Final Proj Life Plann

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Escuela Normal Superior Pública Del Estado De Hidalgo

Licenciatura En Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje Del Inglés En

Educación Secundaria


6th Semester

Final Project

Life Planning

Student´S Name:
Genesis Monserrat Garcia De La Rosa

Teacher´s Name:
Daniel Alberto Colmenares Alvarez

 Where do you come from?

I come from a family that loves me very much, a very close family that
is attentive to its children and wants the best for each one of them,
which in this case is me and my sister. My parents have been an
example of life for me. for me since they always talk to me they are
aware of me that I know what I want in life, that I know well what I
need for my future and how real life is.
To have the best for me, since that is what they want for me and they
have told me, they will always want the best for me and my sister,
that is why they have worked so hard to be with me in every
important moment of my life, guiding me so much. academically and
spiritually throughout my life
My family on my father's side is the closest and it is the one that has
had me throughout these years with high expectations of life, as well
as of every achievement that I should have as a person.
 Where are you now?
Right now I am in a period of my life in which I am about to finish my
university degree, this is so important to me that I must pay attention
to my professors who want to share with me the happiness of
achieving my degree, I am pressured by the work that is coming in
terms of doing intervention projects, and how my life will continue to
change, gradually becoming a professional person
I feel every day with the responsibility both as a sister and daughter
of every day to be better in school not to fail as a student and
daughter since I am one step away from finishing normal school as a
future teacher
At this stage of my life I am also spiritually well, I am closer to God,
closer to everything I can believe in, I feel closer to believing as well
as being reunited with people who believe in my religion, which is
where I am on all my weekends. week arriving in ixmiquilpan I attend
on Fridays and Sundays, soon on vacation I will also attend on
 Where do you hope to be in the future?
I hope to be in the short term with my English levels surpassed, being
about to finish the subject, I hope I can already be with my English
certifications, which is what matters right now more than anything,
overcoming that stage, which is something that keeps me stressed
until Today to raise the language beyond what I know for my
improvement and later for my students that I come to have in my
journey as a teacher
After having my certifications that I hope to complete, one in January
and the other in mid-June 2024, after being able to finish my degree
and be able to compete for a position, it would be the best option for
me and my future to have the job that I have academically assured. I
can get to have
 Which aspects of your life are you satisfied with (e.g., family,
social relationships, career, finances, recreation, health, etc.)?
I am satisfied in the family aspect since they know of my growth as a
person that I have had academically speaking as well as being more
and more focused on my studies although behind that there is a lot of
pressure from me in Pachuca but being in Ixmiquilpan I am an
example before my parents and sister
In my social relationships throughout the degree, some friends have
been lost for the very reason of carrying out the work, delivering them
on time, determined that throughout the degree we have to put aside
those friends that we do not like. add up enough
In my career I am satisfied that I am already at this stage of my life in
the 7th semester and I am very close to finishing my degree, I am not
so satisfied that some teachers do not see everything we can give
and they grade us what they see more They don't evaluate us the
way we are and that discourages most of my colleagues and me a
 In which aspects of your life would you like to see
I would like to see improvements in the aspect of achieving my
certifications since by not having them there are different
consequences from the treatment of some teachers to the one in
which I am at risk of being able to acquire a "place" in the SEP to
continue with my career and continue teaching no longer practicing
but putting into practice what was learned during the practices
I think that if I would only make improvements in changes of mind,
such as being more aware of my academic changes, not taking so
much time off since there is a lot to work on, even if there are
vacations, I want to change being relaxed and start working on what I
like. matters since the work that comes from our research work is
 What are your priorities right now? How do you see them
changing in the future?
My priorities have been changing throughout this year at the
beginning of the degree it was to enter the normal school and do all
my work later as I progress they are to do my work, turn it in on time
and form, connect on time in my classes for the pandemic, when I
entered it was to arrive on time in class to be aware of what should
be done in class and so on at every step throughout my life. Now in
the 7th semester, the priority is my certifications, planning on time,
having my internship weeks covered, doing my teacher's diaries,
following my teaching intervention project, so that every time I
advance in my career I have less rest and a lot of work than travel
Of course, they have been changing throughout these 3 years of my
career. Also, this year I began to have a venture that has allowed me
to advance in time, to have more visions for the future, to have new
In order to also have to be busy both at school and in my business,
having a new income also gives me an opportunity to be at school
working, not just all academics, but having a business allows me to
know my priorities that I wish for the future to be able to continue
growing as a person. One of my priorities is also to have my family, to
spend more quality time with them, which I should be most grateful to
them for everything they give me, everything they manage to get to
be and let me know about my priorities
Emotional Spiritual

*Family *Love and Romance

*Major *Family
*Love and Romance *Social Relationships
*Social Relationships *Hobbies

Physical Mental

*Physical healthy *Mental Healthy

*Nutrion and fitness *Major
*Family *Family
*Social Relationships *Social Relationships
Create Goals
In the short term it would be to successfully finish this semester as full of
emotions and learning as it was from the beginning to start with each
teaching practice, to meet my new students in a new school in which I had
not had the opportunity for a long time. opportunity to go and now I would
like to go back to the same secondary school to be able to be with them for
another new school year but it will not be like that since they changed my
secondary school where I will do my professional practices.

