The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
The Washington Monthly Archives
The Washington Monthly •ï¿½42 Years, 418 Issues, 7,592 Articles, 27,230pp
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1960s = 1 Year, 6 Issues, 58 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1969 = 6 Issues, 58 Articles
    2. [+]
      Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 108 Issues, 1,398 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1970 = 9 Issues, 95 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1971 = 11 Issues, 109 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1972 = 12 Issues, 124 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1973 = 11 Issues, 124 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1974 = 11 Issues, 119 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1975 = 10 Issues, 113 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1976 = 11 Issues, 120 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      January 1976 Issue = 9 Articles
                      1. Criminals Belong in Jail by Tom Bethell, pp. 5-21
                      2. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 22-25
                      3. Maximizing Profits At the Washington Post by Ben H. Bagdikian, pp. 26-35
                      4. In the Sanding Booth at Ford by Rick King, pp. 36-39
                      5. The Political Puzzle, pp. 40-44
                      6. Memo of the Month, p. 45
                      7. Flim-Flam, Double-Talk, and Hustle: The Consulting Industry by Daniel Guttman and Barry Willner, pp. 46-55
                      8. Last Hurrahs for the New Deal by Alan Ehrenhalt, pp. 56-62
                      9. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 63-66 - 5 Reviews
                        1. A Man Named Tony by Stuart Brown
                        2. Simple Justice by Richard Kluger
                        3. A Soldier Reports by William C. Westmoreland
                        4. Unequal Justice by Jerold S. Auerbach
                        5. A Very Human President by Jack Valenti
                    2. [+]
                      February 1976 Issue = 11 Articles
                      1. Moral Myopia the Cigarette Scandal by James Fallows, pp. 4-16
                      2. Jimmy Carter: Kennedy Or Kefauver?, pp. 17-20
                      3. Memo of the Month, p. 21
                      4. A Rare Resignation in Protest:Nat Davis and Angola by Roger Morris, pp. 22-32
                      5. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 33-35
                      6. National Defense: The Dodos and the Platypuses, pp. 36-41
                      7. The Honey and the Source: Reporters and Their Status Taboo by Tom Bethell, pp. 42-54
                      8. National Economic Planning: Must It Be Orwellian? by David Ignatius, pp. 55-61
                      9. The Political Puzzle, p. 62
                      10. David Ignatius, p. 63
                      11. [+]
                        Political Book Notes, p. 64 - 3 Reviews
                        1. Jackie and Ari by Lester David
                        2. Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years by J. Anthony Lukas
                        3. The Party's Choice by William R. Keech and Donald R. Matthews
                    3. [+]
                      March 1976 Issue = 13 Articles
                      1. Wall Street: The Entrepreneur's Worst Friend by Thomas Redburn, pp. 3-7
                      2. The Firemen First Principle by Charles Peters, p. 8
                      3. Memo of the Month, pp. 8-11
                      4. The Texas Airline War by George Hopkins, pp. 12-19
                      5. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 20-21
                      6. Annual Political Book Award, pp. 22-23
                      7. Wildly Out of Control by Walter Shapiro, pp. 24-26
                      8. Waco, Wilt and the Ama by James Fallows, pp. 27-34
                      9. Earl Warren: On the Mob's Payroll? by Tom Bethell, pp. 35-46
                      10. The Political Puzzle, p. 47
                      11. Intimidation and Power: Games Losers Play by David Ignatius, pp. 48-55
                      12. Putting the Sex Back Into Rape by Taylor Branch, pp. 56-62
                      13. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 63-66 - 8 Reviews
                        1. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois by John Bartlow Martin
                        2. The Children of the Counter-Culture by John Rothchild and Susan Berns Wolf
                        3. Discriminating Against Discrimination by Robert M. O'Neil
                        4. A Man Called Intrepid by William Stevenson
                        5. Media Access by Andrew O. Shapiro
                        6. No Thank You, Mr. President by John Herbers
                        7. The Radical Center by Donald I. Warren
                        8. The Wallace factor by Philip Crass
                    4. [+]
