Release Notes for Zabbix 5.4.4rc1

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 5.4.4rc1.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 5.4.4rc1. Download here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6751 Added Cisco Adaptive Security Virtual Appliance (ASAv) template Templates
ZBXNEXT-6765 Added template Cloudflare by HTTP Templates
ZBXNEXT-6754 Added template Website certificate by Zabbix agent 2 Templates
Improved performance of graphs and graphs prototypes configuration process API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6606 Add encrypted tls connection to mysql postgresql plugin for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6708 Added TLS/SSL website certificates validation plugin to Zabbix agent 2 Agent
Improved performance of the user macros; added strict validation of user macros API

Bug Fixes

ZBX-19915 Fixed go-sqlite3 in zabbix_agent2 Agent
ZBX-19743 Fixed proxy crash when data sending has failed Proxy
ZBX-16822 Fixed performance issues for installations with a lot of historical alerts API Frontend
ZBX-19745 Fixed Zabbix server exiting when quoted user macro context ends with backslash Server
ZBX-19797 Fixed action command operation execution with oracle backend Server
ZBX-19658 Added query batching when reading event data during maintenance processing Server
ZBX-19686 Changed 1-st parameter {#IFNAME} in net.if.* items to {#IFGUID} in Windows templates Templates
ZBX-19688 Fixed minor visual issues with the dashboards Frontend
ZBX-19648 Fixed e-mail encoding declaration Server
ZBX-19770 Fixed context menu appearing out of viewport Frontend
ZBX-19805 Added initial comment with alert content to the incident message Templates
ZBX-19482 Fixed block device discovery of cd-roms and linked devices Agent
ZBX-19032 Fixed percpu param in Zabbix agent 2 system.cpu.load plugin for Windows Agent
ZBX-19341 Fixed template export missing inventory mode for Host prototype API
ZBX-19749 Changed tags, the value type for .rate items to FLOAT, the value type of Status items to CHAR, changed trigger expression for Status items, removed 3 LLD rules, created new master item for LLD rules with update interval 1h, changed LLD rule names spelling to lower case, added new helpful items in HAProxy templates Templates
ZBX-18135 Fixed warning message close button Frontend
ZBX-19439 Fixed Action log dashboard widget missing Remote command entries Frontend
ZBX-19767 Fixed memory errors when server links updated template hostprototype with new interface Server
ZBX-19612 Changed host name to visible name for consistency with UI Templates
ZBX-19741 Fixed database upgrade patch failing due to large query Server
ZBX-19737 Fixed prometheus preprocessing bug Server
ZBX-19703 Added fix for json path preprocessing crash Server
ZBX-19752 Fixed multiple types of media type creation having message templates in one API call API
ZBX-19660 Fixed script permission check when executing on current host Server
ZBX-18271 Fixed incorrect ordering for tags and overrides in widgets, operations overrides in host prototype form and interface order in item and discovery prototypes forms Frontend
ZBX-18523 Added documentation for Hostname parameter in sender Documentation
ZBX-19670 Resolving config file symlink in CConfigFile.php Frontend
ZBX-19116 Fixed system.cpu.util for agent2 not working in non-English Windows Agent
ZBX-19524 Added UTF-8 support to trigger trim functions Server
ZBX-19555 Fixed inventory_mode parameter not being returned for host.get with output=extend API
ZBX-19589 Fixed trailing and leading white-space not getting trimmed in widget configuration form inputs Frontend
ZBX-19547 Fixed displaying inherited tags for web scenarios Frontend
ZBX-19342 Fixed web scenario items not being cloned for graph prototypes API
ZBX-19711 Fixed loose validation of aggregated functions in calculated item formulas Frontend
ZBX-19732 Fixed Zabbix agent2 not starting when ListenIP is set to Agent
ZBX-7933 Added configurable parameter for TCP queue maximum size Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-19692 Fixed issues with Zyxel templates Templates
ZBX-19124 Fixed PHP runtime errors when passed incorrect value for "output" option API
ZBX-19597 Fixed error when value maps API allow to create invalid value mapping of type regexp API
ZBX-19715 Fixed high memory usage in trappers and proxy pollers when sending configuration to Zabbix proxy Server
ZBX-19218 Fixed missed untranslated string in jsLoader Frontend
ZBX-19539 Fixed undefined offset error in host prototype API API
ZBX-19491 Fixed copying of host prototype tags when performing host full clone API

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix documentation for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.4.4.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.


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