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Wesley L. Gould Archives
Wesley L. Gould •ï¿½9 Items / 4 Books, 5 Reviews
International Law and the Social Sciences (1970)
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Published Reviews
  1. Books Received
    Politics History Economics (12 Reviews)
    Alliance in International Politics, by Julian R. Friedman, Christopher Bladen, and Stev...
    1. Alliance in International Politics by Julian R. Friedman, Christopher Bladen, and Steven Rosen, ...
    2. Alliances by Francis A. Beer
    3. Concepts of International Politics by Abdul Aziz Said and Charles O. Lerche
    4. Contending Theories of International Relations by James E. Dougherty and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr., ...
    5. Democracy by Dorothy M. Pickles
    6. The Future of the International Legal Order, Vol. II by Richard A. Falk and Cyril E. Black
    7. How Nations Behave by Louis Henkin
    8. Impact of New Technologies on the Arms Race by Bernard Taub Feld, G.W. Greenwood, and G.W. Rathjens, ...
    9. International Law and the Social Sciences by Wesley L. Gould and Michael Barkun
    10. The Logic of Images in International Relations by Robert Jervis
    11. Peace and Counterpeace: From Wilson to Hitler by Hamilton Fish Armstrong
    12. Soldiers Without Enemies by Larry L. Fabian
    Orbis, Spring 1971, pp. 448-449
  2. [+]
    Recent Books on International Relations (20 Reviews)
    General: Political and Legal
    1. Truth and Power by Hans J. Morgenthau
    2. From Trust to Terror by Herbert Feis
    3. Future Shock by Alvin Toffler
    4. The Last of the Giants by C.L. Sulzberger
    5. Struggles in the State by George Armstrong Kelly and Clifford W. Brown, Jr., ...
    6. The Ruler's Imperative by W. Howard Wriggins
    7. UN: The First Twenty-Five Years, 1960-1967 by Clark M. Eichelberger
    8. The New Nations in the United Nations, 1960-1967 by David A. Kay
    9. The Logic of Images in International Relations by Robert Jervis
    10. The Pathology of Leadership by Hugh L'Etang
    11. Boundaries by Robert Jay Lifton
    12. Prison Journals of a Priest Revolutionary by Philip Berrigan and Vincent McGee
    13. The Confession by Arthur London
    14. Political Conflict by Morris Janowitz
    15. Exercises in Diplomacy by Percy C. Spender
    16. National Interests and the Multinational Enterprise by Jack N. Behrman
    17. International Law and the Social Sciences by Wesley L. Gould and Michael Barkun
    18. The New International Actors by Carol Ann Cosgrove and Kenneth J. Twitchett
    19. The International Regulation of Frontier Disputes by Evan Luard
    20. The International Labour Organisation by G.A. Johnston
    Foreign Affairs, January 1971, pp. 355-356