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❖ Rizal left Dapitan on July 31, 1896 onboard the
steamer ship Espan a and was accompanied by
NOLI ME TANGERE Josephine Bracken, Narcisa and her daughter
Angelica, his 3 nephews and 6 pupils. They had
1. Crisostomo Ibarra stopovers in Dumaguete, Cebu, Iloilo, Capiz and
2. Maria Clara Romblon.
3. Padre Damaso ❖ Upon their arrival in Manila Bay on August 6, 1896,
4. Elias the steamer ship Isla de Luzon already left for
5. Doña Victorina Spain. Rizal stayed onboard the steamer ship
6. Sisa CASTILLA as guest and an incommunicado while
7. Doña Consolacion the ship was harboring in Manila Bay and while Rizal
8. Kapitan Tyago was waiting for the next trip to Barcelona, Spain.
❖ On August 19, 1896, the existence of KKK and their
plans for revolution were revealed to Fray Mariano
Gil through the confession of Honoraria in Tondo
church. She was the sister of Teodoro Patino who
1. Simoun was a Katipunero.
2. Kabesang Tales ❖ On August 29, 1896, the Cry of Balintawak was held
3. Paulita Gomez led by Bonifacio. Rizal learned of the beginning of
4. Padre Florentino the Revolution through the newspapers while staying
5. Quiroga in the Catilla and became worried that he might be
linked as a participant, member or founder of the
Philippine revolution.
❖ Rizal then received 2 letters from Gov. General
Blanco, (1) letter of introduction to Minister of War
General Marcelo de Ascaraga, and (2) letter of
1. Through Education the Motherland Receives introduction to the Minister of Colonies in
Light connection with his volunteer work in Cuba. The
2. Sa Aking mga Kabata letters had covering letter stating that Rizal was
3. A La Juventud Filipina absolved from all the blame for the uprising of the
4. Noli Me Tangere revolutionaries.
5. El Filibusterismo ❖ Sometime in August 1896, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio
6. Goodbye to Leonor Jacinto and other selected Katipuneros disguised
7. To the Young Women of Malolos themselves as sailors of the motorship CARIDAD as
8. Kundiman they planned to sneak in the cruiser ship CASTILLA
to rescue Rizal and sneak him out from the Spanish
9. Junto Al Pasig
authorities’ monitoring. Again, Rizal refused their
10. Annotation of the Sucesos De Las Islas Filipinas
11. Mi Ultimo Adios

❖ On September 2, 1896, a week after the uprising of
the Philippine Revolution, Rizal left Manila going to
❖ On July 21, 1896, during Rizal’s exile in Dapitan. Dr.
Spain onboard the steamer ship Isla de Panay.
Pio Valenzuela, the Katipunan’s representative,
visited Jose Rizal to inform him of the Katipunan’s ❖ On the eve of September 7, 1896, Isla de Panay
reached Singapore.
secret proposal to rescue him and sneak him in a
ship bound to Japan. Rizal refused the proposal and ❖ On September 30, 1896, while Isla de Panay was on
objected to the revolutionary plans on the following the Mediterranean Sea, Captain Alemany received
reasons: a telegram ordering him to arrest Rizal and detain
him in his cabin until they arrive in Barcelona.
o Filipinos were not yet ready for a
revolution, and ❖ In the morning on October 6, 1896, Rizal was
o Arms and funds must be raised before transferred to Montjuich Castle where he was visited
they begin a revolution against the by Military Commander Eulogio Despujol. He was
Spanish government and the church then deported back to Manila on the same day
onboard the steamer Colon.
❖ Rizal informed Valenzuela of his pending application
to volunteer as a military doctor of the Spanish army
fighting the revolution in Cuba. Several letters were ❖ Friends of Rizal from Europe sought the legal
sent by Rizal to the Gov. General Ramon Blanco assistance of Atty. Hugh Fort to file a petition for writ
regarding his application for humanitarian reason. of habeas corpus in Singapore in their attempt to
❖ On July 30, 1896, Rizal received a letter from Gov. rescue Rizal onboard the Colon and declare the
General Blanco dated July 1, 1896 informing him detention as illegal. However, the petition was
that his application to serve in Cuba was approved. denied on the ground that the voyage of the ship
This signified the end of Rizal’s exile in Dapitan on cannot be delayed since it also carried Spanish
July 31, 1896. In celebration of this freedom and joy troops bound for Manila.
to travel and work abroad, Rizal wrote the poem, ❖ Rizal arrived Manila on November 3, 1896 heavily
guarded and secretly transferred to Fort Santiago. 3
Other Filipinos including Paciano Rizal were also
imprisoned in Fort Santiago and were brutally
tortured to force them to implicate Rizal as the ❖ Rizal was visited in his cell by Don a Teodora,
founder of the revolution. Narcisa, Lucia, Josefa, Maria and his nephews.
When Trinidad entered his cell to get their mother,
Rizal whispered to her in English, “there is
something inside the lamp” and referring to the
C. RIZAL’S IMPRISONMENT, TRIAL AND untitled poem. He then handed the petroleum lamp
VERDICT to Trinidad.

