Final Hi Bond

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Mavadhiya Vatsal

Bhupendra Chawda

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya


I, Mavadhiya Vatsal, the student of B.B.A. (sem-6) in SHRI K.M.

here by declare that this industrial report prepared is my own work and efforts to
the best of my knowledge.

This project report has not been previously submitted to any university for
any examination.


(Vatsal Mavadhiya)

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya


I am thankful to the management of [HI BOND CEMENT PVT. LTD.],

for granting us permission, supporting and giving me all the exposure regarding
my concerned topic.

A project of this nature calls for intellectual & professional help from many
people. I, therefore, deeply express our gratitude to all the professors of my
COLLEGE, VERAVAL) and especially tank jalpa, who guide me and even
helped me in completing all formalities during project.

I also express my thanks to all other management faculties of Shri K. M.

Savjani& Smt. K. K. Savjani BBA/BCA College, Veraval for providing me all
guidance about Project Report. I am thankful to librarian and administrative staff
of Shri K. M. Savjani& Smt. K. K. Savjani BBA/BCA College, Veraval.

I am short of words in expressing my gratitude to MR. Rajan Vadalia(HI

BOND CEMENT PVT.LTD.)who allowed me to carry out my project and
providing relevant references that made my task smooth. I thankfully
acknowledge support of all managerial & operative personnel of(HI BOND
CEMENT PVT.LTD.), for their valuable time in providing me enough practical

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya


The basic aim of project report is to know how to supply the ones
in practice. As it is said that “experience makes the man perfect ” the
practical study is very important for management student. It is pleasure
to undergo industrial visit & submit the report to the institute as a
fulfillment or the term work.
There fore, the aim for industrial visit is to evaluate application of
the business philosophy in the real life situation specifically for the
Indian market.
We have select (HI BOND CEMENT PVT.LTD.)for our industrial
visit , just as it nicely combined different technical and management
aspects , which make it noon trivial for analyzing managerial
fundamentals in a board spectrum.
The respective and management experts at the organization provide
all the concern information. Our lectures have guided and supporter us
in rendering this information in the presentable format as her against
I have tried my level best to present all the relevant information as
detailed a possible space constraint me a little bit.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya


1. 6
General information

2. Main report on Pricing decisions 18

3. 31
Research & Methodology

4. 34

5. 44

6. 45

7. 46

8. 47

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

No. Title Page no.

1. Introduction of company 8

2. History and development of 9

3. Size of company 10
4. Form of company 11
5. Organizational chart 12
6. Vision and mission of company 13
7. Quality control 14
8. Time keeping system 15
9. Product profile 16

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Introduction of company

We have proud of that matter which today our company HI BOND

CEMENT Pvt. Ltd. took leading position in all total competitors of cement
manufacturing companies. In this sector hi bond cement Pvt. Ltd. promise to do
very revolutionary works In future.

In the sense of manufacturing cement industry hi bond cement is

growing constantly. Its state-of-the art manufacturing facilities produce
products and services that have aided growth not only in urban areas but also
in the rural interiors of the country. Hi bond cement as a brand is an
embodiment of ‘hi’ and ‘bond’. These traits have inspired engineers for
holding anywhere anytime, which has resulted in a more extensive realm of

Company with stable price is ranked high in the market. Company

formulates pricing policies and strategies to eliminate seasonal and cyclical
fluctuations. Stability in price has a good impression on the buyers. Frequent
changes in pricing affect adversely the prestige of company.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

History and development of company

Hi-Bond Cement (India), a Rajkot-based Kishan group company is

setting up a 0.9 mt cement plant in Village Patidad, Taluka Gondal on
National Highway - 8B, about 50 km from Rajkot. The plant is likely to
be commissioned by the end September.

