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Francis J. Gavin Archives
Francis J. Gavin •ï¿½6 Items / 1 Book, 1 Article, 4 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    Acheson, Nixon, and the Politics of Deception (2 Reviews)
    A Tangled Web, by William Bundy
    1. A Tangled Web by William Bundy
    2. Acheson by James Chace
    Orbis, Spring 1999, pp. 336-342
  2. Review Essays
    Choosing Tragedy in Vietnam (2 Reviews)
    American Tragedy, by David E. Kaiser
    1. American Tragedy by David E. Kaiser
    2. Choosing War by Fredrik Logevall
    Orbis, Winter 2001, pp. 135-140
  3. [+]
    Economists to the Rescue (3 Reviews)
    Toward a New International Financial Architecture, by Barry Eichengreen
    1. Toward a New International Financial Architecture by Barry Eichengreen
    2. The Return of Depression Economics by Paul Krugman
    3. Money on the Move by Robert Solomon
    Orbis, Spring 2000, pp. 324-332
  4. Gold, Dollars, and Power (2004)
    The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958-1971
    1 Review
  5. Economic Myths Explained
    The Legends of Bretton Woods
    Orbis, Spring 1996, pp. 183-198
  6. [+]
    The Wilsonian Legacy in the Twentieth Century (5 Reviews)
    The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson, by David M. Esposito
    1. The Legacy of Woodrow Wilson by David M. Esposito
    2. The Wilsonian Impulse by Mary N. Hampton
    3. To End All Wars by Thomas J. Knock
    4. Modernity and Power by Frank Ninkovich
    5. America's Mission by Tony Smith
    Orbis, Fall 1997, pp. 628-641
  7. No Items Found