❖ A preliminary investigation was held on November 20,

1896 by Col. Francisco Olive who acted as the
Judge Advocate. After he presented voluminous E. RIZAL’S EXECUTION
evidence against Rizal, he submitted the following
recommendations: ❖ At around 5:00 am on December 30, 1896, Josephine
✓ Rizal must be immediately brought to trial Bracken and Josefa visited Rizal in his cell. Rizal
✓ He should be kept in prison handed to Josephine a classic book, DE LA
✓ An order of attachment be issued IMITACION DE CRISTO Y MENOSPRECIO DEL
against his property as an indemnity, MUNDO. Rizal inscribed the words, “To my dear and
and ✓ He should be defended in unhappy wife, Josephine, December 30th, 1896,
court by an army officer Jose Rizal.” Josephine and Rizal embraced for the
last time.
❖ Rizal was accused of being the principal organizer of ❖ At around 6:00 am, Rizal wrote a letter to his parents
the Filipino insurrection, the founder of the societies, asking for forgiveness for the sorrow, pains and
and authored periodicals and books dedicated to the sacrifices he had caused them.
enemies of Spanish government and propagating ❖ At 6:30 am, the death march from Fort Santiago to
ideas of rebellion. Bagumbayan started. Rizal walked with Lt. de
❖ Rizal pleaded not guilty to all the charges filed against Andrade, Fathers Villaclara and March accompanied
him. He also selected Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade as him. The Gomburza priests were executed also in
his trial lawyer. Lt. de Andrade’s name was included Bagumbayan.
in the short list of army officers who can serve as ❖ At 7:00 am, Rizal arrived at the execution site in
Rizal’s counsel/lawyer. Bagumbayan. Dr. Felipe Ruiz Castillo was checked
❖ On December 13, 1896, Gov. General Blanco was his pulse and it was perfectly normal. Rizal was
replaced by Gov. General Camilo G. Polavieja. He placed to turn his back against the firing squad to
was a more ruthless leader. signify that he was a convicted criminal and
considered as a traitor to the Spanish government.
❖ On December 26, 1896, Rizal’s trial was held in the
military court known as Cuartel de Espan a. Dr. Pio ❖ The firing squad was composed of Filipino soldiers
Valenzuela was allowed to testify for Rizal. and behind them were the Spanish troops. Hundreds of
men and women were present to witness Rizal’s
❖ On December 28, 1896, the military court
execution. ❖ At 7:03 am, the captain shouted “Fuego” or
unanimously voted finding Rizal guilty of the
fire. As Rizal’s body was hit, he turned himself to face
criminal charges filed against him and to to impose a
the Spanish authority and to face the sky when his body
death sentence through execution by firing squad.
will fall on the ground. ❖ In the afternoon of December
❖ Gov. General Camilo G. de Polavieja affirmed the
30, 1896, after a long search all day, Narcisa finally
decision of the military court and ordered that Rizal
found the gravesite of Rizal in Paco cemetery. She then
be shot by firing squad on December 30, 1896 at
asked the guards to place a marble plaque designed by
7:00 in the morning at the Bagumbayan. The
Doroteo Ongjunco with inscription, “RPJ”, which is
guardia civil was tasked to promulgate/execute
Rizal’s initials in reverse. ❖ In commemoration of his
Rizal’s penalty.
heroism and love for the Philippines, the Philippine
government declared December 30 as the National
Hero’s Day.
❖ Rizal spent his last 24 hours meeting with his family,
NATIONALISM – is a sentiment of devotion of a person
friends and teachers. ❖ Rizal was visited by several
to his own culture, history benefit and aspiration to
people, priests, the Dean of Manila Cathedral Don
his/her homeland. It binds people towards a common
Silvino Lopez Tun on, the fiscal of the Royal Audencia
goal for the benefit of all.
of Manila Don Gaspar Cestan o, Lt. de Andrade, the
Spanish journalist Santiago Mataix. Fathers Miguel
Saderra and Luis Vaza. The priests attempted to
convince Rizal to go back to the Catholic faith. Rizal then REFORMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE
asked Father Viza to bless the statute of Sacred Heart PROPAGANDA MOVEMENT:
which Rizal carved when he was still a student in
Ateneo. ❖ Rizal also met Father Federico Faura who 1. Equality of Filipinos and Spanish;
once told Rizal that he would lose his head for writing 2. Restoration of the Philippines representation in
Noli Me Tangere. Rizal jokingly told Father Faura that he the Spanish Courts; 3. Secularization of the
was a prophet as his prophecy came true. Philippine Parishes and the expulsion of the friars; 4.
❖ Rizal also wrote the 14 stanzas of an untitled poem Human rights for Filipinos, freedom of speech.
which was later entitled Mi Ultimo Adios (My Last Freedom of the peace and freedom to meet and
Farewell). The poem was written in a small paper petition for redress of grievances;
and secretly inserted inside a petroleum lamp. 5. Creation of a public school system independent of
Catholic friars; 10. Education should receive a substantial aid to
6. Abolition of polo y servicios and bandala; make introduction effective. There should be
7. Guarantee of the basic freedom of Filipinos; and proper accommodation through adequate
8. Equal opportunities for both Filipinos and Spaniards to number of schools and classrooms and
enter government service. equipment conducive to learning; and
11. Teachers should have prestige, reputation, moral
strength and some freedom of action on
socio-economic reforms.

