Vicky Session Guide

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Isabela


Title of the Session Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
(DepEd OrderNo. 31,s.2018)

Duration, Date and 1:00-3:00 PM (2 hour)

Venue January 25,2024
SMIS, Amphitheater

Target Participants Elementary and Secondary teachers of SMIS-Main

and Profile

Objectives of the 1. Understand the goal of implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
Session: 2. Apply effectively the policy guidelines on implementing CSE
3. Adopt programs that may help in achieving the goals of CSE
Key Policy Guidelines on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (DepEd Order No. 31, series 2018 (DO 31), the policy aims to
Understanding/Input enhance the holistic wellness of the Filipino adolescents and effectively address their needs for health and protection
: through education by ensuring that they are equipped with comprehensive information and appropriate life skills that can
advance gender equality and empowerment, clarify their values and attitude, and reduce risks related to poor health
outcomes – thereby enabling them to achieve their full potential.

References: DepEd Order 31,s. 2018

Objectives/s Key Understanding Methodology / Materials Time

Procedure Allotment
Implements Policy Establish a common understanding of CSE Greetings to
Guidelines on key concepts and messages participants…
Comprehensive Do: Presentation of
Sexuality Education Session and session
DepEd Order No. 31, Objectives Ppt
S. 2018
ACTIVITY: Brainstorming
Group Activity:
Say: Brainstorm on your
understanding of
Comprehensive Sexuality
Education Oral activity 10
1. What do you have in minutes
mind about the topic?
Express in a word or

Based on the
1. What are the words
and phrases 15
generated by the minutes

Say: What are stated in
Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality the Policy guidelines in
Education otherwise known as ( DepEd Order No. 31, Implementation of CSE?
series 2018 (DO 31), the policy aims to enhance the Slide deck
holistic wellness of the Filipino adolescents and Discuss through the slide
effectively address their needs for health and deck:
protection through education by ensuring that they 1. Objectives
are equipped with comprehensive information and 2. CSE
appropriate life skills that can advance gender Standards/Skills
equality and empowerment, clarify their values and 3. Integrations 20
attitude, and reduce risks related to poor health minutes
outcomes – thereby enabling them to achieve their
full potential. Study how the CSE
standards are integrated
in the learning objectives
APPLICATION of the lessons in different
subject areas.
Integration of CSE standards to the k to
Apply the principles 10 Curriculum
of Child Development
and Learning that
inform DAP
Group by grade Level
Adopt the guidelines Craft a lesson plan that
of DAP for effective integrates CSE
classroom standards/skills in the
different subject areas
Bond papers

Textbooks etc. minutes
Understand the
implications of DAP I
the K to 12

Presentation of outputs
Identify appropriate Processing of outputs 30minutes
and not appropriate
practices in the CLOSURE
classroom Say:
Be a lifelong student. The 5 minutes
more you learn, the more
you earn and more self
confidence you will have.
By: Brian Tracy

Prepared by: Reviewed and quality assured by:


Learning Facilitator School Head

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