SSC Finals
SSC Finals
SSC Finals
❖ On September 2, 1896, a week after the uprising of
the Philippine Revolution, Rizal left Manila going to
❖ On July 21, 1896, during Rizal’s exile in Dapitan. Dr.
Spain onboard the steamer ship Isla de Panay.
Pio Valenzuela, the Katipunan’s representative,
visited Jose Rizal to inform him of the Katipunan’s ❖ On the eve of September 7, 1896, Isla de Panay
reached Singapore.
secret proposal to rescue him and sneak him in a
ship bound to Japan. Rizal refused the proposal and ❖ On September 30, 1896, while Isla de Panay was on
objected to the revolutionary plans on the following the Mediterranean Sea, Captain Alemany received
reasons: a telegram ordering him to arrest Rizal and detain
him in his cabin until they arrive in Barcelona.
o Filipinos were not yet ready for a
revolution, and ❖ In the morning on October 6, 1896, Rizal was
o Arms and funds must be raised before transferred to Montjuich Castle where he was visited
they begin a revolution against the by Military Commander Eulogio Despujol. He was
Spanish government and the church then deported back to Manila on the same day
onboard the steamer Colon.
❖ Rizal informed Valenzuela of his pending application
to volunteer as a military doctor of the Spanish army
fighting the revolution in Cuba. Several letters were ❖ Friends of Rizal from Europe sought the legal
sent by Rizal to the Gov. General Ramon Blanco assistance of Atty. Hugh Fort to file a petition for writ
regarding his application for humanitarian reason. of habeas corpus in Singapore in their attempt to
❖ On July 30, 1896, Rizal received a letter from Gov. rescue Rizal onboard the Colon and declare the
General Blanco dated July 1, 1896 informing him detention as illegal. However, the petition was
that his application to serve in Cuba was approved. denied on the ground that the voyage of the ship
This signified the end of Rizal’s exile in Dapitan on cannot be delayed since it also carried Spanish
July 31, 1896. In celebration of this freedom and joy troops bound for Manila.
to travel and work abroad, Rizal wrote the poem, ❖ Rizal arrived Manila on November 3, 1896 heavily
guarded and secretly transferred to Fort Santiago. 3
Other Filipinos including Paciano Rizal were also
imprisoned in Fort Santiago and were brutally
tortured to force them to implicate Rizal as the ❖ Rizal was visited in his cell by Don a Teodora,
founder of the revolution. Narcisa, Lucia, Josefa, Maria and his nephews.
When Trinidad entered his cell to get their mother,
Rizal whispered to her in English, “there is
something inside the lamp” and referring to the
C. RIZAL’S IMPRISONMENT, TRIAL AND untitled poem. He then handed the petroleum lamp
VERDICT to Trinidad.