Chapter 3 Unit 1 STS Courseware
Chapter 3 Unit 1 STS Courseware
Chapter 3 Unit 1 STS Courseware
Chapter Objectives
At the end of this chapter, the learners must be able
to link historical and philosophical concepts and their
respective impacts to the development of specific
S&T issues such as:
1. Information Age
2. Biodiversity and Health
3. Gene Therapy and Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMO’s)
4. Nanotechnology
5. Climate Change and Environmental Awareness
6. other current issues
Unit 1. Information Age
• discusses the development of the information age and its impact on society
• provides activities that illustrate how the social media and the information age have impacted our
Unit 2. Biodiversity and the Healthy Society
• determines the relationship of society, environment, and health
Unit 3. Gene Therapy and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
• describes gene therapy and its various forms
• discusses ethics and implications of GMOs and their potential future impacts
Unit 4. Nanotechnology
• determines the major impacts (both potential and realized) of Nanotechnology on society
• analyzes the issues through the conceptual STS lenses and issues are critiqued based on costs
and benefits to society
Unit 5. Climate Change and Environmental Awareness
• identifies the causes of climate change and assesses the various impacts of climate change
including economic, geopolitical, biological, meteorological, etc.
• Environmental awareness is inculcated to the students on the context of local, regional and
global efforts i.e. the international agreement among signatory countries of Cartagena Principle
which focuses on disaster preparedness
Unit 1: Information Age
This unit:
1. traces the development of the information
2. discusses its impact on society
3. illustrates how the social media and the
information age have impacted our lives
individually and the society as a whole
Intended Learning Outcomes:
• To date, these social-media platforms were just bought by one company owner to
another and were modified based on the dynamic needs of the users
• Development of the Discussion
information age from the • How is your life affected
discovery of printing by information age?
press to the creation of
social media platforms
have impacted our lives
individually and the
society as a whole.
• The impacts may be
beneficial or adverse
depending on how these
discoveries were used.
Activity 1
Unit 1. Exercise 1.0. Information Revolution: Its
Impact to Education
Watch the video entitled Information Revolution: Its
Impact to Education.
Prepare a short essay with not more than 1000 words
with the topic: “How Information Revolution affect my
learning process?”
Please use the attached Rubric for Short Essay as your
guide in preparing this activity.
Rubric for Short Essay
Activity 2
Unit 1. Exercise 2.0. Information Revolution: A Source of Joy and
• Watch the video entitled Information Revolution: Source of Joy
and Happiness. Form a group of 5 and pick a topic below that
your group need to defend in a debate:
• Information Revolution: A Source of Joy and Happiness in
Education (Agree vs Disagree)
• Information Revolution: A Source of Joy and Happiness in
Medicine (Agree vs Disagree)
• Information Revolution: A Source of Joy and Happiness in
Environment (Agree vs Disagree)
• Three debates will be conducted in the class.
• Please use the attached Debate Scoring Sheet or Rubric for
Debate in preparing for the debate and your arguments.
Rubric for Debate Levels of Performance
Criteria 1 2 3 4
2. Use of Arguments (Reasons are Few or no relevant Some relevant Many reasons Most relevant reasons
given to support viewpoint.) reasons given reasons given given: fairly relevant given in support
Effort Poor effort. Little to no hard Fair effort. Obvious effort is Good effort. Hard work was Excellent effort. A lot of hard
work was put into the apparent in the final put into the film. There was good work was put into the
How much effort was creation of the film. The end product. There was an a good use of class time. film. The film is polished and
put in to create the product is not very polished effort to follow the script, Good end results very well put together. Good
project and or was put together at storyboard. Video fell short Presentation met minimum use of script, story board and
the last moment and poor of some minimum requirements. creating the video the video.
setting choices. requirements.
Presentation fell short of Presentation met or exceeded
minimum requirements. minimum requirements.
Neatness and Editing Appears rushed, sloppy or Difficult to read. Shows Shows thought and Shows careful thought and
careless. Difficult to read little thought and planning. planning. Understandable, planning. Understandable,
How the story board and clearly or understand. Video Video lacks editing to easy to read and follow easy to read and follow story
video are put together is not edited well. make it a good video. story board. Sound, board. Sound, transitions,
and organized Sound, transitions, transitions, dialogue are dialogue are excellent quality.
dialogue needed more overall good quality.
Meta-Cognitive Reading Report
Assignment 1. Meta-Cognitive Reading Report