ZBX-23301 | Removed checks for PostgreSQL-TimescaleDB versions combination Frontend Server |
ZBX-23454 | Fixed runtime errors while resolving macros in the trigger URL name Frontend |
ZBX-22735 | Fixed confusing error message on user parameter reload in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-23477 | Fixed item test failures due to timeout error Proxy Server |
ZBX-23154 | Stopped running housekeeper TimescaleDB 'drop_chunks' query on history_bin table Server |
ZBX-23427 | Fixed trends not being calculated Server |
ZBX-23361 | Fixed uncapitalized first letter for value 'all' in radio buttons and in filter select fields Frontend |
ZBX-22841 | Fixed all date/time displays to match standard US date and time formats Frontend |
ZBX-23446 | Fixed nested transaction issue when processing autoregistration data Server |
ZBX-23354 | Fixed crash on shutdown after unsuccessful database connection on startup Proxy |
ZBX-23358 | Fixed "Problem hosts" widget without filtering by tags not showing problem host count Frontend |
ZBX-23302 | Fixed 'access denied' error in template multiselect popup Frontend |
ZBX-23338 | Improved performance of templatedashboard.get method for non super-admin users API |
ZBX-23110 | Fixed possible crash on Windows 11 by removing concurrent Win API call for update perfCounters list Agent |
ZBX-23284 | Prevented deletion of the discovered group as a result of renaming its group prototype API |
ZBX-21094 | Fixed graphs not displaying values when items do not have trends and trend storage period is overridden in configuration Frontend |
ZBX-23162 | Fixed variable in JavaScript for Cisco Meraki template Templates |
ZBX-23066 | Expanded ui/composer.json to describe the project Frontend |
ZBX-23253 | Added static units support to graph widget legend and hint box Frontend |
ZBX-23261 | Removed kiosk mode button from host inventory form Frontend |
ZBX-23260 | Fixed (enabled) additional URL fields in map properties Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8658 | Improved Monitoring > Maps usability Frontend |
ZBX-22943 | Fixed various memory leaks in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-22779 | Replaced HTTP with HTTPS in Zabbix homepage address Installation |
ZBX-23298 | Fixed walk[oid] discovery rule not working as test item Proxy Server |
ZBX-23336 | Fixed items not to become unsupported if interface is not available Proxy Server |
ZBX-23244 | Added escaping for special characters in HTML mode of Telegram mediatype Templates |
ZBX-21636 | Fixed Oracle DB update query error mishandled as success Frontend |
ZBX-20442 | Fixed Ceph plugin not returning percent_used in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-15210 | Added housekeeping and handling in remove action operation of autoreg_host table Server |
ZBX-21560 | Fixed default Zabbix agent 1 and 2 config file name and path for Windows; fixed logging to stderr in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-22991 | Resolved recommendations/issues regarding new icons style Frontend |
ZBX-22166 | Fixed item value widget not showing decimal places properly with seconds Frontend |
ZBX-23035 | Fixed disappearing filter group in host, item, trigger, graph, discovery rule, web and template lists Frontend |
ZBX-23105 | Added missing database indices Installation |
ZBX-23854 | Fixed leak of zbx_session cookie through dashboard URL widget while constructing scheduled report Proxy Server |
ZBX-23240 | Fixed filtering by "action" and "action_userid" in event.get and problem.get not working API Frontend |
ZBX-21952 | Fixed and improved documentation for Oracle by ODBC template Documentation |
ZBX-22980 | Fixed host prototype displaying inherited macros in a non-inherited macro tab Frontend |
ZBX-17279 | Fixed graph widget loading Frontend |
ZBX-22601 | Fixed invalid time period filter submission Frontend |
ZBX-23214 | Fixed inability to import a host if a template with non-existent template group is specified in the same import file API |
ZBX-23275 | Prevented undefined index error when unlinking a template containing an item with value map API |
ZBX-22724 | Fixed inconsistencies in ordering of objects in template configuration export Frontend |
