E-mail # [email protected]
[email protected]
3. The bidders desirous to participate in bidding must possess compatible Digital Signature
Certificate of Class-II or Class-III and should follow the changes / modifications /
addendum to DTCN if any.
4. a) The bidder should be make payment through online receipt towards Tender Paper Cost.
No offline receipt of Tender Paper Cost will be allowed in e‐procurement portal of
Government of Odisha.
b) As per Office Memorandum No. 5984/W, Dated 27.04.21 of Works Department, Govt. of
Odisha, No EMD has to be deposited and all participating bidder shall submit “ EMD” in
prescribed format available in the DTCN. Further wherever, there are compelling
circumstances to ask for Bid Security, the same should be done only with the approval of
the next higher authority to the authority competent to finalize the tender. The above
instruction will be applicable till 31.12.2022
c) The scanned copy of Bid Security Declaration, Registration certificate, GST, PAN, EPF
OR UNDERTAKING FOR EPF & affidavit including all required papers up loaded through
website should be produced in original to the Block Development Officer,Balianta
Khorda. for verification within three days of opening of Bid. Otherwise the tender will be
5. Critical Dates:-
Sl. No. Description Critical Dates
(i) Period of availability of tenders on- : From 11 .00 AM. of 16.10.2023
to 5.00 PM. of 31.10.2023
(ii) Last date & time of seeking : UP TO 5.00 PM. of 31.10.2023
(iii) Last date & time of bidding on-line : UP TO 5.00 PM. of 31.10.2023
(iv) Date & time of opening of Bid : 11.00 AM of 01.11.2023 onwards
5. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 120 (One
Hundred Twenty) days from the date of opening of bids. If any Bidder / Tenderer
withdraws his bid/ tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms
and conditions of the bid, the said earnest money shall stand forfeited.
6. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents, which is available in website
7. Subsequent corrigendum if required shall be appeared in the website.
8. Authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
reasons thereof.
Block Development Officer
Balianta , Khordha
SN Item Details
1 Bid Identification No. . 01/BPS/2023-24
(a) Scanned copies of the following documents to be up-loaded in appropriate place in PDF format in the
website www.tendersorissa.gov.in failing which the tender will be cancelled.
(b) Scanned Copies of the Certificates / Formats showing details of information to be furnished as per the
enclosed formats should be uploaded in appropriate place after converting the same to PDF.
Schedule D - Declaration.
Schedule E - Affidavit.
(c) Uploaded documents of valid successful bidders will be verified with the original before acceptance of offer.
(d) DTCN is not to be uploaded by the bidder. The bidder has to only agree / disagree on the conditions in the
DTCN. The bidders, who disagree on the conditions of DTCN, cannot participate in the tender.
(e) Cost of Bid Document will be paid on online mode by the Bidder, failing which the bidder will be
1. Definitions:
a) “Employer” means the Office of the Panchayat Samiti,Balianta of the Government of
Odisha represented by the Block Development Officer, Balianta, Khordha or his
authorised representative with whom the selected Contractor signs the contract for the
b) “Contractor” / Bidder / Farm / Engineer Farm / Company carry the same meaning throughout the DTCN
and Contract.
c) “Contract” means the contract / agreement signed by the parties along with all attached documents
listed in the DTCN (Tender Document Part-I & II).
d) “Data Sheet” means such part of the Instructions to Contractor as are used to reflect assignment
conditions and evaluation of the bid.
g) “Instructions to Bidders (Section-2(B) of DTCN) means the document which provides all information
needed to prepare their proposals.
h) “TCN” (Section-1 of the DTCN) means the Letter of Invitation being sent by the Employer.
i) “Personnel” means professionals and support staff provided by the Contractor and assigned to perform
the services in full or in any part thereof.
j) “Proposal” means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal (Tender Document).
k) “DTCN” means the Detailed Tender Call Notice prepared by the Employer for the selection of
l) “Govt”., means Govt. of Odisha or Govt. of India as the case may be.
