The Unz Review •ï¿½An Alternative Media Selection$
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
Orbis Archives
Orbis •ï¿½38 Years, 147 Issues, 3,063 Articles, 35,810pp
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  1. [+]
    Issues of the 1960s = 7 Years, 27 Issues, 712 Articles
    1. [+]
      Issues of 1963 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
      1. [+]
        Issues of 1964 = 3 Issues, 70 Articles
        1. [+]
          Issues of 1965 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
          1. [+]
            Issues of 1966 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
            1. [+]
              Issues of 1967 = 4 Issues, 125 Articles
              1. [+]
                Issues of 1968 = 4 Issues, 111 Articles
                1. [+]
                  Issues of 1969 = 4 Issues, 114 Articles
                2. [+]
                  Issues of the 1970s = 10 Years, 40 Issues, 972 Articles
                  1. [+]
                    Issues of 1970 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                    1. [+]
                      Issues of 1971 = 4 Issues, 103 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Spring 1971 Issue = 34 Articles
                        1. Reflections on the Quarter, pp. 5-12
                        2. Technology and International Politics by William R. Kintner and Harvey Sicherman, pp. 13-27
                        3. Organizing Nations in the 1970's by Philip E. Jacob, pp. 28-52
                        4. The Perilous Conjuncture by Barry Goldwater, pp. 53-64
                        5. The Course of Soviet Foreign Policy and Soviet-American Relations in the 1970's by Hubert H. Humphrey, pp. 65-71
                        6. An American View of Soviet Foreign Policy in the 1970's by Foy D. Kohler, pp. 72-86
                        7. The USSR by Stefan Possony, pp. 87-103
                        8. Soviet Policy Toward the Third World in the 1970's by Alvin Z. Rubinstein, pp. 104-117
                        9. The Sino-Soviet Relationship and the United States by Harry G. Gelber, pp. 118-133
                        10. American Foreign Policy on the Threshold of the 1970's by G.A. Arbatov, pp. 134-153
                        11. NATO and European Security by Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., pp. 154-177
                        12. Tactical Nuclear Weapons and U.S. Military Strategy by Samuel T. Cohen, pp. 178-193
                        13. Arms Control in the 1970's by James E. Dougherty, pp. 194-217
                        14. Some Fundamental Problems of Arms Control and National Security by Donald G. Brennan, pp. 218-231
                        15. U.S. Foreign Economic Policy by Benjamin J. Cohen, pp. 232-246
                        16. Military Assistance and the Nixon Doctrine by Robert Jefferson Wood, pp. 247-274
                        17. Toward the 1980's by Morton A. Kaplan, pp. 275-282
                        18. Scholarship and the Real World of the Policymaker by Charles Burton Marshall, pp. 283-291
                        19. Canada by John W. Holmes, pp. 292-304
                        20. Regionalism Directly for Development in Latin America by Covey T. Oliver, pp. 305-314
                        21. Marxism in Chile by David C. Jordan, pp. 315-337
                        22. Japan's Future World Role and Japanese-American Relations by Kazushige Hirasawa, pp. 338-350
                        23. Alternative Futures for South Asia and United States Policy by Norman D. Palmer, pp. 351-380
                        24. Alternative Futures for Southeast Asia and United States Policy by Frank N. Trager, pp. 381-402
                        25. Soviet-American Relations and the Middle East Crisis by Michael Curtis, pp. 403-427
                        26. the "Back Burner" Revisited by Ross K. Baker, pp. 428-447
                        27. [+]
                          Politics History Economics, pp. 448-449 - 12 Reviews
                          1. Alliance in International Politics by Julian R. Friedman, Christopher Bladen, and Steven Rosen, ...
                          2. Alliances by Francis A. Beer
                          3. Concepts of International Politics by Abdul Aziz Said and Charles O. Lerche
                          4. Contending Theories of International Relations by James E. Dougherty and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., ...