ZBX-22060 | Added notes about encryption in PostgreSQL templates, renamed database instance URI macro to connection string in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template, updated PostgreSQL by ODBC template to use connection string Templates |
ZBX-23246 | Fixed classic graph preview not working if more than 10 items are assigned to it Frontend |
ZBX-22758 | Fixed Zabbix agent 2 startup error on domain controllers by increasing go-winio version Agent |
ZBX-22451 | Fixed resolving of calculated item formula in test popup Frontend |
ZBX-23088 | Fixed discovery rule host name, visible name and uniqueness criteria radio button values after updating Discovery checks Frontend |
ZBX-22901 | Fixed duplicate checking for SNMP discovery checks Frontend |
ZBX-22620 | Added header in items for Meraki template Templates |
ZBX-23051 | Changed content of resolved alerts to be more compatible with Event Orchestration in PagerDuty Templates |
ZBX-23272 | Fixed naming for tenant item prototypes in OpenStack Nova by HTTP template Templates |
ZBX-22818 | Fixed some aggregation functions not working with last_foreach() Frontend |
ZBX-23002 | Made vfs_file_contents, vfs_file_regmatch, vfs_file_regexp, log, log.count, logrt, logrt.count and telnet items to fail when non-existing encoding is used Agent Server |
ZBX-21255 | Added support of the fmtnum() function for {ITEM.VALUE}, {ITEM.LASTVALUE} and expression macros Frontend |
ZBX-22771 | Fixed handling of large unsigned integers in JSONPath Server |
ZBX-22871 | Fixed regular expression crash with invalid utf-8 sequences when PCRE2 is used Agent |
ZBX-23141 | Fixed crash when maintenance is enabled and unexpected event exists for trigger prototype Proxy Server |
ZBX-23068 | Fixed crash and memory leak when using system.sw.os.get key Agent |
ZBX-21695 | Fixed {TIME} macro not being resolved during scheduled report test Server |
ZBX-23221 | Fixed memory leaks when using certificate-based encryption in Zabbix agent and Zabbix agent 2; thanks to Masato Hirahata for the patch Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-22864 | Fixed calculation of max_repetitions sent out to device in SNMP PDUs Proxy Server |
ZBX-23234 | Fixed inability to link a template containing an item that depends on web scenario item API |
ZBX-23210 | Fixed inability to unlink a template containing items with empty value map from a template API |
ZBX-22677 | Adjusted font colors for placeholders, disabled and readonly fields Frontend |
ZBX-21574 | Optimized Asterisk by HTTP template Templates |
ZBX-18168 | Added regexp runtime error logging for log*[] items Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-22972 | Fixed displaying of dashboard pages when scrolling is enabled Frontend |
ZBX-23067 | Enhanced audit logging with reason of switching of HA node to active mode Server |
ZBX-22535 | Fixed Zabbix agent 2 configuration with empty values Agent |
ZBX-22027 | Fixed "Update problem" position in trigger context menu Frontend |
ZBX-22757 | Fixed action condition labels when custom expression is set Frontend |
ZBX-22613 | Fixed script execution with API token as authentication API |
ZBX-22881 | Fixed link to filtered users belonging to the specific user group Frontend |
ZBX-23060 | Removed unused endpoints in JavaScript for Veeam Backup and Replication template Templates |
ZBX-22772 | Added trends cleanup for non-numeric value types Server |
ZBX-22788 | Fixed inability to close pop-up confirmation message on the first attempt after opening multiple popups Frontend |
ZBX-22787 | Fixed mediatypes incorrectly saving parameters when switching type from Webhook to Script and vice versa API |
ZBX-23147 | Fixed problem count indicators in Monitoring hosts page Frontend |
ZBX-23072 | Fixed web scenario step variable uniqueness validation if multiple variable names are empty Frontend |
ZBX-23096 | Fixed fields with key-value pairs being misaligned in web scenario configuration form Frontend |
ZBX-23107 | Fixed small memory leak in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-22822 | Fixed displaying the correct threshold color in "Top hosts" widget when value exceeds maximum Frontend |
ZBX-22777 | Fixed item test form sending incorrectly resolved macros to server if item uses SNMP interface Frontend |