The Contractor shall bear all costs associated with the execution of the work on Percentage
Rate Bids. The Employer is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the
selection process at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liability to the
5. Eligibility:
5.1. A Bidder shall be deemed to have the nationality of India.
5.2. Government-owned enterprises shall be eligible only if they can establish that they are legally and
financially autonomous and operate under commercial law.
5.3. Registered Contractor of Odisha State PWD or equivalent class of CPWD / Railway / MES / Central
or other State Govt. and Reputed Engineering Farms. Proof of registration is to be furnished
along with the tender.
6.2. In case it is detected at any stage that the affidavit is false, he will abide by the action taken by
the Block Development Officer, Balianta, Khordha without approaching any court
whatsoever for redress. He will however, be given suitable opportunity to offer his explanation
before action is taken against him.
7. The Contractor has to furnish a declaration that no near relatives are working in the cadre of an Assistant
Engineer / Assistant Executive Engineer of the State of Odisha.
8. Other Requirements:
8.1. Even if the Contractor meets other criteria, his tender shall be summarily rejected if he is found to
have misled or made false representation in the form of any of the statements submitted in proof
of the eligibility and qualification requirements.
8.2. The tender shall also be summarily rejected if he has a record of performance such as absconding
from work, works not properly completed as per contract, inordinate delays in completion,
financial failure.
8.3. In addition to the above, even while executing the work, if it is found that he produced false /
fake, certificates in his tender, he will be blacklisted.
8.4 The bidders who have in last 3 financial years applied for / are undergoing Corporate Debt
Restructuring (CDR)/Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR) or facing recovery proceeding from
Financial Institutions or those are facing Sickness and under consideration of Board for Industrial
& Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) are not eligible for qualification. Self declaration Certificate by
the bidder in the form of affidavit is to be submitted.
9. Original Certificates:
Original documents/certificates shall be produced as and when required to verify the copies of statements
and other information furnished along with tender. Failure to produce original documents in time will lead
to disqualification.
Section Description
DTCN Part – I: General & Technical- Bid
Section-1 Notice Inviting Tender
Section-2(A) Details of the Documents to be Furnished for Online Bidding
Section-2(B) Instructions to Bidders
Section-2(C) Data Sheet
Section-2(D) Letter for Submission of Tender
Section-3 Conditions of Contract
Section-4 Special Conditions of Contract
Section-5 Scope of Work
Section-6 Technical Specifications & Design Criteria
Section-7 Payment Schedule
Schedule-A to F Formats for furnishing Information by the Bidder
Guidelines/Procedure to be followed in introduction of e-Procurement in
Govt. of Odisha
Procedure for Electronic Receipt, Accounting and Reporting of Cost of
Appendix - II
Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids
DTCN Part – II: Bill of Quantity
12.2. The Contractor is expected to examine carefully all instructions, terms of reference, tender conditions,
forms, appendices to tender, addenda in the tender documents. Failure to comply with the requirements of
tender submission will be at the contractor’s own risk.
14.2. Such addenda will be notifying in the website and will be binding upon them.
14.3. In order to afford prospective Contractor reasonable time to take such addenda into account in preparing
their tenders, Block Development Officer, Balianta, Khordha at his discretion, may extend the dead
line for the submission of tenders, if necessary.
Guidelines for preparation of bids on line mode has been issued by Government in
Works Department letter No.1027 dated 24.01.09 and appended at last part of this document.
The bidders are required to go through the procedure before preparation of bids.
20.2. The offer shall be inclusive of all costs associated with the assignment including cost of all
materials to be utilized as per scope of work cost of T&P, consumables, infrastructure backup etc.
The offer shall also be inclusive of all duties, levies, taxes of the Central and State Govt. Further it
shall also include all other expenses incidental thereto for successful accomplishment of the
assignment in conformity with the DTCN.
20.3. The contractor should make realistic assessment of the exhaustive nature of work and the extent
of expert technical and managerial inputs and resources required to carry out the work diligently
to complete the work within the stipulated time and quote their offer accordingly.
