0500/01 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme For examination
SPECIMEN from 2020
Marking Criteria for Question 2(d)
Table A, Reading: Analysing how writers achieve effects
Use the following table to give a mark out of 15 for Reading.
Level Marks Description
5 13–15 • Wide-ranging discussion of judiciously selected language with some high quality comments that add meaning and associations to words/phrases in both parts of the text, and demonstrate the writer’s reasons for using them. • Tackles imagery with some precision and imagination. • There is clear evidence that the candidate understands how language works. 4 10–12 • Explanations are given of carefully selected words and phrases. • Explanations of meanings within the context of the text are secure and effects are identified in both parts of the text. • Images are recognised as such and the response goes some way to explaining them. • There is some evidence that the candidate understands how language works. 3 7–9 • A satisfactory attempt is made to select appropriate words and phrases. • The response mostly gives meanings of words and any attempt to suggest and explain effects is basic or very general. • One half of the text may be better addressed than the other. 2 4–6 • The response provides a mixture of appropriate choices and words that communicate less well. • The response may correctly identify linguistic devices but not explain why they are used. • Explanations may be few, general, slight or only partially effective. • They may repeat the language of the original or do not refer to specific words. 1 1–3 • The choice of words is sparse or rarely relevant. • Any comments are inappropriate and the response is very thin. 0 0 • The response does not relate to the question. • Inappropriate words and phrases are chosen or none are selected.