ZBX-23075 | Fixed processing of network discovery rule with short update interval Proxy Server |
ZBX-23097 | Fixed use of uninitialised value when verifying subject and issuer with TLS Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-23112 | Fixed runtime errors in the inheritance of the trigger and trigger prototype dependencies API |
ZBX-22539 | Fixed SLI calculation for days with daylight-saving-time transitions API |
ZBX-22916 | Fixed action condition type dropdown not reloading the form if mouse is clicked and dragged Frontend |
ZBX-22814 | Fixed PHP runtime errors in API trigger.get method when using "expandComment" option API |
ZBX-23037 | Fixed memory leak in vfs.fs.get[] Agent |
ZBX-22915 | Fixed unfocusable dashboard pages in editing mode Frontend |
ZBX-23014 | Fixed Zabbix agent build on HP-UX Agent |
ZBX-23049 | Fixed default condition for log item macro resolution Server |
ZBX-21909 | Updated setup section in README for PHP-FPM templates to include configuration example for Apache Templates |
ZBX-20148 | Fixed the issue with housekeeper failing to delete some of the events that required deletion Server |
ZBX-21970 | Fixed console error in "Map navigation tree" widget; disabled add button on a 10th depth level Frontend |
ZBX-19393 | Fixed undefined index errors in configuration.importcompare API |
ZBX-22811 | Removed CSRF token from the URL Frontend |
ZBX-22290 | Fixed generation of double page headers when general warning appears Frontend |
ZBX-22830 | Fixed free bytes calculation for temporary tablespace in Oracle Zabbix agent 2 plugin Agent |
ZBX-21845 | Fixed Zabbix agent 2 systemd plugin failing with newer dbus Agent |
ZBX-21547 | Fixed reading of non-UTF-8 encoded files in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-22800 | Fixed detection of authentication LDAP userdirectory when user is assigned to multiple user groups with LDAP authentication API Frontend |
ZBX-22808 | Fixed broken timeline breakpoint in "Problems by severity" widget Frontend |
ZBX-21571 | Updated pod crash loop trigger expressions in Kubernetes nodes and cluster state templates Templates |
ZBX-22825 | Fixed Zabbix access to the first page for user with specific page access Frontend |
ZBX-22711 | Fixed incorrectly displayed simple graphs with non-numeric items in Host graphs page Frontend |
ZBX-22369 | Fixed suffix interpretation in threshold values for "Item value" and "Top hosts" widget Frontend |
ZBX-22987 | Fixed inefficient URL schema validation Frontend |
ZBX-21892 | Fixed wrong fs type returned by vfs.fs.get for file systems with identical mount point Agent |
ZBX-21859 | Fixed active checks occasionally not being executed on Zabbix agent 2 if checks for a plugin have long and short update intervals Agent |
ZBX-22941 | Prevented clearing of the user macro secret values on inherited host prototypes as the result of user macros modifications on the parent host prototype of a template API |
ZBX-22889 | Fixed performance problems by creating problem.cause_eventid index Installation |
ZBX-22695 | Fixed eventlog duplicate timestamps Agent |
ZBX-22903 | Fixed scale calculation for Graph and Graph (classic) widgets Frontend |
ZBX-22838 | Fixed Zabbix proxy reporting JSON error instead of TCP Proxy |
ZBX-22904 | Fixed streaming of metrics with large float numbers Server |
ZBX-22148 | Fixed the crash when updating a webhook to JavaScript that cannot be compiled Proxy Server |
ZBX-22868 | Fixed Zabbix agent 2 plugin Defaults when hardcoded value is provided Agent |
ZBX-22399 | Added TLS and Default parameters support to MQTT plugin for Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-20280 | Fixed page selection in a dashboard after refresh Frontend |
ZBX-22883 | Fixed occasional crash of user parameters on Windows when using Zabbix agent 2 with UserParameterDir defined Agent |
ZBX-22953 | Fixed metric names in the Top hosts widget in global view dashboard, added missing connector queue metric to graph in Zabbix server health dashboard Installation |
ZBXNEXT-8392 | Added a documentation link for each standard item key Frontend |
ZBX-22243 | Fixed navigation away from edited dashboard without user confirmation Frontend |
ZBX-22844 | Fixed compilation of Zabbix on OpenBSD when linking with libevent Proxy Server |