20.4. The rate quoted by the farm shall be farm.
23. Earnest Money Deposit / ISD / SD / Additional Perform Security & GST Registration:
23.1. Earnest Money Deposit:
The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of 1 % of Estimated has been exempted as per Memorandum
of Works Department Vide No.5984/W, Dated. 27.04.2021, wherein the bidder has to submit a
“Bid Security Declaration” in prescribed format in Schedule - F
23.2. Initial Security Deposit:
The successful Tenderers, after receipt of formal order shall have to furnish Initial Security Deposit
(ISD) equal to 1% (One percent) of the accepted value of the tender in shape of NSC/Postal
Saving Pass Book /Post Office Time Deposit / Kishan Vikash Patra/Deposit Receipt in Schedule
Bank duly pledged in favour of the Block Development Officer, Balianta, Khordha Payable at
BALIANTA within 7(seven) days of receipt of intimation failing which their tender shall be
cancelled and appropriate action as deemed fit will be taken.
24.1 If the tender is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his own Digital Signature Certificate
24.2 If the tender is made by a corporation / company, it shall be signed by a duly authorized officer
who shall produce with his tender satisfactory evidence of his authorization. Such a corporation /
company may be required before the contract is executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate
The tender shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Tender Inviting Officer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the
Tenderer, in which case all such corrections shall be digitally signed.
24.3 No alteration made by the tenderer in the contract form, the conditions of the contract,
statements / formats accompanying the tender shall be recognized and in case of any alterations
made by the tenderer, the tender will be void.
24.4 All documents furnished by the contractor along with the tender are to be digitally signed by the
25.2. At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Employer may amend the DTCN by issuing an
addendum/corrigendum which shall be published in the portal. The addendum/corrigendum shall
be binding for the bidders. To give the bidders a reasonable time to take into account the
amendment into their proposals the Employer may, if the amendment is substantial, extend the
deadline for the submission of proposals. The purpose of this is to clarify issues on any matter, a
tenderer may raise concerning the tendering of the works.
a) If the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid opening during the period of Bid validity.
b) If the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price.
c) In the case of a successful Bidder, If the Bidder fails within the specified time limit to
i) Sign the Agreement / contract or
ii) Furnish the required ISD and Performance Security.
In case of submission of Bids through the e-Procurement Portal, the bidder shall only submit
single copy of the document. He is required to check the documents uploaded with the
requirement asked for in the bid. Only after satisfying that all the documents have been uploaded,
he should activate submit button. His bids shall not be considered responsive and action as per
relevant clause shall be taken if he does not provide the required documents or provided illegible
document. Clarity of the document may be ensured by taking out a sample printing.
In case of submission of Bids through the e-Procurement Portal, withdrawal of bid is allowed. The
bidder has to click on the “withdraw” button and record the necessary justification for the same in
the space provided. In addition to this, he has to write a letter addressed to the Officer inviting
the bid and up load the scanned document to portal in respective bid. The system shall not allow
any withdrawal after expiry of the closure time of the bid.
(c) The quantity mentioned in the BOQ can be increased or reduced to the extent of 10% for individual
items subject to maximum of 5% over the estimated cost. If it exceeds this limit prior approval of
competent authority is mandatory before payment
(d) The period of completion is fixed and cannot be altered except in case of exceptional circumstances
with the due approval from next higher authority.
34. Negotiations:
Negotiations will be held if required with the lowest valid tenderer. In the event of the L 1 tenderer has
furnished any condition which grossly affects the tender value / contains such conditions which make the
value of the offer indefinite, he may be given an opportunity to withdraw such condition(s) to make the
tender definite. Failure to withdraw such condition(s) may lead to rejection of the tender as in consistent /
non responsive. In such case the employer may explorer the possibility of considering the next valid tender as
If L1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalisation of the tender, then he shall be
debarred from participation in bidding for three years and action will be taken to black list the contractor.
In case, the L2 bidder ,if fulfils, other required criteria would be called for drawing agreement for
execution of work subject to condition that L2 bidder negotiates at par with the rate quoted by the L1
bidder otherwise the tender will be cancelled. (As per the Government of Odisha, Works
Department Office Memorandum No.12366 dated 08.11.2013 on amendment to Para No.
