RA Jadeja

December 6th 1988

RA Jadeja is famous Cricket player from India. He was born on 06 December 1988. He has played 80 test matches and scored 3370 runs with the avg of 34.74 and strike rate of 55.24 including 4 centuries and 22 half centuries and remains not out 21 times. In 80 test matches he has Bowled 18473 balls and picked up 323 wickets by giving 7798 scroes with economy of 2.53 and strike rate of 57.1 with 13 four-wicket haul, 15 fifer (five-wicket haul), 3 ten-wicket haul. He has played 202 ODIs and scored 2795 runs with the avg of 32.5 and strike rate of 85.29 including 13 half centuries and remains not out 49 times. In 202 ODI matches he has Bowled 10008 balls and picked up 228 wickets by giving 8110 scroes with economy of 4.86 and strike rate of 43.8 with 7 four-wicket haul, 2 fifer (five-wicket haul). He has played 74 T20 Internationals and scored 515 runs with the avg of 21.45 and strike rate of 127.16 and remains not out 17 times. In 74 T20 Internationals he has Bowled 1356 balls and picked up 54 wickets by giving 1612 scroes with economy of 7.13 and strike rate of 25.1 . He has played 137 First-Class cricket matches and scored 7523 runs with the avg of 43.48 and strike rate of 57.8 including 13 centuries and 39 half centuries and remains not out 29 times. In 137 First-Class cricket matches he has Bowled 30958 balls and picked up 554 wickets by giving 13048 scroes with economy of 2.52 and strike rate of 55.8 with 23 four-wicket haul, 36 fifer (five-wicket haul), 10 ten-wicket haul. He has played 255 List A cricket matches and scored 3844 runs with the avg of 32.57 and strike rate of 86.67 including 2 centuries and 18 half centuries and remains not out 61 times. In 255 List A cricket matches he has Bowled 12383 balls and picked up 289 wickets by giving 9801 scroes with economy of 4.74 and strike rate of 42.8 with 10 four-wicket haul, 2 fifer (five-wicket haul). He has played 332 Twenty20 matches and scored 3684 runs with the avg of 25.94 and strike rate of 130.45 including 3 half centuries and remains not out 96 times. In 332 Twenty20 matches he has Bowled 5475 balls and picked up 225 wickets by giving 6927 scroes with economy of 7.59 and strike rate of 24.3 with 3 four-wicket haul, 1 fifer (five-wicket haul). Read latest news about RA Jadeja, his photo album, videos and other important information at this page.

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روندرا جدیجا

RA Jadeja

بلے بازی اور فیلڈنگ

میچز اننگز ناٹ آؤٹ سکور زیادہ سکور اوسط گیندیں سٹرائیک ریٹ سنچری نصف سنچری چوکے چھکے کیچ سٹمپ
ٹیسٹ 80 118 21 3370 175 34.74 6100 55.24 4 22 330 69 46 0
ایک روزہ بین الاقوامی 202 135 49 2795 87 32.5 3277 85.29 0 13 204 54 76 0
ٹی ٹونٹی بین الاقوامی 74 41 17 515 46 21.45 405 127.16 0 0 39 14 28 0
فرسٹ کلاس 137 202 29 7523 331 43.48 13015 57.8 13 39 776 131 97 0
لسٹ اے 255 179 61 3844 134 32.57 4435 86.67 2 18 280 81 98 0
ٹونٹی20 332 238 96 3684 62 25.94 2824 130.45 0 3 271 131 135 0

گیند بازی

میچز اننگز گیندیں سکور وکٹیں وکٹیں / اننگ وکٹیں / میچ اوسط اکانومی سٹرائیک ریٹ 4 وکٹیں 5 وکٹیں 10 وکٹیں
ٹیسٹ 80 150 18473 7798 323 7/42 10/110 24.14 2.53 57.1 13 15 3
ایک روزہ بین الاقوامی 202 194 10008 8110 228 5/33 5/33 35.57 4.86 43.8 7 2 0
ٹی ٹونٹی بین الاقوامی 74 71 1356 1612 54 3/15 3/15 29.85 7.13 25.1 0 0 0
فرسٹ کلاس 137 245 30958 13048 554 7/31 13/126 23.55 2.52 55.8 23 36 10
لسٹ اے 255 242 12383 9801 289 5/33 5/33 33.91 4.74 42.8 10 2 0
ٹونٹی20 332 300 5475 6927 225 5/16 5/16 30.78 7.59 24.3 3 1 0

روندرا جدیجا کی خبریں

بھارتی کرکٹر رویندرا جدیجا اہلیہ کے نقشِ قدم پر چلتے ہوئے مودی کی بی جے پی میں شامل ہوگئے

کوڈ آف کنڈکٹ کی خلاف ورزی، آئی سی سی نے رویندرا جڈیجا پر جرمانہ عائد کردیا

بھارتی لیفٹ آرم سپنر رویندرا جڈیجا پر بال ٹیمپرنگ کا الزام

ایشیاء کپ: بھارتی آل راؤنڈر رویندرا جڈیجا انجری کے باعث ایونٹ سے باہر

روی ایشون آل ٹائم گریٹ بائولر نہیں ، راشد لطیف نے نیا تنازعہ کھڑا کردیا

کیویز کو پہلے ون ڈے میں شکست دیکر سیریز کا فاتحانہ آغاز کریں گے، راویندرا جدیجہ

مزید خبریں

کرکٹ, بھارت کے کھلاڑی

مزید کھلاڑی