This semester has been a bit heavy at the end of the semester since it is
when the load of final work reaches us and we must gather our work from
the previous units and have a reflective teaching of us, we are analyzing
what we do with the students in our few days that we had this semester
since we were very little with the students

In this short term I also hope to have my level certification academically in

January, for which I have also been worried and stressed since I must
study and also resume some tenses or vocabulary things that I needed to
have within my level of English, of In the same way, things to resume in
these months, such as my intervention project, which has made very little
progress and I need to make him want to continue with my project, taking
two hours out of each day to be able to explore this project, which is to be
able to graduate.

I have been working very hard this semester to improve my final project,
because I have to be looking for information to start doing it since it is
methodology, read a lot and be very precise in what I have to say in my
project citing several authors, reading a lot in English and thinking about
how to implement that in my students in each planning that I do in this 7th

In my short-term relationship, because my boyfriend's party is coming up, in

which I am his cake godmother, I wanted to give it to him since during my
stay with him here in Pachuca, he has supported me a lot at school and he
has finished. It's been her graduation recently, what's coming up right now
is her graduation party in Ixmiquilpan, it's in two weeks, and I'm also
helping to organize her party, which makes me equally excited for us.

In the medium term, with my certification in January, I hope to also have

the Second certification in June to be able to compete for a position. Being
able to have my certifications would help me a lot to be a little more
confident in the language and what I can achieve, since Many more
opportunities would open up for me by having these certifications in my
career as a student, also the next thing that would follow would be to finish
my degree, take my exam to compete and have a secure job opportunity
for myself. In a matter of my family, continuing to fill myself with projects
that enrich my way of thinking and being in various situations with my loved
ones, at school and with friends.

Also in the medium term, the one who already has more clients in my shoe
business, the one who has already made more progress in that part as an
entrepreneur and teacher. In the medium term I would like to have my
clients of the shoes and have numbers in existence, perhaps a store in
Ixmiquilpan to make deliveries here in Pachuca, generating more every day
and growing professionally. In the medium term I see myself doing all that.
In the long term, having already finished my degree as well as being more
sure of myself, perhaps I will still see myself in a language school already
generating knowledge with the students. In the long term, I would also like
to see myself with my young students teaching them the basics of English I
would also like to see the one that implements very good summer courses
for them, to develop their learning with creative ideas working in a very
dynamic way with classes that are very encouraging for them, since they
would put into practice everything that I have come to learn in the Normal.

With an independent life, perhaps in Pachuca, which is where I would like

to practice and be working, since I really like the environment and how the
city is here, since I would like to work in some schools where I was
practicing and specifically in one in particular. I would really like to fulfill that
dream of working there as well as being close to my family would also be a
very good option
Life Plan

In this life plan, we will focus on the journey of a 21-year-old girl who is
about to finish her career as an English language teacher. This transitional
stage in her life presents many opportunities and dreams ahead, such as
the creation of an English school. Throughout the next 10 pages, we will
detail the main objectives, strategies and goals to make those dreams
come true and develop a successful professional life.

-Definition of short-term objectives, such as obtaining the title of teacher in

teaching English and carrying out professional practices in a teaching
environment abroad. With this objective in my life plan, I want to emphasize
that the most important thing for me is my university degree to be able to
finish the degree that the process already mentioned, I would like to add to
this life plan each one of my great objectives that from a very young age
thanks to my I am very aware of my parents since from a very young age I
have been advised by my parents to be on the teaching side. I come from a
family of teachers by my father, most of them are even directors, so there is
no issue about the Teaching is unknown to me, on the contrary, I have
been acquiring all this since I was little, being in the classroom, living with
the children, being in contact with professional teachers, how it is planned
week after week to raise grades, the administrative discharges, going to the
technical councils every end of the month is not strange for me, on the
contrary it motivates me too much, I enjoy being at school meetings
listening to the talks between teachers to reach an agreement, throughout
my life I have observed how it is and what it is dealing with, hence my love
and affection for teaching.
Being within the labor field, which is what I enjoy the most, I acquire
knowledge, experiences with my students, learning from them, I learn the
resolution of problems from themselves as adolescents since what they are
looking for is to know what their identity is and they are in a process full of