                          5. Democracy by Dorothy M. Pickles
                          6. The Future of the International Legal Order, Vol. II by Richard A. Falk and Cyril E. Black
                          7. How Nations Behave by Louis Henkin
                          8. Impact of New Technologies on the Arms Race by Bernard Taub Feld, G.W. Greenwood, and G.W. Rathjens, ...
                          9. International Law and the Social Sciences by Wesley L. Gould and Michael Barkun
                          10. The Logic of Images in International Relations by Robert Jervis
                          11. Peace and Counterpeace: From Wilson to Hitler by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
                          12. Soldiers Without Enemies by Larry L. Fabian
                        28. [+]
                          United States, p. 450 - 8 Reviews
                          1. America the Dutiful by Philip W. Quigg
                          2. The Mexican-American People by Leo Grebler, Joan W. Moore, and Ralph C. Guzman
                          3. Off Course: From Truman to Nixon by Rexford G. Tugwell
                          4. The Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy Making by Douglas M. Fox
                          5. The President Steps Down by George Christian
                          6. Promises to Keep by Chester Bowles
                          7. Racial Influences on American Foreign Policy by George W. Shepherd, Jr.
                          8. Roots of Involvement by Marvin L. Kalb and Elie Abel
                        29. [+]
                          Western Europe and the Atlantic Community, pp. 451-452 - 12 Reviews
                          1. The Appeal of Fascism by Alastair Hamilton
                          2. Britain in the Nineteen Thirties by Noreen Branson and Margot Heinemann
                          3. Deterrence and Persuasion by Wolf Mendl
                          4. Eagles on the Crescent by Frank G. Weber
                          5. Europe's Would-be Polity by Leon N. Lindberg and Stuart A. Scheingold
                          6. A Foreign Policy for Europe? by Gordon L. Weil
                          7. Germany's Drive to the East and the Ukrainian Revolution, 1917-1918 by Oleh S. Fedyshyn
                          8. National Interests and the Multinational Enterprise by Jack N. Behrman
                          9. The Place of Fascism In European History by Gilbert Allardyce
                          10. The Political Influence of the British Monarchy, 1868-1952 by Frank Hardie
                          11. The Rebirth of Europe by Walter Laqueur
                          12. Student Politics in France by A. Belden Fields
                        30. [+]
                          Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, p. 453 - 8 Reviews
                          1. COMECON by R.E.H. Mellor
                          2. The Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe by Richard F. Staar
                          3. The Czechoslovak Experiment, 1968-1969 by Ivan Svitak
                          4. Planning for Economic Growth in the Soviet Union, 1918-1932 by Eugene Zaleski
                          5. Politics and History in the Soviet Union by Nancy Whittier Heer
                          6. Russia and the Mediterranean, 1797-1807 by Norman E. Saul
                          7. Russian Revolution of 1917 by Dimitri Sergius Von Mohrenschildt
                          8. The Soviet Union and Arms Control by Roman Kolkowicz, Matthew P. Gallagher, and Benjamin S. Lambeth, ...
                        31. [+]
                          Middle East and Africa, p. 454 - 7 Reviews
                          1. Founding Fathers of Israel by Gershon Winer
                          2. Freedom and Socialism/Uhuru na Ujamaa by Julius K. Nyerere
                          3. Israel, A Society in Transition by Dan V. Segre
                          4. Middle Eastern Political Systems by Dankwart A. Rustow
                          5. Planning for Development in Libya by Rawle Farley
                          6. Turkish Economic, Social, and Political Change by Edwin J. Cohn
                          7. The United States Response to Turkish Nationalism and Reform, 1914-1939 by Roger R. Trask
                        32. [+]
