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Lesson 1

This lesson plan is for a 2nd grade math class focusing on addition and subtraction word problems. The teacher will have students work through worksheets with 6 word problems, first with a partner and then independently. Formative assessments include a quiz and student journals. The teacher will demonstrate an example problem, provide support as students work through problems in groups and individually, and have students generate their own word problems to solve the next day. The goal is for students to learn to solve word problems using addition and subtraction.

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Lesson 1

This lesson plan is for a 2nd grade math class focusing on addition and subtraction word problems. The teacher will have students work through worksheets with 6 word problems, first with a partner and then independently. Formative assessments include a quiz and student journals. The teacher will demonstrate an example problem, provide support as students work through problems in groups and individually, and have students generate their own word problems to solve the next day. The goal is for students to learn to solve word problems using addition and subtraction.

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Common Core Lesson Planner

Grade Level: second grade Teacher: Ms. Posadas

Subject: Math
1 Select grade level appropriate standards:
Common 2.OA.A.1
Core and
2 What materials and resources will you and the students need for the lesson?
Materials/ ● A worksheet that would included the problems that we will work the day.
Resources/ ● A whiteboard
Lesson ● White marker
Preparation ● A color pencils

What should students k​ now​ and ​be able to do​ after the lesson?
3 Students will use addition and subtracting to solve word and story problems.

☐ Level 1: Recall - ​students will be able to identify and recognize the sum or subtraction
in the short story or sentence.
☐ Level 2: Skill/Concept -​​ students will use context cues and make a observation of the
4 word problems in order for them to get the correct answer and understand what type of
Webb’s Depth math they need to use.
of Knowledge ☐ Level 3: Strategic Thinking- ​students would construct the operation based on what the
Level word problems saids.
☐Level 4: Extended Thinking- ​students will apply math concepts like addition and
subtraction.and created a math problem.

☐ Demonstrating independence- ​Students will show independence by solving half of the

word or story problems by themself without any help.
☐ Building strong content knowledge- ​students will learned how to solve word problems
using adding and subtractions.
5 ☐Responding to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline- ​students
College and will need to be ready to follow directions in order to complete each task successfully.
Career Ready ☐ Comprehending as well as critiquing- ​Students will need to understand the new vocab
Skills in order to understand and due each problem.
☐Valuing evidence-
☐Using technology and digital media strategically and capably- ​students can also use
different educational apps to get more practice on word problems.
☐ Coming to understand other perspectives and cultures-

6 ☐ Communication-​​ Each student would be able to communicate they thoughts about

each problem during group time.
21​st​​ ​ Century
☐ Collaboration- ​Students will have to collaborated with other students during the first
time of the lesson when they will be working in groups.

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

☐ Critical Thinking-​​ Students will used critical thinking on each problem in order to
find the answer to each problem.
☐ Creativity- ​They are going to use their creativity by finding ways to solve each

Lesson Delivery
Identify vocabulary and key terms that are important for students to know to understand
the lesson:
● Addition- ​is finding the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers.
● Subtraction- ​the process or skill of taking one number or amount away from
Vocabulary/Ke ● Word problem- ​a mathematics exercise presented in the form of a hypothetical
y Terms situation that requires an equation to be solved.
● Solve- ​find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with (a
problem or mystery).

8 Describe how you will adapt your lesson for the following learners:
Differentiated ● English Learners- for a english learner may be difficult to read or understand the
problem. to be able too help them i will translate the problem in the language(if
they first language is spanish). they can also work with a partner

● Special Needs- im not sure for this student because it depends on the needs. but i
will be ready to modify my lesson plan for any student

● Accelerated (Gifted/Talented)- for this type of students i would give them much
harder word problems. for example i can add word problems that combine more
than one digit operation.

9 Describe at least TWO different types of formal or informal assessments you will use
Assessments during your lesson to check for student learning:
- A quiz after the lesson to see if the students understand how to do word
- Journals

10 Prior Knowledge, Context, and Motivation ​(How will you connect the beginning of the
Lesson lesson to what students already know and/or motivate them to learn about the topic?)
Delivery I could give the one word problem and tell them to try they best to solve it and later
we would solve the problem as a group. the way i can what students need more help.

Describe each step of the lesson

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

I will start the lesson by asking the students what they know or think is a word
Then I will explain to them what is a word problem and we as a class will do one
then each student will get a word problem sheet with about six problems from them
to solve
The student will do the first three with a parent so they can help each other.
after doing the first three problems, the student is going to do the rest independent
soi can see which student need more help
at the end of the lesson, the student would have to write in the journals what they
Also in a blank piece of paper, each student is going to write a problem that will
solve the next day as a group.this will help us to review and give more support to the
students who need it.

Teacher will… Students will…

The teacher would first do an example We first received instruction then they
with the entire class then will let the will have time to practice by working
students work on they groups during the with a partner. During the time students
time the teacher would walk around and will have to work with a partner they will
help the students who are having more communicate and collaborate to find the
problems that same will happen during correct answer to the problem. After
the time students are working having some practice working with a
independently. classmate they will have to do some
problems independently after they finish
they worksheet they will have to write a
problem that the next day will solve to
gain more practice after that student will
write on they journal what they learned
and any questions the have.

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

SAUSD Common Core Lesson Template (adapted)

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