Release Notes for Zabbix 6.4.17

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 6.4.17.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 6.4.17. Download here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-9143 Added index on auditlog recordsetid Server
ZBXNEXT-9081 Added Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) device type support to Zabbix agent 2 Smart plugin Agent
ZBXNEXT-6445 Added recovery expression for fuzzytime triggers in Linux and Windows templates, removed fuzzytime triggers from active agent templates Templates
ZBXNEXT-9201 Updated max supported MySQL version to 8.4 Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-9225 Updated max supported TimescaleDB version to 2.15 Server
ZBXNEXT-9226 Updated max supported MariaDB version to 11.4 Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-8868 Added discovery and template for Azure VM Scale Sets Templates

Bug Fixes

ZBX-25635 Added session signature check before session data initialization Frontend
ZBX-25623 Fixed SQL injection vulnerability in user.get API API
ZBX-24514 Fixed standalone Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy not stopping when database is read-only Proxy Server
ZBX-23936 Fixed state and styling of readonly fields Frontend
ZBX-22920 Fixed undefined array key error in Problems widget when host is in maintenance Frontend
ZBX-24167 Fixed template linkage when item prototype collision is found Server
ZBX-24610 Fixed interface field appearance for discovered items without interface set Frontend
ZBX-23770 Improved monitoring user permissions documentation for Zabbix agent 2 Oracle plugin and Oracle by ODBC template Documentation
ZBX-24235 Fixed value misalignment in Item value widget Frontend
ZBX-24565 Removed redundant kernel header include, fixed musl compatibility issues (thanks to Alpine Linux maintainers for spotting this)
ZBX-23751 Fixed inability to pass an action filter condition without an "operator" property, implying a default value of "Equal" API
ZBX-24562 Fixed incorrect problem order in Problems by severity widget's hintbox Frontend
ZBX-24622 Fixed inability to inherit template with multiple items to multiple hosts when total amount of inherited items exceeds but is not a multiple of batch size API
ZBX-24682 Fixed SQLite database creation Proxy
ZBX-23886 Fixed inability to import items, LLD rules and item prototypes containing redundant conditional fields API
ZBX-21429 Prevented ability to disable all UI element access via role.update API API
ZBX-19271 Fixed inconsistent tag row rendering in different edit forms Frontend
ZBX-24671 Fixed problems not inheriting tags of templates linked to discovered hosts Server
ZBX-24539 Fixed incorrect threshold in trigger expression of Check Point Next Generation Firewall by SNMP template Templates
ZBX-24667 Fixed vm.memory.size[pused] item on Solaris Agent
ZBX-23781 Added storage volumes check in HPE iLO by HTTP template Templates
ZBX-24391 Fixed Zabbix agent to return net.tcp.socket.count result without error if IPv6 is disabled Agent
ZBX-24352 Fixed custom severity name usage in Geomap widget Frontend
ZBX-20993 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 MQTT plugin clientID to be generated by strict requirements Agent
ZBX-23426 Added dependent item with JavaScript preprocessing for edges SD-WAN in VMWare SD-WAN VeloCloud by HTTP template Templates
ZBX-24665 Fixed potential problem with deprecated GCE Integrity feature Templates
ZBX-24566 Fixed crash when expression macro is used in unsupported location Server
ZBX-24450 Fixed issue where graph could differ for data gathered from PostgreSQL and other databases Frontend
ZBX-24513 Fixed real-time export of rarely updated trends Server
ZBX-21702 Fixed selected row highlighting on page refresh Frontend
ZBX-23398 Fixed trigger expression constructor incorrectly showing '<' and '>' operators Frontend
ZBX-23584 Fixed error message being displayed when updating host after changing item status Frontend
ZBX-24635 Fixed datastore triggers in VMware templates Templates
ZBX-22623 Fixed unavailable dashboard failing to load widget-specific JS files Frontend

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix documentation for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.4.17.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.


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