                          East Asia and the Pacific, p. 455 - 7 Reviews
                          1. Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific by Charles Osborne
                          2. The Economic Development of Thai Agriculture by Thomas H. Silcock
                          3. The Political Economy of Communist China by Jan S. Prybyla
                          4. The Politics of Nepal by Leo E. Rose and Margaret W. Fisher
                          5. The Politics of Pakistan by Richard S. Wheeler
                          6. Postwar Development of the Republic of Vietnam by Joint Development Group Postwar Planning Group, ...
                          7. Traditional China by James T.C. Liu and Wei-ming Tu
                        33. [+]
                          Latin America, pp. 456-457 - 6 Reviews
                          1. Crucifixion by Power by Richard Newbold Adams
                          2. Economic Development of Latin America by Celso Furtado
                          3. From Columbus to Castro by Eric Williams
                          4. Political Groups in Chile by Ben G. Burnett
                          5. Student Politics in Chile by Frank Bonilla and Myron Glazer
                          6. The United States and the Caribbean by Tad Szulc
                        34. Contributors to this Issue, pp. 458-466
                      2. [+]
                        Summer 1971 Issue = 21 Articles
                        1. Reflections on the Quarter, pp. 467-484
                        2. Technology, Western Europe's Alternative Futures, and American Policy by Victor Basiuk, pp. 485-506
                        3. A Political Interpretation of the Technology Gap Dispute by Henry R. Nau, pp. 507-527
                        4. Stable Deterrence by J.H. Kahan, pp. 528-543
                        5. The Operations Side of Foreign Policy by Roy M. Melbourne, pp. 544-560
                        6. A Cautious Verdict in Moscow by Sidney I. Ploss, pp. 561-575
                        7. Brezhnev by Paul A. Smith, Jr., pp. 576-608
                        8. The Great Purges and "the Prague Spring" by Barbara Jancar, pp. 609-624
                        9. Changing East-West Relations in Europe by Dennis L. Bark, pp. 625-642
                        10. Soviet Policy in Latin America Since Khrushchev by W. Raymond Duncan, pp. 643-669
                        11. The Law of the Sea and U.S. Policy Initiatives by Ann L. Hollick, pp. 670-686
                        12. [+]
                          The Wailing Wall, or a Pan-American Tragedy in Two Acts by Arthur P. Whitaker, pp. 687-696 - 2 Reviews
                          1. The Alliance That Lost its Way by Jerome I. Levinson and Juan de Onis
                          2. The Containment of Latin America by David Green
                        13. Eastern Europe, a Battleground by Vladimir Petrov, pp. 697-706
                        14. [+]
                          Concepts and Terms in International Relations by Ronald R. Pope, pp. 707-708 - 1 Review
                          1. The International Relations Dictionary by Jack C. Plano and Roy Olton
                        15. [+]
                          Politics History Economics, pp. 709-711 - 25 Reviews
                          1. Analyzing Foreign Policy by Roy E. Jones
                          2. Appearance and Reality in International Relations by Grant Hugo
                          3. Comparative Government by S.E. Finer
                          4. A Comparative Study of Party Organization by William E. Wright
                          5. Developing the Third World by Ronald Robinson
                          6. The End of Glory by Laurence Lafore
                          7. Foreign Trade in the Economic Development of Small Nations by Charles R. Gibson
                          8. Ideology by John Plamenatz
                          9. Imperialism by George Lichtheim
                          10. Legal Limits on the Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons by Ann Van Wynen Thomas and A.J. Thomas, Jr.