ZBX-22798 | Fixed incorrect output of vfs.file.contents when reading frequently modified file Agent |
ZBX-22805 | Increased memory allocation limit for JavaScript execution from 64M to 512M Proxy Server |
ZBX-21877 | Fixed unnecessary proxy name wrapping into multiple lines in proxy list Frontend |
ZBX-22264 | Added optional empty state for dynamic rows library Frontend |
ZBX-22697 | Fixed VMware tags update error related to curl communication problems Proxy Server |
ZBX-21573 | Optimized preprocessing steps in the AWS EC2 by HTTP template Templates |
ZBX-16326 | Fixed displaying of the first and last data points on the graphs Frontend |
ZBX-22467 | Fixed missing bracket in a trigger event name in Windows templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-8467 | Updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.11 Server |
ZBX-22738 | Fixed flickering debug info while editing empty dashboards Frontend |
ZBX-22231 | Removed host and interface macros resolution from HTTP proxy fields in items, item prototype and discovery rule test dialogues Frontend |
ZBX-22681 | Fixed wrongly displayed Revert button for text macros in host, template and host prototype clone forms Frontend |
ZBX-21194 | Fixed filter form submission upon pressing Enter key in Safari Frontend |
ZBX-22348 | Added user role requirement for creating a user or updating a user with role already set to the frontend Frontend |
ZBX-21804 | Removed requirement for write permissions on hosts, host groups, triggers, discovery rules, discovery checks and proxies when creating or updating actions API Frontend |
ZBX-22743 | Fixed user list filtering with user roles specified Frontend |
ZBX-22418 | Fixed popup form fields overlapping labels when textarea width is resized Frontend |
ZBX-19590 | Changed count_foreach to add 0 when no data are in the requested period Server |
ZBX-22594 | Fixed fatal error when a request contains invalid authentication parameters Frontend |
ZBX-22397 | Fixed disabled input field text color in Safari Frontend |
ZBX-22691 | Fixed action operations edit form opening wrong operation details popup window Frontend |
ZBX-21593 | Optimized preprocessing steps in the templates PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent and PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 Templates |
ZBX-22470 | Fixed hang on logging when establishing an encrypted connection in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-20263 | Prevented the ability to link two or more templates with matching item keys to a host or template; improved the check for double template linkage and related error messages API |
ZBX-22254 | Fixed support of special characters in LDAP group pattern API Frontend |
ZBX-22571 | Fixed "service not equal" action condition not working as expected Server |
ZBX-22644 | Fixed Graph widget not showing all problems for multiple items with dataset aggregation enabled Frontend |
ZBX-22698 | Fixed spelling mistakes in the templates Templates |
ZBX-21883 | Changed Select map field of the Map widget to multiselect Frontend |
ZBX-22762 | Fixed race condition in Zabbix agent 2 when reading filesystem Agent |
ZBX-22593 | Changed representation of boolean item values in wmi.get, wmi.getall items in Zabbix agent 2 to match the format in classic Zabbix agent Agent |
ZBX-22793 | Fixed LogSlowQueries not taken into account by server Server |
ZBX-22314 | Fixed OpenSSL, yaml, cmocka compiling in a non-standard location Proxy Server |
ZBX-14557 | Expanded the range of possible forecast return values to double precision Server |
ZBX-22598 | Fixed singular and plural forms in success and error messages and in confirmation messages Frontend |
ZBX-22343 | Removed use of deprecated cURL setopt options Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-22147 | Updated default buffer size to 1000 in Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBX-22587 | Fixed JSON validation not detecting invalid unicode characters and out-of-bounds access with JSONPath on invalid unicode character Proxy Server |
ZBX-21976 | Added support of OneLogin and Azure SCIM, fixed some issues with provisioning API Frontend |
Installation and Upgrade Notes
See Zabbix documentation for full details.
See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.0.
