Masigaon 2
Masigaon 2
Masigaon 2
Sl No. Description Page No.
i. Invitation For Bids 23-26
ii. Particulars Of Tender 27
i. General
ii. Project Outline
iii. Scope Of Work
iv. Site Visit
v. General Specification
vi. Language Of Bid Documents
vii. Preparation Of Bid Documents
viii. Method Of Submission Of Bid Documents
ix. Opening Of Bid Documents
x. Minimum Bid Criteria
xi. Final Decision Making Authority
xii. Further Clarification
i. Letter Of Transmittal
ii No Relationship Certificate –Annexure – ‘C 2’
iii. Affidavit For Authenticity of Tender - Annexure – E (1)
iv. Annexure – E (2)
v. Annexure – F
1. CHAPTER – I 35-65
Note-III. For availing incentive clause in any project which is completed before the stipulated
date of completion, subject to other stipulations it is mandatory on the part of the concerned
Superintending Engineer to report the actual date of completion, of the project as soon as
possible through fax or e-mail so that the report is received within 7 (Seven) days of such
completion by the concern Superintending Engineer. Chief Engineer & the Administrative
The incentive for timely completion should be on a graduated scale of 1 (One) percent to 5
(Five) percent of the contract value. Assessment of incentives may be worked out for earlier
completion of work in all respect in the following scale.
Before 30% of contract period = 5% of Contract Value
Before 20% to 30% of contract period = 4% of Contract Value
Before 10% to 20% of contract period = 3% of Contract Value
Before 5% to 10% of contract period = 2% of Contract Value
Before 5% of contract period = 1% of Contract Value
3. Copy of valid VAT Clearance and GSTIN shall be uploaded along with the
Tender documents for considering the Tender Non furnishing of VAT &
GSTIN will lead to REJECTION of Bid.
7. Agreement shall be drawn only after due verification of EMD & APSD of
the successful bidder and if any illegitimate instruments are found, Criminal
proceedings will be initiated against the defaulting bidder and action will be
initiated for Blacklisting through the License issuing Authority.
1. To safeguard against a bidder’s withdrawing or altering its bid during the bid
validity period, Bid Security (also known as Earnest Money Deposit) is obtained from
bidders except those who are exempted from paying Bid Security as per para-21 of
FDOM No 4939/F Dated 13.02.2012. Besides, the State Government have exempted
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) as defined in Odisha MSME Development Policy,
2016 and Start-ups as defined under Odisha Start-ups Policy, 2016 from payment of
Bid Security while participating in tenders vide FDOM No. 27928/F Dated 16.10.2020.
2. The State Government is in receipt of many representations that on account of
slowdown in economy due to the pandemic, there is acute financial crunch among
vendors, which in turn is affecting timely execution of the contracts. It has also been
represented that this may affect the ability of vendors to bid in tenders and hence
reduce competition. Besides, Government of India have made provision in rule-171 of
General Financial Rule, 2017 asking the bidders for executing a “Bid Security
Declaration” in lieu of Bid Security with stipulation that if they withdraw or modify their
bids during period of validity etc., They will be suspended for the time specified in the
tender documents.
3. Considering the difficulties faced by the vendors and to facilitate competition in
wake of slowdown of the economy due to Covid-19 pandemic, it is hereby decided that
no provisions regarding Bid Security should be kept in the Bid Documents and
only provision for “Bid Security Declaration” Should be kept. Further, wherever,
there are compelling circumstances to ask for Bid Security, the same should be done
only with the approval of the next higher authority to the authority competent to finalize
the tender.
4. These instructions shall be applicable for all kinds of procurements viz Goods,
Consultancy, Non-consultation and Works.
5. These instructions shall be deemed to be a part of Odisha General Financial
6. Works Department shall make suitable amendment in the relevant provisions of
OPWD Code.
7. The above instructions will be applicable for all the tenders issued till
4. This shall take effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
5. The codal provision exists in works Department Office Memorandum
No.14459/W dated 20.09.2018 stands modified to the above extent with effect from the
date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
e-Procurement Notice
No. 1260 Date. 07.10.2023
The Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jeypore on behalf
of Governor of Odisha invites Percentage Rate bid in Double Cover System in
ONLINE MODE Bid documents consisting of work, estimated cost, cost of tender
paper, EMD, time of completion, class of contractor, the set of terms and conditions of
contract and other necessary documents can be seen in e-procurement portal
3. E.M.D. : ` 75500/-
1. E - Procurement
Digital Signature Certificate of Class II or Class III. The web site for on-line bidding is
2. General
Forms for bid and letter of Transmittal are attached herewith. All information
required, for the enclosed forms should be furnished. If any particulars query is not
relevant it should be stated as ‘Not applicable’. However, the tenderers are cautioned that
giving incomplete information in the tender or making any change in the prescribed
Reference information and certificates furnished along with the tender for the
respective owner certifying the suitability, technical know how or capability of the tender
The project site located at near village at Masigaon of Masigaon-II Check Dam of
Scope of work
The work under present tender involves Imp. of Masigaon-II Check Dam in Kundra
Site Visit
The Project site may be inspected by the tenderer or his authorized representative
at his own cost with prior appointment with the Superintending Engineer, Minor
4. General Specification
The work is to be executed in accordance with the Odisha standard specification &
All information as called for in the bid documents shall be furnished in English.
All literature and correspondences in connection with bid shall also be in English. In
6. Preparation of bid
The intending bidders shall upload the scanned copy of documents, certificates,
deposit receipts, affidavits form duly digitally signed for the bid. All the information called
for should be furnished. No change to the forms will be accepted. Over writing or
7. Bid Prices
Quantity in Microsoft Excel format shall be made available to the bidder. The bidder shall
download that particular excel sheet and fill in the rates in figures at the appropriate
locations. The line item total in words and the total amount in case of item rate tenders shall
be calculated automatically and shall be visible to the bidder. In case of percentage tender,
the bidder will only fill in the designated cell and activate “less” or “excess” to indicate
whether his/her price offer is how much excess or less than the estimate amount. The bidder
is not supposed to change or modify the format of the excel sheet in any form. The Bidders
physically produced before the Office inviting Tender on being declared as successful
after opening of the bid. They should digitally sign on all statements, documents,
The authority reserves the right to verify the authenticity of documents incase of any
doubt or complain.
8.1 If the intending tenderer is an individual, the documents shall be signed by the
individual above his full type written name and current address.
8.2 If the intending tender is a proprietary firm it shall be signed by the proprietor
above his full name and with his current address.
8.3 If the intending tenderer is a firm in partnership it shall be signed by a partner
holding the power of attorney for the firm in partnership in which case a
certified copy of power of attorney shall accompany in the technical bid
8.4 If the intending tenderer is a limited company or Corporation, it shall be signed
by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney in which case
certified copy of power of attorney shall accompany
8.5 All witness and sureties shall be of person of status and probity and their full
names, occupation and address shall be stated below their signatures.
9. Opening of bid Documents
Jeypore on the date and time notified in the tender notice in the presence of tenderer or
The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject bid without
during office hours on any working days for any further clarification regarding bid
The Superintending Engineer
MI Division, Jeypore.
Sub : Submission of bid for the work " Construction of Masigaon-II Check Dam in
Stream Storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over Biri Nadi Near
village Masigaon in Kundra Block of Koraput District”.
Having examined the details given in invitation and bid for the work
“Construction of Masigaon-II Check Dam in Stream Storage Check Dam (Low Height
Check Dam) over Biri Nadi Near village Masigaon in Kundra Block of Koraput District..
2. We hereby certify that all the statements made as information supplied in the
enclosed forms and Annexure are true and correct.
3. We have furnished all information and details necessary as per check list for bid
and have no further pertinent information to supply.
4. We submit the requisite certified liquid asset/ credit facility certificate and authorize
the Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jeypore to approach the
Bank issuing the Liquid asset/credit facility certificate to verify the correctness
thereof. We also authorize the Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division,
Jeypore to approach individuals, employers, firms and corporations to verify our
competence and general reputation.
Details of plants and equipments owned by the Bidder
which may be used for construction work
4. Capacity ………………………………………………………………………
8. Remarks ………………………………………………………………………
Signature of Bidder
(No Relationship Certificate)
I/We hereby certify that I/We* am/are* related/not related (*) to any officer of Water
Resources Department of the rank of Assistant Engineer & above and any officer of the rank of
Assistant / Under Secretary and above of the Water Resources Department of I/We* am/are*
aware that, if the facts subsequently proved to be false, my/our* contract will be rescinded with
forfeiture of E.M.D and security deposit and I/We* shall be liable to make good the loss or
damage resulting from such cancellation. I//We also note that, non-submission of this certificate
will render my / our tender liable for rejection.
Signature of Tenderer
ii) I am the authorized signatory on behalf of contractor for the tender for the work / works
mentioned above.
iii) I am swearing this affidavit that all tender documents and accompanying papers those
being submitted by me before the Superintending Engineer MI Division, Jeypore
including E.M.D. in any shape are all authentic and bonafied documents in the eyes of
the law of the land.
That the facts stated in the affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Contractor /
Authorized Signatory
Note :
*Mention the license issuing authority.
* *Mention the date up to which the license is valid
* * *Mention name of works for which tender is being submitted.
Signature of Contractor /
Authorized Signatory
Note-: This certificate is required to be furnished by the outside contractor who has not
started any business in the state of Odisha.
This notice will state the work to be carried out, the items and approximate
quantities thereof as well as the date for submitting and opening tenders also the
amount of earnest money to be deposited and the amount of the security deposit to
be deposited by the successful tenderer and the percentage if any, to be deducted
from bills. Copies of the specification, designs, and drawings and any other
documents required in connection with the submission of tender signed for the
purpose of identification by the Sub-divisional Officer / Superintending Engineer
shall also be open for inspection by the contractor at the office of the Sub-divisional
Officer/ Superintending Engineer during office hours.
7. The Engineer shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders.
8. In the event of a tender being selected for acceptance the Engineer who opened
the tenders will, if he is competent to accept the tender, inform the tenderer of the
selected tender who shall there upon sign copies of the specification and other
document mentioned in rules 1 and 4 for the purpose of identification and for his
acceptance with tender. The tenderer of the selected tender shall also deposit the
required amount of the security money within the prescribed time. If the tenderer
fails to deposit the required amount of the security money within the prescribed time,
the Engineer may reject the tender.
If the Engineer is not competent to accept the tender himself, he will inform
the tenderer of the tender which he decides to recommend for acceptance. Such
tenderer shall there upon sign forthwith copies of the specification and other
documents mentioned in rules 1 to 4 shall deposit the required amount of the
security money within the prescribed time, the tender with the specification and
other documents signed by the tenderer will then be forwarded for acceptance to the
Engineer competent to accept the same in case he rejects the tender the security
money deposited shall be refunded to tenderer.
9. When a tender is selected for acceptance the tenderer shall deposit the
required amount of the security money in cash in the treasury and shall forward the
challan to the Superintending Engineer Govt. securities may be endorsed to the
Superintending Engineer in lieu of a cash deposit of the required amount of the
security money. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of the
security money has been deposited.
10. The amount of security money to be deposited by the tenderer whose tender is
selected for acceptance shall be 2 percent of the estimated value of the work and
towards this amount, the earnest money already deposited by him shall be credited.
At least half this security inclusive of the earnest money shall be deposited by the
tenderer within such time as may be notified to him in writing by the office opening
the tender, failing which tender shall be liable to rejection.
Any balance of the Security money outstanding after completion of the
contract with the tenderer may be made up by deductions of 5 percent of the amount
of each payment to be made to him under clause 6 of the conditions of contract for
the work done under the contract.
11. When tender has been selected for acceptance and the required amount of the
security money has been deposited the Engineer shall scrutinize all pages of the form
of item, rate, tender and contract for works to see that the form has been properly
filled up and signed by the contractor and the signature witnessed. He shall then, if
he is competent to accept the tender, sign the acceptance of the tender or if he is not
so competent, shall send the form for signature of the acceptance to the officer
competent to accept it.
12. (i) A separate and specific bank account may be opened to keep the
security deposits deducted from the running bills in any Nationalized
Bank only in the name of the concerned Executive Engineer of the
Division/ FA & CAO, but not in personal name.
(ii) The security amount so deposited should be withdrawn from the same
account after completion of the defect liability period of the concerned
work and after the work is found defect free in all respects.
I/We hereby tender for the execution for the Governor of Odisha of the work specified
in the under written memorandum at the specified therein within a period of 04 (Four)
months from the date of written order to commence and complete in all respect with the
specifications, designs, drawings and other documents referred to in rule-1 there of and
subject to the annexed conditions of contract and with such material as are provided for by
and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions so far as applicable.
Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the
terms and provisions of the said conditions of contract annexed here to so far as
applicable, or in default there of to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Odisha or his
successors in office the sums of money mentioned in the said conditions.
Superintending Engineer
Signature of the Officer
Minor Irrigation Division,
by whom accepted
The work should not be Clause-2(a): the time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in
considered finished until the tender shall be strictly observed by the contractor and shall be
such date as the reckoned from the date on which the written order to commence
Superintending Engineer work is given to the contractor. The work shall throughout the
shall certify as the date stipulated period of the contract, be carried on with all due diligence
as on which the work is (time being deemed to be essence of the contract on the part of the
finished after necessary contractor) and the contractor shall pay, as compensation, an amount
rectification of defects equal to 1/2 percent of the amount of the estimated cost, if the whole
as pointed out by the work as shown by the tender for every day that the work remains un-
Superintending Engineer commenced, or un-finished after the proper dates (The work should
or his authorised agents not be considered finished until such date as the Superintending
are fully complied with Engineer shall certify as the date on which the work is finished after
by the contractor to the
necessary rectification of defects as pointed out by the
Superintending Engineer or his authorised agents, are fully complied
with by the contractor to the Superintending Engineer’s satisfaction).
Engineer’s satisfaction :
And further to ensure good progress during the execution of the
work, the contractor shall be bound, in all cases in which the time
allowed for any work exceeds one month, to complete one-fourth of
the whole of the work before one fourth of the whole time allowed
under the contract has elapsed, one half of the work, before the half
of such time has elapsed, and three fourth of work before three
fourths of such time has elapsed. In the event of the contractor failing
to comply with the condition he shall be liable to pay as
compensation an amount equal to one-third percent on the said
estimated cost of the whole work for every day that the due quantity
of work remains incomplete. Provided always that the entire amount
of compensation to be paid under the provision of this clause shall
not exceed 10 percent of the estimated cost of the work as shown in
the tender.
of the whole work provided that the contractor will not be allowed
any concession either in the shape of extension of stipulated period
or any other monetary compensation on account of such occupation
or use.
Clause - 9 : The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of
Works to be executed
in accordance with
the work in the most substantial and workmanlike manner, and both
specification, drawing as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict
and orders etc. accordance with the specifications. The contractor shall also confirm
exactly, fully and faithfully to the designs, drawings and instructions
in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and
lodged in his office, and to which the contractor shall be entitled to
have access at such office, for the purpose of inspection during office
hour and the contractor shall, if he so requires, be entitled at his own
expenses to make or cause to be made copies of the specification, and
No compensation for Clause-11 : If at any time after the commencement of the work the
alteration in or Governor of Odisha shall for any reason whatsoever not required the
restriction of wok to be whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out, the
carried out. Engineer-in-Charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the
contractor who shall have no claim to any payment or compensation
whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage, which he might
have derived from the execution of the work in full which he did not
derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been
carried out neither shall he have any claim for compensation by
reason of any alterations having been made in the original
specification drawings, designs and instruction which shall involve
any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated.
Notice to be given Clause -14: The contractor shall give not less than five days notice in
before work is writing to Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate -in charge of the
covered up.
work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of
measurement of any work in order that the same may be measured
and correct dimensions thereof be taken before the same is so
covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not
cover up or place beyond the reach of measurement, any work
without the consent in writing of the Engineer in charge or his
subordinate - in charge of the work and if any work shall be covered
up or placed beyond the reach of measurement without such notice
having been given or consent obtained,, the same shall be uncovered
at the contractor’s expense, or in default thereof no payment or
allowance shall be made for such work of the materials with which
same was executed.
Clause -16 : The contractor shall supply at his own cost all materials
(except such special materials, if any as may in accordance with the
contract be supplied from the Engineer -in -charges stores), Plant,
Contractor to supply
tools, appliances, Implements, ladders, cordage, tackle scaffolding
plant, ladders, and temporary works requisite or proper for ) the proper execution of
scaffolding etc. the work whether original, altered or substituted, and whether
included in the specification or other documents forming part of the
contract or referred to in these conditions or not to which may be
necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the
requirement of the Engineer-in Charge as to any matter as to which
under this conditions be is entitled to be satisfied which he is entitled
to require together with carriage therefore to and from the work. The
contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of
persons with the means and materials necessary for the purpose of
setting out works, and counting, weighing and assisting in the
measurement of examination at any time and from time to time of the
work or the materials. Failing him so doing the same may be
provided by the Engineer-in-Charge at the expense of the contractor
under the contract or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale
The contractor shall not employ for the purpose of this contract any
person who is below the age of twelve years, and shall pay to each
labourer for the work done by such labourer, wages not less than the
wages paid for similar work in the neighborhood.
The Superintending Engineer shall have the right to enquire into and
decide any complaint alleging that the wages paid by the contractor
to any labourer for the work done, by such labourer is less than the
wages paid for similar work in the neighborhood.
Clause-22: Deleted.
Clause-23: When the estimate on which a tender is made includes
lump sums in respect of parts of the work the contractor shall be
entitled to payment In respect of the Items of work involved or the
part of the work in question at the same rates as are payable under
this contract for such items, or if the part of the work in question is
not, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge capable of
Lump sums in measurement, the Engineer-in-charge may by his discretion pay the
lump sum amounts entered in the estimate, and the certificate in
writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and conclusive
against the contractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to him
Clause-30 : The contractor shall bear all taxes including sales tax,
Income tax, royalty, fair-weather charges and tollage, where
0.75 × Pm (i − iO )
VM = × R×
100 iO
(iii) Where original contract period is more than six months and below
one year, increase/ decrease of cost of steel, cement and bitumen
are to be paid/ recovered. Payments in case of increase are to be
made with prior approval of Govt. when the total claim is more
than Rs.50,000/- and with prior approval of Engineer-in-Chief/
Chief Engineer (as the case may be) when the claim is up to
Rs.50,000/- subject to the fulfillment of the condition mentioned
Similarly, if during the progress of work, the wages of labour
increase or decrease as a result of increase or decrease in the
Minimum Wages for Industrial Workers prescribed in the
Government and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly
pays in respect of labour engaged on execution of the work with such
increased or decreased wages, then he shall be entitled to
reimbursement or liable to refund quarterly as the case may be such
an amount as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference in
between the Minimum Wages for Industrial Workers which is
operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the
quarter in which the tender was opened as per the formula indicated
below :
0.75 × Pl (i − iO )
VL = × R×
100 iO
VL = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the
quarter under consideration due to changes in the rates of
R= the total value of work done in rupees during the quarter
under consideration.
0.75 × K 2 ( D − D1 )
K1 = × R× 2
100 D1
The reimbursement / refund on variation in price of materials, labour and P.O.L (vide
Works Department letter No. 21369, dated 25.09.1991) as per sub-clauses (a) (b) and (c) of this
clause shall be applicable in the following manner.
“In terms of the aforesaid escalation clause where the period for
completion of the work as stipulated in the agreement is less than one year,
no escalation is admissible at all. In case of work where the stipulated period
of completion is one year and more, the escalation on account of price
variation is admissible only for the remaining period after excluding the one
year period thereof, provided the work has been carried out by the contractor
in terms of the relevant provision of the agreement. In the situations, where the
period of completion initially stipulated in the agreement was less than one
year and subsequently the completion period has been validity extended on
the ground that the delay in completion of the work is not attributable to the
contractor and in the result the total period including the extended period
stands at one year or more, escalation is admissible only for the remaining
period after excluding the first one year period there from.”