                          11. National Interest by Joseph Frankel
                          12. 1919: Red Mirage~~Nineteen-Nineteen: Red Mirage by David Mitchell
                          13. On Historical and Political Knowing by Morton A. Kaplan
                          14. Political Power, Community and Democracy by Edward Keynes and David M. Ricci
                          15. The Politics of Disorder by Theodore J. Lowi
                          16. Polyarchy by Robert A. Dahl
                          17. The Process of International Organization by Robert S. Wood
                          18. The Reality of Foreign Aid by Willard L. Thorp
                          19. Requiem for Democracy? by Lewis M. Andrews and Marvin Karlins
                          20. Self-Determination and History in the Third World by David C. Gordon
                          21. The Study of Coalition Behavior by Sven Groennings, E.W. Kelley, and Michael Leiserson, ...
                          22. The Theory and Practice of Neutrality in the Twentieth Century by Roderick Ogley
                          23. The United Nations in International Politics by Leon Gordenker
                          24. Untangling the Cold War by William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani
                          25. World Politics in Our Time by David C. Jordan
                        16. [+]
                          United States, pp. 712-713 - 10 Reviews
                          1. After Vietnam by Robert W. Gregg and Charles W. Kegley, Jr.
                          2. America and Russia in a Changing World by W. Averell Harriman
                          3. The Challenge to U.S. Dominance of the International Corporation by Rainer Hellmann
                          4. The Cuban Missile Crisis by Robert A. Divine
                          5. From the Crash to the Blitz: 1929-1939 by Cabell Phillips
                          6. The Higher Realism of Woodrow Wilson, and Other Essays by Arthur S. Link
                          7. Hopes and Fears of the American People by Albert Hadley Cantril and Charles W. Roll, Jr., ...
                          8. Legislative Liaison by Abraham Holtzman
                          9. A New U.S. Policy Toward China by A. Doak Barnett
                          10. The Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy Making by Douglas M. Fox
                        17. [+]
                          Western Europe, p. 714 - 4 Reviews
                          1. Germany and the Management of Detente by Philip Windsor
                          2. Mussolini's Gadfly: Roberto Farinacci by Harry Fornari
                          3. Spain by Richard Herr
                          4. The Transnational Business Collaboration among Common Market Countries by Werner J. Feld
                        18. [+]
                          Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, pp. 714-715 - 8 Reviews
                          1. The Behavioral Revolution and Communist Studies by Roger E. Kanet
                          2. Economic Warfare in the Communist Bloc by Robert Owen Freedman
                          3. Fifty Years of Communism by Geoffrey F. Hudson
                          4. The Masaryk Case by Claire Sterling
                          5. The Net Cost of Soviet Foreign Aid by James Richard Carter
                          6. Russia, China, and the West by Isaac Deutscher and Fred Halliday
                          7. The Soviet Experience by Daniel R. Brower
                          8. Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930 by Antony C. Sutton
                        19. [+]
                          Middle East and Africa, p. 716 - 7 Reviews
                          1. Central Africa: The Former British States by Lewis H. Gann
                          2. Economic Productivity in Israel by A.L. Gaathon
                          3. Egypt Under Nasir by R. Hrair Dekmejian
                          4. Ethiopia: The Modernization of Autocracy by Robert L. Hess
                          5. Middle Eastern Oil and the Western World by Sam H. Schurr and Paul T. Homan
                          6. The Middle East Supply Centre by Martin W. Wilmington and Laurence Evans
                          7. Protestant Diplomacy and the Near East by Joseph L. Grabill
                        20. [+]
