Form 13 Midpoint Reflection 1
Form 13 Midpoint Reflection 1
Form 13 Midpoint Reflection 1
Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development
MidPoint Reflection
November 9, 2023
The journey toward Educational Leadership Certification started out a little rocky
for me. I have been out of college for the past five years, and during my college
career, I was a single woman with no children. I wanted to be done with my
Educational Specialist before I got married and started a family and thank God it
happened just that way. After speaking with my school mentor, the last couple
years, he persuaded me to take my education a little further and pursue my
leadership certification. Well, I can truly say that this journey has been hard for me,
as well as my family. At the mid-point of this program, I have to say I am glad I put
my best foot forth and decided to keep up the fight of pursuing my goal. I noticed
that it get a little easier and easier as time passes, and I have a set routine for
completing assignments. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to continue my
education and fulfill my dream of being in a leadership position in my school system.
At this point in my education career, I am currently where I want to be as an
instructional coach; I have only been in education eleven years, and I can say I truly
love what I do now! No matter where I work, my drive and my perseverance always
push me to the forefront. So, I finally decided it was now or never to go ahead and
add my certification for Educational Leadership. My family has always been my
priority, but we were in agreeance that we could go one year with me slacking in my
mommy and wife duties for me to better my knowledge and understanding with my
current career path. I can say, my anxiety was through the roof with juggling all my
day-to-day tasks with work and family; my time was already stretched thin as it
could get seem like. God has a way of showing us that things will always work out
for our good if we just believe; I can truly say that he has leveled out my anxiety and
I am able to complete all my mommy duties with ease, all my wife duties with
satisfaction, and all my work duties like before. I know can see the light at the end of
the tunnel, and it is shining bright for me.
When looking over the course Syllabus/Handbook and all the requirements for the
Supervised Field Experience, I immediately wondered what I had gotten myself into.
I told my husband, I didn’t think I could do it especially when my son wanted to play
Flag Football and Soccer; also, my husband had just started a new job and would be
on night shift for five days a week. This would leave me up half the nights writing
reflections, organizing my artifacts, completing discussions, juggling taking my son
to practice, games, and helping him with homework, and trying to stay sane at the
same time. How was I going to give work my all, attend to my family, and complete
all the requirements of my two courses for first semester? Well, at work one day my
principal and I have a heart to heart about leadership and how much it requires of
leaders. He talked about how the path to success is not easy, but the reward of being
an effective leader is priceless to staff, students, and stakeholders. He explained to
me that he couldn’t function without me by his side dealing with the curriculum and
instruction of the middle school, and if anyone had to not have a contract next year, I
would be the last to go. This was my sign to keep pushing and gain the knowledge
and understanding needed in the Leadership courses to continue my effective
The next few weeks were hard for me, and seem like soon as I finished on
assignment, another discussion, collecting one artifact, and writing one discussion, it
was time for another to be completed. I had to take a second and figure out a system
that worked best for me, and that was first to get organized with a calendar of due
dates, I then added observation hours I had planned to complete on the calendar, as
well as reached out to elementary and high school about my half day visits. The
district office allowed me to come over and make observations based on days that
were best for me; also, the Special Ed. Director and MTSS Director notified me of
meetings and welcomed me to sit in and observe. The hardest part of the semester
was learning how to navigate the WIX Portfolio; I gave up on WIX because it wasn’t
as user friendly as Weebly, which I was used to when pursuing my Education
Specialist Degree. After struggling on how to best organize my portfolio and coming
up with a template I liked, I finally got the hang of it. My professor motivated me a
lot with my first Portfolio Check because his feedback was so positive, and I receive
an A the first time I submitted it. I did struggle in writing a literature review and
failed it the first time; this really made me feel like I had failed, but after
resubmitting the paper and receiving and A, I knew I could keep pushing. I did my
best to document every single artifact, reflection and post any material that was
required. I struggled a lot of days and realized I had to make note sometimes of the
observations when I was pulled here and there throughout the school day, and I
could always come back and add them to Form 8 and Form 10 later.
The field observations and working with my school mentor presented so many
wonderful leadership lessons for me. I was able to see things through many
different lenses and see just how challenging it is to be an administrator. I realize
the building principal is true enough the one that oversees the school, but his or her
leadership team is just as important in running the school. I made mistakes through
this semester, and I learned so much from them; my main goal this semester is to
take on more leadership roles at my school and continue to add to my portfolio to
show a true representation of who I am as a leader in my school district. I have had
the opportunity to work beside so many wonderful leaders; these leaders consist of
teacher leaders, administrators, and all faculty and staff that make up the
elementary, middle, high, and district. Before this class, I looked at things regarding
school business through a broad lens, but now my lens has widened and the past
few months have taught me everyone play an important role in running an effective
school system, even stakeholders. I am excited to complete this journey and am
eager to see what second semester holds.