Clause 31 - (f) The contractor shall for the purpose of sub-clause (a) (b) and (c) of this clause keep
such books of account and other documents as necessary to show the amount of increase claimed or
reduction available and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of
Government and further shall at the request of the Engineer-in-charge furnish verified in such
manner as the Engineer-in-charge may required any document kept and such other information as the
Engineer-in-charge may require.
Clause 31 - (g) The contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of any
alteration in the price of such materials/wages of labour and or price of POL give notice there of to
the Engineer-in-charge stating that the same is given in pursuant to this condition together with an
information relating there to which he may be in a position to supply.
Clause-32 : After the work is finished all surplus materials and debris are to be removed by the
contractor and preliminary works such as vats, mixing platforms, etc. are to be dismantled and all
materials removed from the site. The ground up to 100’-0” wide from the building should be cleared
and dressed.
(a) The contractor shall pay the wages not less than fair wages to labourers engaged by
him on the work.
Explanation : “ Fair Wage” means wages, whether for time or piece work prescribed by
the state Public Works Department, provided that where higher rates have been
prescribed under the Minimum Wages Act.1948, wages at such higher rates would
(b) The contractor shall, not withstanding the provisions of any contract to contrary,
cause to be paid a fair wage to labourer indirectly engaged on the work including
any labour engaged by his subcontractors in connection with the said work, as if the
labourers had been immediately employed by him.
(c) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the
performance of the contractors part of this agreement, the contractor shall comply
with or cause to be complied with all regulations made by the Government in regard
to payment of wages, wage period deductions from wages, recovery of wages not
paid and unauthorised deductions made, maintenance of wage register, wage cards,
publication of scale of wages and other terms of employment, inspection and
submission of periodical returns and all other matters of a like nature.
(d) The Superintending Engineer or Sub-Divisional Officer concerned shall have the
right to deduct, from the money due to the contractor, any sum required or
estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers
by reason of non-fulfilment of wages or of deductions made from their wages,
which are not justified by their terms of the contract or non-observance of the
regulations. Money so deducted should be transferred to the workers concerned.
(e) Vis-à-vis the Government of Odisha, the contractor shall be primarily liable for all
payments to be made under and for the observance of the regulations aforesaid
without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub-contractors.
(f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be part of this contract and any breach
thereof shall be breach of this contract.
(g) Under the provision of the Minimum Wages Act 1948 and the minimum wages
(Central Rules, 1950) the contractor is bound to allow or cause to be allowed to the
labourers directly or indirectly employed in the work one day rest for six days
continuous work and pay wages at the same rate as for duty. In the event of default,
the Superintending Engineer of Sub-Divisional Officer concerned shall have the
right to deduct the sum not paid on account of wages for weekly holiday to any
labourers and pay the same to the persons entitled thereto from any money due from
the contractor.
(h) The contractor shall at his own expense provide or arrange for the provision of
footwear for any labour doing cement mixing work and black topping work of
roads (the contractor has under taken to execute under this contract) to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, and on his failure to do so, the Government
shall be entitled to provide the same and recover the cost from the contractor.
(i) The contractor shall submit by the 4th and 19th of every month, to the Engineer-in-
Charge a true statement showing in respect of the second half of the preceding
month and the first half of the current month respectively:
i.) The number of labourer employed by him on the work.
ii.) Their working hours.
iii.) The wages paid to them
iv.) The accident if any occurred during the said fortnight showing the
circumstances under which they happened and the content of damage and
injury caused by them and;
v.) The number of female workers who have been maternity benefit
according to clause (K) and the amount paid to them, failing which the
contractor shall be liable to pay the Government a sum not exceeding
(j) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the
performance of the contractors part of this agreement, the contractor shall comply
with or cause to be complied with all regulations made by the Government from
time to time for the protection of health and sanitary arrangement for the workers
employed by the Odisha Public Works Department and this will apply to work
place having 50 or more workers.
(k) Maternity benefit rules for female workers employed by the contractor, leave and
pay during leave shall be regulated as follows:
a)Leave: In respect of Delivery: Maternity leave not exceeding 8 weeks ( 4 weeks
up to and including the day of delivery of 4th weeks following that day,.
ii.) Pay: In case of Delivery: Leave pay during maternity leave will be at the rate
of the woman’s average daily earnings calculated on the total wages earned on the
days when full time work was done during the period of three months immediately
proceeding the date of which she gives notice that she expects to be confined or at
the rate of Rs.52.50 a day whichever is greater.
1. APPLICATION: These rules shall apply to all construction work in-charge of Odisha Public
Works Department, which is expected to continue for a year or more.
i. “Work Place” means a place at which an average of fifty or more workers is employed
in connection with construction work.
ii. “Large Work Place” means a place at which an average of 500 or more workers is
employed in connection with a work.
i. At every work place, there shall be maintained in a readily accessible place for first-
aid appliances including an adequate supply of sterilizer dressings and sterilized
cotton wool. The appliances shall be kept in good order and in large work places,
which shall be readily available during working hours.
ii. At Large Work Places, where hospital facilities are not available within easy distance
of works, first aid posts shall be established and run by a trained Compounder.
iii. Where Large Work Places are remote from regular hospitals an indoor ward shall be
provided with one bed for every 250 employees.
iv. Where Large Work Places are situated in cities, towns or in their suburbs and no beds
are considered necessary owing to the proximity of the city, town hospitals, an
ambulance shall be provided to facilitate removal of urgent cases to these hospitals. At
the work place, some conveyance facilities, such as a car, shall be kept readily
available to take injured person or persons suddenly taken ill to the nearest hospital.
i. In every work places there shall be provide and maintained at suitable places, easily
accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of water fit for drinking.
ii. Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water supply, each work
place shall be provided with storage where such drinking water shall be stored.
iii. Every water supply of storage shall be at distance of not less than 50 feet from any
latrine, drain or other sources of pollution. Where water has to be drawn from an
existing well, which is within such proximity of latrine, drain or any other source of
pollution, the well shall be properly chlorinated before water is drawn from it for
drinking. All such wells shall be entirely closed in and be provided with a trap door,
which shall be dust and waterproof.
iv. A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well and trap door shall be kept locked
and opened only for cleaning or inspection which shall be done at least once a month.
v. The temperature of the drinking water supplied to worker shall not exceed 90° F.
i. Where the number of person employed does not exceed 50 No.of seats 2.
ii. Where the number of person employed does exceed 50 but No.of seats 3.
not exceed 50
iii. For every additional 100 employees ( in particular cases, No.of seats 3 per 100
the Superintending Engineer shall have the power to vary
the scale where necessary)
Except in work places provide with water flushed latrines connected with a water
borne sewerage system, all latrines shall be provided with receptacles on dry-earthen
system, which shall be cleaned at least four times daily and at least twice during working
hours and kept in a strictly sanitary condition. The receptacle shall be tarred inside and
outside at least once in a year.
The inside wall shall be constructed of masonry or stone materials and shall be cement
washed inside and outside at least once a year. The dates of cement washing shall be
noted in register maintained for this purpose and kept this available for inspection.
a. At every work place at which more than 50 women workers are employed, there shall be
provide only hut for the use of children under the age of 6 years, belonging to such
women and shall be used for infant’s games and play and their bed room. The huts shall
not be constructed on the lower standard than the following:
i. Thatched roofs.
ii. Mud floors and walls.
iii. Plants spread over the mud floor and covered with mat.
iv. The hut shall be provided with suitable and sufficient opening for light and
ventilation. There shall be adequate provision for sweepers to keep the place clean.
There shall be two Dhais in attendance. Sanitary utensils shall be provided to the
satisfaction of the Health Officer of the area concerned. The use of the hut shall be
restricted to children, their attendants and mothers of the children.
b. Where the number of women is more than 50, the contractor shall provide one hut and
one Dhai to look after the children of women workers.
c. The size of the crèche shall vary according to the number of women workers.
d. The crèche shall be properly maintained and necessary equipments like toys etc. shall be
A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of
workers whenever it is considered expedient.
4) Payment of wages:
i. Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct.
ii. All wages shall have to be paid in cash where no food grain is supplied
by the department or partly in cash and partly in grain, if food grain is
supplied by the Department to the contractor for issue to labour
engaged on the work.
5) Fixation of Wages period:
i. The contractor shall fix the wage period in respect of which the wages
be payable.
ii. No wage period shall exceed one month.
iii. Wages of every workmen employed on the contract shall be paid before
the expiry of ten days, after the last day of the wage period in respect of
which the wages are payable.
6.2 The contractor shall also maintain a wage card for each worker employed on
the work.
6.3 The Superintending Engineer may grant an exemption, from the maintenance
of wage bond, wages cards to a contractor who, in his opinion may not directly
or indirectly employ more than 100 persons on the work.
7.2 No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss
shall be made from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity
of showing cause against such fines or deduction.
7.3 The total amount of fines which may be imposed in any one wage period on a
work shall not exceed an amount equal to 10% in a rupee of the wages payable
to him in respect of that wage period.
7.4 No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by instalments or
after the expiry of 60 days from the date on which it was imposed.
8.2 The contractor shall maintain a list in English and in the local Indian
language, clearly defining the acts and omissions for which penalty of fine can
be imposed. It shall display such list and maintain it in a clean and legible
condition in conspicuous places on the work.
9) Preservation of Register:
The wage register, the wage cards and the register of fines, deductions
required to be maintained under these regulations shall be preserved for 12
months after the date of last entry made in them.
10) Powers of Labour Welfare Officer to make investigation or enquiry:
The labour Welfare Officers or any other persons authorised by the
Government of Odisha on their behalf shall have the power to make enquiries
with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and proper observance of the fair
wage clauses and the provisions of these regulations. He shall at liberty to
investigate into any complain regarding default made by the contractor, sub-
contractor in regard to such provisions.
11) Report of Labour Welfare Officers:
The Labour Welfare Officers or others authorised as aforesaid shall submit a
report of the result of his investigation or enquiry to the Superintending
Engineer concerned, indicating the extent, if any, to which the default has
been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the contractor’s
bill be made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourer concerned.
12) Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officer:
Any person aggrieved by the decision and recommendation of the Labour
welfare Officer or other authorised person, may appeal against such decisions
to the Labour Commissioner within 30 days from the date of the decision
forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the Superintending Engineer
concerned but subject to such appeal, the decision of the Officer shall be final
and binding upon the contractor.
13) Inspection of Registers:
The contractor shall allow inspection of the wage book and wage cards of any
of his workers at a convenient time and place after due notice is received or to
the Labour Commissioner or any other person authorised by the Government
of Odisha on his behalf.
14) Submission of Return:
The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time
to time.
15) Amendments:
The Government of Odisha may from time to time, add to or amend these
regulations and on any question as to the application, interpretation of effect
of these regulations, the decision of the Labour Commissioner or any other
person authorised by the Government of Odisha on that behalf shall be final
and binding on that effect.
Clause-34 Additional Performance Security
or In case of bid amount being 15% or less than the estimated cost.
(As perAmendment to Para-3.5.5(V) Note-II of OPWD Code, Vol-I)
Clause-35 The terms and conditions of the agreements have been read/ explained
to me and I Sri/Smt ………………………………………….. certify that I clearly
understand them and agreed to abide by these rules.
Date: Witness Contractor
2.1.2 Within 15 days of issue of the letter of acceptance, the contractor shall submit
to the Engineer-in-charge for approval and programme commensurate to clause no 2
showing the general methods, arrangements, and timing for all the activities in the
works along with monthly cash flow forecast.
2.1.3. To ensure good progress during the execution of the work the contractors
shall be bound in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month
to complete, 1/4th of the whole of the work before 1/4th of the whole time allowed
under the contract has elapsed, ½ of the whole of the work before ½ of the whole
time allowed under the contract has elapsed, 3/4th of the whole of the work before
3/4th of the whole time allowed under the contract has elapsed.
2.1.4 If at any time it should appear to the Engineer-in-charge that the actual
progress of the works does not conform to the programme to which consent has been
given, the contractor shall produce, at the request of the Engineer-in-charge a revised
programme showing the modifications to such programme necessary to ensure
completion of the works within the time for completion. If the contractor does not
submit an updated programme within this period, the Engineer-in-charge may
withhold hold the amount of 1% of the contract value from the next payment
certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next payment after the
date on which the over dues programme has been submitted.
2.1.5 An update of the programme shall be a programme showing the act all
progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the
timing of the remaining work including any changes to the sequence of the activities.
2.1.6 The Engineer-in-charge’s approval of the programme shall not after the
contractor’s obligations. The contractor may revise the programme submit it to the
Engineer-in-charge again at any time. A revised programme is to show the effect of
variations and compensation events.
2.2.1 The time allowed for execution of the work as specified in contract data shall
be the essence of the contract. The execution of the works shall commence from the
15th day or such time period as mentioned in letter of award after the date on which
the Engineer-in-charge issue written orders to commence the work or from the date
of handing over of the site whichever is later. If the contractor commits default in
commencing the execution of the work as aforesaid, Government shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the
earnest money and performance guarantee/security deposit absolutely.
2.2.2 As soon as possible after the contract is concluded the contractor shall submit
a time and progress chart for each milestone and get it approved by the Department.
The chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the contract
documents for completion of items of the works, it shall indicates the forecast of the
dates of commencement and completion of various trades of section of the work and
may be amended as necessary by agreement between the Engineer-in-charge and the
Contractor within the limitation of time imposed in the contract documents, and
further to ensure good progress during the execution of the work the contractor shall
in all cases in which the time allowed for any work, exceeds one month (save for
special jobs for which a separate programme has been agreed upon) complete the
work as per milestone given in contract data.
2.2.3 In case of delay occurred due to any of the reasons mentioned below, the
contractor shall immediately give notice therefore in writing to the Engineer-in-charge
but shall nevertheless use constantly his best endeavors to prevent or make good the
delay and shall do all that may be reasonably required to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge to proceed with the works for:
i. Abnormally bad weather or –
ii) Serous loss or damage by fire or
iii) Civil commotion, local commotion of workmen, strike or lockout, officers any of
the heads employed on the work or
iv) Delay on the part of other contractors or tradesmen engaged by Engineer-in-
charge, in executing work not forming part of the contract.
v) In case of variation is issued which makes it impossible for completion to be
achieved by the intended completion date without the contractor taking steps
to accelerate the remaining work and which would cause the contractor to
incurred additional cost or
vi) Any other cause, which, in the absolute discretion of the authority mentioned,
in contract date is beyond the contractor’s control.
2.2.4 Request for re-schedule and extension of time to be eligible for consideration
shall be made by the contractor in writing within fourteen days of the happening of
the event causing delay. The contractor may also, if practicable, indicate in such a
request the period for which extension is desired.
2.2.5 In any such case a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of
work may be given. Such extension shall be communicated to the contractor by the
Engineer-in-charge in writing. Within 3 months of the date of receipt of such request,
Non application by the contractor for extension of time shall not be a bar for giving a
fair and reasonable extension by the Engineer-in-charge and this shall be binding on
the contractor.
completion he shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available under
the law to the Government on account of such breach pay as agreed compensation
the amount calculated at the rates stipulated below as the Superintending Engineer
(whose decision in writing shall be final and binding ) may decide on the amount of
tendered value of the work for every complied day/ month (as applicable) that the
progress remains below that specified in clause-2 or that the work remains
This will also apply to items or group of items for which a separate period of
completion has been specified.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid
under this condition shall not exceed 10% of the tendered value of work or to the
tendered value of the item or group of item of work for which a separate period of
completion is originally given.
The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set off against any sum
payable to the contractor under this or any other contract with the Government. In
case the contractor does not achieve a particulars milestone mentioned in contract
date, or the rescheduled milestone(s) in terms of clause 2.5 the amount shown
against that milestone shall be withheld, to be adjusted against the compensation
levied at the final grant of extension of time. Withholding of this amount on failure to
achieve a milestone, shall be automatic without any notice to the contract. However,
if the contractor catches up with the progress of work on the subsequent milestone(s)
the withheld amount shall be released. In case the contractor fails to make up for the
delay in subsequent milestone(s) amount mentioned against such milestone missed
subsequently also shall be withheld. However no interest, whatsoever, shall be
payable on such withheld amount.
2.4.1 In case the contractor completes the work ahead of scheduled completion time,
a bonus 1% (one percent) of the tendered value per month computed on per day
basis, shall be payable to the contractor subject to a maximum limit of 2% (two
percent) of the tendered value. The amount of bonus, if payable, shall be paid along
with final bill after completion of work.
The Bonus/ Incentive should be paid in respect of individual project for new
construction/ substantial additional improvement works, the minimum value for
which the Bonus/ Incentive applicable is given below.
2.5.1 Either the Engineer or the contractor may require the other to attend a
management meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the
plans for remaining work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the
early warning procedure.
2.5.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and is to
provide copies of his record to those attending the meeting and to the
employer. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken is to be
In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions
will have the meanings here by assigned to them:
a) Approved/Approval - Means approved in writing.
b) Construction Plant - Means all equipments, appliances or things of
whatsoever nature required for the executing, or completion, maintenance of
the works or temporary works but do not include materials or other things
intended to form or forming part of the permanent work.
c) Contract - Means the instruction and information for tenderers General and
Special conditions of the contract, Technical specification, drawings, tender
(including the schedule of quantities and tender prices) the formal agreement
and all agenda and attachment related to the above.
d) Contractor - Means the particular person, firm or Corporation with whom the
contract has been made for executing the work.
e) Drawing - Means the drawings referred to in the specifications, any
modifications of such drawings approved in writing by the Engineer–in -charge
and such other drawings as may from time to time be furnished or approved in
writing by the Engineer-in-charge.
f) Engineer-in-charge - Means the Superintending Engineer, in-charge of the
work specified or parts of the works under the contract, or such other
departmental assistants or sub-ordinates to whom the Superintending
Engineer, in-charge may have delegated certain duties, acting separately
within the scope of particular duties entrusted to them.
g) Government - Means Government of Odisha, Department of Water Resources.
h) I.S.S/B.I.S - Means Indian Standard Specifications/ Bureau of Indian
i) Temporary works - Means all temporary works of every kind required for the
performance of the contract.
j) Specification - Whenever the terms “ Specification “ is used, apart from a
specified standard specification, it shall mean the specification or plan
prepared for a particular site as instructed to the contractor in executing that
item of work.
The tenderers are also required to furnish Xerox/attested copy of the valid PAN
CARD, ITCC (if any), VAT/GSTIN along with tender documents failing which the
tender may not be considered. The original are to be shown at the time of opening.
The bidders registered out side the State are required to submit an undertaking in
the form of an affidavit that they are not registered under the GSTIN Act in the state
of Odisha as they have not started any business in the state and they have no
liability under the act. But Bidder has to produce GSTIN clearance certificate.
The work is to be completed within with in the period indicated in the detailed
tender call notice which includes the period of monsoon commencing from the date of
issue of order to proceed with the work.
The tenderers are required to go through each clause of PWD form No.F-2
carefully in addition to clause mentioned herein before tendering. In any case the
tenderer shall be deemed to have carefully examined the tender documents, visited
the site of work and it’s surroundings and satisfied himself as the form and nature of
the site, approach roads, haul roads, local conditions, assessed all the facilities
including requirement and availability of labour and materials needed from complete
execution of the work and made an inventory of such information as to the risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which would influence or effect his tender
before tendering. He should also satisfy himself about the sufficiency of availability of
materials in quarry and borrow area. The Department will not be responsible for any
misjudgment of the tender on the account for any future claims.
6.1 On the outer cover the tenderers should write the name of the work and
authority who had issued the tender. They should submit the tender document in
correct identification box. The tender submitted in the wrong box shall not be taken
into consideration.
6.2 The tenderer must furnish copy of Registration & GSTIN clearance certificate
at the time of delivery of tender document other wise his/her bid shall be declared as
non-responsible & shall be liable for rejection.
6.3 The rates quoted shall remain valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the
last date prescribed for receipt of tenders.
