Powerpoint of Mancom
Powerpoint of Mancom
Powerpoint of Mancom
Phil IRI Result in English and Filipino
Result of Phil IRI in English for sec
Result of Phil IRI in Filipino for sec
Reading Immersion Program of the School shall be
SBM Update
Emmalyn Guevarra
Monthly monitoring of schools for at least 30
schools for SBM
SBM Coaching and Monitoring sessions will be
ESIP Appraisal will commence on the third or
fourth week of February 2023
SBM Level of practice reflect the School’s
provision of needs of the learner
Presentation of SBM Level of practice per sub-
office shall be based on the number of schools
under level 1, 2, & 3
DepEd Order #1, s.2023
1. Water
2. Sanitation
3. Hygiene
4. Deworming
5. Health Education
Addendum to the Effectivity of DepEd Order No. 019
s. 2022
(The Department of Education Merit Selection Plan)
Jane Fuentes
Process on reclassification may be continued for Principals, HTs,
MTs and Teachers
School Heads shall update the School PSIPOP to identify the
Newly installed teacher sally start once the Form33 Appointment
has been signed by the SDS. First day of their service will be
based on their signed appointment
Applicant shall be the one to submit the requirements. Once the
documents are submitted in the SDO, the HRMO will start on
processing the appointment of the teachers Form 33 & PPF will
be printed in the SDO. Once it was signed, the applicant will now
report in the school for their first day of service.
Superintendent Hoar
Mam Susan DL Oribiana
She reminded everyone in signing the accountability as government employee
Everything that happen in the school must be known by School Head, where
decision making shall be considered in different aspects
• Majority will be benefitted
• Maximize our resources in long term situation
• More cheaper
School Head must have the copies of the As Built Plan of their school building
for reference
School shall submit 5 pictures for profiling of the schools
Different stakeholders provide support on providing learning
resources materials. Proper Orientation of Students and Parents
on the purpose & arrangements of the learning resource
Leave or Form 6 shall be submitted ahead of time before the
intended leave of absence
Clarification on the conduct of Fieldtrip has been explained.
No hatiran of School Heads Official turnover shall be done
through endorsing the documents, liquidation reports,
accountabilities which can be witnessed by the PSDSs
Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result
-Bob Proctor-
Memorandum Circular No. 2, s.1985
Guidelines on the Filing of Application for Vacation
Leave of Absence