                          East Asia and the Pacific, pp. 717-720 - 10 Reviews
                          1. China and Russia: The Great Game by O. Edmund Clubb
                          2. China in Ferment by Richard Baum and Louise B. Bennett
                          3. China Trade Prospects and U.S. Policy by Jerome Alan Cohen, Robert F. Dernberger, and John R. Garson, ...
                          4. The Chinese Road to Socialism by Edward L. Wheelwright and Bruce McFarlane
                          5. Conflict in Laos by Arthur J. Dommen
                          6. Japan's Postwar Defense Policy, 1947-1968 by Martin E. Weinstein
                          7. Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia by George McTurnan Kahin
                          8. Pakistan and the Great Powers by Mohammed Ahsen Chaudhri
                          9. Remaking China Policy by Richard Moorsteen and Morton Abramowitz
                          10. The Taiping Rebellion by Franz Michael and Chung-Li Chang
                        21. Contributors to this Issue, pp. 721-727
                      3. [+]
                        Fall 1971 Issue = 23 Articles
                        1. Reflections on the Quarter, pp. 733-754
                        2. The President's Right to Go Abroad by Elmer Plischke, pp. 755-783
                        3. The American Military Presence in Europe by John Yochelson, pp. 784-807
                        4. Ideological Dimensions of the New China Policy by Gerhart Niemeyer, pp. 808-817
                        5. Viet Nam and U.S. Diplomacy, 1940-1970 by Paul M. Kattenburg, pp. 818-841
                        6. Alternative Futures in the Cuban Revolution by Desmond P. Wilson, Jr., pp. 842-855
                        7. Appraising the Ostpolitik by Lawrence L. Whetten, pp. 856-878
                        8. Nongovernmental Entitites and the International System by Werner Feld, pp. 879-922
                        9. Puerto Rico by Juan M. Garcia-Passalacqua, pp. 923-942
                        10. Supervision, Control and Inspection of Armaments by Richard Dean Burns, pp. 943-952
                        11. Prime Minister Olof Palme of Sweden by Henry J. Abraham, pp. 953-962
                        12. Foreign Aid and Voting Behavior in the United Nations by Samuel J. Bernstein and Eugene J. Alpert, pp. 963-977
                        13. [+]
                          Japan by Philip Van Slyck, pp. 978-982 - 2 Reviews
                          1. The Emerging Japanese Superstate by Herman Kahn
                          2. The Japanese Challenge by Robert Guillain
                        14. The Fifth Republic, 1958-1962 by Simon Serfaty, pp. 983-994
                        15. [+]
                          Morality and Power Politics in the Middle East by Allan C. Brownfeld, pp. 995-997 - 1 Review
                          1. The Dilemma of Israel by Harry B. Ellis
                        16. [+]
                          Politics History Economics, p. 998 - 10 Reviews
                          1. American and Soviet Aid by Robert S. Walters
                          2. Columbia Essays in International Affairs by Andrew W. Cordier
                          3. Do you Sincerely Want to be Rich? by Charles Raw, Bruce Page, and Godfrey Hodgson
                          4. Economic Sanctions and International Enforcement by Margaret P. Doxey
                          5. The Fourth Dimension of Warfare by Michael Elliott-Bateman
                          6. Gunboat Diplomacy by James Cable
                          7. Nuclear Diplomacy by George H. Quester
                          8. The Politics of Ecosuicide by Leslie L. Roos, Jr.
                          9. Soviet and American Policies in the United Nations by Alvin Z. Rubinstein and George Ginsburgs
                          10. The Statesman's Year-Book by John Paxton
                        17. [+]
                          United States, p. 999 - 5 Reviews
                          1. Fragments of My Fleece by Dean Acheson
                          2. Sovereignty at Bay by Raymond Vernon
                          3. U.S. Troops in Europe by John Newhouse, Melvin Croan, and Edward R. Fried, ...
                          4. The Vanity of Power by John Milton Cooper, Jr.
                          5. The Vantage Point by Lyndon Baines Johnson
                        18. [+]
                          Western Europe and Atlantic Community, p. 1000 - 6 Reviews
                          1. Cooperation in Europe by Johan Galtung and Sverre Lodgaard
                          2. Europe and America by W. Randolph Burgess and James Robert Huntley
                          3. German-Polish Relations, 1918-1933 by Harald von Riekhoff
                          4. The German Rearmament Question by Robert McGeehan
                          5. The Modern Netherlands by Frank E. Huggett
                          6. Switzerland: From Roman Times to the Present by William Martin
                        19. [+]