6.4 The tender which is not in the prescribed proforma and is not strictly in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the tender call notice is liable for
6.5 Alternate tenders, conditional tenders and tenders containing indefinite terms
will not be entertained. The tenders will be considered given special emphasis on the
capability of the tenderer and the implements and earth moving machinery at his
disposal for the work.
6.6 Loose letters found in the tender box intimating modification to the tenders
already submitted will not be considered.
6.7 Rate quoted should be for finished items of work and for sufficiency as per the
description of the schedule of quantity and specification and shall exclude GSTIN
but include all taxes including rent. Royalty, cess and general and incidental charges
pertinent to the work, other charges of materials, octroi duty, ferry tolls, conveyance
charges and other costs on account of land and building including temporary
building required by the tenderer for collection of materials storage, housing of staff
or other purpose for the work.
6.8 The units and rates in the tender should be written both in words and figures
and in case of any discrepancy noted, the units and rates written in words will
prevail. The rates should be quoted in Indian Currency.
i) The tenderer shall bear cost of various incidental sundries and contingencies
needed by the work of all within the following or similar category.
ii) Labour camps and hutments necessary to a suitable scale including
contingency and sanitary arrangements medical aids thereon to the
satisfaction of the health authorities.
iii) Water arrangements for laborer as well as for the works. No claim for
carriage for water whatsoever will be entertained.
iv) Fees and dues levied by the Municipal and water supply Authorities.
v) Suitable equipment and wearing apparatus for the labors engaged in risky
iv) Suitable fencing, barriers, signals, including parapet and electrical signal
where necessary at works and approaches in order to protect the public and
employees from accidents.
vii) No compensation for any damage done by rain or by similarly action during
execution of the works shall be paid.
viii) The tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, overwriting or
correction of the figures. Corrections unavoidable should be made by scoring
out the same and initialing dating and rewriting. The tender should show the
total of each page and grand total of whole tender.
6.9 The tender is to be decided as per prevailing codal provisions taking into
consideration the capacity of the tenderer and equipments available with him for the
work. The authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning
any reason thereto.
6.10 In order to qualify for consideration for award of the contract the tenderer
should satisfy the Bid criteria as stipulated in the technical Bid. To substantiate the
tenderer is required to submit authentic records duly certified by the Superintending
Engineer of the Department in support of such experience.
6.11 Rate to be quoted by the contractor for various items of work should be
consistent and rational. Tenders with in consistent rates and/ or speculative rates
shall be liable for rejection.
6.12 The payment for RA bill will be made in level section measurement and no
string section measurement will be considered.
6.13 All the tenderer are required to submit along with their tenders declaration
about the names of their relatives employed in Water Resources Department in the
prescribed proforma appended. In case they have no relation in Water Resources
Department a certificate to that effect shall have to be furnished.
6.15 The conditions in this detailed tender call notice will form part of the
agreement to be drawn by the contractor.
7.1 The tenderer whose tender is selected for acceptance shall within a period of
fifteen days upon written intimation being given to him by Registered post deposit,
initial security deposit so that the EMD and initial security deposit will be 2% (two
percentage) +additional security 1% in case of machineries to be hired from outside,
of the accepted tender amount and sign the agreement in the PWD form F-2
(Schedule SLV. No.61) for fulfillment of the contract in the office of the Engineer-in -
charge. This initial security deposit together with the EMD and the amount of 5%
deduction from each running bill as per F-2 agreement shall be retained as security
deposit for the fulfillment of this contract. This security deposit will carry no interest.
Failure to enter into the required agreement and to pay the security deposit as above
within the specified period shall entail forfeiture of the earnest money. No tender
shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security money is deposited.
The written agreement to be entered into between the Contractor and the Govt. shall
be the foundation of the rights of both the parties and the contract shall be deemed
to be incomplete until the agreement is first signed by the Contractor and then by the
Superintending Engineer, the department will accept the initial security deposit in
the accepted from prescribed in clauses as above pledged in favor of the Engineer-in -
Charge and in no other form. The Security deposit deducted from each running bill
will be 5%.If the contractor express his request in writing he will be permitted to
convert the security deposit of 5% into interest bearing securities ( for an amount not
less than Rs. 10.00 lakh in each case which will be pledged in favour of the
Superintending Engineer)
7.2 The work may be splitted up and distributed among several contractors if
considered necessary in urgency of circumstances of the work and the contractor will
not be entitled to any compensation on this account.
7.4 The earnest money deposited by the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded
as per relevant rules in force.
7.5 Super/ Special Class contractors shall employ under him one Graduate
Engineer and two Diploma holders belonging to the State of Odisha. Likewise an ‘A’
Class contractor shall employ under him one Graduate Engineer or two Diploma
holders belonging to state of Odisha. The employment of such graduate Engineer and
Diploma holders under the Contractor shall be full time and continuous and they
shall not be superannuated, retired, dismissed or removed personnel from any State
Government/Central Government Service / Public Sector Undertakings /Private
companies and firm or be ineligible for appointment to Govt. service. The contractor
shall pay them monthly emoluments, which shall not be less than the emoluments of
the personnel of equivalent qualification employed under the State Govt. of Odisha.
The Chief Engineer Roads, Odisha may however assist the contractor with names of
such unemployed Graduate Engineers and Diploma holders if the contractor seeks
for such help.
The name of such Engineering personnel appointed by the contractor who would be
supervising the works should be intimated to the tender receiving authority along
with each tender. Each bill of the contractor shall be accompanied by an
employment roll of engineering personnel together with certificate of the Graduate
Engineer or Diploma holder employed by the contractor to the effect that the work
executed as per the bill has been supervised by him.
7.6 No part of the contract shall be sublet without written permission of the
Engineer-in-charge or any transfer be made by power of attorney authorizing others
to receive payment on behalf of the contractor.
7.7 No tenderer is permitted to furnish their tender in his own manuscript paper.
8.2 The contractor shall have to abide by the Labour Laws and Rules in vogue and
shall provide at his own cost housing, watering supply, sanitation, medical aid and
other facilities to the labours engaged in the work as required under Labour Laws
and Regulations. The Contractor shall not employ labour of minor age group.
8.3 The contractor shall have to abide by the safety code introduced by the Govt.
of India, Ministry of works. Housing and supply in their standing order No.44 to 50
dated 25.11.57.
8.4 Blasting where required shall be taken up only when proper precaution have
been taken for the protection of lives and property in accordance with I.S. 4081 –
1967 safety code for blasting and related drilling operations. Only persons licensed
for and thoroughly conversant with the working methods and precaution to be
observed in using explosives shall carry out blasting. To avoid the danger of injury
from flaying debris, all personnel in a blasting area shall retreat to an adequate cover.
While carrying out excavations, adequate precautions in accordance with I.S. 3764 –
1966. Safety code for excavation works shall be taken for the safety of workers. The
contractor shall have to abide by the blasting rules & regulations.
8.5 In case of any damage to Govt. or public property or to the property owned to
any persons of firms or bodies due to negligence or any such action of the contractor
The Contractor shall inform the Engineer and the Department any change of
his postal address from time to time from the one given in the tender paper and
authorize any person with due intimation to the Engineer-in-charge and the
Department to receive instruction or communication from the Department on his
behalf, failing which the said undelivered instructions and communications
published in the notice board of the Engineer-in-charge shall be treated to be
intimation to the Contractor and the same shall be binding on him.
The contractor shall take into consideration the needs and requirements of the
other contractors if any, working in the vicinity during the tenure of his contact and
shall neither take nor cause to be taken any steps or actions that may cause
disruption disturbance to their work, labour or arrangements etc. Any action by the
contractor that the Engineer-in-charge in his unquestioned direction may consider as
infringement of the above would be considered as a breach of contract and he may
take such action against the contractor as deemed fit.
a. The rates quoted by the Contractor shall be deemed to exclude GSTIN but other
taxes including royalties of all materials that the contractor will have to
purchase for performances of this contract.
Income Tax will be deducted from the gross amount of each on going account &
will be recovered from the contractor towards Income Tax as applicable from
time to time (Provisional or as advised by Income Tax Department)
d. Labour Cess :
Labour cess will be deducted from each contract bill as applicable from time to
The work has to be carried out in accordance with the Odisha detailed
standard specification and relevant I.S. specification pertaining to the tendered items
of work and specifications and special conditions appended here to Drawings will be
supplied to the contractor to execute the work in general conformity therewith. These
drawings will be supplemented by such additional, general and details drawings or
directions as may be considered necessary or desirable as the work progress. No
claim will be entertained due to change of drawing.
Where details shown on those drawings differ from the requirement of the
specifications, the requirement of the specifications shall govern and the contractor
shall not work without proper drawings, direction and instructions. He shall check all
drawings carefully and bring to the notice of the Engineer-in-charge any error and
omissions and discovered, where upon the Engineer-in-charge shall prepare revised
additional drawings and specifications as may be required. All such additional
general and detailed drawings will be binding on the Contractor under the same
terms and conditions as provided in clauses of F2 agreement. The decision of the
Engineer-in-charge with regards to specification is final, for which no compensation
or claim will be entertained.
i) The contractor shall have to submit the construction programme i.e. the
plan and programme of execution for completion of the work at the time of agreement
to the Engineer-in-charge. the construction programme should be such that, road
work will commence after completion of 75% of lining work, or otherwise after
completion of the canal work including structure in full shape. The Engineer-in
charge shall have to approve the said construction programme by fixing a pragmatic
mile stone with reference to the provisions laid down under clause 2(a) of the
condition of the contract, for timely completion of the work and accordingly the work
is required to be executed.
iii) The contractor has to make adequate lighting arrangements for night
works wherever necessary in fulfillment of the construction programme at his own
cost and no extra payment on this account is admissible.
Labour required for the work may not be available to the full extent in the
locality. The contractor may have to import labour from outside.
He shall arrange and regulate the labour strength according to necessity. The
Department shall not entertain the claim for any idle labour whether or not at the
fault of the contractor or due to any other reasons whatsoever. The contractor’s item
rate in the tendered are deemed to have adequate coverage on account of import and
employment of required labours and providing facilities and amenities to them.
During the period of suspension of the work the contractor shall properly
protect and secure the works as necessary in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge.
The items of work not covered in the agreement shall be paid in the current
schedule of rate of the State and those not covered by the said schedule of rates will
be paid on actual analysis approved by competent authority.
The contractor shall take all precautions to protect the work from damages
due to rains,
flood, cyclones, fire or by any other natural calamity, public agitation or riots
etc and also make good such damage if any at his own cost during the period of
execution and till the work is taken over by the Department. No compensation will
be paid to the contractor on account of idle laborers due to above reason.
The contractor should arrange necessary tools, plant and machineries for the
efficient execution of work at his own cost and the rates quoted should be inclusive of
such charges. The department may lend on hire some machinery for use in the work
subject to their availability on terms and condition as shall be specified by the
Department from time to time and after execution of necessary agreement. But on
the plea of non supply of machineries by the Department, the works should not be
delayed nor any compensation on such account is tenable nor will the contractor be
eligible for any time extension on that score.
All haul roads to Borrow areas and quarries will be constructed and
maintained by the contractor at his own cost. The roads so constructed shall be
allowed to be used free of cost by agencies working in other reaches of the canal
including Govt. Department unless other wise restricted by the Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor may be issued stock materials as per terms and conditions
specified under Clause - 8 of F-2 contract for bonafied use in the work. It shall be his
responsibility to make all arrangements for proper transport, safe storage, watch and
ward of materials and all other charges incidental there on. No payment shall be
made on this account to the contractor separately.
23.2. Any slip debris and other foreign materials deposited on the working region on
account of rains, flood or any other cause prior to and during the course of
execution and till the work is completely taken over the department have to be
cleared by the contractor at his cost. The rates quoted by the contractor shall
be inclusive of all such contingencies.
23.3. The contractor shall not interfere with the execution of water supply or
electrical arrangements or any other works entrusted to any other agency by
the Department at any time during progress of work.
Such portion of the site of work as may be considered necessary for the
purpose of alignment and demarcation shall be cleared of jungle, if any by the
contractor at his own cost.
The limits of the structure within which work will be carried out within the
scope of the contractor shall be suitably demarcated by the Department.
The contractor has to supply necessary labour at his own cost fixing
benchmark pillars/alignment pillars / alignment and pegs and also for layout,
leveling and profiling and maintaining the same till completion of the work. The
contractor at his own cost will supply cement concrete pillars required for layout. The
generally layout and Bench mark pillars already laid out by the Department is to
indicate generally this alignment of Canal in the field. The contractor while taking up
excavation works will preserve original pillars.
24.1. The contractor should kept himself in touch with the Engineer-in-charge for
smooth execution of work and arrange adequate labour depending upon the
work load and working space available. No claim whatsoever for detention /
idle of labour will be entertained.
A certificate should be furnished by him along with those claims to the effect
that beyond the claims entered in the book, the contractor has no other claims up-to-
date. If in any month there are no claims, a recorded a certificate to that effect
should be furnished by the contractor in the claim book. Each claim must be definite
and should give also as far as possible the quantities as well as the total amount
claimed. The claim book must be submitted regularly by the contractor to the
Engineer-in-charge by the 10th day of each month for his orders. Claims not made in
this manner are liable to be summarily rejected. The claim book shall be finally
surrendered by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge for record.
The contractor shall have to arrange water required for the work at his own cost.
29.1. The contractor shall have to construct and maintain coffer dam as required for
the work during execution at his own cost.
29.2. Bailing out water from foundation, construction of cross bund dewatering
wherever necessary during execution of the work shall have to be done by the
contractor at his own cost.
29.3. Gangway, scaffolding or any such arrangements required for the work are to
be provided by the contractor at his own cost as per direction of the Engineer-
in-charge. The Department will have the right to inspect such arrangement
made for the work and reject partly or fully such structures found defective in
opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge.
29.4. Department shall not pay compensation to the contractor for the damage
occurred to the materials and work entrusted to his due to natural calamities.
Unusual flood may occur during the working season. In the event of
overtopping or breach in the cofferdam/embankment due to such flood in the
working season resulting in flooding of the working area or outside the working area,
the contractor shall make his own arrangement to shift the machineries and
equipments, materials etc. to a safe place at his own cost. The work shall be resumed
after the floods. Necessary reconstruction of the cofferdam / embankment clearing
the working area of debris and silt shall have to be done by the contractor at his own
cost. Suitable extension of time may however be granted in such eventualities at the
request of the contractor, but no compensation whatsoever shall be paid in this
(a) In the event of the death, insanity, insolvency and imprisonment of the
contractor or the contractor being a partnership or firm becomes dissolved or being a
corporation goes into the liquidation, the contract may be terminated by notice in
writing posted at the site of work and advertised in one issue of the local newspaper
and all acceptable works shall be paid for after recovering all the contractors due to
Govt. there from at appropriate rates to the person or persons entitled to receive and
given dishonor-age for the payment.
(b) If the contractor becomes bankrupt or has a receiving order made against
him or compound with his creditor or being a Corporation commence to be would up
not being a voluntary winding up for the purpose only an amalgamation or
reconstruction or carry on its business under a receiver for the benefit of the
creditors of any of them, the Department shall be at liberty.
i) To give such liquidator receiver, or other person the option of carrying out the
contract subject to his providing a guarantee for the due, faithful performance
of the contract up to an amount to be determined by the Department.
The detail Tender Call Notice and all the Annexure there to will form the part
of the agreement when the work will be awarded to the contractor. All the
correspondences made with the contractor and all his correspondences with the
department after the tender is received will also be attached with the agreement.
The contractor should abide the fair wage clause introduced by the Govt. and
shall not pay less than the fair wages fixed by the Govt. to the laborer engaged by
him in the work.
The contractor is to furnish labour license as per the relevant labour Act and
rules in force before signing the agreement, failing which execution of agreement will
not be entertained.
The contractor shall be responsible to make good of the defects at his own
expense, which may develop or may be noticed before the expiry of one year from the
certified date of completion and which is attributable to the contractor. All notices of
such defect shall be given to the contractor promptly. In case, the contractor fails to
make good of the defects, the Engineer-in-charge employ other persons/ agencies to
make good of such defect, and all expenses consequent thereof and incidental
thereto, shall be borne by the contractor.
In the event Government takes over portions of works, as they are completed,
the liability of the contractor under this clause for those portions shall extend to a
period of one year from the actual date on which portions of the works are taken over
to the possession of the Department.
With regard to payment of price escalation during the extended period when
the reasons for delay are not attributable to the contractor, it is clarified that where
the extension of time is allowed by the Govt. / Higher authorities with the benefit of
price escalation in respect of the balance work left for execution, pragmatic revised
milestones should be fixed for completion of the balance work. The escalation
calculation should be based on the milestones which could have been achieved by
the contractor during the agreement period and extended period and should be
limited to the quantities stipulated therein. Payment of price escalation during
extended period will be paid subject to approval of the same by the Government of
Odisha, Department of Water Resources.
and to offer evidence in support of his appeal. The Authority shall give his decision
within a period of thirty days after the contractor has given the said evidence in
support of his appeal, which shall be binding upon the contractor.
a) All claims are to be settled by a Civil Court of Competent jurisdiction by way of
Civil Suit.
b) The contractor shall not be entitled to invoke Civil Suit until and unless he has
completed the work or until the Govt. has made alternative arrangements for
completion of work in question as the case may be.
c) The pendency of Civil Suit proceedings shall not dis-entitle the Government for
completion of the work.
For the purpose of jurisdiction in the event of dispute, if any contractor should be
deemed to have entered into within the State of Odisha and it is agreed that neither
part to the contractor nor the agreement will be competent to bring a suit in regard to
matters covered by this contract any place outside the state of Odisha.
47.1. If any further necessary information is required, the Engineer-in-charge will
furnish such information on written request, but it must be clearly understood
that tender must be received in order and according to instruction /
specifications appended herewith.
Additional performance Security shall be obtained from the bidder when the bid amount
is less than estimated cost put to tender. In such an event, only the successful bidder who
has quoted less bid price/ rates than the estimated cost put to tender shall have to furnish
the exact amount of differential cost i.e. estimated cost put to tender minus the quoted
amount as Additional performance Security (APS) in shape of Demand Draft/Term
Deposit Receipt duly pledged in favour of the Divisional officer WITHIN SEVEN
DAYS, otherwise the bid shall be cancelled and the security deposit shall be forfeited.
Further, proceeding for black listing shall be initiated against bidder as per amendment
to para 3.5.5 (V) of OPWD code volume-I vide office memorandum No. 14299 dt.
03.10.2017 of Govt. of Odisha work Dept.
(As perAmendment to Para-3.5.5(V) Note-II of OPWD Code, Vol-I)
The Cement manufactured inside the State of Odisha is to be used as
mentioned in Technical Specification. (Refer clause 31 of condition of contract).
50. STEEL:
Reinforcement bar manufactured by Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) is to be
used. (Refer clause 31 of condition of contract).
Bitumen manufactured by Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (IOCL) is to be used.
(Refer clause 31 of condition of contract).
The terms the India Standard Specification herein after referred to as BIS as used therein
means the relevant Bureau of Indian Standard codes with all amendments published up to the
date of Submission of tenders. A statement of relevant BIS is applicable to this contest is
Short Title B.I.S Number
1. Specification to ordinary Portland cement 33 grade (4th Rev) 269-1989
2. Specification for Portland Pozzolana Cement 1489-1976
3. Portland Slag Cement (Fourth revision) 455-1989
4. Method for physical tests for hydraulic cement (Reaffirmed 4031-1968
5. Method of Chemical analysis for hydraulic cement (First 4032-1985
6. Rapid hardening Portland cement 8041-1978
7. Hydrophobic Portland cement 8043-1978
8. High Strength ordinary Portland cement 8112-1976
1. Specification for coarse and fine Aggregates from natural source 383-1970
for concrete (Second Revision)
2. Specification for sand for masonry mortars 2116-1965
3. Method of Tests for aggregates for concrete 2385-1969 (Part-
I to Part- VIV)
4. Standard sand for testing of cement (First revision) with 650-1966
amendment 1 and 2 Reaffirmed 1980
5. Methods for sampling of aggregates for concrete 2430 -1969
6. Method of test for determining aggregates impact value of soft 5640-1970
coarse aggregates
1. Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars 2502-1963
2. Specification for cold worked steel deformed bars for concrete 1786-1979
3. Code of practice for welding of MS Bars used for reinforced 2751-1966
concrete construction.
