CHAPTER 3 STS Reading Materials 2nd Sem
CHAPTER 3 STS Reading Materials 2nd Sem
CHAPTER 3 STS Reading Materials 2nd Sem
Chapter Outline
Historical Background of Science and
Technology in the Philippines
• Pre Spanish Period
• Spanish Colonial Period
• American Period and Post
Commonwealth Era
• Marcos Era
• Fifth Republic
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the historical timeline of science and technology in the Philippines;
2. Analyze the development of science and technology in the Philippines; and
3. Synthesize and create their own understanding on the different periods of the history of
science and technology in the Philippines.
Marcos Era
It was only during the Marcos Presidency where science was given importance. It
was clearly stated by the former President in the Philippine Constitution, amended in
1973, that in term of national development, priority shall be given in the advancement of
science and technology.
In his State of Nation Address, Marcos declared that there is a need for science in
public high school and with the help of Department of Education in partnership from the
National Science Development Board it aims to provide science-teaching equipment for
a period of 4 years.
In 1968, he also recognized that technology was the top reason in economic
development, and gave extra funds to support projects in applied science and science
education. While in 1969, he allotted large amount of war damage funds to private
universities to encourage them to courses that focus on science and technology and
research. In 1970, he emphasized that by upgrading the science curriculum and teaching
equipment is crucial to the science development program.
Furthermore, he declared Presidential Decree No.49, series of 1972 as a support
for promoting the scientific research and invention. Aside from that, one of his greatest
contributions is the establishment of PAGASA which function is to give environmental
protection and to utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the nation. He also
established the National Academy of Science and Technology in 1976 to have a scientist
whose experts in science and technology.
In 1986, he also established campuses of Philippine Science High School in the
Visayas and Mindanao. It encourages the youth in theses area to choose a career in
science and technology. It also aims to tap the potential students on the said regions.
Fifth Republic
After the term of President Marcos, Corazon Aquino replaced him in the
presidential seat and on her term in 1986, she replaced the National Science and
Technology Authority to Department of Science and Technology (DOST), giving the
science and technology a seat in the government cabinet. It was during the Philippine
Development Plan for the years 1987-1992 where the role of science and technology in
the nature economy was highlighted. In 1990, Sate of Nation Address of President
Corazon Aquino said that science and technology development should be on the top three
priorities of the government to implement the development plan they have made.
In 1989, the budget allocation for science and technology was increased
amounting into 1.054 billion pesos. But due to Asian financial crisis between the years
1990-1991, it was cut down by 14% and in 1992, it was increased again by 50%. She also
encouraged Filipino scientists and inventors to put back Philippines and second in Japan
when it comes to the field of science and technology. It was one on of her goals to make
the country industrialized by the year 2000.
In July 1992, President Fidel V Ramos reported his State of the Nation Address
that there were improvements with regards to science and technology. In his third SONA
in 1994, he reported that there was a significant increase in people who specialize in the
field of science and technology. By the year 1998, it was an estimated that the Philippines
had 3,000competent scientists and engineers.
It was during the 5th Republic where the government provided 3,500 scholarships
for students who are interested in taking up courses related to science and technology.
Schools became modernized and updated by having additional high-tech equipment. It
was also during this time when science and technology personnel were given priority by
the government by approving the Republic Act No. 8439 in 1997 which entitled “Magna
Carta for science and technology Personnel”. Its purpose is to give incentives and
rewards to people who made an impact and influential in the field of Science and
In 1998, during President Joseph Estrada’s term, the Internet age was pushed for
the advancement of schools and industry. Then it was under the term of Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo when science and technology reached its golden age.
Numerous laws and projects related to science were made to push technology
forward to increase the economic level of the country like R.A 9367 or the “biofuels” act
that promotes the development and usage of biofuels throughout the country. In 2014,
President Benigno Aquino honors four scientist who gave huge contributions in the
scientific field that geared towards the advancement of science and technology of the
2. Scribd. (2010). History of science and technology in the Philippines. Retrieved from History -of-Science-
Content/ All content is clearly Almost all content is Only some of the content is Content is minimally
comprehensible comprehensible comprehensible comprehensible
Language Pronunciation and Pronunciation and Pronunciation and Grammar Pronunciation and
Grammar is Grammar is good. is acceptable. Grammar is
excellent. nonacceptable.
Voice Quality Well-rehearsed with Rehearsed with a Delivery not smooth, but Delivery not smooth
smooth delivery that fairly smooth delivery able to hold audience and audience
holds audience that usually holds attention most of the time. attention lost.
attention. audience attention.
Music Perfectly correlates to Does not quite Distracts form content; is too Entirely unrelated and
and enhances overall correlate and/or is too overbearing completely
content noticeable overbearing
General Includes all required Includes almost all Lacks some required Lacks large amount
pictures as well as required pictures as pictures and or title and of required pictures
title and source well as title and source and title and/or
source source
Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the graphics or Only a few graphics or None of the graphics
objects used in the objects used in the objects reflect student or objects reflects
collage reflect a degree collage reflect student creativity, but the ideas student creativity.
of student creativity in creativity in their were typical rather
their display. display. than creative.
Design Graphics are cut to an 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not an
appropriate size, lacking in design or lacking in design or appropriate size shape.
shape and are placement. There placement. Too much Glue marks evident.
arranged neatly. Care may be a few background is Most of the
has been taken to smudges or glue showing. There are background is
balance the pictures marks. noticeable smudges or showing. It appears
across the area. glue marks. little attention was
Items are glued neatly given to designing the
and securely. collage.
Time and Effort Much time and effort Class time was used Class time was not Class time was not
went into the planning wisely. Student could always used wisely. used wisely and the
and design of the have put in more time student put in no
collage. It is clear the and effort. additional effort.
student used class time
Attention to Theme The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student's
reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations are weak
explanation of how explanation of how explanation of how and illustrate difficulty
every item in the most items in the most items in the understanding how to
collage is related to the collage are related to collage are related to relate items to the
assigned theme. For the assigned theme. the assigned theme. assigned theme.
most items, the For many of the items,
relationship is clear the relationship is clear
without explanation. without explanation.
Presentation The student speaks The student speaks The student somewhat The student does not
clearly, with confidence clearly, with confidence speaks clearly, with speak clearly, without
and poise. Completely and poise. Reasonably confidence and poise. confidence and poise.
conveys message of conveys message of Somewhat conveys Does not convey
collage as it relates to collage as it relates to message of collage as message of collage as
personal style choices. personal style choices. it relates to personal it relates to personal
style choices style choices