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The Role of The 21 Century Teacher: Kelly Wilson

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The Role of the 21st Century Teacher

Kelly Wilson EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Learning and Teaching Professor: Matt Hixson Murrieta Campus July 25, 2013

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Introduction: In 2009, I made a decision that would change my life; I decided to go back to school with the end results being that I would have my Multiple Subject credential and my Masters degree. Little did I know that the journey would be a long but satisfying one. In order to obtain these goals, I first had to go back to school for my accredited BA. You see, I had graduated from L.I.F.E. Bible College before it became an accredited college. Thankfully, I was able to go back to L.I.F.E. and do an accelerated program that allowed me to receive my accredited BA in eighteen months, and I was even able to waive a few of the required courses! After finishing these courses, I was ready to go on and begin my work on my Multiple Subject credential with only one minor issue: what school to attend? I looked at different schools and their programs and was all set to do my credential work online through a certain school when I discovered that their program would be another three years of work. I knew that I could do the credential and Masters in about a year and a half so being told that it would take me three years to complete the credential alone put a quick stop to my enrollment plans for that school. I did some more research and decided that Azusa Pacific was the right school for me. When I began the Masters program, I was a substitute teacher but in November of 2012, I was hired to be a full time aide in a second grade classroom at a private school I had been subbing at since the fall of 2008. My role as the aide in this classroom was to be available to the teacher for anything she needed me to do. The two most prevalent duties that I performed were grading and disciplining. This teacher did not have any classroom management skills and that role ended up falling onto my shoulders. Through a series of circumstances, I eventually took over the class the last six weeks of the school year.

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I felt that pursuing my Masters degree was essential to my professional growth. Ive always felt that teaching in a Christian school is where God is calling me to be even though the pay scale is significantly less than the public schools. Having my Masters is an advantage in the Christian school because they are looking for teachers who have a lot of education in their portfolio to show that they can compete with the public schools. In looking at the Masters programs at Azusa Pacific University, I felt that the Masters in Digital Teaching and Learning was the program I ought to pursue. Education today is headed towards using technology more and more. Technology is all around us and is constantly evolving. In my opinion, having a Masters in this particular area will only enhance my abilities as an educator and will allow new and innovated opportunities for my students to learn. Personal Growth: As I began this program, I was a little apprehensive about what was going to be expected from me. Its a little ironic that I decided to do a Masters program that was all about technology because anyone who knows me could tell you that I only know the basics when it comes to technology and any more than that was a bit scary for me. Im a visual learner and so whenever I was faced with new technology, like a new cell phone, my normal response to people was to tell them to just show me what I needed to know and how to do it. From there it has always been a matter of sitting down with the device and just playing with it to discover what it can do. For instance, Ive had my iPad now for four months and just yesterday I discovered that I could see my notifications if I pulled down on the screen at the top. Who knew?!?! I have learned through the course of this Masters Program that I am more than capable of doing things that I never would have thought I could do before. It might take me longer to complete a project but I absolutely can do it. My journey through this program has not been easy. When I took on the Kelly Wilson Growth Assessment Page 3

position as the aide in the second grade class, I also took on a long commute which meant I now had to get up by 5:00 a.m. each morning and on the days I had class I was not getting home until almost 9:00 p.m. This was a difficult adjustment for me. On top of that, I had to make time to do homework. The only way I was able to do all of this was to plan my schedule weekly to enable time to get everything done and find a little bit of time to myself as well. Thankfully, I had a lot of support from both family and friends who were willing to step in and help in any way they could to alleviate some of the stress that this particular schedule and its timing with my Masters Program. I have also been able to connect with some amazing people through the course, of not only this Masters program, but the credential program as well. One of the bonuses of attending Azusa Pacific is that there is always someone available to talk to and pray with. That was also a huge factor in my decision to go here. My walk with the Lord has also become stronger as I have had to seek His guidance and help in different areas. I believe that there is always room to grow in our walk with the Lord and I believe we face times that are more challenging than others in order to draw us nearer to Him. In light of all the factors, I have faced during the course of this program, I believe God has guided me through the program and enabled me to be successful in my course work and the teaching position as well. The completion of this program will be a culmination of a lot of hard work and trust in the Lord. It will affirm to me that I am doing what I have been called to do. Completing this program will enable me to be more marketable and it has given me a great deal of ideas and information that will only enhance my teaching.