4. Code for practice for use of Metal are welding for general 818-1989
construction of mild steel
5. Deformed bars for concrete reinforcement hot rolled mild steel 1139-1966
and medium tensile steel (Revised)
6. Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced 5525-1969
concreted works
7. Specification for Mild Steel and medium tensile steel Bars for 432-1966(Part I)
Concrete reinforcement.
8. Code for practice for safety and health requirement in Electric 818-1968
and Gas welding and cutting operations
Short Title B.I.S Number
9. Code for practice for fire precautions in welding and cutting 3016-1965
10. Measurement of building and Civil Engineering works, method 1200-1974
part VIII steel work and iron work (Part VIII)
11. Code of procedure for manual or metal ARC and welding of 823-1964
Mild steel
12. Specification for filler rods and wires for gas welding 1278-1972
13. Recommendations for welding cold worked steel bars for 9417-1979
reinforced concrete construction
14. Hard drawn steel wire fabrics for concrete reinforcement 1566-1982
1. Method of Measurement of building and Civil Engineer work 1200-1968
Part-II cement concrete works. (Part-II)
2. Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete 456-2000
3. Specification for pre cast concrete coping blocks. 5751-1969
4. Methods of tests for strength of concrete 516-1959
5. Code of practice for laying in situ cement concrete lining on 3873-1993
6. Specification for Admixtures for concrete 9103-1979
7. Method of Test for Autoclaved cellular concrete products. 6441-1972-73
(Part-I to IX)
8. Method of Sampling and Analysis of concrete 1199-1959
9. Specification of Batch type concrete mixtures (Second Revision) 1791-1968
10. General requirements for Concrete Vibrators immersion type 2505-1980
11. Specification for concrete vibrating tables 2514-1963
12. Method of test for permeability of cement mortar & concrete 3085-1965
13. Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana as admixture for 3812-1981
Concrete (Part-II)
14. Specification for Portable swing weigh batch for concrete (single 2722-1964
and double bucket type)
15. Code of practice for installation of joints in concrete pavements 6509-1972
16. Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced 457-1957
concrete for dams and other massive structures
17. General requirement for concrete vibrator screed board type 2506-1985
(First revision)
18. Code of practice for concrete structures for shortage of liquids 3370 (Part-1 to 4)
19. Code of practice for use of immersion vibrator for consolidating 3558-1983
concrete (First revision)
20. Method for testing performance of batch type concrete mixer 4634-1968
21. Form vibrators for concrete 4656-1968
22. Concrete batching and mixing plant 4925-1968
23. Ready mixed concrete (Scond revision) 4926-1976
24. Code of practice for sealing joints in concrete lining on canals 5256-1992
25. Vibrating plate compactor 5889-1970
In addition to the relevant BIS code, the specifications prescribed and guidelines issued
by Central water Commission Standard Specifications shall also be followed where BIS
specifications are not available.
All works of the contract shall be executed as per the specific and relevant clause/
clauses of relevant I.S. code unless otherwise specified. Materials used should confirm to the
desired standards prescribed in the relevant codes. Wherever a Para of IS Code is cited in
specification, it goes without saying that the latest revision of the specification subsequently,
shall apply. For the purpose of relevancy or otherwise of any provision of the I.S. Code referred
to, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding.
Engineer-in-charge or engineer designated for the purpose and approved before new
earth work is keyed into them.
The disposal of cleared and grubbed materials shall be in accordance with
clause 4.1.1 of IS 4701-1982 code of practice for earth work on canals. All waste
materials to be burnt shall be piled neatly and when in suitable condition shall be
burnt completely to ashes. Pilling of waste material for burning shall be done at such
a location and in such a manner as would not cause any fire risk in cleared area.
Suitable materials and equipments for prevention and suppression of the fire shall be
kept available at all times.
The materials to be disposed off shall be buried.
For the clearance of light jungles, heavy jungle with or without up-rooting etc.,
payment will be made as provided for in the bill of quantities. Separate payment will
not be made for clearing of site and grubbing including disposal of the cleared and
grubbed materials required under the above paragraphs as specified in the contract
document. The contractor shall include the cost thereof in the price bid in the bill of
quantities of the contract for the relevant finished item of work for which clearing and
grubbing as mentioned in the above para are required. No payment towards removal
of small stones and boulders of size less than 0.5 cubic meters will be made, and the
rate quoted for excavation will be considered to include this item. However, payment
will made for the removal of surface boulders of sizes greater than 0.5 cubic meter,
either loose or partly embedded in the ground, at the rate quoted in bill of quantities
for the actual quantity so removed based on stack measurement applicable for the
relevant strata classification after deducting 40% towards voids.
Benching will be paid as separate item, per cubic meter of excavation of bench
at the rate provided for in the tender documents.
The contractor shall procure and apply water for dust abatement.
Water applied for dust abatement will not be eligible for payment. The cost of
procuring and applying water including all expenses for all means of conveying water
to the point of use, their collection, usage, and all other incidental expenses will not
be paid separately including creation of source of water and the cost shall be deemed
to have been included in the concerned unit price bid in the bill of quantities of the
contract for the relevant finished item of work for which water for dust abatement is
So also the cost of procuring and applying water required for the works shall
be included in the price bid in the bills of quantities for the items of work for which
the water is used.
The contractor shall furnish all labour, materials and equipment and shall
procure and apply water required for pre-wetting the areas under canal and
Water applied for pre-wetting areas as detailed above will not be eligible for
payment. The cost of procuring and applying water including all expenses for all
means of conveying the water to the point of use, their collection, usage and all
incidental charges shall be included by the contractor in the concerned unit price bid
in the bill of quantities for that item of work where the water shall be used and no
separate payment for the same will be made.
The contractor shall handle all flows from natural drainage channel
intercepted by the work under these specifications, perform any additional excavation
and grading for drainage as directed and provide and maintain any temporary
construction required to by- pass or otherwise cause the flows to be harmless to the
work and property. When the temporary construction is no longer needed and prior
to acceptance of the work the contractor shall remove the temporary construction
and restore the site to its original condition as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
In addition to cross drains, longitudinal drains may be considered necessary
for proper drainage. The drainage system consisting of network of cross and
longitudinal drainage system will be led into out-fall drains to prevent stagnation of
water at the place of construction. The drains shall be constructed to the section
designed and shall be either open or filled up with material to ensure free flow of
water without clogging of the filled materials.
The cost of all works and materials required by this paragraph shall be
included by the contractor in the unit prices quoted in the bill of quantities and no
separate payment will be made for the same.
2.5.2 DRAINS
In connection with excavation for the canal and structures, the contractor
shall perform excavation for the construction of drains, beam drains and chutes and
any other drains as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
The location, grades and sections of the drains shall be as shown on the
drawings and or as directed. Measurement of excavation for the above drains will be
made to the lines shown in the drawings or as directed. Payment for excavation for
the above drains, channels and embankment will be made at the unit price bid in the
bill of quantities for execution of canal, which unit price shall include the cost of
placing the materials in embankment or otherwise disposing of the excavated
materials and all work necessary to maintain the work in good order during
Berm drainage, including drainage along the berm and banks of the canal and
longitudinal berm drains shall be constructed where shown to dimensions and
grades on the drawings or as directed.
The surface of the berm shall be sloped transversely and dowel banks shall be
made along with sides of the banks and berm where shown on the drawings and
elsewhere where directed. The dowel banks may be made by balding of material in
place, following completion of a canal reach.
No direct payment will be made for construing Dowel banks and sloping berms
and cost thereof shall be included in the unit price per cubic meter bid in the bill of
quantities for construction for canal embankment including reconstructing and
Damages due to rain or flood either in cutting or in banks shall have to be
made good by the Contractor till the work is handed over to the department. The
responsibility for de-silting and making good the damages due to rain or flood rests
with the contractor. No extra cost is payable for such operations and the contractor
shall therefore, had to take all necessary precautions to protect the work done during
the construction period.
Accumulated silt and water in the canal and structures for the works partly
done by the contractor in current or previous seasons should be removed and no
extra payment will be made, for such removal of silt and water. This unit rate of
excavation is deemed to include cost of removal of such silt and water.
moorum, soft, stiff/ heavy/ hard shale, stony earth mixed with gravel having
boulders up to 300 mm maximum diameter in one direction. Excavation of D.I. rock.
shall comprise of soling of roads/ paths, hard core, macadam surface, lean concrete,
stone masonry, brick work, soft conglomerate, lime stone, sand stone, laterite, hard
conglomerate and types of D. I. rock, which does not require blasting and can be
quarried or split with pick axe and crow bars. If however, the contractor resorts to
blasting in such strata and D.I. rocks for his convenience, no extra payment shall be
made and the materials shall not be classified in higher grade.
Excavation for canal shall confirm to provisions of relevant I.S.Codes. Side
slopes are to be provided as per the approved drawings, specification and provision of
This shall include all solid rock in place, of such hardness and textures that it
can not be removed by pick axe and crowbars or any other method until loosened by
drilling, appropriate blasting and wedging. All boulders or detached pieces of solid
rocks having volume greater than 3.0 cum can be classified as Medium/ Hard Rock.
Blasting shall only be resorted to only after it has been certified by the Engineer-in-
charge that blasting is necessary.
The excavated rock and debris so obtained shall be carried and dumped /
stacked separately with varying lead at the places indicated by the Engineer-in-
charge. The volume shall be calculated after deduction of suitable void percentage
and compared & co-related with the pre-measured volume.
The excavated materials shall be the property of the Department. The same
shall be issued to the contractor for the works such as pitching, filter, rock toe,
masonry works etc under this work if required, at the issue rate fixed by the
department from time to time which is applicable and binding on the contractor.
Excavation for the foundation of structures shall be to the level shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. In so far as practicable the useful
materials removed in excavation for structures shall be used for back fill and
All trenches in soil other than rock or hard compact soil more than 1.5 m
depth and soft of fissured rock exceeding 2.0 m depth in which men enter shall be
securely shored and shuttered and timbered. All loose stones, projecting clumps of
earth, pockets of materials which might come down on the workers in the trenches or
any condition which is hazardous, shall be either removed or the excavated, sides
adequately braced and the trench suitably guarded. On stiff slopes, workmen shall
not be permitted to work one above the other.
The contractor shall prepare the foundations of structure sites by method
which will provide firm foundation for the structures. The bottom and the side slopes
of common excavation upon or against which the structure is to be placed shall be
finished to the prescribed dimensions and the surfaces so prepared shall be
moistened and tamped with suitable tools to form a firm foundation upon or against
which the structures is to be placed. The contractor shall prepare the foundation of
the structures as shown on the respective drawings. The horizontal foundation
materials beneath the required excavation shall be moistened if required and
compacted in place.
If the Engineer-in-charge considers it necessary to consolidate the foundation
strata by grouting cement slurry, then drilling and grouting or any other foundation
treatment shall be done by the contractor as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and
the payment will be as per the general contract document in respect of extra items.
Densities of the compacted foundation materials and the testing there of shall be in
accordance with relevant IS specification.
When unsuitable materials are encountered in the foundation for structure,
the Engineer-in-charge will direct additional excavation to remove the unsuitable
materials. The additional excavation shall be refilled as follows. The excavation in
soils, the over-excavation shall be filled in by selected bedding materials and
compacted. In excavation of rock it shall be filled by cement concrete M-7.5. No
Payment will be made for the over-excavation and the resulting backfill. Should
remains of old building be met with, the materials shall be removed with wedges and
levers. Blasting shall not be allowed, with out the permission in writing of the
Engineer-in-charge. If bad ground of loose soil is met with, the contractor shall be
responsible for reporting the fact to the Engineer-in-charge, who shall issue such
orders as may be necessary. For extra excavation, concrete and masonry arising from
bad ground, the contractors shall be paid for treating this as additional quantity as
per the contract rate of contract documents. All excavated earth which is unfit or
surplus to the requirements for filling in canal embankments etc. shall be spared, as
instructed by the Engineer-in-charge at the contractor’s expenses.
If at any point in common excavation the foundation material is excavated
beyond the lines required to receive the structure, or if at any point in common
excavation the natural foundation material is disturbed or loosened during the
excavation process, it shall be compacted in place or where directed, it shall be
removed or replaced as follows. In excavation in soils and in rock, it shall be filled by
cement concrete M-7.5. Any and all excess excavation or over excavation performed
by the contractor for any purpose or reason except for additional excavation as may
be prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge and whether or not due to the fault of the
contractor shall be at the expense of the contractor. Filling for such excess excavation
or over excavation shall be at the expense of the contractor.
All suitable material removed in excavation or as much thereof as may be
needed as directed by the Engineer-in-charge shall be used in the construction of
canal embankments, roadway embankments and for selected bedding materials or
for backfill and around structures. If there is an excess of material in the excavation,
it shall be used to strengthen the embankment on either side of the canal, deposited
in low areas uphill of the canal to eliminate trapped drainage or otherwise wasted as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The disposal of the excavated material shall be in
accordance with clauses 8.1 and 8.2 of BIS 4701-1982. MEASUREMRENT FOR PAYMENT
Foundation for structures will be measured for payment, as per drawing with
due consideration for shuttering. The payment shall be made on volumetric basis for
the quantities excavated to the required extent. PAYMENT
Payment for excavation for structures shall be made at the unit price per cubic
metre. The rate of excavation for structures shall include the cost of all labour and
materials and other temporary constructions, cost of all pumping and dewatering,
cost of all other work necessary to maintain the excavation in good order during
construction, cost of removing such temporary construction where required and shall
also include the cost of disposal of the excavated material.
The item of the schedule for back fill around structures including pipe portions
of structures includes all back fill required to place under these specifications. MATERIALS
The type of material used for backfill, the amount thereof and the manner of
depositing the material shall be subject to approval of Engineer-in-charge. In so far
as practicable backfill material shall be obtained from material removed from
excavation for structures. But when sufficient suitable material is not available from
this source or from adjacent canal excavation, additional material shall be obtained
from approved burrow areas. The burrow pit excavation shall be in accordance with
clauses 9.1 to 9.3 of B.I.S. 4701 - 1982.
Where sand filling is specified, the sand shall be clean, free from admixture of
foreign material and approved by the Engineer-in-charge before filling is commenced.
Should there be a necessity to fill in a basement with sea sand, prior written approval
of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained. Sand filling should be saturated with
water before the construction is allowed to proceed.
Filling around structures shall have well consolidated in layers of 15 cm. by
ramming with iron rammers and cut ends of crowbars. When filling reaches the
finished level the surface shall be saturated with water for at least 24 hours, allowed
to dry and then rammed and consolidated.
Except as otherwise provided below, backfill material to be compacted shall
contain no stones larger than 80 millimetres in diameter and if not be compacted
shall contain no stones larger than 130 millimetres in diameter. If the excavation for
the foundations of the structure is in swelling soils, a layer of cohesive non-swelling
(CNS) soil conforming to B.I.S. 9451-1985 should be interposed between the swelling
soil and the structure. PLACING BACKFILL
Backfill shall be placed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings as
prescribed in this paragraph or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
The surface to receive the filling shall be first prepared free from all roots,
vegetation or spoil and wetted. All backfill shall be placed carefully and spread in
uniform layers so that all spaces around rocks and clods will be filled. Backfill shall
be brought up as uniformly as practicable on both sides of walls and all sides of
structure to prevent unequal loading. Backfill shall be placed to about the same
elevation on both sides of the pipe positions of the structures to prevent unequal
loading and displacement of the pipe. The contractor shall provide at least 60 (Sixty)
cm thick earth cover over the top of pipe to prevent damage from construction
equipment loads. If a haul road is built over a pipe, all backfill about and over the
pipe shall be placed to get a uniform surface and no humps or depressions will be
permitted at the pipe crossing. STRUCTURES ON FILL
Where the original ground surface is below the base of a structure or below the
bottom of pipe, all fill required for the structure foundation and all fill up to the
bottom of the pipe shall be placed as compacted embankment. The embankment over
the natural ground up to pipe bottom and over the pipe shall be laid in accordance
with clauses 9.2.4, 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 of B.I.S. 783 code of practice for laying of concrete
Payment for backfill about structure will be made as provided in the unit price
bid in the bill of quantities which shall include cost of backfill about the structure up
to ground level. The cost of backfill shall be included in the applicable price bid in the
fill of quantities of contract for excavation of foundation of the structure for which
backfill is required.
Blasting where required shall be permitted only when proper precaution have
been taken for the protection of persons and property in accordance with I.S. 4081 –
1967 (Indian Standard Specification for safety Code for blasting and related drilling
operations). While carrying out excavation, adequate precautions in accordance with
I.S. 3761-1966 (Indian Standard Specifications for safety Code for excavation work)
and in accordance with the Indian Explosives Act-1982 shall be taken.
All contractors who execute blasting operations in connection with works for
purpose of quarrying stones, road construction, excavating foundations, well sinking
or for any other purpose shall observe the rules and precautions as per standard
norms and any further additional instructions which may be given by the Engineer-
The ground surface under all canal embankments excepting rock surface,
where it is below the full supply level in the canal shall be scarified making open
furrows not less than 20 (twenty) centimetres deep below natural ground surface at
intervals of not more than 1.0 (One) meter. However, where the ground surface is
below the bed level of the canal, the entire surface of the foundation of embankments
shall be stripped to a depth of not less than 20 (twenty) centimetres.
Immediately after preparation of the embankment foundation, the contractor
shall excavate cut-off trenches. Following this operation, as soon as feasible and as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge the contractor shall place and compact
embankment in the cut-off trenches and place one metre of embankment over the
entire embankment foundation and compact where required. This procedure will seal
the foundation against loss of moisture and provide some consolidation of the
foundation. Foundation surfaces under the canal embankments and other
embankments shall be scarified before laying earth.
Water applied for pre-wetting areas under the canal embankments and under
other embankments will not be measured for payment and shall be included in the
unit price bid per cubic metre in the bill of quantities for excavation for canal and
other embankments.
In case of existing canals and dams, where the slopes in canals and
embankment portions are to be modified, benching of slopes shall be done or old
bunds shall be sloped as directed by the Engineer-in-charge duly clearing the surface
area under slopes from all roots and vegetable matter and stumps shall be pulled or
otherwise removed and roots grubbed. The stumps and roots removed shall be
suitably disposed off.
The measurement of benching operation if done shall be done separately and
the payment shall be made at unit price per cubic metre bid in the bill of quantities
for that item.
Canal and dam embankments shall be constructed to top widths and side
slopes as shown on the drawings duly providing for compacted allowance of two
centimetres per meter height of bank for settlement. The embankment shall be built
to heights as directed above those shown on the drawings. The top of all the
embankments shall be graded to be suitable for a road way in accordance with
subparagraph and the top of other embankments shall be graded or scarified
as directed.
Before commencing over haul of material from the burrow area, levels of the
banks to be formed in the sections where the over hauled material is proposed for
construction of embankments shall be taken. After completing the construction of
embankment final cross section levels shall be taken and the volume shall be arrived
at and payment shall be made to that quantity only.
All materials shall be deposited in embankments so that cobbles, gravel and
boulders are well distributed through other materials and not nested in any position
bank. The base of embankment at every height is to be made to its full width of each
zone as shown in the drawing plus offsets of not less than 0.45 meters beyond the
finished profile on either side for compaction. No payment will be made for the off
sets or for the subsequent removal, and unit price quoted for the banking is deemed
to include this. No additions will be allowed to slope for the full design section of the
bank after the bank is raised. The embankment shall be compacted to at least 95%
proctors density using pneumatic tampers, frog rammers or vibratory plate
compactor or power roller.