3.5.14, Note-I of OPWD Code Vol-I, by inclusion.)
35. Award Criteria:
35.1. After acceptance of the bid by competent authority, the selected contractor will be intimated
about such acceptance.
35.2. The contractor is expected to commence the work on the date and at the location specified in
the Data Sheet.
37.2. Any effort by any contractor to influence the Department officials in scrutiny, clarification,
evaluation and comparison of tenders, and in any decisions concerning award of a contract,
may result in the rejection of their Tender.
iii. The letter to proceed with the work shall be issued by Engineer-in-charge only after signing
of the agreement. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract
subject only to the furnishing of performance security and additional performance security in
accordance with the provisions of the agreement.
iv. On acceptance of the composite bids by the competent authority the letter of award will be
issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of the major component of the work on behalf of the
Governor of Odisha.
Name of the Employer: Office of the Panchayat Samiti, Balianta under PR & DW
Deptt., Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
Offers must remain valid for 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days after the date of
2(B)21. opening of Bid.
The Block Development Officer,
Balianta, Khordha
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we are to inform you that in response to your above
referred TCN, we have downloaded the Detailed Tender Call Notice (DTCN) Part-I & II and that after
having thoroughly examined the same, we hereby tender for the work to execute the work within the
stipulated time and in conformity with the relevant clauses of the DTCN along with all related statutory
rules and regulations for the amounts as quoted in the accompanying BOQ.
2) I/We have studied, acquainted and satisfied ourselves with the site and its working
conditions for the successful and timely completion of the work.
3) I/We are submitting herewith Bar Chart to complete the work in time.
4) Our offer is unconditional and is in conformity with the requirements of the DTCN. We
understand that any additional condition put by us in the tender shall make our tender liable for
5) I/We understood that you are not bound to assign any reason in case of rejection of our
6) I/We agree to keep our offer open for a minimum of 120 (One Hundred Twenty)
days from the date of opening of the Bid. Further extension of validity will be our prerogative.
Should this tender be accepted, we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms and
provisions of this Detailed Tender Call Notice (DTCN).
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
The Officer-in-charge of the work shall have the right to decide whether any labourer employed by the
contractor is below the age of fourteen years and to refuse to allow any labourer whom he decides to be
below the age of fourteen years, to be employed by the contractor.
(b) If there are possibilities of exceeding this compensation amount as mentioned in clause (a) 10% of the
estimated cost, or in any case in which under any clause or clauses of this contract, the contractor shall
have rendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit in the
hands of Government (whether paid in the sum or deducted by instalments) the Executive Engineer on
behalf of the Governor of Odisha, shall have power to adopt any of the following courses, as he may
deem best suited to the interest of the Government.
i) To rescind the contract (of which recession notice in writing to the contractor under the hand of
the Executive Officer shall be conclusive evidence) 20% of the value of the left over work will be
realized from the contractor as penalty.
ii) To employ labour paid by Deptt. of Water Resources and to supply materials to carry out the
work, or any part of the work, debiting the contractor with the cost of the labour and the price of
the materials (of the amount of which the cost and price certificate of the Executive Engineer shall
be final and conclusive against the contractor) and crediting him with the value of the work done,
in all respect in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the
contractor under the terms of his contract; the certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the
value of the work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.
iii) To measure up the work of the contractor and to take such part of the work of the contract, as
shall be unexecuted out of his hands and to give it to another contractor to complete, in which
case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to
the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by him (of the amount of which
excess the certificate in writing of the Executive Engineer shall be final and conclusive) shall be
borne and paid by the original contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by
Government under the contract or otherwise or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale
thereof or a sufficient part thereof.
In the event of any of the above courses being adopted by the Executive Engineer the contractor
shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having
purchased or procured any materials, or entered into any engagements, or made any advance on
account of with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in
case the contract shall be rescinded under the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be
entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work there to for actually performed under this
contract, unless and until the Executive Engineer shall have certified in writing the performance of
such work and the value payable in-respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the
value so Certified.