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Professional Growth: As an educator, this program has increased my abilities in the area of technology. I have discovered so many different apps and applications that I had not known of prior to beginning this journey. I have seen how the use of technology in the classroom is a great asset and ought to be used if possible. I used to think that we needed to make sure the old school way of teaching was not lost and that the use technology should be more limited. I figured if it had worked for me, then it should still work for students today. We are working with a completely different type of student now though and the use of technology can only enhance the learning process. I still believe that there needs to be a good balance between the two aspects of teaching, but I am less inclined to stick to only the one way of teaching now that I have finished this program and I have seen how many different resources are available to teachers and students now. As I stated before, I took on the role of the second grade aide in the midst of the Masters program. I am also very happy to say that through taking on that responsibility, I was asked to come back in the fall as one of the full time second grade teachers for the 2013/2014 school year. As I have started working on some of the planning for the school year and looking through the curriculum and TEs, I find myself looking online more to see what other resources I can use to help with the different subjects I will be teaching. One thing I really want to try and implement at the beginning of the school year is the survey we took on multiple intelligences in EDUC 522: Learning in the 21st Century. I will have to revamp it on a level that second graders will be able to understand and take, but I love the idea of knowing how each child in my class learns. As I Kelly Wilson Growth Assessment Page 5

plan this summer, I also want to implement different techniques that will meet the needs of the various intelligences that will be in my class. One of the things that I have had a problem with in recent years is stress, and the impact it has had on my body. In the past two years, I have had my back go out on me several times. This caused me to find a great chiropractor in the area. He told me that I needed to find an outlet for my stress. I have really struggled finding this stress outlet. I have heard that doing Pilates can help relieve stress and that it also increases energy. It was an exhausting school year and I know that I need to also find something that will increase my energy level. My action research plan is to start doing at least 30 minutes of Pilates five times a week to see if my stress level goes down and my energy level goes up. I am hoping that this will be a jumpstart to a lifestyle change for me and that as the new school year approaches; I will be in less pain and feel more energized each day. Technical Growth: As stated before, I was not technically savvy at all. I knew the basics of how to use the Internet and how to write a paper in a Word doc. There was really no need for me to know much more than that and, as a result, I never pushed myself to learn more. As a result of this program, I now know how to create and edit videos using the app, Pinnacle Studios, on my iPad. I was completely overwhelmed when I learned in EDUC 514, that I would have to come up with commercials and videos on my own. I have never done anything like that before, and I was not sure I would be able to handle something like that. Thankfully, with Gods help, I was able to put together some fairly good videos, and I now know how to create new ones.

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As a result of this program, I use my iPad all the time. Prior to taking these courses, I had planned on eventually purchasing an iPad or a tablet to be able to use in the classroom, but I was informed that I would need to have an iPad for this program so I purchased one. That was a bit of a shock! As I plan for the new school year, I am constantly referring to the Internet and my iPad for different apps that will work well with different subject matters. Life Long Learning Plan: Prior to this program, I was not very proficient in technology. I found that I tended to stick to what I knew and I never pushed myself to learn more. I looked at teaching and technology as being two things that did not necessarily go together. I used to work at the church, I grew up in, as a secretary and while working there, I basically taught myself how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and Publisher. After leaving that job and starting to work in schools, I found that I did not use those programs all that often. The big problem with that was as time went by, those programs continued to evolve but my knowledge and experience with them was not keeping pace. Throughout this program, my eyes have been opened to how many different ways technology can be used in the classroom. I also discovered just how little I knew, and that it was important for me to develop a better understanding of technology and how it can be utilized. Knowing this, I plan on continuing to find ways to keep myself abreast of the various changes that occur with programs and apps. One of the greatest tools I have found that helps me do this is YouTube. There are so many tutorials available on YouTube for various things that anyone can learn how to do just about anything they put their mind to learning.

