Release Notes for Zabbix 3.4.15

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 3.4.15.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 3.4.15. Download here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-3047 Fixed compilation errors on Windows platform with static OpenSSL libraries Agent
ZBXNEXT-4836 Added license information and OpenSSL linking exception to README file, show crypto library version when started with '-V' Agent Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-4782 Improve out of memory error message by adding statistics and backtrace; improve something impossible has just happened error message by adding backtrace Proxy Server

Bug Fixes

ZBX-14789 Fixed translations from en_US to en_GB Frontend
ZBX-14805 Fixed unauthorized request error when resetting filter after enabling/disabling elements Frontend
ZBX-14758 Fixed encoding for cookie names and values Frontend
ZBX-15122 Fixed possible crash in web monitoring due to posts not being reset between steps Proxy Server
ZBX-14691 Fixed faulty behaviour of mandatory fields in Trigger expression form Frontend
ZBX-15022 Fixed shared memory leak during configuration cache synchronization Server
ZBX-13505 Fixed link coloring in map when related trigger is not monitored Frontend
ZBX-14934 Made widget specific javascript files to be loaded with jsLoader Frontend
ZBX-14966 Removed the notes about sqlite from zabbix_server.conf Installation
ZBX-14875 Fixed discovery and auto registration escalations being kept for one hour instead of deleted immediately Server
ZBX-14422 Fixed SQL queries being logged when accessing API, even if debug mode is disabled API Frontend
ZBX-15027 Fixed startup failures due to orphaned or zombie processes remaining when zabbix daemon is terminated during startup Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-14396 Fixed excessive memory usage during template full clone API
ZBX-14779 Extended support of system.stat[ent], system.stat[cpu,pc], system.stat[cpu,ec] on IBM AIX to LPAR type 'dedicated' Agent
ZBX-14851 Fixed the host visible name in the event details/messages from server when using long utf8 text Server
ZBX-14887 Fixed max count of records in the single json that proxy can send to the server Proxy
ZBX-14972 Fixed the case where data from non-monitored VMware services are not removed from vmware cache Proxy Server
ZBX-14856 Added support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-14971 Added note on runtime control with PID numbers larger than 65535 to server, proxy and agentd help messages and man pages Documentation Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-14734 Fixed the verification of the assignment of two web checks with the same name from different templates to one host API
ZBX-14749 Fixed cloning inherited host prototype on host Frontend
ZBX-14663 Fixed calculation of Y zero position in graph Frontend
ZBX-14865 Fixed "Field "parent_itemid" cannot be set to NULL" error message while importing multiple templates API
ZBX-14854 Improved preprocessor worker performance Server
ZBX-14811 Fixed color of the host name in the title of the Screens Frontend
ZBX-14776 Fixed sorting when changing status of media type Frontend
ZBX-14757 Fixed fields becoming writable upon form refresh in host prototype form Frontend
ZBX-14689 Fixed updating of the Graph list of host when selecting a group of hosts Frontend
ZBX-14803 Fixed incorrect profile update causing page filter to sometimes show duplicate values Frontend
ZBX-14727 Fixed selection of data for trigger overview and graphs if first drop down entry is "none" Frontend
ZBX-14650 Fixed item parameters description Frontend
ZBX-14764 Fixed crash that could occur when OpenIPMI pollers are configured Proxy Server
ZBX-14882 Fixed crash in vmware collector when receiving invalid xml Proxy Server
ZBX-14908 Fixed crash when processing internal trigger events and deleting triggers at the same time Server
ZBX-14853 Fixed error of vmware items caused by misconfigured vmware maxQueryMetrics parameter Proxy Server
ZBX-14830 Fixed possible deadlock when history syncer was trying to update escalations with recovery event id Server

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix documentation for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.4.15.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.


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