                      April 1976 Issue = 10 Articles
                      1. Memo of the Month, pp. 2-5
                      2. Dan Schorr: The Secret Sharer by David Ignatius, pp. 6-20
                      3. Memo of the Month, p. 21
                      4. Murder By the Book: The State Department's Biographic Register by James Fallows, pp. 22-28
                      5. The Gentlemen-in-Waiting by Tom Bethell, pp. 29-40
                      6. Tidbits and Outrages, p. 41
                      7. Political Polling: The German Shepherd Factor by Michael Wheeler, pp. 42-50
                      8. Dr. Levine's Magic Get-to-Sleep Formula by Arthur Levine, pp. 51-61
                      9. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 62-64 - 8 Reviews
                        1. The American Economy by Stanley Lebergott
                        2. The Coming Breakpoint by Barry M. Goldwater
                        3. C'nelia by Cornelia Wallace
                        4. Edward Kennedy and the Camelot Legacy by James MacGregor Burns
                        5. Giai Phong! by Tiziano Terzani
                        6. Humanomics by Eugen Loebl
                        7. The My Lai Massacre and Its Cover-Up by William R. Peers, Joseph Goldstein, and Burke Marshall, ...
                        8. The Tides of Power by Bob Eckhardt and Charles Lund Black, Jr.
                      10. Political Puzzle, pp. 65-66
                    5. [+]
                      May 1976 Issue = 14 Articles
                      1. Letters, pp. 4-5
                      2. The Gravy Train by Tom Bethell, pp. 6-11
                      3. The Intractables by Walter Shapiro, pp. 12-18
                      4. The Burglar's Bill by Kenneth Dalecki, pp. 19-22
                      5. Memo of the Month, pp. 23-25
                      6. Calling in the Big Bills by James Henry, pp. 26-33
                      7. Battle of the Barons by John J. Fialka, pp. 34-41
                      8. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 42-44
                      9. The Bureaucrat's Country Club by Jay Gourley, pp. 45-47
                      10. The Robot Air Force by Paul Dickson, pp. 48-54
                      11. The Ignorant Press by Charles Peters, pp. 55-57
                      12. The Winning Candidate by John E. Bremner, pp. 58-61
                      13. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 62-64 - 10 Reviews
                        1. The American Commonwealth, 1976 by Nathan Glazer and Irving Kristol
                        2. Betrayal by Robert D. Morrow
                        3. The Brothers Reuther and the Story of the UAW by Victor G. Reuther
                        4. The Buffalo Creek Disaster by Gerald M. Stern
                        5. The Good Guys, the Bad Guys, and the First Amendment by Fred W. Friendly
                        6. Medical Nemesis by Ivan Illich
                        7. Plain Talk by Isaac Don Levine
                        8. Pragmatic Illusions by Bruce Miroff
                        9. Reagan, the Political Chameleon by Edmund G. Brown
                        10. V Was for Victory by John Morton Blum
                      14. Political Puzzle, pp. 65-66
                    6. [+]
                      June 1976 Issue = 10 Articles
                      1. Shriver: The Lightweight Label by Colman Mccarthy, pp. 4-10
                      2. Kennedy: The Playboy Image by James Fallows, pp. 11-21
                      3. How to Get a Government Job by Ann Pincus, pp. 22-27
                      4. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 28-33
                      5. The Banker's Attack On Free Enterprise by John Winslow, pp. 34-38
                      6. Memo of the Month, pp. 39-41
                      7. How to End the Endless Delay at the FTC by John A. Jenkins, pp. 42-50
                      8. Wheelchair Justice by Tom Bethell, pp. 51-57
                      9. Political Puzzle, p. 58
                      10. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 59-64 - 8 Reviews
                        1. The Alms Race by Eugene Linden
                        2. Bringing Down America by Larry Grathwohl and Frank Reagan
                        3. Diplomacy for a Crowded World by George W. Ball
                        4. The Futile System by John J. Rhodes
                        5. Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream by Doris Kearns Goodwin
                        6. Tax Politics by Robert M. Brandon
                        7. To America With Love by Anita Hoffman and Abbie Hoffman
                        8. The Voice by Ellen Frankfort
                    7. [+]
                      July 1976 Issue = 10 Articles
                      1. Delivering the Mail: We Did It Once and We Can Do It Again by Paul Dickson, pp. 6-11
                      2. Anybody But Broder: Our Stop-The-Columnist Movement by Tom Bethell, pp. 12-24
                      3. Why the Bright New Congressmen Couldn'tDeliver on Tax Reform by Daniel J. Balz, pp. 25-28
                      4. Political Puzzle, pp. 29-30
                      5. The Triumph and the Trivia:Inside the CarterHeadquarters in Pennsylvania by Walter Shapiro, pp. 31-39
                      6. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 40-41
