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Phil IRI Result in English and Filipino
Result of Phil IRI in English for sec
Result of Phil IRI in Filipino for sec
 Reading Immersion Program of the School shall be

 Identify the students who need reading remediation and

intervention. School head & PSDS shall collaborate &
work on the reading program

 EPS Maam Lagustan & Maam Antonio shall do

monitoring of reading interventions and program more
often in San Mateo.
Learning Outcome Assessment Result

Maam April Dream Rabago

LOA Result of SMNHS
First Quarter Result of MPS

 School heads shall interpret the LOA Result and

identify learners for assistance or intervention
 Include the number of students reaching the
mastery level for next quarter LOA reporting
 EPS’s shall continuously monitor the schools
 Elementary School may collaborate with
secondary School in implementing learning Action
Cell Sessions on Numeracy Assessment &

SBM Update
Emmalyn Guevarra
 Monthly monitoring of schools for at least 30
schools for SBM
 SBM Coaching and Monitoring sessions will be
 ESIP Appraisal will commence on the third or
fourth week of February 2023
 SBM Level of practice reflect the School’s
provision of needs of the learner
 Presentation of SBM Level of practice per sub-
office shall be based on the number of schools
under level 1, 2, & 3
DepEd Order #1, s.2023

Revised Designation of Undersecretaries and

Assistant Secretaries to their Strands & Functional
Amendment of the following
DepEd Order
 DO #45, s.2022 Designating the Undersecretaries and
Assistant Secretaries to their Strands & Functional Areas of
 DO#46, s.2022 Amendment to DO#43,s.2022 Omnibus Travel
Guidelines for all Personnel in the Department of Education
 DO #42, s.2022 Delegation of Authority to the Undersecretary
Chief of Staff
 DO #23, s.2021 Revised Signing Authorities for
Admimnistrative and Financial Matters in the Department of
Organizational Strands of DepEd

 Curriculum & Teaching (CT)

 Human Resource & Development (HROD)
 Operations (OPS)
 School & Infrastructure & Facilities (SIF)
 Administration (Admin)
 Finance
 Procurement

 HRMO shall have revision on the forms used

adhering to
DO #1, s.2023

 Signing the correspondence and documents the

approving authority must keep in mind on the
Personal Movement
Reassignment and Transfer DepEd
Employees to another Unit/Office
Personal Foreign Travel
Application for
Leave and grant of Service Credits for
Service Credits
 The special order for the grant of service credits for
teachers shall be signed by the SDS upon
recommendation of the School Head. Please refer
to DepEd Order n. 53, s.2003 entitled Updated
Guidelines on Grants of Vacation Service Credits
to Teachers, with DepEd Order No. 84, s. 2003
entitled Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation
Service Credits to Teachers, and DepEd
memorandum No. 77, s. 2022 or the Computation
of Public School Teachers’ Proportional Vacation
Pay for SY 2021-2022.
Service credits may be granted for the following activities:
1. Services rendered during registration and election days as long as these
are mandated duties under existing laws;
2. Services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used
as evacuation centers;
3. Services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes
during the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular school
4. Services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year;
5. Services rendered during school sports competitions held outside of regular
school days;
6. Services rendered by those who train teachers in addition to their normal
teaching loads;
7. Teaching overload not compensated by honoraria;
8. Teaching in non-formal education classes in addition to teaching in formal
education classes carrying a normal teaching load;
9. Work done during regular school days if these are in addition to the normal
teaching load;
10. Conduct of testing activities held outside of school days; and
11. Attendance/participation in special DepEd projects and activities which are
short-term in duration such as English, Science and Math Mentors’
Training, curriculum writing workshop, planning workshop, etc., if such are
held during the summer vacation or during weekends.
A premium of 20% may be granted for educational activities (as opposed to non-
educational activities such as election duties, calamity assistance) which require
specialized expertise.
Activities Not Eligible for the Grant of
Service Credits
Service credits shall not be granted for the following activities:
1. In-service training programs fully funded by the government;
2. Assignment to clerical work, such as checking forms and finishing reports
commonly required in connection with the opening and closing of classes;
3. Reassignment of teachers to duty in another bureau or office; (detailed in
another government office)
4. Assignment in connection with exhibits at a fair;
5. Postponement of a regular teacher’s vacation; and
6. Time spent in travelling to and from station to the place where services are
Procedure in the Grant of Servicce
1. The following steps shall be followed in the grant of service credits:
a.1 Head of office/school recommends approval of request to render vacation service
a.2 Schools Division Superintendent approves/disapproves request
a.3 If reason for request is not among those listed above, request should be
forwarded to the Regional Director for action if activity is region-¬wide
and to the Central Office through the Regional Director if activity is DepEd-wide. For
attendance/participation in DepEd-wide programs and projects, the Central Office
shall make the necessary issuances on the grant of vacation service credits.
2. b. The following documents/requirements shall be accomplished/submitted
after completion of vacation service:
b.1 accomplishment report
b.2 duly signed DTR/CS Form 48
Strengthening Compliance to Wash in
Schools (WINS) Program in Basic Education

