The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Problems of Communism Archives
Problems of Communism •ï¿½38 Years, 197 Issues, 2,290 Articles, 16,969pp
Eastern Europe
East Germany
Soviet Rampart or Achilles Heel?
Problems of Communism, March 1957, pp. 38-42
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1950s = 5 Years, 26 Issues, 264 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1955 = 2 Issues, 15 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1956 = 6 Issues, 65 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1957 = 6 Issues, 65 Articles
          1. [+]
            January 1957 Issue = 11 Articles
            1. Poland's "Road to Socialism", pp. 1-2
            2. The Tragedy of Hungary by Raymond L. Garthoff, pp. 3-11
            3. Ideology and Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp. 12-17
            4. Peiping on the March by Robert C. North, pp. 18-24
            5. The Soviet Doctor's Dilemma by Mark G. Field, pp. 25-31
            6. Communism and French Labor (Part I) by Michel Collinet, pp. 32-37
            7. [+]
              The Indian CP and Neo-Maoist Strategy by Selig S. Harrison, pp. 38-40 - 2 Reviews
              1. Moscow and the Communist Party of India by John H. Kautsky
              2. The Communist Party of India by Minocheher R. Masani
            8. Destalinization by Immanuel Birnbaum, pp. 41-42
            9. Gomulka and Polish National Communism by M.K. Dziewanowski, pp. 43-45
            10. The Moscow Trials "Revised" by Hugo Dewar, pp. 46-49
            11. Correspondence, pp. 50-52
          2. [+]
            March 1957 Issue = 13 Articles
            1. Revolt From Within, pp. 1-2
            2. The Troubled Conscience of the Foreign Parties by Donald W. Treadgold, pp. 3-7
            3. Chaos in the British CP by G.W. Grainger, pp. 8-14
            4. Economic Trends and Prospects by Alexander Nove, pp. 15-21
            5. Economic Rationalism and Political "Thaw" by Gregory Grossman, pp. 22-26
            6. The Soviet Impact on Central Asia by Richard E. Pipes, pp. 27-32
            7. Communist Experiments with the Ballot by Paul Willen, pp. 33-37
            8. East Germany by "W.K.", pp. 38-42
            9. [+]
              Communist Tactics in Asia and Africa by Guy Wint, pp. 43-44 - 4 Reviews
              1. Guerrilla Communism in Malaya by Lucian W. Pye
              2. Nationalism and Communism in East Asia by W. Macmahon Ball
              3. Pan-Africanism or Communism? by George Padmore
              4. Communism and Nationalism in the Middle East by Walter Z. Laqueur
            10. A Case Study of Soviet Colonialism by Richard A. Pierce, pp. 45-46
            11. The Hungarian "Counterrevolution" by Sandor Kiss, pp. 47-48
            12. The Hungarian Tragedy by Peter Fryer, pp. 49-51
            13. Correspondence, pp. 52-53
          3. [+]
            May 1957 Issue = 9 Articles
            1. The Psychology of Soviet Foreign Policy by Robert C. Tucker, pp. 1-8
            2. Will Russia "Debolshevize"? by David S. Anine, pp. 9-14
            3. Youth vs. the Regime by Allen Kassof, pp. 15-22
            4. Pattern of Nonconformity by S.V. Utechin and P. Utechin, pp. 23-29
            5. Warsaw and the Communist Bloc by Immanuel Birnbaum, pp. 30-34
            6. Anti-Semitism in Poland by Czeslaw Milosz, pp. 35-40
            7. Communism and French Labor (Part II) by Michel Collinet, pp. 41-47
            8. [+]
              An Inquiry into Totalitarianism by Richard L. Walker, pp. 48-49 - 1 Review
              1. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power by Karl A. Wittfogel
            9. [+]
              Moscow and American Radicalism by Ben B. Seligman, pp. 50-52 - 1 Review
              1. The Roots of American Communism by Theodore Draper
          4. [+]
            July 1957 Issue = 10 Articles
            1. New Trends in Maoism? by Benjamin Schwartz, pp. 1-7
            2. Tito and Gomulka by Andrew Haven, pp. 8-15
            3. Workers' Councils in Poland by Kazimierz Grzybowski, pp. 16-19
            4. Soviet Prospects in the Middle East by Walter Z. Laqueur, pp. 20-25
            5. Decontrols or New Controls? by Roy D. Laird, pp. 26-32
            6. Press Regulation in Mao's China by Yuan-li Wu, pp. 33-40
            7. [+]
              2 Reviews Documents on Communism, Nationalism, and Sovie... by Allen S. Whiting, pp. 41-43 - 2 Reviews
              1. Documents on Communism, Nationalism, and Soviet Advisers in China, 1918-1927 by C. Martin Wilbur and Julie Lien-ying How