                      7. Making Enemies: The Pike Committee's Struggle to Get the Facts by Gregory G. Rush Ford, pp. 42-52
                      8. Memo of the Month, p. 53
                      9. The Myth of Corporate Democracy by Ralph Nader, Mark Green, and Joel Seligman, pp. 54-61
                      10. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 62-66 - 8 Reviews
                        1. The Collapse of Democracy by Robert Moss
                        2. Crime and Punishment by Aryeh Neier
                        3. The Crossman Diaries by Richard H.S. Crossman and Anthony Howard
                        4. Dilemmas of Masculinity by Mirra Komarovsky
                        5. Me and Ralph by David Sanford
                        6. Mencken's Last Campaign by Joseph C. Goulden
                        7. The New England States by Neal R. Peirce
                        8. Prognosis Negative by David Kotelchuck
                    8. [+]
                      September 1976 Issue = 11 Articles
                      1. Prisoners of Liberation by Tom Bethell, pp. 2-16
                      2. Memo of the Month, p. 17
                      3. The Seductions of Washington Society by James Fallows, pp. 18-24
                      4. Political Puzzle, p. 25
                      5. A Kind Word For The Spoils System by Charles Peters, pp. 26-29
                      6. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 30-31
                      7. Why the Sun Will Never Set on the Federal Empire by Nicholas Lemann, pp. 32-41
                      8. The Foreign Policy Club: They've Been Wrong Before and They'll Be Wrong Again by Roger Morris, pp. 42-47
                      9. The Final Days of The Third Reich as Told to Woodward and Bernstein by Arthur Levine, pp. 48-52
                      10. Maybe We Should Help Pan Am by George Hopkins, pp. 53-61
                      11. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 62-66 - 6 Reviews
                        1. The ACLU on Trial by William H. McIlhany
                        2. The American Judicial Tradition by G. Edward White
                        3. On Revolt: Strategies of National Liberation by J. Bowyer Bell
                        4. The Politics of Exclusion by Michael N. Danielson
                        5. Nancy Reagan by Roger Elwood
                        6. The Transformation of Southern Politics by Jack Bass and Walter De Vries
                    9. [+]
                      October 1976 Issue = 11 Articles
                      1. A Revolutionary Answer to Medical Costs by Charles Peters, pp. 2-3
                      2. The Real Cause of Cancer by Ronald J. Glasser, pp. 4-14
                      3. Political Puzzle, pp. 15-17
                      4. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 18-20
                      5. What People Like You and Me Are Doing to Get Better Health Care by David Hapgood, pp. 21-31
                      6. Why the Ambulance Comes Too Late by David Thiemann, pp. 32-38
                      7. Memo of the Month, pp. 39-42
                      8. A Harvard Man Discovers Free Enterprise by James K. Glassman, pp. 43-50
                      9. Why Other Harvards Aren't Discovering It by Charles Peters, pp. 51-53
                      10. The Mailer-CIA Connection by Tom Bethell, pp. 54-59
                      11. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 60-66 - 13 Reviews
                        1. An American Company by Thomas P. McCann
                        2. The Arabs, Israelis, and Kissinger by Edward R.F. Sheehan
                        3. The Challenge of the American Revolution by Edmund S. Morgan
                        4. Cleaning up America by John Quarles
                        5. For the Good of the Company by Isadore Barmash
                        6. Kissinger: The European Mind in American Policy by Bruce Mazlish
                        7. Men, Money and Magic by Jeffrey Potter
                        8. The New American Dream Machine by Robert L. Sansom
                        9. Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist by W.A. Swanberg
                        10. Of Woman Born by Adrienne Rich
                        11. Organizing the Presidency by Stephen Hess
                        12. Public Persons by Walter Lippmann and Gilbert A. Harrison
                        13. Roosevelt and Churchill, 1939-1941 by Joseph P. Lash
                    10. [+]
                      November 1976 Issue = 10 Articles
                      1. Going Home by Nicholas Lemann, pp. 8-18
                      2. Political Puzzle, p. 19
                      3. How F. Edward Hebert Shaved $46 Billion from the Defense Budget by Daniel Rapoport, pp. 20-26
                      4. Memo of the Month, p. 27
                      5. The Imperial Press by Tom Bethell and Charles Peters, pp. 28-34
                      6. A Case for Intervention by Stephen Young, pp. 35-42
                      7. Watergate: Two Who Got Away by Ann Pincus, pp. 43-47
                      8. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 48-49
                      9. Why People Like You Joined the CIA by Brock Brower, pp. 50-60