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One area that Id like to continue to develop that started in this program is learning how to do more videos. This was something that brought on a lot of anxiety when I first learned I would have to make and edit different videos, but the more videos I made, the more I wanted to learn about how to fine- tune them. I think it would be a fun class project for Open House or even as an introduction for future classes to put together a video on all that we have learned through the school year. In five to ten years I hope to be teaching still. My dream is to be able to teach fifth grade again. I taught it for three years and it is such a fun age to teach. Id also like to be able to develop a flipped classroom by then in order to allow more time in class for hands-on group projects. Instead of having students create projects on their own at home which all too often results in the parents doing a great deal of the work, why not do the projects in class? Having a flipped classroom would allow the time that is needed to do such projects.

Section Two
History of Course and Course Evaluation: EDUC 511-Foundations of Educational Technology Professor Doyle J. Potter This course focuses on introducing and developing proficiency with the essential skills necessary for the Master of Arts in Educational Technology and Learning. Working in face-to-face, synchronous, and asynchronous environments, students utilize a variety of applications and skills necessary for competency in the program. The research process is introduced and begun in this class along with each students baseline assessment of his/her own technology skills and Kelly Wilson Growth Assessment Page 8

experiences. Students explore philosophy of education foundations in order to articulate their own educational foundations in order to articulate their own educational philosophy and vision statements. This course must be taken in the first term of the program.

This was a one unit class that we did online. The activities that we had to do were not difficult and easily done. Professor Doyle was very kind and helpful throughout the course. We put together a Live Binder, which I had never done before. I can see where using Live Binders can be very useful in upper grades. EDUC 512: Instr Appl/Product Software Professor Jim Sullivan Spring 1- 2013 Students take the functional knowledge of productivity software and learn how to implement its use in instruction and projects including a final thematic project into their own classroom. The projects are designed to match the California State Content Standards and ISTE NETS standards of their own grade, and are appropriate for the technology environment in which the project will be implemented.

This was a good class for me to take right at the beginning of this course with my lack of technological knowledge. Professor Sullivan was well versed in all things in technology, and he was extremely helpful in giving us a better grasp on the iPad and other computer software. I made my first webquest in this class, which was very interesting.

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EDUC 514: Digital Teaching in the Classroom Professor Tim Holder Spring 1- 2013 Students are exposed to basics in video project composition. Activities include learning how to build visually effective shots, how to use music to enhance the feel of the presentation, and how to create a movie project that is designed to keep students attention in the context of teaching standards-based material.

While this class gave me a great deal of anxiety on the first day, I grew to really enjoy it. We learned how to shoot videos with the proper camera angles and then edit the video for final production. This class was a great help in other classes and I am grateful for the work that Professor Holder put into the course. EDUC 515- Evolving Educational Technology Professor Lance Martin Spring 2- 2013 This course looks at the evolution of educational technologies in their present and historical contexts. Students explore how and why some technologies endure while others do not. Attention is given to current technologies and how they can be successfully implemented into the classrooms in order to enhance both teaching and learning strategies.

I thoroughly enjoyed this class! Professor Martin was extremely flexible and helpful. I learned how to do my very first blog using Weebly.com and I had a lot of fun putting it together.

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I had always thought I would not enjoy doing a blog, but I found that I really enjoyed learning about the different aspects that can be added to blogs. We learned how to put together a Presi presentation, Audio Podcasts, Video Podcasts, and a slideshow in Animoto to name a few things. EDUC 522-Learning in the 21st Century Professor Jennifer Courduff Spring 2- 2013 Working with digital natives requires an understanding of how they acquire and process information. This course assists educators in bridging the gap between static curriculum and multi-model instruction. A key component of this course is designing unit plans that embed technology and differentiated instruction with a focus on multiple intelligences and learning styles to meet the needs of todays learners.

