(Worksheet) Writer's Effect (Third Term)

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Language Faculty

Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Name: Nicolas Moreno Duque Date: 3/05/2020

Goal 1: Reading Comprehension

Locate the section of the passage that the task or question refers to; select the relevant or appropriate
words, phrases or language features, and explain or analyses the effect of these choices using your
own words; write clearly and look for connections between the writer’s words and your own related

Writer’s Effect


Watch the clip from “Jaws” then read the description below. Rewrite the description
making sure to change the underlined words or add effective language where there are

Brody sat on the edge of the old boat, talking with Quin while throwing the chum into the tranquil
waters. As he _______ turned to throw more, suddenly, a big gray head burst through the bloody
water. Surprised, Brody jumped back from the edge while turning to look directly at the _________
creature before him. The ___________ eyes of the shark seemed to look back at him as it slid
slowly back into the water. “Were going to need a bigger boat,” he screamed.

Brody sat on the edge of the rusty boat, chatting with quin throwing the chum into the quiet and frosty waters. As
he slowly turned to throw more, suddenly, a big gray head burst through the bloody water. Surprised, Brody jumped
back from the edge while turning to look directly at the creepy creature before him. The sharp eyes of the shark
seemed to look back at him as it slid slowly back into the water. “Were going to need a bigger boat,” he screamed.

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Building Up:
Effect & Meaning
For Paper 1, Question 2 you will be asked to identify language that creates powerful effects and analyze
how these effects are created. But what exactly is “an effect”? Generally, it is the imagery or emotions
that words produce.

To describe how an effect is created you will probably examine the meaning of the word. For this reason,
being familiar with emotive and sensory language as well as other figurative language is important.
HOWEVER, you also need to examine the deeper implications of the language to get full points.

Here’s an example:

“The river seemed to close in on us: the 60-meter-high trees crowded down the
slopes of the hills, almost to the waters edge, and apparent endless chaos of different
species of trees…”

The writer here describes how the trees seem to “crowd” the men as if they were
surrounded by people, which helps convey a feeling of being trapped, cornered and
somewhat desperate. The personification of the trees makes their closeness seem
deliberate and adds to the threatening tone of the scene.

Remember, use PEE methodology to analyze writers effect. What is PEE analysis? Let’s take a look at each of
these parts individually:

Point: The point is the larger effect the language creates; the atmosphere, tone, imagery, emotions or opinions a
writer wants to produce with the language. Remember, different pieces of language can create a similar effect
so often you can use one point to address the effect of an entire paragraph.

Evidence: This is simply the language from the text you are using. It needs to be mentioned before you analyze

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Evaluation: How the language creates the effect. As stated before, you should probably look further than just
the meaning of the word to what it implies in relation to the context.

Here is an example of a paragraph and an IGCSE analysis. Highlight the point, evidence
and evaluation using different colors.

“The river seemed to close in on us: the 60-meter-high trees crowded down the
slopes of the hills, almost to the waters edge, and apparent endless chaos of different
species of trees, every kind of green, even under the uniform glare of the tropical sun.
Parasitic growths sprouted everywhere, ferns fanned out from every angle in the
branches, and creepers as thicks as legs gripped each other and tangled down to the
surface of the water, their tips twining down in the current like river weed.”

Overall the text creates an impression that makes the reader feel the potentially
threatening nature of the tangled and rather unorganized foliage. The writer
describes how the trees seem to “crowd” the men as if they were surrounded by
people, which helps convey a feeling of being trapped and somewhat desperate.
The personification of the trees makes their closeness seem deliberate and adds to
the threatening tone of the scene. The writer also describes the “chaos” of the
rainforest, implying that the landscape is unorganized and adding to the anxiety of
being lost in an unknown place. Furthermore, the writers describes the growths on
the trees as “parasitic” which creates an impression of disease and uncleanliness,
but also adds to the sense that this is a dangerous place. Finally, the writer described
the “creepers” as “tangled” which reinforces the image of a vast mix of chaotic

Useful Tips

 Not necessary to identify the figurative language or literary devices being used, but
sometimes this can help to explain effect.
 You can have the same point for several different parts of the text. Often each
paragraph has one point which often goes in a small intro at the beginning of the
text or as a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.
 Do not select entire sentences, but only small phrases from each sentence.
 Simply putting the evidence in quotation marks at the beginning of each sentence
will lower the fluidity of your paragraphs. Try to incorporate the selected language
within your sentences.

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

 Just providing a definition of the words will not get you a good grade. You have to
look deeper and relate how the meaning helps create effects.
 Read the question first and only include information from those paragraphs.


1. Put the vocabulary from the word cloud in the correct synonym category below. Then
choose a word from each category and find its definition. The definition most be a full
sentence and not just another synonym – i.e. “Miniscule: Something that is small”
Write these on the following page.