                          Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, pp. 1001-1002 - 6 Reviews
                          1. The Battle Stalin Lost by Vladimir Dedijer
                          2. The Conduct of Soviet Foreign Policy by Erik P. Hoffmann and Frederic J. Fleron, Jr.
                          3. Czechoslovakia and the Absolute Monopoly of Power by Barbara Wolfe Jancar
                          4. Icon and Swastika by Harvey Fireside
                          5. Modernization and Diversity in Soviet Education by Jaan Pennar, Ivan I. Bakalo, and George Z.F. Bereday, ...
                          6. Soviet Nationality Problems by Edward Allworth
                        20. [+]
                          Middle East and Africa, p. 1003 - 11 Reviews
                          1. The Arab Cold War, 1958-1964 by Malcolm H. Kerr
                          2. Bridge Across the Bosphorus by Ferenc A. Vali
                          3. The Cameroon Federal Republic by Victor T. Le Vine
                          4. Liberia: Black Africa in Microcosm by Charles Morrow Wilson
                          5. The Middle East: A Handbook by Michael Adams
                          6. Middle East Record: 1967 by Daniel Dishon
                          7. The Middle East Today by Don Peretz
                          8. Rural Politics in Nasser's Egypt by James B. Mayfield
                          9. Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins
                          10. Spear and Scepter by Ernest W. Lefever
                          11. Understanding the Middle East by Joe E. Pierce
                        21. [+]
                          East Asia and the Pacific, pp. 1004-1005 - 14 Reviews
                          1. Communism and Nationalism in India by John Patrick Haithcox
                          2. The Cultural Revolution in China by Thomas W. Robinson
                          3. Gandhi: His Relevance for Our Times by G. Ramachandran and T.K. Mahadevan
                          4. The Great Moghuls by Bamber Gascoigne
                          5. Ideology and Practice by James Chieh Hsiung
                          6. India's Green Revolution by Francine R. Frankel
                          7. Indonesia is A Happening by Christopher Lucas
                          8. Indonesia: The Possible Dream by Howard Palfrey Jones
                          9. In Search of Southeast Asia by David Joel Steinberg
                          10. Nepal: Strategy for Survival by Leo E. Rose
                          11. Readings in Modern Chinese History by Immanuel Chung-yueh Hsu
                          12. Taiwan and American Policy by Jerome Alan Cohen, Edward Friedman, and Harold C. Hinton, ...
                          13. Towards an Integrated Society by Tarlok Singh
                          14. Understanding China: An Assessment of American Scholarly Resources by John M.H. Lindbeck
                        22. [+]
                          Latin America, pp. 1006-1009 - 4 Reviews
                          1. Latin American Legislatures: Their Role and Influence by Weston H. Agor
                          2. The Military in Politics by Alfred C. Stepan
                          3. The Political Elite in Argentina by Julio A. Fernandez
                          4. The Political System of Brazil by Ronald M. Schneider
                        23. Contributors to this Issue, pp. 1010-1015
                      4. [+]
                        Winter 1971 Issue = 25 Articles
                        1. Reflections on the Quarter, pp. 805-818
                        2. Is United States Foreign Policy Being Militarized? by Charles Wolf, Jr., pp. 819-828
                        3. The Tariff Preference by Sherman E. Katz, pp. 829-849
                        4. Planning for Likely Wars by Reuben S. Nathan, pp. 850-867
                        5. African Modernization and International Institutiosn by Kenneth J. Twitchett, pp. 868-890
                        6. The Trahison des Adultes by J.H. Huizinga, pp. 891-910
                        7. Space Age Geopolitics by Francis X. Kane, pp. 911-933
                        8. Three Views of Latin America by John W. Sloan, pp. 934-950
                        9. The CEP Claims, U.S. Tuna Tishing and Inter-American Relations by Bobbie B. Smetherman and Robert M. Smetherman, ..., pp. 951-972