3.18. The Executive Officer shall make payment of work in full or part thereof those shall have been certified,
subject to availability of Letter of Credit (LoC).
3.19. Price Variation / Escalation Clause: (Vide Works Deptt. Office Memorandum No.12606/W
Contract price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and price of Labour, Cement, Steel,
Bitumen, Pipes, POL & other material component in accordance with the following principles and
procedures as per formula given below:
“If during the progress of the work the price of any materials (excluding the cost of steel, cement,
bitumen & POL) incorporated in the work (not being materials supplied from the Engineer-in-charge’s
store) in accordance with clause there of increases or decreases as a result of increase or decrease in
the Average Wholesale Price Index (all commodities), and the Contractor thereupon necessarily and
properly pays in respect of that materials incorporated in the work such increased or decreased price,
then he shall be entitled to reimbursement or liable to refund, quarterly as the case may be, such an
amount, as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference of 85% in between the Average
Wholesale Price Index (all commodities) which is operating for the quarter under consideration and
that operated for the quarter in which the bid was received (last date of receipt) as per the formula
indicated below provided that the work has been carried out within the stipulated time or extension
thereof as are not attributable to him. If penalty is levied for delayed completion of the work, the
contractor shall not be eligible to get price escalation on the above materials on the value of works
executed during the extended period.
This clause will be applicable to the contracts where original stipulated period of
completion is more than 18 months.
In the situation where the period of completion is initially stipulated in the agreement as less than 18
(eighteen) months but subsequently the completion period has been validly extended on the ground
that the delay in completion is not attributable to the contractor and in the result the total period
including the extended period stands more than 18 (eighteen) months or more, price escalation for
other materials is admissible only for the remaining period excluding 18 (eighteen) months there
Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in the price of material:-
Price adjustment for increase or decrease in cost of materials other than cement, steel, bitumen, pipes
and POL procured by the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the following formula:
Vm = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to
changes in rates of materials other than cement, steel, bitumen, pipes and POL.
R= Value of work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the work executed
under extra items if any at prevailing schedule of rate/ derived rates.
Mo = The all India wholesale Price Index (all commodities) prevailed during the quarter of last
date of receipt of bids (as published by the Economic Adviser to Govt. of India, Ministry
of Industry and Commerce, New Delhi).
Mi = The all India wholesale price index (all commodities) for the quarter under consideration
as published by Economic Adviser, Govt. of India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce,
New Delhi. In respect of the justified period extended for completion of the work, the
index prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevailing index of the
period under consideration, whichever is less, shall be considered.
Pm = Percentage of material Component (other than cement, steel, bitumen, pipes and POL) of
the work, as indicated in clause – (d) below.
If after submission of the tender, the prices of steel, cement, bitumen and pipes (not being
supplied by the Department) increases / decreases beyond the price (s) prevailing at the time of
the last date for submission of tenders including extension for the work, the contractor shall be
eligible to get differential cost due to such hike on the value of works executed during the
stipulated period and during the extended period when the reason of delay in completion of the
work is not attributable to the contractor. If penalty is levied for delayed completion of the work,
the contractor shall not be eligible to get price variation on the above materials on the value of
works executed during the extended period.
Reimbursement in case of differential cost due to increase in prices of cement, steel, bitumen and
pipes are to be made by the Executive Engineer with prior approval of tender accepting authority
subject to following conditions:
1) Contractors have to submit the vouchers showing procurement of different materials from
authorized dealers for the said work.
2) Differential cost will be allowed only for the works which are progressed as per the approved
work programme / revised work programme duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Recovery in case of decrease in prices of cement, steel, bitumen and pipes shall be made by
concerned Executive Engineer from the Contractor immediately.
The increase / decrease in prices of cement, steel, Bitumen and Pipes for reimbursement /
recovery shall be determined as follows.
Vc = (Ci-C0) / C0 x Actual quantity of cement utilised in the work during the quarter under
consideration x base price of cement as prevailing on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender
including extension, if any.