In establishing medium-term goals, such as the search for job opportunities

in recognized educational institutions and the continuous improvement of
language and pedagogical skills, I focus more on the process that I will
have to follow at the end of my degree to be able to locate myself where I
can work. knowing where they can locate me when I have my "place"
where I will have to start my services as a future teacher. I also want to
rescue as a life plan that I would really like to do another career, suddenly
my attention is drawn to studying, for example, law, having diplomas or
certifications that have to do with the court, diplomas in women's rights, he
also has some of home abandonments also seeing that side of the family
that, although it has also been a consequence of the poor performance of
the student in school. The fact that they are unmotivated, unmotivated,
disoriented with no encouragement to attend and learn something new.

I must be so focused on this since my university average is also

compromised by wanting to acquire my place in the sep, wanting to be
within the platform is also involved in this, the fact that I need courses to
comply with certain hours, it will allow me to have a place on this platform
that allows me to continue fulfilling my goals so that, later, maybe I can be
like my relatives, being a high school principal, being in charge of a school,
dreaming beyond being something more than an English teacher in front of
a group, fighting for my dreams has become a constant struggle wanting to
be within this group of people who I know will achieve their goals like in my
classroom observing from a small distance what person is more intelligent,
capable and who has that desire for things, who has well defined what he
wants for his life.

The exploration of strategies to acquire teaching experience and enrich

knowledge in the teaching of English, by participating in volunteer
programs, attending conferences and workshops, as well as taking
complementary courses. It will allow me to grow step by step to meet each
objective of that plan that I have in mind, super disturbing to be day by day
after this learning that does not end. an important point in my life like
gradually acquiring what my house is, sharing these prides with my family
would be very significant for me, having my own house and having my own
car, of course.

I would like to share these achievements with myself loved one with whom I
have been dating for more than a year and a half, my loved one is a crucial
part of my career and life. I met him 9 years ago we started our friendship
being together at the beginning I was with his friend from high school I went
out with his friend for a while, but my loved one was in love with me since
then, my loved one hard in love for 9 years To date, he was always aware
of how I was, and that's how we were talking on Facebook during all that
time, whenever he mentioned that we were going out, he left it on seen or
told him that later.

We were like this for 9 long years when telling this story we both get
sentimental since we remember several moments that we came to tell each
other because of the love we had for several years that he was there with
me always attentive to me, that sometimes he was not We used to coincide
in being single, but we didn't stop talking to each other for so long, so now
that he finishes his university we are more together than ever, we are both
from Ixmiquilpan, he has already finished his Bachelor of Science in
Education, I am very proud of him. and he knows it.

Since he has currently completed his studies, he plans to share living

together with me in the same way, starting to work for the good of both of
us, that as we build something beautiful, we both grow emotionally and
maturely. We know that it is important and crucial to have life goals and
that it is nicer to know that they are shared, mutually. He is a very intelligent
person and he has always tried his best to prosper as someone in life like
me and now, after finishing his studies, he wants to work, have something
safe for me, and then be sure to have something to offer me and be able to
get married one day. .

My venture at this point in my life would already be more advanced. I plan

together with my loved one to have our own store and open the shoe store.
We would have more clients, models in stock, we would buy shoe runs of
the models best sold by our clients, as well Speaking of businesses, we
want to open one called "Combigotes" which would consist of selling sweet
desserts such as hot cakes, crepes, lattes, and the other half of the place
would be gomilocas, dorilocos, spicy things, very tasty.

Preparation of a marketing plan, which includes promotion and

dissemination strategies for the English school, with the aim of attracting a
large number of students and achieving sustainable growth.
-Implementation of educational technologies, such as online platforms and
digital tools, to facilitate the learning of the English language and provide
more dynamic and interactive educational experiences.

-Development and strengthening of strategic alliances with educational

institutions, companies and local organizations, in order to expand
opportunities for the English school and foster collaboration and mutual

-Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the English

school, in order to identify areas for improvement and take corrective
measures, as well as provide quality education and meet the needs of

-Reflection and gratitude for the journey taken, highlighting the

achievements obtained and the lessons learned on the way to the creation
of the English school. An invitation is made to continue in search of new
dreams and professional challenges.

These projects have been managed by my loved one and I, the shoe
venture that by the way is already on the social networks that are
Instagram and Facebook, each photo, each post, each image have been
made by both of us with ideas from the two, we were building it little by little
until our first order came out, we have thought about so many things
together to achieve our dreams, objectives.

My loved one is also an animal lover like me, only he is more passionate
about horses, bulls, animals like that. That is why it is also a joint project to
have our own bull pens since he has worked with them, he knows what
they eat, what vitamins they consume, and how it is to buy and sell each of
these animals, especially the bulls, it is also a venture in which he will be
working more thoroughly right now that he has practically finished studying.

