Lovely Alata (Activity 4)
Lovely Alata (Activity 4)
Lovely Alata (Activity 4)
12- Generosity
Answer: In my own personal timeline, the central theme or focal subject is generally
about my development and the significant events which formed me to be the person I
am today. The occasions in my personal timeline are mostly school–related because
almost half of my life revolves in school. If I would have the chance to put a title to my
own work, I will call it "The Journey of My Life" since it is a portrayal of the most
essential moments in my life, from the day I was born to the day I am currently in. Also,
I see it as a journey because my life is a long and difficult process. There are a lot of
barriers and challenges that helped me change and develop overtime.
2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What where the thoughts, feelings and
actions that you experienced?
Answer: The turning points of my life was when I stepped into high school. Life in high
school was really different from what I experienced in primary school. It was definitely
hard to adjust since it was a new environment for me. Thus, I also have to make new
friends but the problem is, I wasn't the confident and talkative type of person.
Fortunately, as soon as I met new friends and formed a circle of acquaintances, my
self-esteem eventually developed as I advance on the year levels.
3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How did they influence you?
Answer: The most significant individuals in my life are my family, friends, and teachers.
My family has always been an inspiration since my young age. I grew up always
admiring my parents because they were the reason why I am living a very comfortable
life right now. They taught me the morals and virtues that one has to possess in order
for us to gain kindness and respect from others. I am very grateful because me and
my sisters grew up to be a better person because of them. My friends on the other
hand are important to me because they help me build my confidence. I am never
afraid to explore new things as long as my friends are beside me. I am really proud of
our friendship because we're always there to support each other no matter what. In
addition to this, I am also grateful of my teachers. They are significant to me because
they helped me expand my knowledge on things and taught me all the lessons I need
to acquire in order to improve. i believe that they are one of the most crucial
foundation of my dreams because knowledge is something that can't ever be stolen
from us.
4. What would you change or add? If you could, How would each of these changes or
additions affect your life, or even change its present course?
Answer: I wouldn’t change or add anything in my timeline because for me, all of
that happened for a reason. They are all interconnected. One incident happened
and it led to another like a chain of events. Adding or changing one incident could
mean changing the succeeding events. These events shaped and developed me
into the person I am today. I would be a different person if those incidents never
5. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10 years? What do you expect your
future timeline will be?
Answer: I have always wanted to be a lawyer since then. I couldn’t see myself taking
other professions in the future because that is what I dream to be. I would definitely
help myself in achieving that dream and make it a reality. 5 years from now, I think I
would be in my first year in law school and hopefully, 10 years from now, I would be
a successful lawyer.
Activity: Worksheet on Developmental Tasks of Being in Grade 11 ( Use short bond paper)
Using the Developmental Tasks Summary Table above, assess your own level of
development as a student.
What are the expected tasks What are the expected tasks What are the expected task
you have successfully you have partially you have not accomplished
accomplished? accomplished?
Studying hard- As for me, I Finish all assignments and Not having late on the
can say that I am one of activities- I have started all attendance- I have always
those people who study hard my assignments and tasks in been late even during my
since I always make sure to
perform well and do my best school but haven’t finished pre-pandemic life. I certainly
in school. everything yet because some find it hard to wake up really
of it is to be submitted early in the morning.
Being a good daughter- I Adjusting to online class- I Having consistent grades- I
believe that I’ve successfully can say that I haven’t fully never had consistent high
accomplished this task since I adjust to online classes even grades since there are times
always do my best to satisfy though we are expected to when I’m having difficulties
my parents not only on my because its been months on my subjects.
academics but also with my since its implementation.
responsibilities in the house Everything is just so new to
such doing chores. me that I really am having a
difficulty coping up with the
new system.
Processing Questions:
1. Being a grade 12, what are the developmental tasks expected of you? Rate your self
from 1 – 10 (10 is the highest) on whether you have accomplished those expected
2. As you are in grade 12, you are in transition from high school to college, from being
an adolescent to young adult. How do you feel this transition?
Answer: As for me, I feel like I have unconsciously gone through these stages because
of the preparations my parents have made for us to be equipped in the future. Going
through high school is really difficult for me because of the changes I went through
and it was indeed life changing. I am currently learning new things as I get through all
of it. Actually, at first, the thought of growing older frightens me. Me and my parents
have always known the fact that we have to be independent someday so when I first
went to senior high, me and my twin sister practiced how to live all by ourselves. It
was a great experience even though there are struggles along the way. It was an
advantage for us because at least in college, we wouldn’t have a hard time adjusting
as well as when the time comes when we have to provide for ourselves.
3. Do you think you are ready for this transition which may mean more responsibilities
and greater accountability? If no, what are the expected tasks you need to work on?
If yes, what are the ways to take so you can better plan for the future?
Answer: Yes, I do believe that I’m ready to go through this transition even if it comes
with several responsibilities. Like death, responsibilities are something that we cannot
avoid. Afraid or not, we will have to face the reality that we have to be independent
someday. Some of the ways I took into consideration in order to have a better future
is to stop making excuses for myself and learn how to manage my time and expenses.
Instead of transferring the blame to someone or something else, I would accept the
true reason why I failed to do something. By coming up with an excuse, I’m actually
admitting that I’m being irresponsible. Moreover, one of the major responsibilities I
will have as an adult is to take care of my time and money. It is important that I know
how to manage them so that time will never come that I will be dependent again on
my parents.
Act out :
Assess your attitude as a young adolescent. How are you coping with life’s challenges?
(Make a paragraph in a sheet of paper)
Pen Up!