Ci = All India wholesale price index for cement for the quarter under consideration as published by
Economic Adviser, Government of India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, New Delhi.
C0 = All India wholesale price index (as published by Economic Adviser, Government of India,
Ministry of Industry and Commerce, New Delhi) for cement as prevailing on the last stipulated
date of receipt of tender.
b) Adjustment towards differential cost of Steel
Vs = (Si-S0) x Actual quantity of steel utilised in the work during the quarter under consideration
Si = Cost of the steel as prevailed during the period under consideration as fixed by Steel
Authority of India.
S0 = Base price of steel prevailing as on the last date of submission of tender including extension,
if any.
Vb = (Bi-B0) x Actual quantity of Bitumen utilised in the work during the quarter under
Bi = Average Cost of Bitumen prevailed during the period under consideration as fixed by IOCL/
B0 = Base price of Bitumen as prevailing on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including
extension, if any.
Vp = Different cost of Pipe i.e. amount of increase or decrease in rupees to be paid or recovered
during the quarter under consideration.
R = Value of work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the value of work
executed under extra items, if any, at prevailing schedule of rates or derived rate.
Pi = All India Wholesale Price Index for the period under consideration as published by Economic
Advisor, Government of India, Ministry of Industry & Commerce, New Delhi for the type of pipe
under consideration.
Po = All India Wholesale Price Index (as published by Economic Advisor, Government of India,
Ministry of Industry & Commerce, New Delhi) as on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender
including extension, if any, for the type of pipe under consideration.
If after submission of the tender, the wages of labour increases or decreases as a direct result of
the coming into force of any fresh law, or statutory rule or order beyond the wages prevailing at
the time of the last date of submission of tenders including extensions, the contractor shall be
eligible to get escalation due to such hike on the value of works executed during the stipulated
period and during the validly extended period when the delay in completion is not attributable to
the contractor. If penalty is levied for delayed completion of the work, the contractor shall not be
eligible to get escalation on labour on the value of works executed during the extended period.
The contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of any alteration in the price
of any such wages of labour, give notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge stating that the same
is given pursuant to this condition together with all information relating thereto which he may be
in a position to supply. Engineer-in-Charge may call books of account and other relevant
documents from the contractor to satisfy himself about reasonability of increase in prices of wages
and actual payment thereof. For this purpose, the labour component of the work executed during
period under consideration shall be the percentage (as specified in table below) of the value of the
work done during that period and the increase / decrease in labour shall be considered on the
cost of minimum daily wages of any unskilled Labourer, fixed by the Government of Odisha under
Minimum Wages Act.
The compensation for escalation for labour shall be worked out as per the formula
given below:
Vf = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to
changes in rates for POL.
Pf = Percentage of P.O.L component of the work, as indicated in Clause – (d) below.
R= Value of work done during the quarter under consideration excluding the work executed
under extra items if any at prevailing schedule of rate / derived rates.
Fi = All India Wholesale Price Index for Fuel , Oil & Lubricant (High Speed Diesel) for the
quarter under consideration as published by Economic Adviser, Government of India,
Ministry of Industry & Commerce, New Delhi. In respect of the justified period extended,
the rates prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or the prevailing rates of
the period under consideration, whichever is less, shall be considered.
F0 = All India Wholesale Price Index for Fuel, Oil & Lubricant (High Speed Diesel) as prevailing
on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender including extension, if any.
(D) The following percentages will govern the price adjustment for the entire contract for different
types of works as applicable given in the following table.
Percentage Table
Sl. Category of works % Component (cost wise)
No. Labour P.O.L (Pf) Steel + Cement+
(Pl) Bitumen+ other materials
1. R&B works (% of Road works 5 5 90
component) Bridge works 25 5 70
Building works 25 - 75
2. Irrigation works Structural work 20 5 75
(% of
component) Earth, Canal & 25 10 65
Embankment work
3. P.H. Work Structural work 25 5 70
Pipeline work 5 - Pipe – 70%
* other material -25%
Sewer line 10 - Pipe – 70%
* other material -20%
*Note: Further break up may be worked out considering the consumption of Cement, Steel, Bitumen and
Pipe in the concerned works for the period under consideration.
