Writer's Effect - Starters

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Writer’s Effect

What emotion or MOOD is being

created here?
What emotion or MOOD is being
created here?
What emotion or MOOD is being
created here?
What emotion or MOOD is being
created here?
Writer’s Effect
• The effect on the reader created by an
author’s words.
• This effect could be to stimulate our sense of

• It could be to convey a scene, idea, or

A writer is trying to create…
• An emotion – to give you a feeling.
• A connection – to help you remember when
you were in a similar situation or felt a similar
• A new experience – to help you to understand
a situation you are not familiar with
Read this…

“It was a cold grey day in late November. The weather

had changed overnight, when a backing wind brought
a granite sky and a mizzling rain with it, and although
it was now only a little after two o'clock in the
afternoon the pallor of a winter evening seemed to
have closed upon the hills, cloaking them in mist.”

Handout 1
What emotion or MOOD is being
created here?
• “It was a cold grey day in late November.
The weather had changed overnight, when
a backing wind brought a granite sky and a
mizzling rain with it, and although it was
now only a little after two o'clock in the
afternoon the pallor of a winter evening
seemed to have closed upon the hills,
cloaking them in mist.”
– Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier
3 Things to Think About

• What effect the writer has

created. (type)
• What impression has been made
on your mind/senses. (senses)
• What caused this effect on you.
What effect the writer has created.
• An experience has been described.
– 1st day at university
• An atmosphere has been created.
– An exciting win at a football stadium
• An opinion/emotion has been conveyed.
– Fear during an earthquake
What impression has been made on
your mind/senses.
• You can see the scene that has been described.
• You can hear the sounds that have been
• You can almost smell or taste something that
was described.
• You can almost physically or emotionally feel
something described.
What caused this effect on you.
• The specific meaning of a word.
– Vocabulary
• Denotation
• Connotation
• The connections created by a word.
– Memories, common knowledge, allusions
• The rhythm and pace of words and sentence
– Alliteration, rhyme, syllables, etc.
• Figurative language
– Similes, metaphors, personification, etc.
• Writer’s choose specific
words for specific reasons.
–You need to think about
What is the difference between…
• House & cottage
What is the difference between…
• River & stream
What is the difference between…
• Snow & blizzard
What is the difference between…
• Cold & glacial
What is the difference between…
• Upset & hysterical
Sample questions
Read lines 33-38.

What opinion does the writer have of the big game


How do the comparisons he chooses tell you this?

Sample questions

• Pick our three words or phrases that the

writer uses to show that the man was
distressed about his car.

How do they reveal his feelings?

Sample questions

• Pick out two phrases that express the

strength of the wind.

How do they emphasize its power?

Do’s & Don’ts
• DO quote from the passage.
• DON’T use more than one word or a short

• DON’T just name the term (alliteration, simile).

• DO say how that type of language creates an
Figurative language examples
• In the large, crowded shopping mall, Susanna
felt like a mouse.
• Simile
• The writer is suggesting by the simile comparing
Susanna to a “mouse” that Susanna feels
insignificant or overwhelmed by the huge mall.
The writer could also be implying that Susanna is
physically small and delicate – possibly that she
may be hurt or trampled by the many shoppers in
the stores just like a mouse may be hurt or
hunted by people.
Figurative language examples
• The branches scratched angrily at the
windows desperately trying to come inside to
escape the pouring rain.
• Personification
• The writer is using personification, “scratched
angrily”, to emphasize how aggressive and
violent the storm is by suggesting that the tree
is frightened and “desperate” and ‘thinks’ it
will be safer inside the house.
Figurative language examples
• The buoy bobbed back and forth, back and
• Alliteration & repetition
• The alliteration of the ‘b’ sound and the
repetition of the “back and forth” mimics the
rolling nature of waves in the ocean and adds
rhythm to the sentence.
Possible phrases to use…
• I felt…
• ____________ makes me think that the
• ____________ reminds me of…
• The word ____________ suggests…
• …makes me feel that…
• …the use of ____________ invokes a feeling
• The writer uses words like ____________ and
____________ to suggest/convey/imply…
For example…
• I can tell the man is angry when the writer
uses the words “bellowed”, “red with rage”,
and “trailed off in despair”. “Bellowed” is a
very powerful word meaning a loud cry, which
would suggest he is very angry. Red is a colour
which I associate with danger. People go red
when are furious. Finally when he trails off I
imagine someone so upset they cannot speak
• (Vocab)

• Quote + type = effect

• Why use effect?

• How does effect relate to whole?

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