This plant is expected to generate substantial employment in the

region directly and indirectly. The plant features latest technology with
six stages pre-heater and is equipped with all latest controls and systems
supplied by globally renowned cement plant manufacturer FL Smith,
Denmark. The plant will have automatic SMS system which will
prompt the maintenance department to acknowledge the problem
immediately. The fully integrated production plant built on a sprawling
2,60,000 sq mt of land, proposes to use only imported coal with low
sulphur content. The promoters plan to double the capacity within three
years and would also diversify into ready-mix business in near future.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Size of unit

Industries are classified according to their size of unit those

• Small scale Industry
The unit having investment in fixed assets and current
assets up to Rs. 25 lakhs 5- crore is known as small scale unit.
• Medium scale Industry
The unit having Investment in fixed assets and current
assets up to 5 crore to 10 crore is known as medium scale
 Large scale Industry
The unit having Investment in fixed assets and current assets
above 10 crore is known as large scale industry.
From the above detail we can say that hi bond cement
pvt ltd is medium scale industry

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Form of company
There are legally three types forms of organization. They are:
1. Sole proprietorship
2. Partnership
3. Public limited company
Lets see them all in detail,
1. Sole proprietorship :
A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. This
is simplest type of business. so hi bond cement company is sole

2. Partnership :
In partnership firm, there are two or more owners. Here profit
is distributed according to capital invested by partners.

3. Public limited company :

A business organization wholly or partly owned by the state &
controlled through a public authority. Some public enterprise are public
enterprises are placed under public ownership.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya






Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Vision and mission of company
‘To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the
communities in which we operate. In so doing, build a better,
sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and raise the
country’s human development index.’

To deliver superior value to our customers, employees and society at

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Quality control

The company is maintain their product because of not only their profit goal
but like competitors, customer’s demand etc.

After the company’s plant complete the manufacturing process of cement,

the cement is taken by their lab testing that is the cement is use for construction?,
after passing all testes than and than it passed for packing it and send for sale.
The company is manufacturing 53 grade cement.

if after completing the process of HI BOND CEMENT manufacturing

some of low quality may be prepared by machinery by some mistakes than lab
testers are return the cement to the basic process of cement than they do
reprocessing of this cement for making good.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Time keeping system



8 AM TO 4 PM
4 PM TO 8 AM

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Product profile

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

1 Pricing-a critical decision in 18
2 Concept of price and pricing 19

3 How take pricing decision 20

4 Company’s pricing objectives 23

5 Company’s general pricing policies 25

6 Product life cycle and pricing 26


7 Factors affecting company’s pricing 28


Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Pricing – a critical decision in marketing

Pricing decision is one of the most critical decisions of marketing mix.

Price is an economic value or an exchange value of product expressed in form of
money. Many products fail not due to qualities, features, and performance, but
due to faulty pricing policies. Price and pricing policies are of great importance
for the manufacturers, middlemen, and consumers as well. It affects the
company’s profits on one hand, and product purchase decision of the consumers
on the other hand.

A company must determine appropriate price and must formulate effective

pricing policies to get positive response of the market. A company must take a
balanced decision between extremes – first is, the costs of production and
marketing, and the second is, expectations and paying capacity of the target

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Concept of price and pricing
The exact and generally accepted definition of price is almost difficult.
However, we can give following definitions of price:
1. Price is economic value of the product(good and service) normally expressed
in term of money
2. Price is an agreement between sellers and buyers at which goods and services
are exchanged for money
3. Price is the specific value at which the product is exchanged. Thus, it is an
exchange value of product expressed in monetary form.

Pricing is a process of setting the price for the product. It involves a series
of steps to be followed to decide on price. Pricing is more relevant to marketing
decisions than price.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

How take pricing decision

A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer needs or wants.
It is a tangible good or an intangible service. Intangible products are service
based like the tourism industry. Tangible products are those that have an
independent physical existence. Typical examples of mass-produced, tangible
objects are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous
mass produced service is a computer operating system.

The marketer must also consider the product mix. Marketers should
consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand, how to exploit the
company's resources and how to configure the product mix so that each product
complements the other. The marketer must also consider product development

Hi bond Cement Company is manufacture only cement, their daily

production is 2000 tan. After manufacturing they can not achieve the demand of
customers so they do first increase their production capacity for only customers,
not profit whenever they completing the demand of customers than they will
manufacture other cement related products.