Commercial support
Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.- Zabbix Enterprise Support
- Zabbix Training
- Zabbix Development services
ZABBIX 7.2.4
ZABBIX 7.0.10
ZABBIX 6.0.39
ZABBIX 7.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.2.4rc1
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ZABBIX 7.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.1
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ZABBIX 7.2.0rc2
- Previous versions of 2025 (10)
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ZABBIX 7.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 7.2.0
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc2
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ZABBIX 7.0.8
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ZABBIX 7.0.6
- Previous versions of 2024 (76)
ZABBIX 6.0.37
ZABBIX 6.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20
ZABBIX 6.0.36
ZABBIX 5.0.45
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ZABBIX 7.0.5
ZABBIX 6.0.35
ZABBIX 7.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34
ZABBIX 7.0.4
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.19
ZABBIX 5.0.44
ZABBIX 7.0.4rc1
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ZABBIX 7.0.3
ZABBIX 6.4.18
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ZABBIX 5.0.43
ZABBIX 7.0.3rc1
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ZABBIX 7.0.1
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ZABBIX 6.4.17
ZABBIX 6.0.32
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ZABBIX 6.4.16
ZABBIX 6.0.31
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ZABBIX 6.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0
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ZABBIX 7.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.15
ZABBIX 6.0.30
ZABBIX 6.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.14
ZABBIX 6.0.29
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.13
ZABBIX 6.0.28
ZABBIX 5.0.42
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.12
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.27
ZABBIX 6.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.26
ZABBIX 5.0.41
ZABBIX 6.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.41rc1
- Previous versions of 2023 (109)
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 6.4.10
ZABBIX 6.0.25
ZABBIX 6.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.9
ZABBIX 6.0.24
ZABBIX 5.0.40
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 6.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.8
ZABBIX 6.0.23
ZABBIX 5.0.39
ZABBIX 4.0.50
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 6.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.50rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 6.4.7
ZABBIX 6.0.22
ZABBIX 5.0.38
ZABBIX 4.0.49
ZABBIX 6.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.49rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 6.4.6
ZABBIX 6.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.37
ZABBIX 4.0.48
ZABBIX 6.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.48rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.5
ZABBIX 6.0.20
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 6.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.4
ZABBIX 6.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.36
ZABBIX 4.0.47
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.47rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.3
ZABBIX 6.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.35
ZABBIX 4.0.46
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.2
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.17
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 5.0.34
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.16
ZABBIX 6.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.1
ZABBIX 6.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.45
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.9
ZABBIX 5.0.33
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.8
ZABBIX 6.0.14
ZABBIX 6.4.0
ZABBIX 5.0.32
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc1
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.2.7
ZABBIX 6.0.13
ZABBIX 5.0.31
ZABBIX 6.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta6
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc1
- Previous versions of 2022 (110)
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta5
ZABBIX 6.2.6
ZABBIX 6.0.12
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta4
ZABBIX 6.2.5
ZABBIX 6.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.30
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.2.4
ZABBIX 6.0.10
ZABBIX 5.0.29
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.2.3
ZABBIX 6.0.9
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.28
ZABBIX 4.0.44
ZABBIX 6.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.2
ZABBIX 6.0.8
ZABBIX 5.0.27
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.1
ZABBIX 6.0.7
ZABBIX 5.0.26
ZABBIX 4.0.43
ZABBIX 6.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.42
ZABBIX 6.0.6
ZABBIX 5.0.25
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.5
ZABBIX 5.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.41
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.41rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.0.4
ZABBIX 5.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.40
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.0.3
ZABBIX 5.4.12
ZABBIX 5.0.22
ZABBIX 6.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.2
ZABBIX 6.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.1