-Development of a financial plan and establishment of long-term goals,

such as capital savings to start the process of creating an English school
and market studies to identify existing demand and competition. It will allow
me to raise my plans more to reality. I plan to keep these last scholarships
in savings for future capital of each of my ventures that I plan to have as a
person, the one with the shoes, the amount that was recovered, and that's
how it had to be. With each of the orders, the one that has to leave the
capital, which would be in this case the shipments that my supplier makes
to me.

Being within the teaching practices makes me think about how to improve
throughout my professional teaching life and that more than innovating
more and more the way we work, the teacher always has to be updated
and what better way than the hand of their students, being a teacher gives
us the ability to learn and want to know how we can improve in the future

In the financial plan for my little language school, it would also be starting
with the patio of my house, a place where summer courses can be held
first, then building the proper space to teach each class, later hiring other
teachers with the same thought in which children learn in a fun and
meaningful way.

First of all, thank God for giving me the opportunity each day allows me to
wake up close to my family because they are by my side every step of the
way and have given everything for me.
To those who have always supported and followed me throughout my life
thanks to my family for their effort, support, understanding and company.

It gave me enough strength to continue this fight to achieve my dreams and

goals in life. I want to be a person with good principles and not let myself
be influenced by bad friends.

I want to practice values with the whole society so that people can give
good things provide your children with a good education and role models at
home without discrimination.

I myself want to help everyone who needs it, help is for orphans with the
chance to fulfill my goal, I would like to meet my friends and reminisce
about old times. time. I don't want to be someone who puts people down, I
want to treat everyone the same, appreciate friendship and always keep
God in mind.

As a life plan, also when I agree to marry, I would like more than anything
to have a better relationship with God. The fact that my partner is close to
God is something as significant as for me, as for my family, which knows
the good and bad, how it should be one with god, the relationship that
should exist with god so that everything turns out much better guided by
the path of faith and spirituality.

In the future I would also like to build various collection centers for street
children, those children in a terrible situation on the street who are there
without wanting to have wanted it, the children who are the ones who suffer
both on the streets and at home who are less precious at home and that
could become something good in life
The fact that my parents are with me encourages me to make each of
these purposes that I have mentioned to fulfill each goal that I have as a
young person, they have always been with me on a par to understand,
support and guide me. My father from a very young age was with me,
telling me, guiding me what to do with my life, how I should follow each
step, and that it is working hard for each of our dreams that we have, that
nothing is difficult in this life, studying will achieve all my goals

I would also like to open a canine center, to be able to care for several
puppies, to give them medical attention, food, a home. There are too many
puppies in a very serious street situation that should not be there, it is so
sad to see so many puppies run over, mistreated, humiliated.

This must change as future teachers also give us the task of including the
new generations not to animal abuse, I would like to be an activist and
rescuer of these poor voiceless animals that are increasingly injured,

Also in the part where they see poor pets as a business is the one who
wants more puppies to multiply just because they are of the same breed,
which is very wrong.

By making dog houses in the future, I would be improving my life and my

world, by not seeing so many dogs, kittens suffering crying from hunger or
being in the unbearable heat of every day, a dog should not be tied to a
tree or in the highest part of your house.

I would make shelter houses for street animals, this idea arose thanks to
the fact that at home I have 5 puppies and 2 cats that we love with our
hearts and would not abandon for anything in the world.
We know thanks to the fact that we have them that they are human beings
who feel, know and recognize even when a person is good or bad.

My mother is an activist in social networks and helps homeless puppies to

be sterilized, so my mother put the idea in my mind of creating canine
sterilization centers, as well as vaccinations.

In my life project I keep a record of all the wishes that I have expressed
during this time. Over time and plan your life goals clear to be able to
achieve it and to be able to do it in the best possible way thanks to my the
knowledge and help they gave me allowed me to complete my project.
thank you teacher for teaching us to implement life projects, It has really
helped me recognize traits I didn't know existed.

I know myself because this job reminds me of things from the past.from
childhood to the present. I want my own domain name so I can get my own
domain name decisions If I need someone to make a decision for me, I
want to remember that. if I want something, I can achieve it because I am
sovereign, I learned to communicate in courses for students. the
knowledge that the teacher teaches us every day.

My life plan as an English teacher is ambitious and full of opportunities.

Through strategic planning, constant research, skill acquisition, and
persevering effort, she has all the tools necessary to make her dream of
establishing an English school a reality. With each step taken and each
goal achieved, she will move closer to her vision of being an outstanding
teaching professional and contributing to the educational development of
her community.

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