Price –
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. The price is very
important as it determines the company's profit and hence, survival. Adjusting
the price has a profound impact on the marketing strategy, and depending on the
price elasticity of the product, often it will affect the demand and sales as well.
The marketer should set a price that complements the other elements of the
marketing mix.

When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the customer perceived
value for the product. Three basic pricing strategies are: market skimming
pricing, market penetration pricing and neutral pricing. The 'reference value'
Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
(where the consumer refers to the prices of competing products) and the
'differential value' (the consumer's view of this product's attributes versus the
attributes of other products) must be taken into account.

The price of hi bond cement is decide by departments in first the production

department send the details of cement to marketing department that how many
production cost the product is completed than after the marketing department
research the market value including their competitor’s prices and compare with
their price so this way the company decide price now the hi bond cement price is
290 per bag(50 k.g.)

Promotion -
Represents all of the methods of communication that a marketer may use
to provide information to different parties about the product. Promotion
comprises elements such as: advertising, public relations, personal selling and
sales promotion.

Advertising covers any communication that is paid for, from cinema

commercials, radio and Internet advertisements through print media. Public
relations is where the communication is not directly paid for and includes press
releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and
events. Word-of-mouth is any apparently informal communication about the
product by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically
engaged to create word of mouth momentum.

Sales staff often plays an important role in word of mouth and public
relations. In promotion hi bond cement is not do specially for, but like all other
competitors they give advertisement in news paper and media.

Place :
Refers to providing the product at a place which is convenient for
consumers to access. Place is synonymous with distribution. Various strategies
such as intensive distribution, selective distribution, exclusive distribution and

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

franchising can be used by the marketer to complement the other aspects of the
marketing mix.

In place defiantly like other cement companies they choose their place for
plant nearby their necessity of raw materials and it benefits for supply goods
easily to urban and rural areas.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Company’s pricing objectives
Pricing can be defined as the process of determining an appropriate price
for the product, or it is an act of setting price for the product. Pricing involves the
number of decisions related to setting price of product.

1. Profits related objectives :

(a) Maximum current profit: one of the objectives of pricing

is to maximize current profits. This objective is aimed at making as much money
as possible. Hi bond Cement Company tries to set its price in a way that more
current profits can be earned. However, we can not set its price beyond the limit.
But, it concentrates on maximum profits. So that’s why the company increase
their capacity of production for earn more profit.

2. Sales related objective:

(a) Sales growth: company’s objective is to increase sales
volume. It sets its price in such a way that more and more sales can be achieved.
It is assumed that sales growth has direct positive impact on the profits. So,
pricing decisions are taken in way that sales volume can be raised but sometimes
company can’t increase or stable sales rate because of seasonal effects.

3. Competition related objectives:

(a) To face competition: pricing is preliminary concerns with
facing competition. Today’s market is characterized by the severe competition.
Hi bond Cement Company sets and modifies its pricing policies so as to respond
the competitors strongly. Many companies use price as a powerful means to react
to level and intensity of competitions.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

(b) To keep competitors away: to prevent the entry of competitors
can be one of the main objectives of pricing. The phase ‘prevention is better than
cure’ – is equally applicable here. If competitors are kept away, no need to fight
them. To achieve the objective, hi bond Cement Company keeps its price as low
as possible to minimize profit attractiveness of products.

(c) To achieve quality leadership by pricing: pricing is also

aimed at achieving the quality leadership. The quality leadership is the image in
mind of buyers that high price is related to high quality product. In order to create
positive image that hi bond Cement Company’s product is standard or superior
than offered by the close competitors, we designs its pricing policies accordingly.

4. Customer related objective:

(a) To win confidence of customers: customer is the target serve. Hi
bond Cement Company sets and practices its pricing policies to win the
confidence of the target market. , by appropriate pricing policies, can establish,
maintain or even strengthen the confidence of customers that price charged for
the product is reasonable one. Customers are made feel that they are not being

(b) To satisfy customers : to satisfy customers is the prime objective of

the entire range of marketing efforts. And, pricing is no exception. Hi bond
Cement Company sets, adjust, and readjusts its pricing to satisfy its target
customers. In short, we should design pricing in such a way that result into
maximum consumer satisfaction.