                        10. Party Politics and Japan's Policy toward Communist China by George P. Jan, pp. 973-991
                        11. The Role of Buddhism in the Overthrow of Diem by Edwin F. Black, pp. 992-1011
                        12. U.S. Intervention in Nicaragua, 1927-1933 by John J. Tierney, Jr., pp. 1012-1028
                        13. [+]
                          The Ingredients of Chinese Foreign Policy by Hammond Rolph, pp. 1029-1032 - 1 Review
                          1. Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy by Peter Van Ness
                        14. [+]
                          Weapons and Security by Harland B. Moulton, pp. 1033-1036 - 1 Review
                          1. Arms Beyond Doubt by Ralph E. Lapp
                        15. [+]
                          The Arms Race and Defense Spending by Benson D. Adams, pp. 1037-1043 - 2 Reviews
                          1. Race to Oblivion by Herbert F. York
                          2. What Price Vigilance? by Bruce M. Russett
                        16. [+]
                          Canadian Crisis Diplomacy by Edward P. Moxon-Browne, pp. 1044-1048 - 1 Review
                          1. Canada and Three Crises by Robert W. Reford
                        17. [+]
                          Politics History Economics, pp. 1049-1050 - 9 Reviews
                          1. Building Cooperative Movements in Developing Countries by Konrad Engelmann
                          2. Confrontation and Intervention in the Modern World by Urs Schwarz
                          3. From Trust to Terror by Herbert Feis
                          4. The League of Nations and the Great Powers by James Barros
                          5. A Modern Introduction to International Law by Michael Akehurst
                          6. The Reluctant Door by Leif Kr Tobiassen
                          7. Revolution by Peter Calvert
                          8. The Theory of International Relations by Murray G. Forsyth, H.M.A. Keens-Soper, and P. Savigear, ...
                          9. UN Protection of Civil and Political Rights by John Carey
                        18. [+]
                          United States, p. 1051 - 5 Reviews
                          1. The American Spirit by Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
                          2. The Consent of the Governed by John C. Livingston and Robert C. Thompson
                          3. The Peace Corps by Robert G. Carey
                          4. Puerto Rico by Kal Wagenheim
                          5. Recognition of Russia by Edward M. Bennett
                        19. [+]
                          Western Europe, pp. 1051-1052 - 7 Reviews
                          1. The Economy of Sweden by Martin Schnitzer
                          2. The European Challenge by Louis Armand and Michel Drancourt
                          3. The German Dictatorship by Karl Dietrich Bracher
                          4. Italy Chooses Europe by F. Roy Willis
                          5. The Rebirth of Europe by Walter Laqueur
                          6. Spain by Robert G. Colodny
                          7. The World of the French Revolution by Robert Roswell Palmer
                        20. [+]
                          Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, p. 1053 - 4 Reviews
                          1. Poland by Vaclav L. Benes and Norman J.G. Pounds
                          2. Romania: A Profile by Ian M. Matley
                          3. The Soviet Union by Elisabeth Koutaissoff
                          4. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by George Schopflin
                        21. [+]
                          Middle East and Africa, p. 1053 - 7 Reviews
                          1. Cromer in Egypt by John Marlowe
                          2. Foundations of British Policy in the Arab World by Aaron S. Klieman
                          3. Government and Power in West Africa by Robert S. Jordan
                          4. Islam: A Way of Life by Philip K. Hitti
                          5. Libyan Independence and the United Nations by Adrian Pelt
                          6. The Maghreb in the Modern World by Samir Amin
                          7. The Middle East in Revolution by Humphrey Trevelyan
                        22. [+]
