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accomplishments. That being said my junior year started off alright; my classes were
decent challenging but not to the point where I couldn't do it. This all lead me to be very
stressed by second semester. My classes got more challenging, I was doing a lot of
extracurricular activities, I did three sports this year and I struggling.I wasn't sure if I
would be able to balance everything because i was doing a lot of other things around
the school not including sports and classes. During all of this I was also really worried
about what I am doing and where I am going because I lost interest in what I wanted to
do since I was little which very challenging for me since I felt like I was running out of
I don't have a solution for all of my challenges just yet but I hope to figure it all out
everything I could to change that , I would gon in fro help, ask my peers, and study. By
including these things in my learning ways I was able to comprehend what I was
learning and even being a person that can help others. Also with my time management
issue, I made sure that I planned out everything to the best of my ability so that I would
be able to complete everything I wanted to do. Yes, not everything worked out but it
would fall into place in the end or what happened was for the best.
Along the way i've picked up some very important things. Like communication is
key, being involved in so much this year i've learned that making sure i'm talking to all
my teachers, coaches, friends about what is going on and my plans helps everything go
more smoothly. I was also able to learn that not everything will go my way and I will just
A lot of new people entered my life this year and i'm super grateful for them,
some made a big impact on me and they are Ms. Vasquez, Kathy Vargas, and Mr./
Coach Rhoades. These people made my junior year a little easier from the classroom,
to the cheer mat, and to the track. Ms. Vasquez was a teacher that I got good vibes off
since the first day I walked in her class. I got closer to her towards to her the end of the
year when I was elected for one of the candidates for Every 15 Minutes. When I came
back she had told me how worried she was and how upset she was at the fact that I had
“passed away”. I really got see how much she really cared for me. Kathy is my cousin,
sister, and bestfriend, she has she has always encouraged me to try new things and
pushed me out of my comfort zone no matter what. Lastly Coach rhoades , He has had
the track.
I accomplished what I never knew was possible this year, junior year was
definitely one for the books. To start off I did two sports this year, Which were cross
country and track. I also took my first AP class and had my higher GPA ever this year.
one of my most favorite things I did this year was join/ run for leadership, which I ended
up getting. The position I ran for was Director of dances and I'm excited to improve
and better the school dances. I also joined the FFA floral team and got third at my first
field day. Lastly I decided to show a swine for the Merced County Fair, Which has been
AVID has been super helpful this year especially because we are close to our
senior year and college. It has taught me a lot from what it takes to write a good PIQ to
A smart goals mainly consisted of making sure I understood what was being
taught in my classes. I believe I did a pretty good job making sure I did by going in when
I need help asking a person around me and doing extra work at home. something I still
need to do is study, I've never been too good at studying because I get too distracted. I
intend on taking good Cornell notes to have a reliable source of studying notes I will
also not take for granted tutorial. That way when I do have to study it's just review.