Dr. Mirasol Dimaano

Medical Officer II
DO #10, s.2016 Policy Guidelines on
(WINS) Program in Basic Education
Policy Objectives
1. Ensure correct knowledge & understanding among learners of effective
hygiene & sanitation project,
2. Improve equitable access to safe water, adequate toilets and hand
washing facilities.
3. Improve hygiene and sanitation practices among the learners to enable
them to develop life long positive hygiene & sanitation behavior.
4. Ensure that schools are kept clean & safe through school-based solid
waste management, proper drainage, the elimination of breeding
ground for mosquitoes to prevent vector-borne disease and strengthen,
food safety; and
5. Engage public & private partners for program implementation and
Five Crucial Indicators

1. Group Daily Hand washing Activity

2. Group Hand washing Facilities
3. Safe Drinking Water
4. Gender Segregated Toilets
5. Provision of Sanitary Pads
5 Key Areas of WINS

1. Water
2. Sanitation
3. Hygiene
4. Deworming
5. Health Education
Addendum to the Effectivity of DepEd Order No. 019
s. 2022
(The Department of Education Merit Selection Plan)

Jane Fuentes
 Process on reclassification may be continued for Principals, HTs,
MTs and Teachers
 School Heads shall update the School PSIPOP to identify the
 Newly installed teacher sally start once the Form33 Appointment
has been signed by the SDS. First day of their service will be
based on their signed appointment
 Applicant shall be the one to submit the requirements. Once the
documents are submitted in the SDO, the HRMO will start on
processing the appointment of the teachers Form 33 & PPF will
be printed in the SDO. Once it was signed, the applicant will now
report in the school for their first day of service.
Superintendent Hoar
Mam Susan DL Oribiana

 She reminded everyone in signing the accountability as government employee
 Everything that happen in the school must be known by School Head, where
decision making shall be considered in different aspects
• Majority will be benefitted
• Maximize our resources in long term situation
• More cheaper
 School Head must have the copies of the As Built Plan of their school building
for reference
 School shall submit 5 pictures for profiling of the schools
 Different stakeholders provide support on providing learning
resources materials. Proper Orientation of Students and Parents
on the purpose & arrangements of the learning resource
 Leave or Form 6 shall be submitted ahead of time before the
intended leave of absence
 Clarification on the conduct of Fieldtrip has been explained.
 No hatiran of School Heads Official turnover shall be done
through endorsing the documents, liquidation reports,
accountabilities which can be witnessed by the PSDSs
 Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result

-Bob Proctor-
Memorandum Circular No. 2, s.1985
Guidelines on the Filing of Application for Vacation
Leave of Absence

 Pursuant to the Civil Service Rules, leave of absence, for any

reason other than serious illness of an officer or employee or any
member of his family, must be contingent upon the needs of the
service. Hence, the grant of vacation leave is discretionary on
the part of the agency head or authority concerned. Thus, the
mere filing of such leave application does not entitle an officer or
employee to go on leave outright.
 An application for leave shall be properly cleared with the
immediate supervisor and the Director/Department Heads
concerned, who shall determine the contingency of the officer’s
and employee’s service. An employee who is absent without
approved leave shall not be entitled to receive his salary
corresponding to the period of his unauthorized leave of absence
but this absence shall not be deducted from his accredited leave
credits, if there are any.

 An application for leave of absence for thirty (30) days or more

shall be accompanied by a clearance. The Director concerned
shall see to it that the said clearance has been duly
recommended by the Division Chief concerned before approval
of such leave application or recommendation of the same to
higher authorities.
 The agency should notify in writing the employee, who is absent
without leave (AWOL) for thirty (30) days, to report within five (5)
days from receipt of notice, otherwise, he shall be dropped from
the rolls.
 All proposals for trips abroad of government officials and
employees including those which are classified as all expenses
free shall be submitted to the office of the President for final
 Before going on vacation leave of absence, the officer or
employee concerned shall see to it that his application for leave
was approved by proper authorities. The Personnel Officer or
other officer-in-charge thereof shall furnish the said officer or
employee with copy of his approved or disapproved application.
1. Application for vacation or sick leave for one full day or more
shall be made o this Form and to be accomplished at least in
2. Application for vacation leave shall be filed in advance or
whenever possible five (5) days before going on such leave.
3. Application for sick leave filed in advance, or exceeding five (5)
days shall be accompanied by a medical certificate. In case
medical consultation was not availed of, an affidavit should be
executed by the applicant.
4. An employee who is absent without approved leave shall not be
entitled to receive his salary corresponding to the period of his
unauthorized leave of absence,
5. An application for leave of absence for thirty (30) calendar days
or more shall be accompanied by a clearance from money and
property accountabilities.

Monitoring focus on Intervention given based on the Result of the

First Quarter Exam

Division Memorandum #20, s. 2023 with enclosure of procedure

status Report per PPAS & Status Report for School M&E

Note: Copy the Procedure on page 6&7

Documents to be prepared in
Monitoring for LOA Result
 DLL – Stipulated the different Strategies/Pedagogies used
 Intervention/Remediation – evidence that remediation or
intervention conducted
 Mean Result
 PPA – Action Plan
 Accomplishment Report
 Narrative Report/ List of Student needs remediation

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