The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Joyce P. Kaufman Archives
Joyce P. Kaufman •ï¿½3 Items / 1 Book, 2 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Arms Control in Process (5 Reviews)
    The Future of Strategic Deterrence, by Christoph Bertram
    1. The Future of Strategic Deterrence by Christoph Bertram
    2. Arms Control and East-West Relations by Philip Towle
    3. Arms Control by Richard F. Staar
    4. Nuclear Weapons in Europe by Andrew J. Pierre
    5. Nuclear Strategy, Arms Control, and the Future by P. Edward Haley, David M. Keithly, and Jack Merritt, ...
    Problems of Communism, January 1987, pp. 71-77
  2. [+]
    International Relations (2 Reviews)
    Allies in Crisis, by Elizabeth D. Sherwood
    1. Allies in Crisis by Elizabeth D. Sherwood
    2. The Western Alliance After INF by Michael R. Lucas
    American Political Science Review, June 1991, p. 695
  3. NATO in the 1980s (1985)
    Challenges and Responses
    1 Review
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