fs1 Ep12 Updated
fs1 Ep12 Updated
fs1 Ep12 Updated
1. Observe what teacher does or listen to what teacher says to find out if the students
understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
Yes, teachers constantly check to see if pupils have understood the lesson and whether the
instructions are clear. and the majority of students said "yes"
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense did not understand the lesson or a part of
the lesson? How?
Yes, when they are questioned but unable to understand, and they give a false response,
especially when its review
In order to clear up any confusion, the teacher clarified it by asking the class which part of
the lecture they are having trouble understanding.
5. Were the student given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this
Yes, the teacher asked the students if they had any additional questions or clarifications
after the discussion.
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did the teacher do?
Did you observe any of these activities? Please check.
__/____ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
_______ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
Another teaching approach will be employed by the instructor while reteaching the lesson
to keep the students' interest and guarantee that they will retain the material.
If yes, how?
The teacher did indeed assess the students by delivering a brief quiz or an oral recitation.
1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? It is not better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of the
entire lesson?
Because failing to meet the learning objectives at the end of the class can be prevented, the
teacher should ascertain whether the students comprehend the lesson.
2. Why is not enough for teacher to ask “Did you understand class?” when he/she intends to
check on learners` progress?
Because you must try question and answer, brief quiz, and other exercises if you truly want
to gauge learners' development. Not only by requesting clarification. Sometimes kids would
respond "yes" when asked if they understood, even if they didn't comprehend the lesson in
order to move on to the subsequent subject
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why
Because formative evaluation is not meant for grading, the answer is no. It is used to gauge
whether or not the students truly grasp the lesson the teacher covered.
According to my observations, the majority of tests and quick quizzes are given as a form of
formative evaluation.
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more
effective than teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
Peer tutoring appears to be successful since students may express themselves freely while
learning alongside their classmates. Students actively debate and express their opinions
with their classmates on what they comprehend and do not understand.
6. Could a reasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be attributes
to the non-application of formative assessment? Why or why not?
Yes, because failing to meet learning goals at the end of the term can be prevented when a
teacher correctly implements formative assessment. because you may reteach and correct
things as quickly as possible so that the students fully comprehend what is being taught.
Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your
Formative assessment is a type of evaluation used to track students' progress during a
lesson. It is similar to tasting soap when cooking since you are adding flavors and
ingredients to produce the desired tastes, much as when teaching formative evaluation
enables you to get the students ready to meet their learning objectives.
Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your observations.
Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities for The pupils do inquire as to what they learned from the
the learners to monitor and reflect on lesson she discussed. And there is a chance for them
their own learning? to provide a response in the books.
2. What are proofs that the students were The teacher gives a quiz that includes a reflection on
engaged in self-reflection, self- their own experiences in a particular situation.
monitoring and self-adjustment?
4. Did teacher create criteria with the To the extent that the students performed well in their
students for tasks to be completed or activities, absolutely.
skill to learned?
The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on
your personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-
assessment? If yes, what was its impact on your learning?
Remember how when my primary school teacher would repeatedly ask if we had any questions,
I would always answer, "I understand," out of fear of offending him or getting in trouble, but the
lesson never really sunk in, and as a result, I failed his exam. If my teacher had been more
understanding, I believe I would have aced the exam that day since I am not afraid to ask him
questions and I will comprehend his lecture. This case demonstrates that evaluations cannot be
based solely on the students, but also on their teacher. If the teacher is approachable and uses a
different teaching method with his or her students, the students may perform well on the exam.
2. Research shows that when students help develop questions for an assessment, and have a
deeper understanding of what they are expected to learn before they take the assessment,
they take a greater responsibility of their own learning. Which assessment is referred to?
A. Assessment as learning C. Assessment for Learning
B. Assessment of Learning D. Assessment in Learning
3. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states, “Assessment is a process that is used to keep track of
learners’ progress in relation to learning standards…, to promote self-reflection and personal
accountability among students about their own learning…
Which assessment are referred to by the DepEd memo?
I. Assessment as Learning
II. Assessment for Learning
III. Assessment of Learning
A. I only C. I and II
B. B. II and III D. I, II and III
4. You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. In which form/s of assessment are
you engaged?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment of and for Learning
5. Assessment For learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor students on
a day-today basis and modify their teaching based on what the students need to be
successful. Is this statement TRUE?
A. Yes C. Assessment of Learning
B. No D. TRUE except the clause after and
8. Which is characterized by students reflecting on their own learning and making adjustment
so that they achieve deeper understanding?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning
10. In which type of assessment are students expected to go beyond completing the tasks
assigned to them by their teacher and so students move from the passive learners to active
owners of their own learning?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning
11. Which assessment is likened to tasting the soup while in the process of cooking the soup?
A. Assessment as Learning C. Assessment of Learning
B. Assessment for Learning D. Assessment in Learning
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