                      10. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 61-66 - 5 Reviews
                        1. As It Was by Henry Cabot Lodge
                        2. Blacks and the Populist Revolt by Gerald H. Gaither
                        3. Chief Counsel by Samuel Dash
                        4. Power, Inc by Morton Mintz and Jerry S. Cohen
                        5. Worlds of Pain by Lillian B. Rubin
                    11. [+]
                      December 1976 Issue = 11 Articles
                      1. Concerns About Carter- and His Chief Courtier by Charles Peters, pp. 2-8
                      2. Off-Off-BroadwayHas Lessons for Us All by Nicholas Lemann, pp. 9-21
                      3. The Case Against Day Care by Marjorie Boyd, pp. 22-31
                      4. Tidbits and Outrages, pp. 32-35
                      5. How to Break the TiesThat Bind Congress to the Lobbies and Agencies by Michael Nelson, pp. 36-41
                      6. No Place to Go by Amitai Etzioni, pp. 42-48
                      7. Memo of the Month, p. 49
                      8. The Truth at Last: How Nixon Beat Humphrey by Russell Warren Howe and Sarah Hays Trott, pp. 50-53
                      9. How the Condor Was Killed by Greg Rushford, pp. 54-60
                      10. Political Puzzle, p. 61
                      11. [+]
                        Political Booknotes, pp. 62-66 - 5 Reviews
                        1. The American Police State by David Wise
                        2. Bureaucratic Zoo by James Boren
                        3. The End of Exurbia by John J. Tarrant
                        4. From Mary Noble to Mary Hartman by Madeleine Edmondson
                        5. A Scientist at the White House by George B. Kistiakowsky
                  2. [+]
                    Issues of 1977 = 11 Issues, 149 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1978 = 11 Issues, 226 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1979 = 11 Issues, 219 Articles
                      2. [+]
                        Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 110 Issues, 2,280 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1980 = 11 Issues, 225 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1981 = 11 Issues, 232 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1982 = 11 Issues, 247 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1983 = 11 Issues, 225 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1984 = 11 Issues, 234 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1985 = 11 Issues, 222 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1986 = 11 Issues, 206 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1987 = 11 Issues, 218 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1988 = 11 Issues, 228 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1989 = 11 Issues, 243 Articles
                                          2. [+]
                                            Issues of the 1990s = 10 Years, 101 Issues, 2,095 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1990 = 11 Issues, 216 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1991 = 10 Issues, 196 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1992 = 10 Issues, 207 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1993 = 10 Issues, 201 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1994 = 10 Issues, 198 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1995 = 10 Issues, 202 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1996 = 10 Issues, 232 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1997 = 10 Issues, 232 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1998 = 10 Issues, 200 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1999 = 10 Issues, 211 Articles
                                                              2. [+]
                                                                Issues of the 2000s = 10 Years, 88 Issues, 1,675 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 2000 = 10 Issues, 212 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 2001 = 10 Issues, 220 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 2002 = 10 Issues, 219 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 2003 = 10 Issues, 204 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 2004 = 10 Issues, 179 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 2005 = 9 Issues, 125 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 2006 = 9 Issues, 145 Articles
                                                                              1. [+]
                                                                                Issues of 2007 = 10 Issues, 166 Articles
                                                                                1. [+]
                                                                                  Issues of 2008 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of 2009 = 6 Issues, 111 Articles
                                                                                  2. [+]
                                                                                    Issues of the 2010s = 1 Year, 5 Issues, 86 Articles
                                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                                      Issues of 2010 = 5 Issues, 86 Articles