ZABBIX 5.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.21
ZABBIX 4.0.39
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc3
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.10
ZABBIX 5.0.20
ZABBIX 4.0.38
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta2
- Previous versions of 2021 (98)
ZABBIX 5.4.9
ZABBIX 5.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.37
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.8
ZABBIX 5.0.18
ZABBIX 4.0.36
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 5.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 5.4.7
ZABBIX 5.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 5.4.6
ZABBIX 5.0.17
ZABBIX 4.0.35
ZABBIX 5.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 5.4.5
ZABBIX 5.0.16
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.34
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.4.4
ZABBIX 5.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.33
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.3
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.14
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.2
ZABBIX 5.2.7
ZABBIX 5.0.13
ZABBIX 4.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.1
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.12
ZABBIX 4.0.31
ZABBIX 5.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.6
ZABBIX 5.0.10
ZABBIX 4.0.30
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.5
ZABBIX 5.0.9
ZABBIX 4.0.29
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.2.4
ZABBIX 5.0.8
ZABBIX 4.0.28
ZABBIX 5.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.28rc1
- Previous versions of 2020 (78)
ZABBIX 5.2.3
ZABBIX 5.0.7
ZABBIX 5.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.2
ZABBIX 5.0.6
ZABBIX 4.0.27
ZABBIX 5.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.1
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc3
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0
ZABBIX 5.0.5
ZABBIX 4.0.26
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.25
ZABBIX 5.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.24
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.2
ZABBIX 5.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.10
ZABBIX 4.0.22
ZABBIX 4.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.1
ZABBIX 4.4.9
ZABBIX 4.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0
ZABBIX 5.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.4.8
ZABBIX 4.0.20
ZABBIX 3.0.31
ZABBIX 4.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 4.4.7
ZABBIX 4.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30
ZABBIX 4.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.5
ZABBIX 4.0.17
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.17rc1
- Previous versions of 2019 (76)
ZABBIX 3.0.29
ZABBIX 4.4.4
ZABBIX 4.0.16
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.3
ZABBIX 4.4.2
ZABBIX 4.0.15
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.1
ZABBIX 4.2.8
ZABBIX 4.0.14
ZABBIX 4.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0
ZABBIX 4.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.7
ZABBIX 4.0.13
ZABBIX 4.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.2.6
ZABBIX 4.0.12
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.5
ZABBIX 4.0.11
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.4
ZABBIX 4.0.10
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.3
ZABBIX 4.0.9
ZABBIX 4.2.2
ZABBIX 4.0.8
ZABBIX 3.0.28
ZABBIX 4.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.1
ZABBIX 4.0.7
ZABBIX 3.0.27
ZABBIX 4.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0
ZABBIX 4.0.6
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.26
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.0.5
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc3
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.25
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.25rc1
- Previous versions of 2018 (74)
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.0.2
ZABBIX 3.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.15
ZABBIX 3.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.14
ZABBIX 3.0.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.13
ZABBIX 3.0.21
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.12
ZABBIX 3.0.20
ZABBIX 2.2.23
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 3.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.23rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.11
ZABBIX 3.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 3.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.10
ZABBIX 3.0.18
ZABBIX 2.2.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 3.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.22rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.9
ZABBIX 3.0.17
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.8
ZABBIX 3.0.16
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 3.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 3.0.15
ZABBIX 3.4.7
ZABBIX 3.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.4.6rc1
- Previous versions of 2017 (68)
ZABBIX 3.4.5
ZABBIX 3.2.11
ZABBIX 3.0.14
ZABBIX 2.2.21
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc3
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.4
ZABBIX 3.2.10
ZABBIX 3.0.13
ZABBIX 3.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.3
ZABBIX 3.2.9
ZABBIX 3.0.12
ZABBIX 3.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.2
ZABBIX 3.2.8
ZABBIX 3.0.11
ZABBIX 2.2.20
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.1
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.7