Company’s general pricing policies

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
1. Skimming pricing policy
Skimming pricing is used when a product, which is new in the market or
just launched, is sold at a relatively high price because of its uniqueness, benefits
to customers or its current Wow factor. However, slowly but surely when the
product gets older in the market, then the price is dropped and the product is
brought at competitive pricing.

Skimming price is mostly used for technological products where the

product demand is not consistent. The typical product which is launched with a
skimming price strategy is unique to the market, has customers who are ready to
pay a premium for the product, and is far ahead from the competition.
Furthermore, due to the high price, the correct positioning is obtained for the
product which helps in reaching the right target audience. Remember that
premium customers want to be unique and they want products which are status
symbols. All these factors are achieved with the use of skimming price strategy.
Thus, skimming price is a smart strategy for smart marketers. And here on we
take an example of the smartest marketer ever.

2. Brand image pricing policy

One of the driver of customer brand insistence is “value.” While value is
comprised of more than just price (benefit bundle, perceived quality, etc.), it’s
important to understand pricing to deliver a strong brand value. So for
maintaining their brand image and reputation hi bond cement company decide
their cement price 290 that is high level price in the comparison of their

3. Retailed price maintain

A system which the price for an item an fixed by the manufacturer, and the
retailer is not allowed to sell it at a lower price. The company supply cements to
their retailer and retailer sale in rupee 290 to customers so in it the company earn
30% profit from customers.

Product life cycle and pricing strategies

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
As products move through the three stages of the product lifecycle different
promotional strategies should be employed at these stages to ensure the healthy
success and life of the product. Stages and promotions strategies employed.

When a product is new the organizations objective will be to inform the
target audience of its entry. Television, radio, magazine, coupons etc may be
used to push the product through the introduction stage of lifecycle. Push and
pull strategies will be used at this crucial stage.
In this stage in some kind of villages hi bond cement company can’t
introduce not because their capacity but there are not proper medias to introduce
their cement.

As the product becomes accepted by the target market the organization at
this stage of the lifecycle the organization works on the strategy of further
increasing brand awareness to encourage loyalty.
Definitely hi bond cement achieve their product growth in some very small
time that the establishment of the company, within 3 or 5 years they achieve the
popularity of cement.

At this stage with increased competition the organization take persuasive
tactics to encourage the consumers to purchase their product over their rivals.
Any differential advantage will be clearly communicated to the target audience to
inform of their benefits over their competitors.
After hi bond cement get popularity of their product, they could not take
more time to go the maturity stage because of their quality and demands.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
As the product reaches the decline stage the organization will use the
strategy of remaining people of the product to show the inevitable.
If hi bond company’s sale is goes down constantly the circumstances of
purchasing product is low than and than hi bond company goes decline stage.
And we don’t want that this stage is happening.

Factors affecting company’s pricing decisions

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
1. Top level management :
Top level management has full authority over the issues related to pricing.
Marketing manager’s role is administrative. The philosophy of top level
management is reflected in forms of pricing also. How does top management
perceive the price? Overall management philosophy and practice have direct
impact on pricing decision.
The centers of hi bond cement company like cost control center, profit
making center, investing center and quality center are decide together that what
report and which report are send to top level management

2. Elements of marketing mix :

Price is one of the important elements of marketing mix. Therefore, it must
be integrated to other elements (promotion, product, and distribution) of
marketing mix.
So, pricing decisions must be linked with these elements so as to consider
the effect of price on promotion, product and distribution, and effect of these
three elements on price. As above we discuss 4ps of hi bond cement company

3. Product quality:
Quality affects price level. Mostly, a high quality product is sold at high
price and vice versa. Customers are also ready to pay high price for a quality

The hi bond cement company is maintain their product because of not only
their profit goal but like competitors, customer’s demand etc.

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

4. Brand image and reputations in market:
Price does not include only costs and profits. Brand image and
reputations of the company are also added in the value of product.
Generally, hi bond Cement Company with reputed and established brand
charges high price for our products.

1. Demand for the product :
Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
Demand is the single most important factor affecting price of product and
pricing policies. Demand creation or demand management is the prime task of
marketing management. So, price is set at a level at which there is the desired
impact on the product demand. Company must set price according to purchase
capacity of its buyers. In the matter of demand this company can not achieve the
demand of their customers.!