1. Unite the whole archipelago into one

vigorous and homogenous organization; 2.
Mutual protection in every want and
3. Defense against all violence and injustice;
4. Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and
5. Study the application of reforms;
6. Provide mutual aid and self-help society
dispensing scholarship funds and legal aid; and
7. Provide loan capital and set-up cooperatives.



1. Adopt the magna carta for the rights of the

a. Protecting the life, liberty and
property of Filipinos;
b. Restoration of Filipino representation in
the Spanish colonies;
c. Freedom of the press, association,
religion and equality before the law; and
d. Freedom of assimilation of the


1. Curriculum of a modern liberal education should

include either: religion, hygiene, mathematics,
sciences (physical, natural and social), literature
(Spanish, rhetoric and poetry), languages
(Spanish, English, French, German, Chinese
and Tagalog), physical culture and sports;
2. Weekly accounting by teachers on the students’
progress and conduct. Include a rewarding
system by posting the students’ monthly
progress, conduct and health to inform their
3. The school should insist on accuracy and
4. Teachers must be employed through admission
examination on a competitive basis 5. No racial
discrimination in the students’ admission;
6. Gymnastics and swimming must be obligatory as
part of the subject in sports and physical
7. Classes must be six (6) hours a day including a
total of two (2) hours of physical culture and
8. Human relations between teachers and pupils
should not be ignored. Teachers must act as
the students’ leader and mentor in their
9. Instruction should be practical and stimulate
thinking. Students should learn by participation
in a natural situation through field work as an
effective means of instruction;

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