This class was a very interesting class and opened my eyes to the various types of learners and their needs. Throughout the course, Dr. Courduff showed various ways to teach students with varying intellectual needs. We also put together an extensive unit plan that not only met the needs of each of the eight multiple intelligences but incorporated the use of technology in every aspect of the unit.

EDUC 526- Capstone Exp/Ed Tech & Learn Professor Matt Hixson Summer- 2013

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The primary focus of this capstone experience is a research-designed interactive portfolio that showcases skills and concepts the student has acquired in the Educational Technology and Learning program. This program-culminating course incorporates each students research, use of applied software and educational technology, a growth assessment, comprehensive portfolio, and an oral defense. This course must be taken at the end of the program, and passed in order to meet the final requirements for the masters degree.

This final course is a culmination of all that we have learned and put together while in the Masters program. Professor Hixson is very supportive and helpful and has made this last class an enjoyable experience. Within the class, we not only put together a unit plan, but we also track either a professional or personal issue that we want to improve. Having the opportunity to look at my life and find an area that needed to be improved was a great experience and has allowed me to make certain changes that needed to be done. Evaluation of the Impact of the Digital Teaching and Learning Program: Within the time of this program, I was working as an aide but in the last six weeks of the school year I was asked to take over the class. This gave me the opportunity to try and implement some of the skills I had learned as a result of this Masters program. The second week of my new position, I was told that the principal was doing her bi-annual teachers evaluations and I would also need to have a lesson plan ready to be evaluated. After getting over the realization that I would be evaluated along with all the other teachers, I started looking over the lesson plan I had planned and seeing where I could enhance it with technology. The lesson I planned was in the students reading book and it was on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was able to do some searching on YouTube and find a great clip of Dr. King speaking about what had Kelly Wilson Growth Assessment Page 12

happened with Rosa Parks and her infamous bus trip, which was perfect since this was what the students story was all about. I was also able to put together a PowerPoint presentation focusing on the different vocabulary words found throughout the story. This went over well with the principal and the students alike. As I prepare for the new school year, I plan on looking to see where and/or when technology can be used. In taking these courses, I have discovered how implementing technology enhances the learning process for todays students. I have been given the opportunity to learn many different things within this program and I have a great deal of resources at the school I teach at that will help enhance the curriculum. Program Evaluation: My overall experience at APU in this program has been very good. I have enjoyed the classes I have taken and the professors have all been very helpful and supportive. The staff at the Murrieta Campus has always been very friendly and helpful as well. My classmates have all been very nice and willing to lend a helping hand if its needed. I believe one of the greatest strengths of this program is the knowledgeable professors and their willingness to teach us what they know and help us walk through the steps if we are struggling with a concept. It is clear that they want the best for us and that they are willing to go above and beyond to help us be the best teachers that we can be. The program is well laid out and builds upon itself nicely so that the novice technology learner can come in at the beginning of the program and be able to walk away at the end of the program feeling confident that they are capable of using strategies and skills they have learned in the classroom.

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The one weakness that I found in this program was in the area of communication. There were key elements to this program, i.e. having to purchase an iPad; I was unaware of at the beginning of the program. It was not until the night of my first class that I, along with the majority of my class, was made aware of this factor. I also would have liked to have known from the very beginning that I ought to take one subject and grade level and focus solely on it throughout the program. It was not until a fellow classmate found this out midway through the program and let us know that I realized how helpful this information would have been at the beginning instead of close to the end. I really enjoyed this program and think that it was well laid out. My only recommendation would be to allow students to use any devise they may have in order to do the different projects. I did not feel that there was such a great need for each student to have an iPad. In looking back at the different classes, I could have used my laptop for each of the projects we did. The only class that we used a specific app in was EDUC 515 where we installed Pinnacle Studios for our video editing, but there are video editing programs on our PCs that could have been used in replacement. Having the iPad added elements to the projects that were nice to have, but for a student who lives on a tight budget, having to buy an iPad unexpectedly was difficult.

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