              2. Moscow-Peking Axis by Howard L. Boorman, Alexander Eckstein, and Philip E. Mosely, ...
            8. [+]
              The Making of a Communist by F.L. Carsten, pp. 44-46 - 1 Review
              1. Von Potsdam Nach Moskau by Margarete Buber-Neumann
            9. Moral Judgment and Historical Ambiguity by Sidney Hook, pp. 47-49
            10. Stirrings in the French CP by Jan Przybyla, pp. 50-53
          5. [+]
            September 1957 Issue = 11 Articles
            1. Party vs. State by Richard Lowenthal, pp. 1-7
            2. Hungary Since the Revolution by Paul Landy, pp. 8-17
            3. Janos Kadar by E.M., p. 18
            4. The AVH by Paul Ignotus, pp. 19-25
            5. Poland---A Political Glimpse by Zbigniew Brzezinski, pp. 26-30
            6. Guided Tourism in China by Richard L. Walker, pp. 31-36
            7. [+]
              Toward Understanding Totalitarianism by Donald W. Treadgold, pp. 37-43 - 7 Reviews
              1. The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt
              2. Totalitarianism by Carl J. Friedrich
              3. Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy by Carl J. Friedrich and Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
              4. Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power by Karl A. Wittfogel
              5. We by Yevgeny I. Zamyatin
              6. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
              7. The Permanent Purge by Zbigniew K. Brzezinski
            8. [+]
              Reflections on "Total Statism" by Robert C. Tucker, pp. 44-46 - 1 Review
              1. How the Soviet System Works by Raymond A. Bauer, Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, ...
            9. The Soviet Bond Hoax by Franklyn D. Holzman, pp. 47-49
            10. The Rise of a Secretary by Myron Rush, pp. 50-51
            11. Correspondence, p. 52
          6. [+]
            November 1957 Issue = 11 Articles
            1. 1917-1957 by Hugh Seton-Watson, pp. 1-4
            2. Soviet Society in Transition by Raymond Aron, pp. 5-10
            3. The Import of Ideological Diversity by Sidney Hook, pp. 11-18
            4. The Soviet Industrial Reorganization by Alec Nove, pp. 19-25
            5. Polish Contradictions by Lucienne Rey, pp. 26-32
            6. Piasecki and the Polish Communists by Alexander Korab, pp. 33-38
            7. [+]
              Twilight of Soviet Totalitarianism? Russia in Transition, and Other Essays, by Isa... by Leon Goure, pp. 39-41 - 1 Review
              1. Russia in Transition, and Other Essays by Isaac Deutscher
            8. [+]
              Latin American Communism by Victor Alba, pp. 42-44 - 1 Review
              1. Communism in Latin America by Robert J. Alexander
            9. The Military in Soviet Politics by Raymond L. Garthoff, pp. 45-48
            10. East Germany's Intellectuals by F.L. Carsten, pp. 49-50
            11. Index for Nos. 1-6 1957, pp. 51-52
        2. [+]
          Issues of 1958 = 6 Issues, 55 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1959 = 6 Issues, 64 Articles
          2. [+]
            Issues of the 1960s = 10 Years, 52 Issues, 729 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1960 = 6 Issues, 81 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1961 = 5 Issues, 57 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1962 = 6 Issues, 67 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1963 = 6 Issues, 71 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1964 = 5 Issues, 66 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1965 = 6 Issues, 90 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1966 = 5 Issues, 89 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 75 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1968 = 5 Issues, 66 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1969 = 4 Issues, 67 Articles
                              2. [+]
                                Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 55 Issues, 659 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1970 = 6 Issues, 99 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1971 = 5 Issues, 86 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1972 = 6 Issues, 78 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1973 = 5 Issues, 53 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1974 = 6 Issues, 68 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1975 = 6 Issues, 65 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1976 = 5 Issues, 55 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1977 = 5 Issues, 49 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1978 = 6 Issues, 54 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1979 = 5 Issues, 52 Articles
                                                  2. [+]
                                                    Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 51 Issues, 461 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1980 = 6 Issues, 60 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1981 = 4 Issues, 35 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1982 = 6 Issues, 59 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1983 = 4 Issues, 42 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1984 = 6 Issues, 56 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1985 = 3 Issues, 31 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1986 = 6 Issues, 52 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1987 = 6 Issues, 47 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1988 = 5 Issues, 33 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1989 = 5 Issues, 46 Articles
                                                                      2. [+]
                                                                        Issues of the 1990s = 3 Years, 13 Issues, 177 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1990 = 6 Issues, 65 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 1991 = 4 Issues, 46 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 1992 = 3 Issues, 66 Articles