Where the original ground surface is below the bottom of the canal (designed
bed level) and where a compacted fill below the bottom of the canal is prescribed,
such fill shall be placed as compacted embankment. Where the original ground
surface is below the base of structures or where sloping concrete walls or slabs
extend above the original ground surface and it is practicable as determined by the
Engineer-in-charge to construct the walls or slabs directly on earth foundation,
without intervening forms, compacted embankments shall be constructed to lines
and grades as directed to form suitable foundation for the structure of for the sloping
or slabs.
All materials required for the construction of embankment and backfill for
cut-off trench and around the structures which are not available from excavation,
excavation for structure or from excavation of other ancillary works shall be obtained
from the designated burrow area after stripping as shown on drawing or as
designated by the Engineer-in-charge in consultation with field laboratory. The depth
of cut in all burrow areas shall be designated by the Engineer-in-charge and the cuts
shall be made up to such designated depths only. Haphazard exploitation of burrow
pits shall not be permitted. The type of equipment used and the operations in the
excavation of materials in burrow area shall be such as to produce the required
uniformity of the mixture of materials for the embankment. The contractor has to
arrange burrow earth at his own cost and responsibility. No compensation
whatsoever for change in limits and locations of the burrow areas and depth of cut
for getting suitable earth shall be paid to the contractor within a distance of 5 Km of
dumping place of embankments in most practical route. The burrow area shall not be
designated within a distance of five times the height of embankment from the toe.
Burrow pits shall be operated so as not to impair the usefulness or mar the
appearance of any part of the work or any other property. The surfaces of wasted
materials shall be left in a reasonably level and even condition. PREPARATION OF BURROW AREAS
All areas required for burrowing earth for embankment shall be cleared of all
tree stumps, roots, bushes, rubbish and other objectionable materials. Adequate
lighting arrangement should be provided by the contractor.
Particular care shall be taken to exclude all organic matter from the materials
to be placed in the embankment. All cleared organic materials shall be burnt to ashes
or disposed-off as directed. The cleared areas shall be maintained free of vegetable
growth during the progress of the work. No payment shall be admissible for
preparation of the burrow areas indicated above as this is deemed to have been
included in unit bid price of earth work in the bill of quantities. STRIPPING OF BURROW AREAS
Burrow area shall be stripped of top soil, sod and any other objectionable
materials to the required depths as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The work may be
done manually or with suitable machine. Stripping operations shall be limited only to
the designated burrow areas. Materials from stripping shall be disposed off in
exhausted burrow areas or in the approved adjacent areas as directed. No extra
payment shall be admissible for stripping the burrow areas as this is deemed to have
been included in the unit bid price for earth work in the bill of quantities. BURROW AREA WATERING/ DEWATERING
Burrow area watering shall be done by the contractor at his own cost wherever
necessary preferably 48 hours in advance, so that materials may be carried with
adequate moisture and in the manner specified by the Engineer-in-charge.
The initial moisture content of the materials in the burrow areas shall be
estimated with the help of field laboratory tests. The optimum moisture content
required for the materials in any particular burrow areas shall be obtained from the
field laboratory. The additional moisture requirements as determined by the
laboratory test shall be introduced into the burrow areas by watering well in advance
of the excavation to ensure uniformity of moisture content. All care shall be taken to
reduce excessive moisture in any of the locations of a burrow area before or during
excavation to secure the materials with moisture content close to the optimum. To
avoid formation of pools in the burrow areas during excavation operation, drainage
ditches from burrow areas to suitable outlets shall be excavated, wherever necessary.
Upon exhausting of all materials or abandoning the burrow areas, the pits shall be
fully drained to ensure to ponding of water. HAUL ROADS AND APPROACH ROADS
Construction and maintenance of approach roads, and haulage roads to
quarry area and burrow area will be the responsibility of the contractor. The
department will have full right of way to those roads for inspection purposes. Proper
roads sign as directed have to be provided for safety. For haulage of earth, the
contractor shall construct ramps and haul roads of sufficient width along the
shortest but most practicable route and shall maintain and illuminate them in a
satisfactory manner. Watering of the haul road shall be done by the contractor as
often as necessary to prevent rising of dust, formation of cuts and consequent
deterioration of the surface. When ever service roads meant for public thorough fare
run through or close to the burrow area, the contractor shall direct the excavation
and haulage operation in such a manner as to ensure uninterrupted use of the
service road and safety to the public. At the haul road and service road crossing, the
contractor shall install necessary cheek gates and road signs.
No extra payment is admissible as this is deemed to have been included in the
unit bid price for earth work in the bill of quantities being contingent to the main
Dams and canal embankments shall be constructed to the top width and side
slopes as shown on the drawings. Suitable excavated materials available from the
canal cutting, proud cutting, removal of ramps and excavation for structures shall be
used for construction of banks. If suitable and adequate materials for constructing
embankment are not available from excavations, the desired materials shall be
obtained from burrow area designated for the purpose as per the instruction of the
The planning for execution should be such that all the useful excavated
materials are utilized in embankment prior to utilization of burrow earth from
outside. The embankment earth shall be burrowed only after getting written
instruction of the Engineer-in-charge. Only suitable materials as per specification
shall be excavated, loaded and conveyed to the point of placement in the
embankment. Unsuitable materials if conveyed shall be removed and disposed clear
of the work site as directed by the Engineer-in-charge at the cost of the contractor.
away from the rock or masonry or concrete structure leaving a minimum distance of
0.6 m and at an inclination of 3:1. If the foundation surface is too irregular to allow
the use of large roller directly against the structure or rock out crop, the roller shall
be used to compact the soil, as close to the structure or the out crop as possible and
the portion of the embankment directly against the rock or the structure shall be
compacted with pneumatic hand tampers in thin layers. The moisture content of the
earth fill placed against the rock or the structure shall be slightly above the optimum
to allow it to be compacted into all irregularities of the rock and this shall be
determined by the field laboratory. In placing the earth fill under rock foundation, the
foundation shall first be prepared as detailed earlier. CARE IN LAYING FILATERS
Care shall be taken in placing the first layer of the fill above the filter layer so
that no damage is caused to the filter layer by the hauling machinery. Sheep foot
rollers shall not be employed for compaction over the filter, till the thickness of the
layer compacted by other means is greater by 30 cm. than the teeth of the roller
drum. The soil for the first layer shall be at moisture content sufficient to enable
satisfactory bonding of the fill with the filter surface.
Embankment materials shall be placed only when the weather conditions are
satisfactory to permit accurate control of the moisture content in the embankment
materials. Before closing work on embankment, in any continuous reach prior to
setting of monsoon, the top surface shall be graded and rolled with a smooth wheeled
roller to facilitate run-off. Prior to resuming work, the top surface shall be scarified
and moistened or allowed to dry as necessary and approved by the Engineer-in-
charge for resumption.
The contractor shall provide suitable protection works to protect the slope
from corrosion due to rain water. No payment whatsoever shall be made for providing
such protection work and rectifying the monsoon damages.
The water content of the earth fill materials prior to and during compaction
shall be distributed uniformly throughout each layer of materials and it shall be
between -2% to +2% of the optimum moisture content. Moisture determination of soil
as well as needle moisture determination of soil shall be carried out as per I.S. 2720-
Laboratory investigations may impose some restriction on the lower limits of
the practicable moisture contents on the basis of studies on consolidation
characteristics of soil in embankment. Here in after the term, range of optimum
practicable moisture content shall refer to the value as described above. As far as
practicable, the materials shall be brought to proper moisture content in the burrow
area before excavation. If additional moisture is required it shall be added preferably
at the burrow area and only in limited cases/ extent if required, on the embankment
by sprinkling water before rolling of a layer. If more moisture is present than
required, the material shall be spread and allowed to dry before starting compaction.
Moisture control shall be strictly adhered to. The moisture content shall be relatively
uniform throughout the layer of material. If necessary, ploughing, disc harrowing or
blending with other materials may have to be resorted to obtain uniform moisture
distribution. If the moisture content is more or less than the range of optimum
practicable moisture content or if it is not uniformly distributed throughout the layer,
rolling and adding of further layer shall be stopped. Further work shall be started
again only when the above conditions are satisfied.
In order to have proper control of moisture content in the earth fill, no earth
work shall be done during rainy days. No compensation shall be made to the
contractor due to held up of work for rain or fog.
Where compaction of cohesion less, free draining materials, such as sands and
gravels is required, the materials shall be deposited in horizontal layers and
compacted to the relative density specified below. The excavating and placing
operation shall be such that the materials when compacted will be blended
sufficiently to secure the best practicable degree of compaction and stability. Water
shall be added to the materials as may be required to obtain the specified density by
method of compaction being used.
As envisaged in clause of IS 4701-1982 the thickness of the
embankment layer shall not exceed 25 cm. (loose layer) before compaction and it
should be spread over the full width of the embankment and compaction shall be
done by tampers or crawler tractors or vibrating rollers. If the compaction is
performed by Treads of crawler type tractor, surface vibrators or similar equipment,
the thickness of the layer before compaction shall not be more than 40 cm. If
compaction is performed by internal vibrators, the thickness of the layer shall not be
more than the penetrating depth of the vibrator.
As envisaged in clause I.S. 4701-1982, the relative density of the
compacted materials shall not be less than 70%, when tested in accordance with
I.S.2720(Part-XIV) 1983 Indian code of practice for determination of density Index
(relative density)of cohesion less soils.
This sub-paragraph applies only to cohesion less materials and not to cohesive
materials. Cohesion-less materials containing clay and silt may not be free draining.
When compaction of cohesion-less materials containing clay and silt is required, the
materials shall be compacted to a dry density in accordance with either sub-
paragraph below, using whichever test that result in higher dry density of the
compacted materials in the placement.
Prior to and during compaction operation the materials shall posses optimum
moisture content as determined in accordance with clause of I.S. 4701-1982
and the moisture content shall be uniform throughout each layer. Provided that the
moisture content is ensured as required in clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701-1982, the dry
density of soil portion in the compacted materials shall not be less than 95% of the
laboratory maximum soil dry density compacted. The field dry density shall be
determined in accordance with I.S. 2720(Part-XXVIII) 1974 or IS 2720 (Part XXIX)
The relative density of the compacted materials obtained shall be not less than
70% determined in accordance with clause of I.S. 4701-1982. The moisture
content shall be maintained as per clause 6.6.4 of I.S. 4701-1982.
As shown in Appendix C or IS 4701 – 1982 the following compacting equipment may
be used for compacting the soils shown against them as detailed below.
burrow area material. Not less than three tests shall be conducted to indicate
variation in the standard Procter density attained in the laboratory.
In case of determination of maximum Dry/ Bulk Density viz: proctor density and
optimum moisture content (OMC) are sometimes not easily feasible, particularly on the
jobs of strengthening of canal sections, then these values may be assumed as have
been outlined in table 2 of IS: 12169-1987 for calculating the compaction efficiency of
the compacted earth fill layers in terms of the percentage of Proctor Density.
Density tests shall be conducted from time to time at site to ascertain whether
compaction is attained as specified. For every 1500 cum of compacted earth fill, at
least one field density test shall be conducted. However, minimum four density tests
shall be made per day irrespective of quantity of earth work. In case, the tests show
that the specified densities are not attained, suitable action shall be taken either by
moisture correction or by additional rolling, so as to obtain the specified density
which shall be checked again by taking fresh tests at the same locations. The test
locations should be so chosen as to represent the whole layer under test. Each layer
should be tested for proper compaction before a fresh layer is allowed over it.
The density to be attained after compaction should be at least 95% of
proctor density predetermined by Laboratory tests. For strengthening of
channels, compaction should be done to 95% of the proctor density. In case of
non-cohesive soils the layers should be compacted to at least 65% relative
In the mechanically compacted earth fill, settlement allowance of 2% should be
provided. In case of earth fill of canal which has not been mechanically
compacted, settlement allowance at 10% should be provided & settlement
allowance shall be calculated after embankments are subjected to natural
compaction of one full monsoon rains. For short duration works, settlement
allowance at 16% should be provided & necessary adjustments are to be made
to take care of natural settlement due to rains. Extra height should be provided
taking the settlement into account. Settlement allowance at 2% should be provided
after embankments are subjected to natural compaction for two or more full monsoon
rains. The base width of the embankment shall not be increased to maintain the
design slopes indicated in the drawings for additional height as settlement allowance,
but the following procedure shall be adopted.
Settlement allowance shall be calculated at various levels and the elevation
including settlement allowance shall be derived keeping the embankment width at
the designated levels unchanged. The edges of the embankment at the increased
elevations (including settlement) when joined with the point where the slope has
changed earlier below, shall give the slope to be adopted for construction.
The slopes of a particular reach of the canal which has been completed in the
manner described earlier shall be dressed neatly to the designated line and grade.
Extra earth works done at sides are to be dressed and reused in the embankment.
The costs of the compacting earth materials as described in this paragraph
shall be paid separately in the price bid in the bill of quantities for watering and
compacting earth work in dam/ canal embankment under these specifications. The
unit rate of this item shall be for unit volume of earth fill watered and compacted. No
extra payment shall be allowed for labourers engaged for collecting of samples for
testing and rectification during compaction as may be required.
brought to the site is dirty, it must be washed thoroughly and cleaned with water so
as to get rid of all soluble impurities. The sand shall be screened and the fine and
coarse sand is stacked separately which materials shall conform to the gradation
specified as under.
The aggregate of 10 mm. to 75 mm. size rock fragments shall consist of broken
stone which are hard, dense and durable. The rock fragments shall be free of
disintegrated and decomposed stone, soft, flaky, salt, alkali, vegetable matter and
other deleterious substance like clay lumps etc. They should be washed clean and
stacked separately as per the gradation defined hereafter.
Almost all the quantities of rock chips and spalls required breaking for the
aggregate and which are obtained from the spoil of canal; rock blasting will be
available at site. It shall be incumbent upon the contractor to first utilise this
materials to the full and the recovery cost for the material used from such spoil from
canal excavation shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-charge, which is binding on the
The gradation of each filter layer shall meet the following requirement with
respect to the materials in the adjacent filter layer. Each successive layer of material
shall be composed of particles such that the particle size of 15% of base materials
(15% smaller than and 85% larger than the diameter) is more than 5 times that of
15% size of the layer above.
The requirement for grading of the filters shall be established by the field
laboratory on the basis of mechanical analysis of the adjacent fill material.
Mechanical analysis shall be performed on samples which have been compacted. The
test has to be conducted by the contractor at his cost in the presence of
Departmental Engineers to be nominated by the Engineer-in-charge.
The following gradation is however tentatively and roughly indicated for the
Contractor’s information:
Fine Sand: At least 15% particles should be less than 0.3mm to 0.5mm in
Coarse Sand: At least 15% particles should be less than 2.5mm to 3mm in diameter.
Aggregate: 10mm to 75mm with at least 15% particles are less than 20mm in
3.7.2 ROCK-TOE
The rock fill at the down stream toe of the bank shall be constructed to the
finished lines and grades shown in the drawing. The stones used shall consist of
sound, dense and durable rocks and shall be reasonably well graded.
The rock fill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 0.30 meter thickness at a
time. The large rock fragments shall be placed in the outer faces of rock toe and shall
be closely and firmly set with hand with their broadest side down-wards and face
normal to the finished slope. At least 25% of these stones of the outer faces, should
be 300 mm in depth in normal to the slope and to be well embedded in the mass and
should be laid with breaking joints as far as possible, so as to secure a firm and
stable rock mass. For the sloping surface away from the embankment, interstices
between the adjacent stone on the slope shall be well filled with stones of the proper
size and tightly wedged by wooden mallets or crowbars to ensure firm packing to
result in a neat and well packed surface true to the finished slope. For earth side
slope, the surface stones need not be that wedged with small stones so as to allow
free drainage of the embankment. Profile of strings and pegs should be used to
ensure that rock-toe is done true straight and conform neatly to the designed slopes
Slope and bed filter should be laid for the rock toe consisting of filter materials
of specified thickness and types shown in the drawings. The specification of the
materials mentioned shall be the same as given in paragraph 3.7.1 above. The
thickness of the various types of filter materials shall be specified in the plans.
Measurement and payment for filters shall be in the units of cubic meter. The
payment shall be made on the relevant unit price bid in bill of quantities and the unit
price shall include cost of furnishing, hauling of all materials and labour involved in
all the operations specified for formation of filters.
3.7.5 ROUGH STONE DRY PACKING FOR APRONS AND REVETMENTS The bed or slopes to receive the packing shall first be prepared as specified
and passed by the Engineer-in-charge. In case where the work of preparation
of bed and slopes such as cutting out high bund, filling in hollows, etc., or
the digging of the well foundations is rather extensive, separate items should
usually be provided for such subsidiary kinds of work in the schedule of the
agreement. But if the work involved in such subsidiary item is very little, no
separate provision need to be made and in the absence of such provision, the
contractor shall understand that his tender rate is inclusive of all such work
without extra charge. If the backing is to be laid on made up ground which is
objectionable, it shall, so far as possible, not to be laid till the ground has
completely settled. If a backing of gravel, quarry rubbish or other material is
to be given, it shall be specified in a separate schedule item. The size of the stone to be used for dry stone revetment should be of 225
mm. to 300 mm. thick or as specified. The stone shall be perfectly sound, as regular in shape as possible, free from
cracks and decay and with their length equal to the thickness of the required
apron or revetments and each stone shall not be less in size than 0.03 cubic
meters unless other wise specified or order by the Engineer-in-charge.
Having regard to the nature of the stone along quarried, the smaller size
stones required for filling in interstices and wedging shall only be supplied to
the actual requirements for the work as defined in hereunder and shall not
be used in two or three layers as a substitute for the full thickness stone
specified in following clauses. The stone shall be obtained from the approved
quarry. The stones shall be laid closely in position on the prepared bed and firmly set
with their broadest end downwards, so that they may meet all round their
bases and with the top of the stone, level with the finished surface of
packing. The stone shall be laid breaking joints so far as possible in the
direction of the flow of water. The stones are to be placed perpendicular to
the finished surface ie perpendicular to the slope for revetments. Interstices between adjacent stones shall be filled in with stones of the
proper size, well driven in with crowbars to ensure tight packing and
complete filling of all interstices. Such filing shall be carried simultaneously
with the placing in position of large stones and shall in no case be permitted
to fall behind. The final wedging shall be done only after obtaining the orders
of the Engineer-in-charge. The final wedging shall be done with the largest
sized chip practicable, each chip being well driven home with a hammer so
that no chip is possible of being picked up or removed by hand. Profiles of strings and pegs are to be put up to ensure that the pitching is
done true straight and to proper slope throughout and revetment are in all
cases to be built up from the foot of the bund. Care is necessary that, a
strong toe wall or other protection is always given to the revetment, of which
protective measures shall be shown on the plans. On the completion, the surfaces presented by the aprons or revetments shall
be even throughout, free from irregularities to the required length, breadth
and slope as specified in the plans.
The provisions of this paragraph apply to cement for use in cast in place
concrete required under these specifications. Portland cement required for items
such as concrete pipes, pre-cast concrete structural members and other pre-cast
concrete products for grout and mortar and for other items provided for, under
appropriate paragraph of these specifications covering items for which such Portland
cement is required.
The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement of
cement to required specifications required for the work. Transportation from the
place of supply to the batching plant shall be in weather-tight rail cars, trucks,
conveyors and other means, which will protect the cement completely from exposure
to moisture. Immediately upon receipt at the jobsite, bulk cement shall be stored in
dry, weather tight, properly ventilated bins until the cement is batched. The bins
shall be emptied and cleaned by the contractor when so directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. However, the intervals between required cleaning will normally be not less
than 6 months. Each shipment of bagged cement shall be stored separately so that it
may readily be distinguished from other shipment and shall be stored in a dry
enclosed area protected from moisture. Storage of materials shall be as described in
IS: 4082-1996 (IS recommendation on staking and storage of construction materials
at site). To prevent under-aging of bagged cement after delivery, the contractor shall
use bags of cement in the chronological order in which they were delivered to the job
site. All storage facilities shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-in-charge. ACCEPTANCE OF CEMENT.