Good Bad Big Small Like Loud Scary

amazing awful magnificent microscopic appreciate deafening breathtaking
marvellous gross enormous miniscule love raucous creepy
astonishing garbage gigantic puny cherish Thunderous eerie
disgraceful immense cramped adore unnerving
Incompetent colossal monstrous

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Astonishing-causing great surprise or amazement

Incompetent- lacking of qualification or ability, an incompetent person as one who is mentally


Colossal- extremely great in size, extent or degree.

Puny- of less than normal size and strength, weak

Adore-to feel love for, to like or admire very much

Thunderous producing a thunder or a loud noise like thunder

Unnerving- to cause to lose courage, strength, determination, or confidence

2. Read the paragraph below and look up the definition of at least 6 words you think are
effective language. Write the definitions below.

1. Nightmarish: sembling a nightmare, esp. in being terrifying, exasperating, Nightmare: a

frightening or terrifying dream that produces feelings of great fear and anxiety.
2. Aggressor: a person, group, or nation that attacks first or initiates hostilities;
an assailant or invader.
3. Gobble: to swallow or eat quickly or hungrily in large pieces;
4. Hair-brained: is silly, ill considered or unlikely to be effective.
5. Monstrous: having the nature or appearance of a fabulous monster, of or relating to a monster
6. Snap: to click, as a mechanism or the jaws coming together

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Now that you understand the paragraph better, write a short 1-2 sentence explanation of
the overall effect(s).
The author uses descriptive language to describe better the actions and the scene using
descriptive words such as nightmarish, monstrous or hairbrained. On the other hand different
words than we usually use are used as synonyms to interpret an action or an object.

Using your work above, write a PEE analysis of the passage:

To create a vivid image of the scene being described, the author uses emotional and descriptive
language with different words that indicate actions or objects. In the following text, I wil
analyze the effect that these words create on the reader. Firstly, it introduces the reader to a
scene where the character is in danger and feels fear using words like “nightmarish” it is
inferred that he is afraid of the situation he is going through since it resembles a nightmare.
Then he describes the crocodile as someonething that wants to attack him, making the situation
between both characters clear by using a word like “agressor” the author uses other types of
words to describe an attacker. The author describes actions with words like “gobble” which
make the reader feel the actions that his main character is doing and creating a feeling of
anxiety and tension at the scene since it is a distressing situation that the character is
On the other hand, the author uses descriptions with adjectives that make the reader
think How is the situation For example, with the word he considers that it is a situation is
an expedition that should not have been done since it was something that could not have
been done in that moment and with words like monsters the power to indicate how the
character was seeing the true nature of the animal that was the crocodile, that is him or
resembled as if it were a beast or a monster. Lastly, the author uses actions such as Snap,
which describes the mechanism that the crocodile's snout could have done, since he was
concerned with this action and may import the reading of that situation to that dinner....

IGCSE Practice Question:

Let’s use everything we’ve learned to complete a full IGCSE writer’s effect question. Be
sure to read the question first before reading the text.

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

In the text, the author uses different words, different literary resources to create a vivid suspense scene and
description of the situation the main character is going through. In the following text, I will analyze 8
sentences and words demonstrate the physical appearance of the beast and the appearance of the farmers.

In paragraph 3 the author uses phrases and expressions like large, black feline which gives the idea of size and
danger as some cats are associated with bad figures.Also the words massive strength tells the reader that the
animal has a big force ehich can be inferred in its potential violence. Likewise, the simile “like that of engine
pistons” it provokes in the reader the nature of the movement and the true power of the animal.

In paragrapgh 4, the author also uses words such as rickety, rotting footbridge which tells a fairy tale ideaSince
it emphasizes the danger to have humans by the situation caused by the dangerous predator. Also, the wors
like “battered sign”indicates the pass of time caused by the different elements around them. Finallythe word
“shiny” suggests red-faced temperament which shows signs of stress.

To finish, it is very important to emphasize the different adjectives and descriptive words which will be used to
generate an atmosphere of intrigue with the description of its characters.

Language Faculty
Subject: English

Third Term Teacher: Sheena Hardaker

Feedback is important at every step of student learning in order to understand
strengths and limitations of writing in English and therefore take opportunities to
improve. The teacher will give feedback in the following occasions:

Formative feedback– As the student completes exercises and practice, the teacher will
give individual feedback to facilitate the learning process. Please send me the practice to
get formative feedback, and don’t forget to post on the discussion forum to get teacher
and peer feedback. If necessary, homework will be given to give further practice and
feedback opportunities.

Summative feedback– After any CELEBRATIONS OF LEARNING, the following class will
be dedicated to analyzing how we did as a class (watching a feedback presentation)
which will include celebrating wins, and correcting common errors. Writing style and
organization will also be looked at an individual level. If you want to book a time for a
video chat, send me an email

This is the following rubric for the Writer’s Effect question: Paper 1, 2020

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