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.10
ZABBIX 2.2.19
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.6
ZABBIX 3.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.5
ZABBIX 3.0.9
ZABBIX 2.2.18
ZABBIX 2.0.21
ZABBIX 3.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.4
ZABBIX 3.0.8
ZABBIX 2.2.17
ZABBIX 3.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.17rc1
- Previous versions of 2016 (58)
ZABBIX 3.2.3
ZABBIX 3.0.7
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.2
ZABBIX 3.0.6
ZABBIX 2.2.16
ZABBIX 2.0.20
ZABBIX 3.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.1
ZABBIX 3.0.5
ZABBIX 2.2.15
ZABBIX 2.0.19
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.0.4
ZABBIX 2.2.14
ZABBIX 3.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.3
ZABBIX 2.2.13
ZABBIX 2.0.18
ZABBIX 3.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.13rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.2
ZABBIX 2.4.8
ZABBIX 2.2.12
ZABBIX 2.0.17
ZABBIX 3.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 3.0.0
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha6
- Previous versions of 2015 (24)
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 2.4.7
ZABBIX 2.2.11
ZABBIX 2.0.16
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 2.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 2.5.0
ZABBIX 2.4.6
ZABBIX 2.2.10
ZABBIX 2.0.15
ZABBIX 2.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.5
ZABBIX 2.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.9
ZABBIX 2.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.4
ZABBIX 2.4.4rc1
- Previous versions of 2014 (56)
ZABBIX 2.4.3
ZABBIX 2.2.8
ZABBIX 2.0.14
ZABBIX 1.8.22
ZABBIX 2.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.22rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.2
ZABBIX 2.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.7
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.1
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.0
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.13
ZABBIX 1.8.21
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.5
ZABBIX 2.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.21rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.4
ZABBIX 2.2.6
ZABBIX 2.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.3
ZABBIX 2.2.5
ZABBIX 2.3.2
ZABBIX 2.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc3
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.1
ZABBIX 2.3.0
ZABBIX 2.0.12
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.3
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.2
ZABBIX 2.0.11
ZABBIX 1.8.20
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc1
- Previous versions of 2013 (38)
ZABBIX 2.2.1
ZABBIX 2.0.10
ZABBIX 1.8.19
ZABBIX 2.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.19rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.0
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.9
ZABBIX 2.1.8
ZABBIX 2.1.7
ZABBIX 2.0.9
ZABBIX 1.8.18
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.6
ZABBIX 2.1.5
ZABBIX 2.1.4
ZABBIX 2.1.3
ZABBIX 2.0.8
ZABBIX 2.1.2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.7
ZABBIX 2.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.17
ZABBIX 1.8.17rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.1
ZABBIX 2.1.0
ZABBIX 2.0.6
ZABBIX 2.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.5
ZABBIX 2.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.16
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.4
- Previous versions of 2012 (30)
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.3
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.15
ZABBIX 1.8.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.1
ZABBIX 1.8.14
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc6
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc5
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.13
ZABBIX 1.8.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.12
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.11
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.9
- Previous versions of 2011 (26)
ZABBIX 1.8.10
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.8
ZABBIX 1.8.9
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.7
ZABBIX 1.8.8
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.6
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.7
ZABBIX 1.8.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.6
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.5
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.4
ZABBIX 1.8.5
ZABBIX 1.8.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.3
ZABBIX 1.9.2
ZABBIX 1.8.4
ZABBIX 1.4.7
- Previous versions of 2010 (14)
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc4
ZABBIX 1.9.1
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.0
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.2
ZABBIX 1.6.9
ZABBIX 1.8.1
- Previous versions of 2009 (13)
ZABBIX 1.6.8
ZABBIX 1.7.4
ZABBIX 1.7.3
ZABBIX 1.7.2
ZABBIX 1.6.7
ZABBIX 1.7.1
ZABBIX 1.7.0
ZABBIX 1.6.6
ZABBIX 1.6.5
ZABBIX 1.6.4
ZABBIX 1.6.3
ZABBIX 1.6.2
- Previous versions of 2008 (10)
ZABBIX 1.6.1
ZABBIX 1.5.4
ZABBIX 1.4.6
ZABBIX 1.5.3
ZABBIX 1.5.2
ZABBIX 1.5.1
ZABBIX 1.4.5
- Previous versions of 2007 (15)
ZABBIX 1.4.4
ZABBIX 1.4.3
ZABBIX 1.4.2
ZABBIX 1.4.1
ZABBIX 1.3.5
ZABBIX 1.3.8
ZABBIX 1.3.7
ZABBIX 1.3.6
ZABBIX 1.1.7
ZABBIX 1.3.4
ZABBIX 1.3.3
ZABBIX 1.1.6
ZABBIX 1.1.5
ZABBIX 1.3.2
- Previous versions of 2006 (7)
ZABBIX 1.3.1
ZABBIX 1.1.4
ZABBIX 1.1.3
ZABBIX 1.1.2
ZABBIX 1.1.1
- Previous versions of 2004 (1)