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Homeostasis is the maintenance of a stable internal environment. Homeostasis is a term coined

in 1959 to describe the physical and chemical parameters that an organism must maintain to allow
proper functioning of its component cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

Enzymes function best when within a certain range of temperature and pH, and cells must strive to
maintain a balance between having too much or too little water in relation to their external
environment. Both situations demonstrate homeostasis. Just as we have a certain temperature range
(or comfort zone), so our body has a range of environmental (internal as well as external) parameters
within which it works best. Multicellular organisms accomplish this by having organs and organ
systems that coordinate their homeostasis. In addition to the other functions that life must perform
unicellular creatures must accomplish their homeostasis within a single cell!

Single-celled organisms are surrounded by their external environment. They move materials into and
out of the cell by regulation of the cell membrane and its functioning. Most multicellular organisms
have most of their cells protected from the external environment, having them surrounded by an
aqueous internal environment. This internal environment must be maintained in such a state as to
allow maximum efficiency. The ultimate control of homeostasis is done by the nervous system. Often
this control is in the form of negative feedback loops. Heat control is a major function of homeostatic
conditions that involves the integration of skin, muscular, nervous, and circulatory systems.

The difference between homeostasis as a single cell performs it and what a multicelled creature does
derives from their basic organizational plan: a single cell can dump wastes outside the cell and just be
done with it. Cells in a multicelled creature, such as a human or cat, also dump wastes outside those
cells, but those wastes must be carted away. The carting away of these wastes is accomplished in the
body by the circulatory system in conjunction with the excretory system.

Integumentary System
The skin is the largest organ in the body: 12-15% of body weight, with a surface area of 1-2 squere
meters. Skin is continuous with, but structurally distinct from mucous membranes that line the mouth,
anus, urethra, and vagina. Two distinct layers occur in the skin: the dermis and epidermis. The basic
cell type of the epidermis is the keratinocyte, which contain keratin, a fibrous protein. Basal cells are
the innermost layer of the epidermis. Melanocytes produce the pigment melanin, and are also in the
inner layer of the epidermis. The dermis is a connective tissue layer under the epidermis, and contains
nerve endings, sensory receptors, capillaries, and elastic fibers.

The integumentary system has multiple roles in homeostasis, including protection, temperature
regulation, sensory reception, biochemical synthesis, and absorption. All body systems work in an
interconnected manner to maintain the internal conditions essential to the function of the body.

Follicles and Glands

Hair follicles are lined with cells that synthesize the proteins that form hair. A sebaceous gland (that
secretes the oily coating of the hair shaft), capillary bed, nerve ending, and small muscle are
associated with each hair follicle. If the sebaceous glands becomes plugged and infected, it becomes
a skin blemish (or pimple). The sweat glands open to the surface through the skin pores. Eccrine
glands are a type of sweat gland linked to the sympathetic nervous system; they occur all over the
body. Apocrine glands are the other type of sweat gland, and are larger and occur in the armpits and
groin areas; these produce a solution that bacteria act upon to produce "body odor".
Hair and Nails

Hair, scales, feathers, claws, horns, and nails are animal structures derived from skin. The hair shaft
extends above the skin surface, the hair root extends from the surface to the base or hair bulb.
Genetics controls several features of hair: baldness, color, texture.

Nails consist of highly keratinized, modified epidermal cells. The nail arises from the nail bed, which is
thickened to form a lunula (or little moon). Cells forming the nail bed are linked together to form the

Skin and Homeostasis

Skin functions in homeostasis include protection, regulation of body temperature, sensory reception,
water balance, synthesis of vitamins and hormones, and absorption of materials. The skin's primary
functions are to serve as a barrier to the entry of microbes and viruses, and to prevent water and
extracellular fluid loss. Acidic secretions from skin glands also retard the growth of fungi. Melanocytes
form a second barrier: protection from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. When a microbe
penetrates the skin (or when the skin is breached by a cut) the inflammatory response occurs.

Heat and cold receptors are located in the skin. When the body temperature rises, the hypothalamus
sends a nerve signal to the sweat-producing skin glands, causing them to release about 1-2 liters of
water per hour, cooling the body. The hypothalamus also causes dilation of the blood vessels of the
skin, allowing more blood to flow into those areas, causing heat to be convected away from the skin
surface. When body temperature falls, the sweat glands constrict and sweat production decreases. If
the body temperature continues to fall, the body will engage in thermiogenesis, or heat generation, by
raising the body's metabolic rate and by shivering.

Water loss occurs in the skin by two routes:

- evaporation
- sweating
In hot weather up to 4 liters per hour can be lost by these mechanisms. Skin damaged by burns is less
effective at preventing fluid loss, often resulting in a possibly life threatening problem if not treated.

Skin and Sensory Reception

Sensory receptors in the skin include those for pain, pressure (touch), and temperature. Deeper within
the skin are Meissner's corpuscles, which are especially common in the tips of the fingers and lips,
and are very sensitive to touch. Pacinian corpuscles respond to pressure. Temperature receptors:
more cold ones than hot ones.

Skin and Synthesis

Skin cells synthesize melanin and carotenes, which give the skin its color. The skin also assists in the
synthesis of vitamin D. Children lacking sufficient vitamin D develop bone abnormalities known as

Skin Is Selectively Permeable

The skin is selectively soluble to fat-soluble substances such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as
steroid hormones such as estrogen. These substances enter the bloodstream through the capillary
networks in the skin. Patches have been used to deliver a number of therapeutic drugs in this manner.
These include estrogen, scopolamine (motion sickness), nitroglycerin (heart problems), and nicotine
(for those trying to quit smoking).

Main source: The On-LIne Biology Book, Michael J. Farbee

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