(i) The contractor shall for the purpose of availing reimbursement / refund of differential cost of
steel, bitumen, cement, pipe, POL and wages, keep such books of account and other documents
as are necessary to show that the amount of increase claimed or reduction available and shall
allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative of Government and further, shall
at the request of the Engineer-in-Charge, furnish documents to be verified in such a manner as
the Engineer-in-Charge may require any document and information kept. The contractor shall
within a reasonable time of 15 days of his becoming aware of any alteration in the price of such
material, wages of labour and / or price of P.O.L give notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge
stating that the same is given pursuant to this condition along with information relating thereto
which he may be in a position to supply.
(ii) The compensation for escalation shall be worked out at quarterly intervals and shall be with
respect to the cost of work done as per bills paid during the three calendar months of the said
quarter. The first such payment shall be made at the end of three months after the month
(excluding the month in which tender was accepted) and thereafter at three months interval. At
the time of completion of the work, the last period for payment might become less than 3 months,
depending on the actual date of completion.
3.20. If at any time after the commencement of the work the Governor of Odisha shall for any reason
whatsoever not require the whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out the Engineer-in-
charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to any payment or
compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage, which he might have derived from
execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work
not having been carried out, neither shall he have any claim for compensation by reason of any
alterations having been made in the original specification, drawings, designs and instruction which shall
involve any curtailment or increase of the work as originally contemplated.
The incentive for timely completion should be on a graduated scale of 1 (one) percent to 5 (Five) percent
of the contract value. Assessment of incentives may be worked out for earlier completion of work in all
respect in the following scale.
(As amended in Works Department letter No.5288/W dt.4.05.2016 to Para-3.5.5 (V) Note-III of OPWD
Code. Vol.I)
3.23. Contractor Liable for Damage done & for Imperfection for 6 (six) months after Certificate:
If the contractor or his work people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of a building
or structure in which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure or grass land cultivated
ground continue to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being executed or in any damage
shall happen to the work while in progress from any cause whatsoever or any imperfection become
apparent in it within six months from the date of the final certificate of its completion shall have been
given by the Engineer-in-charge, as aforesaid, the contractor shall make the same good at his own
expenses or in default the Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be made good by other workman
and deduct the expenses of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final from any sums
that may be then or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor or from his security or the
proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient portion thereof and the contractor shall be liable to pay of the
expenses not so recovered by the Engineer-in-charge.
A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-
charge for all works executed in the previous month and the Engineer-in-charge and/or Assistant Engineer
and/or Junior Engineer in immediate charge of the work shall take the requisite measurements for the
purpose of having the same verified, and the claims for as admissible adjusted if possible before the
expiry of ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill within the
time fixed as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-charge and/or his Engineering subordinates shall measure up the
said work in the presence of the contractor, whose counter signature to the measurement list will be
sufficient warrant, and the Engineer-in-charge and/or Assistant Engineer and/or his Engineering
subordinates shall prepare a bill from such list which shall be binding on the contractor in all respects.
Payment shall be made to the contractor in all respects.
The Engineer-in-charge will deduct @ 5% (five percent) of the value of each running bill prepared and
submitted by the contractor, if any, on account of works done, and such sum or sums to be held in
deposit as a further security for the due performance of the condition of the contract provided always that
the Executive Engineer may refuse to make such monthly payments if in his opinion, the progress of the
work or the conduct of the contractor is not satisfactory or the contractor has in any other may done or
neglect to do anything as to make it appear doubtful to the authority as to whether the works will be
completed by the contractor in accordance with his contract, or has failed to comply with any instruction
or order of Engineering personnel. All such interim payments from time to time shall be regarded as
payments by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payments of work actually done
and completed and shall not preclude the requirement of bad, unsound and imperfect or unskilful work to
be removed and taken away and for reconstructed or re-erected, or be considered as an admission of the
due performance of the contract, of any part thereof in any respect, or accrual of any claim not shall it
conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of Engineer-in-charge and/or Assistant Engineer
and/or the Junior Engineer under these condition or any of them as to the final settlement of adjustment
of the accounts or otherwise or in any other way vary or affect this contract. The contractor shall submit
the final bill within one month of the date for completion of the work failing which the Engineer-in-charge
or his authorized representatives in the presence of the contractor shall prepare the final bill. For
recording final measurement of the work, the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative shall
serve a notice upon the contractor stipulating therein the date fixed for recording such measurement. If
the contractor fails to attend the recording of final measurement by the Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative on the date as stipulated, the Engineer-in-charge may at his discretion get the
measurements recorded ex-parte or fix up another date as per his own convenience. Such measurements
and the total amount payable to the contractor as certified by the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and
binding on all parties.