Cement shall be supplied by the contractor according to clause 10.1 of IS:
Pozzolana added to the concrete as an admixture shall be sampled and tested
The cost of cement used in wasted concrete in replacement of damaged or
defective concrete and extra concrete required because of over excavation and in
concrete placed by the contractor in excavations intentionally performed to facilitate
the contractor’s operation shall be borne by the contractor himself. No extra payment
shall be made to the contractor for such additional quantity.
The contractor shall use air-entraining admixtures as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Admixtures shall be of uniform consistency and quality and shall
be maintained at the job site at uniform strength of solution. Admixtures shall be
batched separately in liquid form in containers capable of measuring at one time the
full quantity of each admixture required for each batch. Chemical admixtures, which
harm the quality and strength of concrete, shall not be used in the concrete.
4.2.5 WATER
The water used in making and curing of concrete mortar and grout shall be
free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter, injurious amounts of oils,
acids, salts and other impurities etc. as per IS specification 456-2000.
The Engineer-in-charge will determine whether such quantities of impurities
are objectionable. Such determination will unusually be made by comparison of
compressive strength, water requirement, time of set and other properties of concrete
made with distilled or very clean water and concrete made with the water proposed
for use. Permissible limits for solids when tested in accordance with IS: 3025-1964
shall be as tabulated below:
the requirements of any of the four grading zones is suitable for concrete. However,
sand conforming to the requirements of grading zone IV shall not be used for
reinforced cement concrete work.
Sieve analysis of natural sand shall conform to the following limits of gradation.
Percentage of passing on Sieve
I.S. Sieve size Grading Grading Zone-II Grading Zone-III
4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 90-100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100
600 micron 15-34 35-59 60-79
300 micron 5-20 8-30 12-40
150 micron 0-10 0-10 0-10
It is recommended that the sand conforming to grading zone-I to III is suitable for
For the purposes of these specifications, the term “Coarse Aggregate” designate
clean well graded aggregates, most of which is retained on 4.75 mm. I.S: Sieve and
containing only so much finer materials as permitted for various types described
under clause 2.2. of IS: 383-1970. Coarse Aggregate for concrete shall consist of
uncrushed stone, or crushed stone and partially uncrushed and crushed stone.
Coarse Aggregates for concrete shall be procured by the Contractor from the
approved quarries. The contractor shall, unless otherwise specified in the tender
notice and subsequently on this basis in the contract, be responsible for payment of
seignorages, quarry fees etc. on all materials.
Coarse aggregates as delivered to the batching plant shall generally have
uniform and stable moisture content. In case of variations, clause 9.2.3 of IS 456-
2000 shall govern during batching. QUALITY
The coarse aggregate shall consist of naturally occurring (crushed or
uncrushed) stones, and shall be hard, strong, durable, clear and free from veins and
adherent coating, and free from injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces, alkali,
vegetable matter and other deleterious materials. Coarse aggregate not conforming to
any of the following requirements, shall be rejected.
The abrasion value of aggregates when tested in accordance with the method
specified in IS: 2386 (Part IV)-1963 using Los Angles machine, shall not exceed 30%
for aggregates to be used in concrete for wearing surface and 50% for aggregates to
be used in other concrete.
Aggregates crushing value, when determined in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part IV)-
1963 shall not exceed 45% for aggregates used for concrete other than wearing
surface and 30% for wearing surfaces. As an alternative to the crushing strength test
of aggregates, impact value shall be found out with the method specified in IS: 2386
(Part IV)-1963. The aggregates impact value shall not exceed 45% by weight for
aggregates used for concrete for other than wearing surfaces and 30% by weight for
concrete for wearing surface such as runways roads and pavements.
The coarse aggregates to be used for all concrete works shall pass a Sodium or
Magnesium Sulphate accelerated soundness test specified in IS: 2386 (Part V)-1963
and the average loss of weight after 5-cycles shall not exceed the limits specified in
clause 3.6 of IS: 383-1970.
The coarse aggregates shall have specific gravity of 2.60 minimum.
The maximum quantity of deleterious materials in coarse aggregates shall not exceed
the limits specified in Table of I.S: 383-1970 when tested in accordance with IS:
2386-1963. SEPARATION
The coarse aggregates shall be separated into nominal sizes during production
of the aggregates. Just prior to batching, the coarse aggregates shall be re-washed by
pressure spray and finish screened on multi-desk vibrating screen capable of
simultaneously removing undersized and over sized aggregate from each of the
nominal aggregate. Aggregates entering the batches occur during intermittent
batching then a dewatering screen will be required after the finish screens to remove
the excess free moisture. Finish screens shall be mounted over the batching plant or
on the ground adjacent to the batching plant. Finish screens shall be so mounted
that, the vibration of the screen will not be transmitted to the batching bins or scales
and will not affect the accuracy of the weighing equipment in any other manner.
The method and rate of feed for finish screening shall be such that, the
screens are not over-loaded and result in a finished product, which meets the grading
requirements of these specifications. Coarse aggregate shall be fed to the finish
screens in a combination of alternations of nominal sizes, which will not cause
noticeable accumulation of poorly graded coarse aggregates in any bin. The finish-
screened aggregates shall pass directly to the individual batching bin in such a
manner as to minimize breakage. Below 2.36 mm. materials passing through the
finish screens shall be wasted unless it is routed back through a sand classifier in a
manner, which causes uniform blending with the natural sand being processed.
Water from finish screening shall be drained in such a manner as to prevent
aggregate wash water from entering the batching bins and weighing hoppers washing
and finish screening requirements shall be subject to approval by the Engineer-in-
Coarse aggregates for concrete shall be separated into various nominal
maximum sizes specified in the relevant paragraph. Separation of the coarse
aggregate into the specified sizes after finish screening shall conform to the grading
requirements specified in Table-2 of IS 383-1970 when tested in accordance with IS:
2386 (Part II)-1963 (Method of test for aggregates for concrete part I) particles size
and shape.
Coarse aggregate for mass concrete may be separated as previously herein
specified. Separation of the coarse aggregates into the various sizes shall be such
that when tested in accordance with IS 2386 (Part I) 1963 shall conform to the
requirements specified in Table 3 of IS 383 – 1970.
Sieves used in grading tests shall be standard mesh sieves conforming to IS
460 (Part I) 1978 (specification for test sieves part I wire cloth test sieves)
Sand and coarse aggregate for concrete and sand for mortar and grout shall be
obtained by the contractor from the approved sources. The approval of deposits by
sand classifier. Crusher coarse aggregate shall be blended uniformly with natural
coarse aggregate by routing both together through the classifying screens.
In the process of developing and producing aggregates from approved sources
for work under these specifications, the provisions of environmental quality
protection shall apply. COST
This shall be included in the applicable price bid in the schedule for concrete,
filter and other works in which the aggregates are used of which prices shall include
the cost for stripping, producing and transporting & storing the materials. The
contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for materials wasted
from a deposit including crushed fines and materials, which have been discarded by
the reasons of being above the maximum size specified for use or for any other
The contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-charge 24 hours before batching of
concrete. Unless inspection is waived in each case, batching shall be performed only
in the presence of an Engineer authorized by Engineer-in-charge.
The contractor shall provide, maintain, and operate the equipment as required
to accurately determine and control the prescribed amounts of the various materials
entering the concrete mixtures. The quantities of cement, sand and each size of
coarse aggregate entering each batch of concrete shall be determined by individual
volume measurement or by weight as the case may be. Cement has to be weighed/
measured in volume separately from the aggregates. Sand and coarse aggregates may
be weighed with separate scale and hoppers.
The grading of aggregates shall be controlled by obtaining the coarse aggregate
in different sizes and blending them in the right proportions, the different sizes being
stacked in separate stock piles, the materials shall be stock piled a day before use.
The grading of coarse and fine aggregates will be checked as frequently as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. Water shall be added by weight or measured by volume in
calibrated tanks. The amount of added water shall be adjusted to compensate for any
observed variations in the moisture contents. Determinations of moisture content in
the aggregate shall be in accordance with IS: 2386 (Part III) 1963 (Indian Standard
Method of test for aggregate of concrete Part III). The amount of surface water carried
by aggregates will be determined in accordance with Table-5 of IS: 456-2000.
Cement and aggregates are hauled from a central batching plant to the mixer.
Each batch shall be protected during transit to prevent loss and to limit the pre-
hydration of cement. Separate compartments with suitable covers shall be provided
to protect the cements or they shall be completely enfolded in and covered by the
aggregates to prevent wind loss. If cement are enfolded in moist aggregates or
otherwise exposed to moisture and delay occurs between batching and the mixing,
then extra cement shall be added to each batch. The extent of such extra cement will
be to attain the required quality. No separate payment for this addition of extra
cement shall be made.
The concrete ingredients shall be thoroughly mixed in mechanical mixers
designed to positively ensure uniform distribution of all the component materials
throughout the concrete at the end of the mixing period. Mixing shall be done as per
clause-9 of IS: 456-2000. The mixer should comply with IS: 1971-1985 (IS
Specifications for batch type concrete mixers)
The concrete as discharged from the mixer shall be uniform in composition
and consistency from batch to batch. Workability shall be checked at frequent
intervals as per IS: 1199-1959. Mixer shall be examined regularly by the Engineer-in-
1. Plant configuration shall be such that the mixing of each mixer can be observed
from the safe location, which can be easily reached from the control station.
Provisions shall be made so that the operator can observe the concrete in the
receiving hopper or bucket as it is being dumped from the mixers.
2. Each mixer shall be controlled with timing device, which will indicate the mixing
period and assure compliance of required period of mixing.
3. The batch plant shall be equipped with an interlocking mechanism, which will
prevent concrete batches from entering mixers, which are not empty. MIXERS
Each truck mixer shall be equipped with accurate water meter located between
the supply tank and mixers with a dial or digital indicator and a reliable revolution
counter, located near the water meter, which can be readily reset to Zero for
indicating the total number of revolutions of the drum for each batch. Each mixer
shall have affixed there to a metal plate on which the drum operations in terms of
volume for both mining and agitating and the maximum and minimum speeds of
rotation of the drum are mainly marked.
Mixing shall be continued for the minimum period specified and may be
increased and number of revolutions, speed of the drum may be such that the
mixture as delivered from the mixer has uniform colour and consistency to the
satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. In no case shall the design water content be
Concrete shall be discharged within half an hour after the introduction of the
water and cement into the mixer. Each batch of concrete when delivered at the job
site from commercial ready mix plants shall be accompanied by a written certificate
of batch weights and time of batching.
Fresh structural concrete and fresh canal lining concrete shall be placed at
temperature of 150 C to 300 C. During hot or cold weather the concreting should be
done as per the procedure set in IS: 7861 (Part I) 1975 or IS: 7861 (Part II).
The temperature will be determined by placing a thermometer in the concrete
immediately after sampling at the site of placement. The temperature of concrete at
the batch plant shall be adjusted to assure that the specified concrete temperature is
Note: Tolerance applies to concrete dimensions only but not for positioning of
vertical reinforcing bars or dowels.
the drawings. All additional splices allowed shall be at the expense of the
contractor. In order to meet design and space limitation on splicing, some bent bars
may exceed usual clearance, cutting and bending of such bars from stock lengths
may be required at the site.
Unless otherwise prescribed, placement dimensions shall be to the centre line
of the bars. Reinforcement will be inspected for compliance with requirement as to
size, shape, length, spacing and splicing etc.
Before reinforcement is embedded in concrete, the surface of the bars shall be
cleaned of heavy flaky rust, loose scale, dirt, grease or other foreign substances,
which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge are objectionable. Heavy flaky rust
that can be removed by firm rubbing with burlap or equivalent treatment is
considered objectionable.
As specified in clause 12.3.1 of IS: 456-2000, unless otherwise specified by the
Engineer-in-charge, reinforcement shall be placed with the following tolerances.
a. For effective depth 200 mm or less + 10 mm
b. For effective depth more than 200 mm + 15 mm
The cover in no case be reduced by more than one third of specified cover or 5
mm whichever is less. Reinforcement shall be securely held in position so that it will
not be displaced during the placing of the concrete and special care shall be exercised
to prevent any disturbances of the reinforcement in concrete that has already been
placed. Welding of bars shall be done as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and in
conformity with the requirements of clause 12.4 of IS: 456-2000. Concrete cover shall
be maintained as shown on the drawings. REINFORCEMENT DRAWINGS
The Engineer-in-charge will supply drawings of reinforcement details and bar
bending schedules for adoption. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT
Measurement for payment of reinforcement bars will be based on the weight of
the bars placed in the concrete in accordance with the drawings supplied by the
Engineer-in-charge when conformance with these specifications drawings has been
determined at the time of embedment. Except as otherwise provided below, payment
for furnishing and placing reinforcing bars will be made at the unit price bid in the
bill of quantities for furnishing and placing reinforcement bars which unit price shall
include the cost of reinforcing bars, attaching wire, cutting, bending, cleaning, tying
the grills, securing and maintaining in position of the reinforcing bars as shown in
the drawings.
The total weight of bars placed as reinforcement in concrete shall be arrived at
by adding the products of lengths each size and mass per meter (vide Table-1 and
Para 6.2.1 of IS: 1786-1985) of that size of rod.
No concrete shall be placed until formwork installation of items to be
embedded and preparation of surface involved in the placement have been approved.
The contractor shall supply concrete placement checkout cards (Placement
Register) satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge and shall provide a watertight
container for such cards at the convenient location near each individual concrete
placement site. The cards shall list all the various work items for example "cleanup"
and "embedded items" required prior to placement of concrete. After each work item
for an individual placement has been completed that item on the cards shall be
signed by contractor or his representative signifying completion of the required work.
Engineers authorized by the Engineer-in-Charge will inspect the work during and
after completion of each phase of the preparation and if the work is satisfactory will
sign the checkout card (placement register). Approval of preparation of placement will
not be complete until the contractor or his representative and above authorized
Engineer have approved by signature to all applicable items for the placement.
All surfaces of forms and embedded materials shall be free from curing
compound, dried mortar of previous placements and foreign substance before the
adjacent or surrounding concrete placement is begun.
Prior to beginning concrete placement, the contractor shall make ready a
sufficient number of properly operating vibrators and operators, and shall have
readily available additional vibrators to replace defective one during the progress of
the placement. The Engineer's representative at the placement may delay the start of
the concrete placement until the number of working vibrators available is acceptable. FOUNDATION SURFACES
All surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be free from
frost, ice, water, mud and debris. Rock surface shall be free from oil, objectionable
coatings, and loose semi-detached and unsound fragments. Immediately prior to
placement of concrete, surfaces of rock shall be washed with an air water jet and
shall be brought to uniform surface dry condition.
Earth foundation surfaces shall be wet to a depth of 15 cm or to
impermeable material whichever less before placement. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS
Construction joints are defined as concrete surfaces upon or against which
concrete is to be placed and to which new concrete is to adhere, but which have
become so rigged that the new concrete can not be incorporated integral with that
previously placed. The provision of construction joints shall conform to clauses
12.4.1 and of IS: 456-978.
When the work has to be resumed on a surface, which has hardened, such
surface shall be roughed. It shall than be swept clean thoroughly and wetted. For
vertical joints, neat cement slurry shall be applied on the surface before it is dry. For
horizontal joints the surface shall be covered with a layer of mortar about 10 to 15
mm thick, composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as the cement and sand
in concrete mix. This layer of cement slurry or mortar shall be freshly mixed, applied
immediately before placing of the concrete.
Where the concrete has not fully hardened, all litanies shall be removed by
scrubbing the wet surface with wire or bristle, brushes, care being taken to avoid
dislodgment of particles or aggregate. The surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted and all
free water removed. The surface shall then be coated with neat cement slurry. On
this surface, a layer of concrete not exceeding 15 mm. in thickness shall first be
placed and shall be well recommend against old work, particular attention being paid
to corners and close spots, and work thereafter shall proceed in the normal way. CONTRACTION JOINTS
Contraction joints serve to provide for volumetric shrinkage of monolithic
concrete and or movement between monolithic units at established joints, thus
preventing formation of objectionable shrinkage cracks elsewhere in concrete. Prior to
application for wax based curing compound to contraction joints, the surfaces of all
joints shall be cleaned thoroughly of accretion of concrete or other foreign material by
scraping, chipping or other means approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Water stops,
reinforcing bars and other embedded items shall be free of curing compound when
adjoining concrete is placed.
The contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge before batching 'begins
for placement of concrete. Placing shall be performed only on the presence of an
authorised Engineer's representative. Placement shall not begin until after
preparations are complete and the concrete placement check out card has been
signed by the contractor or his representative and the authorized representative of
the Engineer-in-Charge substantiating completion of all preparation for that
All surface upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be prepared
in accordance with paragraph 4.2.15.
Re-tampering of concrete will not be permitted for any concrete, which has
become so stiff that proper placing cannot be assured.
Concrete shall not be placed in standing water except with written
permission of the Engineer-in-Charge and the method of placing shall be subject to
approval. Concrete shall not be placed, in running water and shall not be subjected
to running water until after the concrete has hardened. Concrete shall be deposited
as nearly as practical in its final position and shall not be allowed flow in such a
manner that the lateral movement will cause of the coarse aggregate separated from
the concrete mass. Methods and equipment employed in depositing concrete in forms
minimize clusters of coarse aggregates. Clusters that occur shall be scattered before
the concrete is vibrated. Forms shall be constantly monitored and their position
adjusted as necessary during concrete placement in accordance with paragraph
4.2.12 and 4.2.13.
All concrete except canal lining shall be placed in approximately horizontal
layers. The depth of layers shall not exceed 15 cm. The Engineer-in-Charge reserves
the right to require lesser depth of layers where concrete cannot otherwise be placed
and consolidated in accordance with the requirements of these specifications. All
construction joints which intersect exposed concrete surface shall be made straight
and level to plumb except as shown otherwise on the drawings. The placing of
concrete shall be in accordance with clause 12.2 of IS: 456-1978.
If concrete is placed monolithically around openings having vertical
dimensions grater than 60 cm or if concrete in decks, floor slabs or other similar part
of structures is placed monolithically with supporting concrete, the following
requirements shall be strictly observed:
(1) Concrete shall be placed up to the top of the formed opening at which
point further placement will accommodate settlement of fresh concrete. If
concrete levels are specified beneath nearly horizontal structural
members such as decks floor slabs, beams and girders or the levels being
between the nearly horizontal members and the vertical supporting
concrete below, concrete shall be placed to the bottom of the bevels before
delay of placement.
previously placed adjacent concrete is plastic, so that the concrete can be made
monolithic by normal use of vibrators/ tamping.
Concrete shall not be placed in rain sufficiently heavy or prolonged to wash
mortar from concrete. A cold joint may necessarily result from prolonged heavy
There shall not be any additional payment, over the unit price bid in the
schedule for concrete by reason for any limitation in the placing of concrete, required
under the provisions of this paragraph. TRANSPORTATION
The transportation of concrete shall conform to clause 12.1 of I.S: 456-1978.
The methods and equipment used for transporting concrete from the batch
plant to its final position in the placement and the time that elapses during
transportation shall not cause measurable segregation of coarse aggregate or slump
loss during transportation exceeding 5 centimetres.
Concrete shall be deposited as practical to its final position. The use of
Aluminium pipe or Aluminium chutes for delivery of concrete will not be permitted.
Concrete buckets shall be capable of promptly discharging concrete of the specified
mix design and the dumping mechanism shall be capable of discharging at one
location, small portions of concrete from a full bucket.
If used to transport concrete, the truck mixers shall meet the applicable
requirements of paragraph 4.2.10. The transporting equipment for placing concrete
shall readily handle the place concrete of the specified slump. The Contractor shall
when directed, replace in-adequate transporting equipment with acceptable
equipment. COMPACTION
The compaction of concrete shall conform to clause 12.3 of I. S 456-1978.