                          East Asia and the Pacific, pp. 1054-1055 - 13 Reviews
                          1. A Concise Economic History of Modern China, 1840-1961 by Frank H.H. King
                          2. Himalayan Frontiers by Dorothy Woodman
                          3. The Impact of Chinese Secret Societies in Malaya by Wilfred Blythe
                          4. Mao Papers: Anthology and Bibliography by Jerome Ch'en and Zedong Mao
                          5. The Road From War by Robert Shaplen
                          6. Southeast Asia Tomorrow by Melvin Gurtov
                          7. South Vietnam
                          8. Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45 by Barbara W. Tuchman
                          9. The United States and China by A. Doak Barnett and Edwin O. Reischauer
                          10. United States Policy Toward Vietnam, 1940-1945 by Edward Drachman
                          11. The Vietnam War and International Law by Richard A. Falk
                          12. War, Peace, and the Viet Cong by Douglas Pike
                          13. While China Faced West by James C. Thomson, Jr.
                        23. [+]
                          Latin America, pp. 1056-1059 - 5 Reviews
                          1. Communist China and Latin America, 1959-1967 by Cecil Johnson
                          2. The Development of the Colombian Labor Movement by Miguel Urrutia
                          3. An Inter-American Peace Force Within the Framework of the Organization of American States by James R. Jose
                          4. The Soviet Union and Latin America by J. Gregory Oswald and Anthony J. Strover
                          5. United States Policy Toward Latin America by R. Harrison Wagner
                        24. Contributors to this Issue, pp. 1060-1067
                        25. Index to Volume XIV, pp. 1068-1074
                    2. [+]
                      Issues of 1972 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                      1. [+]
                        Issues of 1973 = 4 Issues, 101 Articles
                        1. [+]
                          Issues of 1974 = 4 Issues, 107 Articles
                          1. [+]
                            Issues of 1975 = 4 Issues, 117 Articles
                            1. [+]
                              Issues of 1976 = 4 Issues, 95 Articles
                              1. [+]
                                Issues of 1977 = 4 Issues, 76 Articles
                                1. [+]
                                  Issues of 1978 = 4 Issues, 94 Articles
                                  1. [+]
                                    Issues of 1979 = 4 Issues, 90 Articles
                                  2. [+]
                                    Issues of the 1980s = 10 Years, 36 Issues, 660 Articles
                                    1. [+]
                                      Issues of 1980 = 4 Issues, 69 Articles
                                      1. [+]
                                        Issues of 1981 = 4 Issues, 89 Articles
                                        1. [+]
                                          Issues of 1982 = 4 Issues, 98 Articles
                                          1. [+]
                                            Issues of 1983 = 4 Issues, 74 Articles
                                            1. [+]
                                              Issues of 1984 = 4 Issues, 70 Articles
                                              1. [+]
                                                Issues of 1985 = 4 Issues, 56 Articles
                                                1. [+]
                                                  Issues of 1986 = 1 Issue, 13 Articles
                                                  1. [+]
                                                    Issues of 1987 = 3 Issues, 47 Articles
                                                    1. [+]
                                                      Issues of 1988 = 4 Issues, 65 Articles
                                                      1. [+]
                                                        Issues of 1989 = 4 Issues, 79 Articles
                                                      2. [+]
                                                        Issues of the 1990s = 9 Years, 36 Issues, 619 Articles
                                                        1. [+]
                                                          Issues of 1990 = 4 Issues, 74 Articles
                                                          1. [+]
                                                            Issues of 1991 = 4 Issues, 78 Articles
                                                            1. [+]
                                                              Issues of 1992 = 4 Issues, 82 Articles
                                                              1. [+]
                                                                Issues of 1993 = 4 Issues, 78 Articles
                                                                1. [+]
                                                                  Issues of 1994 = 4 Issues, 70 Articles
                                                                  1. [+]
                                                                    Issues of 1995 = 4 Issues, 63 Articles
                                                                    1. [+]
                                                                      Issues of 1996 = 4 Issues, 60 Articles
                                                                      1. [+]
                                                                        Issues of 1997 = 4 Issues, 61 Articles
                                                                        1. [+]
                                                                          Issues of 1999 = 4 Issues, 53 Articles
                                                                        2. [+]
                                                                          Issues of the 2000s = 2 Years, 8 Issues, 100 Articles
                                                                          1. [+]
                                                                            Issues of 2000 = 4 Issues, 49 Articles
                                                                            1. [+]
                                                                              Issues of 2001 = 4 Issues, 51 Articles