2. Seasonal effect :
Certain products have seasonal demand. In peak season, demand is high;
while in slack season, demand reduces considerably. To balance the demand the
demand or to minimize the seasonal demand fluctuations, the company changes
its price level and pricing policies. For example, during a peak season, price may
be kept high and vice versa. Discount, credit sales, and price allowances are
important issues related to seasonal factor.

3. Government rules and restrictions :

A company cannot set its pricing policies against rules and regulations
prescribed by the governments. Governments have formulated at least 30 acts to
protect the interest of customers. Out of them, certain acts are directly related to
pricing aspects. Marketing manager must set pricing within limit of legal
framework to avoid unnecessary interference from outside. Adequate knowledge
of these legal provisions is considered to be very important for the manager.

Research & methodology

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

introduction and meaning

Research is an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge

making. For its advancement. In short, the search for knowledge through
objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research.
The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a
theory is also research. As such the term 'Research' refers to the systematic Method
of defining the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts Or data,
analyze the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in the form of solution
towards the concerned problem or in certain generations for some theoretical

In this competitive era, employees are focusing more on work due to

Competition and are not able to manage their personal and professional life
successfully. Generally, companies are not providing better working condition &
environment to their employees because they felt it is costly as well as there is no
significance effect of workers better work life balance on performance as well as
firm's profitability.


“Every organization needs relevant, reliable & timely information to takes

decision related to any area of organization”.

“Research is the systematic, objective & exhaustive search, for any study of
the facts relevant to any problem in any field of organization.”

Data collection method

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

There are mainly two types of data collection methods in research
methodology. They are:
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data

Primary data
The data which you have collected is primary data. Example: survey,
personal interview etc.
I collect the data and get responds from the customers with the help of the
retailers and wholesalers

Secondary data
The data collected by someone else is secondary data. Example: newspaper,
magazines, journals, etc.

We have followed primary data collection method in research methodology

in an industrial training report of “hi bond cement”.

Sampling Process

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

It Is The Aggregate Of All The Elements Define Prior To The Selection Of
The Sample. It Is Necessary To Define The Population In Terms Of The
Element, Sampling Unit, Extant And Time. We Have Conducted A Survey Of
Employees And To Know The Effect Of Their Work Life Balance On Their
Performance In Hi Bond Cements Private Limited. Theses Specifications Are As

 Element : - customers of hi bond cement

 Time : - 3 weeks

• Specifying the sampling method:

It indicates how the sample units are selected. I have selected
CONVENIENCE SAMPLING METHOD. The project last 3 weeks and cover all
the topics related to the work life balance.

• Sample size decision:

In this case population and sample both are well defined for the hi bond
Cements Private Limited Company as per the convenience also this can be
arranged in order as per wish which would be easily assessable.

• Selecting the sample:

So far as our research is concerned we have taken sample size 100
customers from many customers of the hi bond cements private limited.


Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

Top of Form

1. Do you know hi bond cement?


YES(95) NO(5)


 From the above chart it is clear that from 100 customers 5 customers are not
know hi bond cement.

2. Are you using hi bond cement ?

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya








YES(70) NO(25)


From the above chart it is clear that from total 100 customers only 70 customers
are using hi bond cement and remaining 25 customers are not using this cement

3. which brand of cement do you use?

ACC cement
Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya
Ambuja cement
J.K. lakshmi cement
Ultratec cement






From the above chart it is clear that if 70 customers are using hi bond than
remaining 25 persons are using difrent cement so from 25 persons 12 using
ultratec cement which is higher, 4 using j.k. lakhsmi cement, 8 using ambuja
cement and only 1 is using ACC cement.

4 Do you know how much price of hi bond cement?

Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya



15 29



250 270 290 320



From the above chart it is clear that from 95 persons 27 persons are told that its
price is 250, 32 persons told 270, 7 told 320 and 29 persons are told its price is 290
which is right.

5. Are you satisfied to using hi bond cement?

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Prepared by: Vatsal Mavadhiya

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