Concrete shall be consolidated by vibrators/ tampers. The vibrations shall be
sufficient to remove all undesirable air voids from the concrete, including the air
voids trapped against the forms. After consolidation, the concrete shall be free of rock
pockets and honey comb areas and shall be closed snugly against all surfaces of
forms and embedded materials. All concrete shall be properly consolidated before it
Except as herein after provided, consolidation of all concrete shall be by
immersion type vibrators. Immersion type vibrators shall be operated in nearly
vertical position and the vibrating head shall penetrate and re-vibrate the concrete in
the upper portion of the underlying layer. Care shall be exercised to avoid contact of
the vibrating head with embedded items and with formed surfaces, which will later be
exposed to view. Concrete shall not be placed upon either plastic concrete until the
previously placed concrete has been thoroughly consolidated.
Form vibrators shall be used in conjunction with slip form lining machines to
consolidate concrete in canal linings. Such vibrators shall be arranged for effective,
uniform consolidation for the concrete. The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative
may remove samples of the hardened concrete for testing and examination, and the
Contractor shall repair, at no cost to the Government, the concrete from which such
samples are removed.
Immersion type vibrators shall be operated at speeds of at least 7000
revolutions per minute when immersed in concrete. Form vibrators shall operate at
speeds of at least 8000 revolutions per minute when being used to consolidate
concrete. The Contractor shall immediately replace improperly operating vibrators
with acceptable vibrators.
The requirements for finishing of concrete surface shall be as specified in
this paragraph, paragraph 4.2.12 and 4.2.13 or as otherwise indicated on the
drawings. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer-in-Charge before finishing
concrete. Unless inspection is waived, in each specific case, finishing of concrete shall
be performed only when a Engineer’s representative is present. Concrete will be
tested by the Engineer-in-Charge in accordance with paragraph 4.2.13 where
necessary to determine whether the concrete surface is within the specified
Finished concrete which is not within the specified tolerances shall be
repaired in accordance, with paragraph 4.2.20. Interior surfaces shall be sloped for
drainage where shown on the drawings or as directed. Surfaces which will be exposed
to the weather and which would normally be level shall be sloped for drainage.
Floating may be performed by use of hand or power driven equipment.
Floating shall be started as soon as the screed surface has stiffened sufficiently and
shall be the minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free from screed marks
and is uniform in texture. Joints and edges shall be tooled where shown on the
drawing or as directed.
After the surface of roadway slabs of concrete bridges have been wood
floated, the surfaces shall be given a broom finish. The finish shall be applied when
the water sheet has practically disappeared. The broom shall be drawn transversely
across the pavement with adjacent strokes slightly overlapping. The brooming shall
be completed before the concrete is in such a condition that the surface will be torn
or unduly roughened by the operation. The finished surfaces shall have a uniform
appearance and shall be free of corrugations exceeding 1.5 millimetres in depth.
Broom shall be of a quality, size and construction and be operated as to produce a
surface finish of satisfaction to the Engineer-in-Charge.
The finishing in lining be in accordance with Clause 5.7 of IS: 3873-1993.
The finished surface shall be equivalent in evenness, smoothness and free from rock
pockets and surface voids to that obtainable by effective use of a long handled steel
trowel. Where the surface produced by lining machine meets the specified
requirements, no further finishing operations will be required.
The contractor shall protect all concrete against damage until its final
acceptance by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall provide protection to
prevent erosion to fresh concrete whenever precipitation either periodic or sustaining
is imminent or occurring.
When precipitation appears imminent, the contractor shall immediately
make ready at the placement site all materials, which may be required for protection
of fresh concrete. The Engineer-in-Charge may delay placement of concrete until
adequate provisions for protection against weather are made.
All fresh concrete surfaces shall be protected from contamination and from
foot traffic until concrete has hardened. Hardened concrete surfaces, which have to
receive finish, shall be protected against damage from foot traffic and the
construction activity by covering with protective mats, plywood, or by other effective
means. Method of protection shall be subject to approval by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required for
curing concrete. All concrete including bed and sides of canal lining shall be cured by
water curing.
The pre-cast slab for canal lining shall be cured by keeping them immersed in
water for seven days and by sprinkling water for another 21 days with straw canvass,
Hessian or similar materials cover over slab.
The uniformed top surfaces of bridges decks shall be cured for 28 days with a
damp sand cover or curing mat cover. The sand or curing mats shall not be kept so
wet as to allow water to drain from them, which may stain other concrete. The sand
payment for furnishing and placing reinforcement bars and form work which shall be
made at the respective unit price’s bid thereof in the schedule.
Description of Items
The joint should be left in concrete/masonry in required places as per drawing
and design. Embedded parts if any will have to be provided prior to casting of
concrete/construction of masonry. Old surface of the concrete/masonry joints should
be made clean free of dirt, grease, protrusions or any objectionable materials as per
the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The face of the joints should be made
straight. The surface of joints should be painted with bitumen/ coal tar and fitted
with the approved sealing materials like bituminous filler boards, etc. The adjacent
concreting masonry then only can be constructed.
In the case of P.V.C. water stop, the pieces should be jointed together at the
site by vulcanising thoroughly to make it water tight having sufficient strength to
withstand the designed water pressure exerted on it.
In case of copper seal, the thickness of the copper sheet should be of 16 gauge
(1.63 mm) and minimum of 0.6m wide with ‘V’, ‘U’ or ‘Z’ groove of size 2.5 cm. at its
longitudinal axis. The groove should be perfectly straight and uniform. Adjacent
copper sheet should be perfectly braced together on both sides for the whole width by
butting the two sheets against each other. If lapping between adjacent sheet are
given, the maximum lapping should be 5 cm. and should be held together tight.
Brazing should be done on both sides for the whole width. The joints should be
braced, watertight and should be capable of withstanding the hydraulic pressure
exerted on it. M.S. anchor rods of 6 mm to 8mm dia and 30cm long with hook on
outer side and should be braced with the copper sheet @ 50 cm centre to centre
approximately on both sides of copper sheet preferably staggered. The minimum
length of the rod to be brazed is minimum 5 cm. and brazing should be done on both
side of the rod.
The edges of the copper sheet should also be given a link at about 0.5 M.
interval to have a better grip with concrete. The brazing should be done as per
relevant IS specification.
The P.V.C water stop shall be dense, homogeneous and free from holes and
other imperfections. The cross section of the water stop shall be uniform along its
lengths and thickness shall be symmetrical.
Location and embedment of the P.V.C./Copper water stops shall be as shown
on the drawings, with approximately one-half of the width. Water stops shall be
embedded in the concrete on each side of the joints. In order to eliminate faulty
installation that may result leakage, care shall be taken that the water stops shall be
installed to form continuous watertight diaphragm in the joints. Unless otherwise
shown, adequate provision shall be made to protect the water stops during the
progress of the work.
Additional vibrations over and above that used for adjacent concrete placement
shall be carried out to assure complete embedment of the water stops in the concrete.
Larger pieces of aggregate near the water stops shall be removed by hand during
embedment to assure complete contact between the water stop and surrounding
Canal lining shall be done with concrete paving and finishing machines, which
will place, compact and finish the concrete lining in bed and slopes. Plain cement
concrete of M-15 grade, with the maximum size of aggregate of 20mm shall be laid on
the bed and slopes of the canal sections as shown on relevant drawings. The
thickness of lining shall be as indicated in paragraph for both in bed and
slopes of the canal. If during construction it is found necessary to alter the canal
section and side slopes without altering the thickness of lining, the contractor shall
be informed in writing of such changes.
Each concrete paving machine and associated support equipment utilized
under this contract shall place canal lining at an average sustained rate of
advancement of not less than 3.5 meters per hour. This minimum rate shall be
obtained for paving operation on the side slopes and on the bottom of the canal while
also meeting the requirements for lapsed time following trimming, consolidation of
concrete, finishes, joints and other requirements specified therein.
The equipment and operation for concrete lining includes foundation trimming,
sub-grade preparation, concrete production and delivery from point of production,
placement of concrete, curing and other associated activities. Supporting the
placement of the canal lining shall be matched with the lining equipments capability,
so as not to impede the specified placement rate of lining operation. The overall
equipment deployment shall be such as to ensure the completion of canal lining
within the scheduled period specified in the contract.
The contractor can alternatively deploy longitudinally operating self aligning
slip form Paver with built-in vibrator attached to the mould/ forms, so as to effectively
compact and finish the concrete (alternative to concrete Paver finisher outlined
During the preparation of sub-grade for canal lining, the proud earth work
shall be excavated and trimmed by machine for better progress and to achieve the
designed profile of the sub-grade. This excavation for trimming for base preparation of
lining shall be carried out immediately prior to laying of the lining, but in no case the
time interval should exceed 3 days in normal whether and 2 days in adverse weather
The scope of work also includes the following:
i. Dewatering the canal section for preparing the base for lining and laying
concrete lining.
ii. Providing steel safety ladders at required intervals or as directed.
iii. Providing necessary under drainage arrangements consisting of filter
blanket of graded sand and pressure relief valves as per drawings.
iv. Providing filter materials of approved quality as per design.
v. Providing and fixing P.V.C. contraction joints forming water stops.
Area proposed for lining of the canal as a whole shall have to be cleared of all
objectionable materials, stumps, roots, bushes, and rubbish. Such materials, from
clearing operation shall be disposed-off from the working area clear of work site as
per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
b. The work of trimming the canal section up to the bottom of concrete lining/
bottom of filter materials to be provided as the case may be and preparing sub-
grade for concrete lining includes removal of proud from the slope and bed of the
canal. The trimming operations is to be carried out manually or by machines
(Trimmer) of adequate capacity immediately prior to laying of the lining but in no
case the time interval between trimming and laying should exceed 3 days in
normal weather and 2 days in adverse weather conditions. Wherever rock is over
excavated the item of trimming and preparation of sub-grade includes filling the
over excavated portion with suitable semi pervious materials, watering and
compaction and trimming up to bottom level of the concrete lining. All along the
canal alignment the rain cuts on inner slope of the banks shall be filed up with
approved excavated materials and shall be compacted adequately to required
line and grade and level. The material required for filling the over excavation in
rock and rain cuts, if not available during excavation in soils to be done under
this item, shall be hauled from stock piles or burrow area to be arranged by the
contractor and placed in position.
c. If at any point, materials have been excavated beyond the pay line required to
receive the concrete lining the excess excavation shall be refilled on horizontal
layer with selected materials moistened if required and compacted using rollers
and slope compactors. Where, placing and compacting bedding material is on a
sloping foundation, the layers may be placed parallel to the surface of the
foundation. If at any point the foundation materials disturbed or loosened during
the excavation process or otherwise, it shall be moistened if required and
thoroughly compacted by tamping, rolling or by other approved methods to form
firm foundations for placing the concrete lining.
e. In the canal section requiring bedding material below the concrete lining due
care shall be taken by the contractor to place the bedding materials on
scientifically approved surface adequately wet as described above in layers not
exceeding 15 cm. in depth in a single operation and compacted till the bedding
material attains a height where it can be trimmed to form a true and even
surface upon which the concrete for lining is to be placed. Each layer of bedding
material shall be moistened and thoroughly compacted.
f. All loose materials likely to be present at the end panel of existing lining adjacent
of which lining is to be placed under these specifications shall be removed and
all voids beneath the existing lining shall be refilled and compacted thoroughly.
No extra payment shall be made to the contractor on this account.
g. Suitable materials trimmed from the canal shall be judiciously utilized in canal
embankment, road embankments or in back filling of the structures or used as a
bed material as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. The trimmed materials
which can not be utilized in proper place during one continuous operation shall
be piled along the out of way where designated by the Engineer-in-charge.
h. In all, the preparation of sub grade for concrete lining shall confirm to clauses
4.1. 4.2., 4.3., 4.4 and 4.5. of IS 3873-1993 (Indian code of Practice for laying in
situ cement concrete lining on canal)
• Lining be provided in high banking reaches and in all such reaches as are
considered “vulnerable” viz; associated with seepage, slippage of slopes and
breaches etc.
Clay 15 – 20 % Liquid Limit : More than 30% but less than 50%
Silt 30 – 40 % Plasticity Limit : More than 15% but less than 30%
Sand 30 – 40 %
Gravel 0 – 10 %
Note: Provision for mechanized compaction of CNS soil layers to at least 95% proctor
density should be made. METHOD OF COMPACTION:
In small sectioned channels, provision for “fill & cut method” should be made
in order to achieve effective compaction. The channel section should be over
excavated (to the extent governed by the CNS thickness) say, in 300m long reach;
CNS soil be placed in layers in the full section, watered (as required), and each layer
is to be compacted to at-least 95% proctor density through deployment of, preferably,
small width powered drum rollers or standard power rollers or fuel operated plate
Note: This procedure should also be followed for the re-sectioning and strengthening of
channels (involving compaction of earth fill other than CNS fill) not passing through B.C.
Note: Taking in to consideration the various factors including economy and ease/
practicability of placement, it may be appropriate to adopt a lining thickness of
65 mm for channels of discharging capacity up to 175 cusecs; 70 mm for the
channels of discharging capacity up to 500 cusecs and 75 mm for channels of
discharge beyond 500 cusecs up to 1750 cusecs. CEMENT:
For area other than coastal, 43 Grade or 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
is to be used. In the coastal zones, Portland slag cement may be used. CEMENT CONTENT AND WATER-CEMENT RATIO:
The concrete lining being exposed to alternate wetting and drying during its
functioning or working life, comes in the category of “ severe exposure condition” as
per Indian standard IS: 456 – 2000. Accordingly, provision of cement content of
minimum 250kg/m3 of concrete mix is made in the cost estimate of C. C. lining from
“durability consideration”. Water Cement ratio is to be restricted to the range from
0.50 – 0.60.
Note: If the perimeter of canal section is equal to or less than 6.0 m, no longitudinal
contraction joints need to be provided. However, the transverse contraction joints
across the canal section are to be provided irrespective of the extent of the perimeter. CONSOLIDATION OF CONCRETE LININGS:
Proper consolidation of concrete mix for the C. C. linings, as being placed on bed
and sides is of paramount importance.
Use of conventional needle vibrators may puncture the sub grade surface. One
of the most effective methods of consolidation comprises of deployment of “vibratory
plate device” operated by a fuel operated tiny motor. CUTTING GROOVES FOR CONTRACTION JOINTS:
Grooves should be cut when the concrete is still green/ plastic, to be later
filled with the sealing compound. The groove is normally 27mm deep, for the C. C.
lining thickness of 65 mm – 75 mm range, 11 mm wide at bottom and 14 mm wide at
the top. It should be filled with hot/ poured sealing compound conforming to IS:
5256 – 1992. After the C. C. lining is fully set (viz: after a period of 28 days), only
then the grooves have to be filled with the sealing compound after cleaning of dirt and
mortar from the grooves. OF C. C. LINING:
Adequate and fool-proof curing is the most vital requirement for C. C. Lining.
The bed lining should be effectively cured by constructing small earth bunds of say,
30 cm high at convenient intervals and ponding water on the bed between the
successive bunds. The sloped lining surfaces should be cured either by fully covering
the concrete surface with Hessian cloth rolls/ gunny bags and keeping these wet with
water throughout 28 days period. UNDER-DRAINAGE:
A convenient method of the under-drainage is the provision of “porous
concrete plugs” of 75 mm dia and 250 mm to 300 mm length in bed and side slopes
underlain by graded filter of size 300 mm x 300 mm or 350 mm x 350 mm. One plug
can be provided in the bed and one plug in each side slope at a distance of d/3 (one
third of FSD) from the bed in alternate panels (viz: at a spacing of 4.5 m to 5.0 m).
The porous plugs should be composed of one part of cement and four parts of coarse
aggregate of size not more than 20 mm. No sand is to be used. Only so much water is
used as is required to produce a paste to coat the aggregate without filling the voids.
The porous plugs, after requisite curing, are becoming porous and free draining.
The porous concrete after curing shall be pervious and free draining type. As
soon as the concrete hardens (i.e. it attains final setting) it should be sprinkled with
water and kept moist for at least 14 days. The compressive strength of the porous
concrete at 7 days as determined by tests on 15cm dia x 30 cm height cylinders
should not be less than 70 kg/ cm2 and the porosity shall be such that, water shall
pass through a slab of concrete 30 cm thick at a minimum rate of 500 lt/min/ sq.m
of the plug with a constant 10 cm depth of water on the slab. TOLERANCE IN C. C. LINING THICKNESS:
The permissible tolerance for the thickness of lining is ± 10%, provided the
average thickness is not less than the designed thickness.
In case pre-cast slabs are to be used for the lining, the concrete mix for casting
the slabs should be of M15 grade. The slabs, 30 cm x 30 cm (or any other convenient
size) should be of 50 mm thickness. The sub grade is to be given a plaster layer (1:6)
of 12 mm thickness, duly cured with water for at least 24 hours and, there after,
placed on this base layer with 6 mm thick mortar of 1:3 mix. The joints between the
slabs are to be filled/ pointed with mortar mix of 1:3 and cured.
Note: Whether cast-in-situ or pre-cast concrete lining is to be placed, the sub grade
MUST be hard, well compacted enough and smoothened prior to placement of
lining. The “vibratory plate device” mentioned in Paragraph above can be very
effectively deployed for compaction of the sub grade.
The surface irregularities (to be checked with a wooden template/ straight edge) should
not exceed the following limits:
i) 6.25 mm for sub grade bed; and
ii) 12.00 mm for sub grade side slopes.
The loading, handling, transportation and placing of the selected bedding
material shall be subjected to approval and shall be such as will result in a uniform
mixture of the material being placed without separation or segregation. Selected
bedding shall be obtained from required excavation in area where materials in excess
of that required to construct the adjacent embankments is available or available from
burrow pits approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
All materials including cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, water
admixture and steel shall be as specified in Section 4.2 for concrete.
5.5.1. GENERAL
The work shall generally conform to IS 3873-1993. All concrete for lining shall
be governed by IS 456-2000. The concrete shall be of controlled grade with suitable
admixtures of approved air entraining agents using well graded aggregates with
maximum size of aggregates of 20 mm. Ordinary Portland cement or Portland
Pozzolana Cement to be used shall be 321 Kg. per cubic meter of concrete. However
due to change in design mix, if it becomes obligatory to use lean/ richer mix, the
contractor shall comply with the same. In case of leaner mix the department shall
deduct the cost of cement from the bill of the contractor at the issue price of cement
for short consumption of cement and no other compensation on this account shall be
allowed. In case of richer mix the contractor shall be paid for the extra cement used
at the issue price of cement.
mixers of various drum capacities (0.5 cum or more) are also available in the market
for production of concrete.
Hand mixing of concrete shall not be allowed except in rare exceptional
circumstances and isolated cases when the quantity of concrete to be placed is very
For price adjustments, the amount so recoverable/ payable shall be deducted/
added to the value of the work done. Design mix and actual cement required shall be
communicated from time to time to the contractor in writing by the Engineer-in-
a. Transportation shall be handled from the place of mixing to the place of final
deposition as rapidly as practicable by use of equipments such as transit
mixers which shall prevent initial setting, segregation and loss of any of the
ingredients. It shall be transported and compacted in its final position within
30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer unless carried in properly designed
agitators operating continuously where this time shall be within 2 hours of the
addition of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of its discharge from the
b. If segregation occurs during transport, the concrete shall be remixed before
being placed after observing the time requirements as above.
a. Concrete shall be placed only in the presence of a duly authorized representative
of the Engineer-in-charge. Concrete shall be placed and compacted before initial
setting time and shall not be subsequently disturbed.
b. Placing of concrete shall not be started until all form work installation of parts to
be embedded if any and preparation of surface upon which concrete is to be
laid have been completely inspected by the Engineer-in-charge. All absorptive
surfaces against which concrete is to be laid shall be moistened adequately so
that moisture shall not be withdrawn from freshly placed concrete. The surfaces,
however, shall be free from standing water and mud.
c. Concrete shall be deposited in all cases as neatly as practicable directly from
mechanized pavers in its final position and shall not be caused to flow in a
manner to permit segregation. Excessive separation of the coarse aggregate
caused by allowing the concrete to fall freely from too great a height or at too
great an angle from the vertical shall not be permitted and where such
separation would otherwise occur. The contractor shall provide suitable means
to convey the concrete without allowing such separation.
a. For efficient placing and finishing of the concrete lining on slopes and in bed
concrete laying machines such as slip form pavers or concrete paver finisher of
approved quality and design shall be used. Each lining machine and associated
support equipment utilized under this contract shall place canal lining at an
average sustained rate of advancement of not less than 10 meters per hour. This
minimum rate shall be obtained for paving operation on the side slopes and on the
bottom of the canal, while also meeting the requirements for lapse time following
trimming consolidation concrete thickness tolerances, finishes, joints and other
requirements specified herein.
b. The equipment of operations for foundation trimming, sub-grade preparation,
concrete production, concrete delivery, joints production, curing compound
placement and other associated activities supporting the placement of the canal
lining shall be matched with the lining equipment capability so as not to impede
the specified placement rate of each lining operation. The overall equipment
The concrete lining on slopes including curvatures portion, at junction of slope
and bed lining shall be cured with specifications given in paragraph 4.2.19. The
concrete lining in canal bed shall be cured with water in accordance with the
specifications given in Paragraph 4.2.19. If water curing of lining in the canal bed is
not carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge as per specifications the
contractor shall be directed to switch over to liquid membrane forming curing
compound for curing. Water curing of concrete is to follow strictly to spraying
procedures and specifications as per clause 5.8 of IS: 3873 of 1993.
All equipment material etc. needed for curing and protection of concrete shall
be at site and ready for installing before actual concreting begins. Detailed plans
methods and procedures of curing and protection of concrete lining shall be got
approved in writing from the Engineer-in-charge sufficiently in advance of the actual
concreting in order to avoid interruption or damage to the work of other agencies. MEMBRANE CURING.
a. These specifications cover curing of concrete using membrane forming compound
to retard the loss of water during the early hardening period and to reduce the
temperature rise in concrete exposed to radiation from the sun. This compound
shall be suitable for use as curing media for fresh concrete and for further curing
of concrete after removal of forms or after initial moist curing.
b. Concrete of canal lining on slopes including key at the top and curved portion at
the bottom of the slope of canal shall be cured with liquid membrane forming
white pigmented curing compound which shall form water retaining surface to
achieve the desired effect of water curing at 28 days. The curing compound shall
be white pigmented of approved qualify conforming to ASTM-C-309-81 Type-2.
c. White pigmented compound (Type-2) shall consist of finely divided white pigments
and particle solids, ready mixed for immediate use without alteration. The
compound shall present a uniform white appearance when applied uniformly to a
fresh concrete surface at a specified rate of application. It shall be of such
consistency that it can be readily applied by spraying to provide uniform coating
at temperatures above 4 degree Centigrade. If two coats are to be applied then it
shall be applied at an interval of approximately one hour. They shall adhere to
freshly placed concrete that has stiffened or sufficient to resist marking during the
application and to damp hardened concrete and shall form a continuous film
when applied at the specified rate of application. When dry the covering shall be
continuous flexible and without visible breaks or pin holes and shall remain as
unbroken film for at least 28 days after application. It shall not react and should
not have deleterious effect on concrete.
d. The compound shall meet with the requirement of water retention test as per
ASTM designation C-150-80 .The loss of water in this test shall be restricted to not
more than 0.55 Kg/ M2 of exposed solution of exposed surface in 72 hours.
e. The white pigmented compound (Type–2) when tested as specified in accordance
with method E-97 of ASTM shall exhibit a day light reflectance of not less than
60% of that of magnesium oxide.
f. It shall fulfil the requirement of drying time when tested in accordance with ASTM
C-309-81. The compound applied shall be dry to touch in not more than 4 hours.
After 12 hours, it shall not be tacky or track-off (peel off) concrete when walked
upon nor shall it impart a slippery surface. TESTING.
a. The liquid membrane forming curing compound to be brought in the
manufacture’s original clear containers. Such container shall be legibly marked
with the name of the manufactures the trade name of the compound the type of
When the curing of concrete in the canal bed is not found satisfactory the
Engineer-in-charge may ask the contractor to resort to membrane curing.
5.6.1 GENERAL.
Testing of concrete shall be carried out at the cost of the department by the
Quality Control Division on representative samples taken at the site of laying the
concrete in accordance with relevant clauses of IS: 119-1959.The samples to be
provided by the contractor at his cost.
a. Sampling Procedure: A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure
that each concrete batch has a reasonable chance of being tested i.e. the sampling
should be spread over the entire period of concreting and should cover all mixing
b. Weight of the PVC strip shall be a minimum of 460gm/meter for the longitudinal
strip and a minimum of 420 gm/meter for the transverse strip.
c. The above determination shall be made in accordance with the specification of
C.W.C. in vogue. The surface finish of PVC strips shall be mat finish and of white
d. Contractor shall arrange for getting the finished PVC crack inducing joint tested in
recognized Test Laboratories by the Government. The manufacturers shall furnish
test sample of PVC crack inducting joints in 30 cm. length reel, free of cost. Each
sample shall be marked with the number of the reel from which sample is
obtained and with certificate that the samples are from the reels to be furnished.
e. It is mandatory for the manufacturer of the PVC strips from whom the contractors
shall procure PVC strips to have a full-fledged testing laboratory in the factory to
enable pre-despatch testing of the products. Test reports from Government test
laboratory shall also be binding on the manufacturer based on samples drawn by
the Engineer-in-charge from consignments received at site. The contractor shall
get the sample of PVC strip approved by the Engineer-in-charge. He shall furnish
the name of manufacturer the details of the in-house testing arrangements with
the manufacturer and shall also furnish a test report from the in-house testing
facilities along with the sample.
a. The PVC crack inducing joints shall be inserted in the concrete lining when
concrete is plastic. The longitudinal PVC crack inducing joints shall be inserted
before the transverse PVC cracks inducing joints is inserted. The PVC crack
inducing joints at edges shall be plastered in position fixed with longitudinal
channels by clips or such other arrangement prior to lying of concrete. The PVC
crack inducing joints shall be inserted in position in concrete lining as shown in
drawings. The insertion of the longitudinal and or transverse PVC crack inducing
joints at the predetermined locations of joints requires special attention to ensure
proper location (depth is especially important) plumb installation and consolidated
concrete around the PVC crack inducing joints. The longitudinal PVC crack
inducing joint includes a cellular upper fin. The inspection fin shown on the
drawings shall be comparatively thin and shall remain above the top surface of
lining. It is important that top of the upper fin be at or near the concrete surface.
The manner of installation shall include mechanical vibration that produces
through consolidation of the concrete around the crack inducing joint and
provides a continuous contact between the concrete and all surfaces of the crack
inducing joints. The longitudinal crack inducing joint shall be fed into the fresh
concrete from reels mounted in front of the pavers through guides and tension
rollers so placed as to ensure proper depth and orientation of the crack inducing
joints. Installation of transverse crack inducing joint shall be made by suitable
joint inserted contrivance capable to insert into freshly placed concrete lining.
b. At intersection of longitudinal and transverse joints containing PVC crack
inducing joints the top vertical members of the longitudinal crack inducing joints
shall be removed for 10 to 15 cm. in width without pulling the crack inducing
joint from the concrete lining and transverse crack inducing joint shall be placed
within the notch so formed. Depression of the longitudinal cracks inducing joint
below the specified positions in the concrete shall be permitted at intersection only
to the extent necessary to place the transverse crack inducing joint to the specified
depth. However, tolerances and concrete consolidation requirements of the
preceding paragraph shall apply at intersections.
c. The manner of making the intersections shall produce transverse and longitudinal
crack inducing joints and provide a nearly continuous weakened plan normal to
the lining surface in both directions through the intersection.
5.7.3 JOINTS.
In RCC lining construction, joints shall be provided to accommodate expansion
and contraction of the concrete or to provide continuity between the breaks in
construction work. Joints shall be provided as shown on the drawings or as directed
by Engineer-in-charge. The depth of joints to be cut in the bed of the canal as well as
on slope shall be as specified in the drawings. The joints are not to be filled with
sealants but only to be cut at specified intervals. The sealants shall be filled in joints
later but before functioning of canal. The tools to be used by the contractor for
providing joints shall be got approved from Engineer-in-charge.
a. The interest of this paragraph is to establish tolerances that are consistent
with modern construction practice and yet be governed by the effect that
permissible deviations shall have upon the structural action or operational
function of the structure. Deviations from the established lines, grades and
dimensions shall be permitted to the extent set forth herein provided that the
department reserves the right to diminish the tolerance set forth herein if such
tolerance imparts the structural action or operational function of the lining.
b. Tolerance for lining shall be permitted within the following limits.
i) Departure from established ± 20 mm on straight reaches.
alignment: ± 50 mm on tangents.
± 100 mm on curves.
A source for giving copious water, required for mixing, casting and curing
concrete shall be provided at the Contractor's cost. Sufficient numbers of steel
moulds of required size with necessary base plates shall be procured by the
The payment shall be for finished work and the payment includes all
materials, equipment, machinery, casting yard and all other inputs including water
supply etc. complete. CASTING AND CURING
Prior to the batching operation, steel moulds and base plates shall be cleared
of all dirt and well oiled on all surfaces and kept ready for placement of concrete. The
table vibrator and concrete mixer should be checked to ensure that they are in
working condition. Cement, sand and aggregate shall be fed in to the mixer after
measuring each volumetrically in required proportion. Required water shall be added
while the ingredients are fed into the drum from the hopper. The mixing time shall
not be less than two minutes and unloading of the mixed concrete to the platform
shall be done only after the steel mould and the table vibrator are ready to receive
concrete. The concrete shall be laid in the oiled steel moulds and vibrated using
vibrating table with a frequency of not less than 3000 cycles per minute and the
vibrating time shall not generally be less than 20 minutes for 10 sqm of slab of size of
5 cm thick and 30 minutes for 10 sqm in the case of 7.5 cm thick slab.
After the specified vibration period is completed, the slab shall after finishing
the top surface be allowed to cure under polythene sheet of wet sack for 24 hours.
After the lapse of 24 hours the slabs shall be cured in curing ponds for 7 days. Before
placing the slab in the curing ponds care shall be taken to finish the top surface
smooth and after 7 days of immersed curing under water, the slabs shall be cured
with sprinkling water for next 21 days covering the slab with straw, gunny etc., for
keeping the surface always moist.
The slabs shall be removed to the canal site for lying only after they are cured
for the prescribed period. While loading, transporting and unloading at the site, care
shall be taken to prevent any damage to the slab. Slabs which are with rough
damaged surfaces or with broken corners or cracks or with irregular edges shall not
be allowed to be used in lining.
The laying slab shall be commenced after completing the preliminary works
namely preparing the bed construction of model sections or templates, trimming the
surface to the bottom line of lining as specified in paragraph 7.12.2 and 7.12.3.
The slabs shall be laid on finished surface true to line and grade using model
sections as a guide starting from the bottom layer, the joints shall be filled in with
cement mortar of mix 1:3 to the full depth of joint, the width of the joint shall not
exceed 12 mm. The joint should be flush pointed in cement mortar 1 :3. Curing shall
be done for a period not less than 14 days. Any portion of the work not in line or
grade, joints not packed with mortar and not cured for the prescribed period shall be
removed and redone at the Contractor's cost.
quantity to provide a well moistened condition of the sod to the depth to which it is to
be cut.
Top soil of the area to be turfed shall consist of soil adapted to the
sustenance’s of plant life.
All areas desired to be covered with sod shall be fine dressed to required
contour, to an extent such that the finished work after laying sod with necessary top
soil incorporated in the bed will be in accordance with required lines, grades, slopes
and cross section.
The area to sodden shall be free from stones, roots or other undesirable foreign
materials. The soil of the area to be sodden shall be loosened to a depth of
approximately not less than and top soil shall be spread evenly over the prepared bed
to a depth of 2 inches and the clods and lumps shall be broken down to provide a
uniform texture to the soil.
The earth bed upon which the sod to be placed shall be moistened to the
depth, manipulated, if naturally not sufficiently moist, and the sod after the same
has been cut and shall be properly protected and sprinkled with water until placed be
laid in horizontal strips beginning at the bottom of the slopes and working onwards,
when placing sods the length to the strips shall be laid at right angles to the direction
of flow of water. Sods shall be laid so that the joints caused by abutting ends of sods
strips were not continuous, each sod strip shall be so laid to about against the strip
previously laid.
As the sod is being laid shall be firmly and lightly tamped with suitable
wooden or metal tampers to press the sod into the underlying soil. After tamping, the
sod shall present a smooth even surface free from bumps or depressions, at such
point. Where water will start flowing over a sodden area the upper edge of the sod
strip shall be turned into the soil and layer of earth placed over this, which earth
shall be thoroughly compacted to conduct the surface water over the upper edge of
the sod. No sods shall be laid during the dry months of March to July.
The sod shall be thoroughly watered immediately after placing and shall be
kept thoroughly wet for a period of at least seven days after laying and shall be
maintained in a satisfactory condition.
Measurement of turfing shall be made after full and satisfactory growth of the
turfing. The unit and price shall contain all the specification as mentioned in the
tender schedule.
Sod shall be measured by units of 100 square meters and will be paid for at
the contract unit price of 100 square meter/ square meter of sod in place which shall
include all operation for preparing the earth bed, for furnishing, placing, top dressing
and watering the sod and for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work in accordance with contract.
Providing weep holes and placing in position 10 cm dia Asbestos Cement pipes
with non-corroding jalli as per design and drawings.
a) Weep holes of the size as shown on the drawings shall be provided and they
shall extend through the full width of the masonry with a slope of about 1
vertical to 20 horizontal towards the draining face to drain moisture from the
backfilling, the spacing of holes shall be as per the drawings in either direction
staggered. The sides and bottom of weep holes in the interior shall be made up
in the stones/ concrete having fairly plain surface as a channel so formed
slabbed over with stones/ concrete lintels not less than 150 mm and each side
including centring and shuttering. In stone masonry, generally the height of
weep holes shall be the same as the height of the course in which they are
formed. Filters behind weep holes with jally shall be provided to the
dimensions and grades as shown on the drawings with inverted backing of
approved quality filter materials in back filling side.
b) In case the length of the pipe falls short of the standard length of the pipe, it
shall be joined with necessary collars in cement mortar 1:3 of as per the
instruction of the Engineer to form continuous hole in the body of wall.
Defective pipes or defective work shall not be measured and paid. These shall
be removed and replaced by the contractor. The interior of all pipes shall be
free from sand, mortar or dirt and other foreign matter. Care shall be taken to
prevent entrance of any foreign matter into the pipes during progress of work.
Percentage BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority: Superintending Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Jeypore
Name of Work: Construction of Masigaon-II Check Dam in Stream Storage Check Dam (Low Height Check Dam) over biri Nadi Near
Village Masigaon in Kundra Block of Koraput District.
Bidder Name
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else
the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
1 2 4 5 6 53 55
1 Excavation loading, unloading and carriage 800.4000 One Cum 83.5000 66833.4000 INR Sixty Six
by mechanical means in all kinds of soil Thousand Eight
including stoney earth , gravel and moorum Hundred & Thirty
etc, interspread with boulders up to ½ cum Three and Paise
size with all lifts and delifts including Forty Only
trimming of slopes bed to design section and
including dewatering if any & depositing the
excavated materials away from the work site
as specification directed by the Engineer in
2 Excavation of foundation in hard soil or 1603.0600 One Cum 211.0000 338245.6600 INR Three Lakh
gravely soil with all leads and lifts and delifts Thirty Eight
including dressing and leveling the bed to Thousand Two
proper slope and level & making it fit for Hundred & Forty
laying concrete & removing the debris clear Five and Paise Sixty
of work site with all leads and lifts and delifts Six Only
including dewatering from foundation if
necessary etc complete in all respect as
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.
3 Cement concrete in M15 grade using 20 mm 822.1500 One Cum 6077.7000 4996781.0550 INR Forty Nine Lakh
down graded size crusher broken granite Ninety Six Thousand
chips of approved quality quarried and free Seven Hundred &
from weathered skin and foreign materials Eighty One and
including mixing the materials by use of Paise Five Only
concrete mixtures and laying concrete in
layers not exceeding 0.15 m in depth to
required level curing vibrating with vibrators,
finishing etc with all leads lifts and delifts
complete in all respect to proper profile and
leveling including dewatering if necessary
and cost, conveyance and royalty and other
taxes etc of materials including hire &
running charges of the machineries
complete as directed by the Engineer - in -
4 Reinforced Cement Concrete M20 grade 131.2900 One Cum 6624.1000 869678.0890 INR Eight Lakh
with crushed granite 20mm down graded Sixty Nine Thousand
hard granite crusher broken chips of Six Hundred &
approved quality free from skin materials Seventy Eight and
mixing by concrete mixer including hoisting Paise Nine Only
lowering and laying the concrete in position
to proper slope and level and compacting by
vibrators in layers not exceeding 0.15m
depth and finishing the exposed surface
smooth including watering, curing for
required period cost, conveyance, hire and
running charges of all machineries, royalty
and other taxes of all materials labour, T & P
materials required for this item etc, complete
as directed by the Engineer in charge.
5 Straightening, cutting, bending, binding, 48.6700 One Qntl 9283.0000 451803.6100 INR Four Lakh Fifty
fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar One Thousand Eight
reinforcement and laying in position Hundred & Three
including cost of binding wire 18 to 20 gauge and Paise Sixty One
and fixing of reinforcement including lapping Only
where necessary with all leads, lifts from
bending yard to placement spot including
cost ,conveyance & all taxes of
reinforcement as directed by the Engineer-
6 Providing rigid shuttering with the box type 1124.2600 One Sqm 480.9000 540656.6340 INR Five Lakh Forty
steel shuttering plates with keys for Thousand Six
immediate construction joints in raft of weir Hundred & Fifty Six
barrages and dam blocks including cost of and Paise Sixty
all materials, labour complete as directed by Three Only
the Engineer in Charge including removal of
form complete as directed by the Engineer in
7 Providing weep holes in Brick 147.2000 R.Mtr 139.5000 20534.4000 INR Twenty
masonry/Plain/Rainforced concrete Thousand Five
abutment,wing wall/ return walls with 75 mm Hundred & Thirty
dia P.V.C. pipe extending through the full Four and Paise
width of the structure with slope of IV: 20H Forty Only
towards drawing face complete as per
drawing & technical etc. complete in all
respects as directed by the Engineer-in-
8 R. S. dry packing in approns, revetments 53.1800 One Cum 2027.8000 107838.4040 INR One Lakh
and slopes of dam & dyke to all heights with Seven Thousand
hard stone other than granite and laterite of Eight Hundred &
15 to 30 cm size in all directions ( Weighing Thirty Eight and
140 Lbs / cft) and above of approved quality Paise Forty Only
including filling the interstices with small
stones with cost, conveyance, royalty and
other taxes of all materials required for the
work etc complete and finished to proper
slope and level complete in all respect as
directed by the Engineer In Charge . (1/6 th
volume will be deducted towards voids)
9 Filling in foundation and plinth with 1039.3400 One Cum 117.2000 121810.6480 INR One Lakh
excavated earth with all leads & lifts Twenty One
including watering and ramming and Thousand Eight
compaction etc. complete in all respects as Hundred & Ten and
per specification and direction of the Paise Sixty Five
Engineer-in-charge. Only
10 Earth work in Hard soil with all leads and lifts 183.5600 One Cum 175.8000 32269.8480 INR Thirty Two
including rough dressing and breaking clods Thousand Two
to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers Hundred & Sixty
not exceeding 0.30m in depth to proper Nine and Paise
profile etc, with supply of all labour and T&P Eighty Five Only
required for the work including Royalty etc,
complete in all respect as directed by the
Total in 7546451.7480 INR Seventy Five
Figures Lakh Forty Six
Thousand Four
Hundred & Fifty One
and Paise Seventy
Five Only