3.27. If the rate quoted by the bidder is less than 15% of the tendered amount, then such a bid shall be
rejected and the tender shall be finalized basing on merits of rest bids. But if more than one bid is quoted
at 14.99% (Decimals upto two numbers will be taken for all practical purposes) less than the estimated
cost, the tender accepting authority will finalize the tender through a transparent lottery system, where all
bidders / their authorized representatives, the concerned Executive Engineer and DAO will remain present.
(As included in Appendix – IX, Clause – 36 of OPWD Code Vol.II vide Works Department letter
No.12366/W dt.18.11.2013).
3.28 If L1 bidder does not turn up for agreement after finalization of the tender, then he shall be debarred from
participation in bidding for three years and action will be taken to blacklist the contractor. In that case,
the L2 bidder, if fulfils, other required criteria would be called for drawing agreement for execution of work
subject to the condition that L2 bidder negotiates at par with the rate quoted by the L1 bidder otherwise
the tender will be cancelled. In case a contractor is black listed, it will be widely published and intimated
to all Departments of Government and also to Government of India agencies working in the State.
(As included in Para 3.5.14 Note-I of OPWD Code Vol.I vide Works Department letter No.12366/W
3.29 Before acceptance of tender, the successful bidder will be required to submit a work programme and
milestone basing on the financial achievement so as to complete the work within the stipulated time and
in case of failure on the part of the agency to achieve the milestone liquidated damaged will be imposed.
(As included in Para 3.5.18 Note-VIII of OPWD Code Vol.I vide Works Department letter No.12366/W
4.1. Changes in Constitution of Firm:
In the case of tender by a partnership firm, any change in the constitution of the firm shall be forth with
notified by the contractor to the Additional Executive Officer (Tech), Zilla Parishad, Khordha for his
information. In case of failure to notify the change in the constitution within 15 days, the Additional
Executive Officer(Technical),Zilla Parishad, Khordha may by notice in writing, rescind the contract and the
security deposit of the contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the
Governor of Odisha and the same consequence shall ensure as if the contract had been rescinded thereof
and in addition the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work there for actually
performed under the contract.
4.7. The Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996.
In accordance with the provisions under the said Act 1% (One) of the approved agreement value will be
deducted from the R/A Bill at the time of making payment to the contractor and such amount shall be
remitted in favour of The Odisha Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.
GST as applicable on works contract shall be paid over the bill amount at the time of Payment
of Bill.
4.12. Transportation:
The contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of all materials, tools and plant, equipment and
machinery to the work site as may be required at site.
The construction schedule as submitted by the contractor shall be revised by the Executive Engineer and
approved with necessary modification if any after acceptance of the tender. However the Engineer-in-
Charge shall reserve the right to modify the sequence of execution of different items/components/sub-
items of the project as and when found necessary & in such cases it will be obligatory on the part of the
successful bidder to abide by such changes in construction schedule/bar chart as per direction of EIC. No
claim and/or condition should either be put forth in any manner by the successful bidder or shall be
acceptable to the EIC.
(1) The contractor shall submit monthly progress report of the work in a computerised form. The
progress report shall contain the following, apart from whatever else may be required as
(2) The progress report submitted by the contractor shall be checked and certified by the Junior
Engineer and the Assistant Engineer, and has to be reviewed by the Executive Engineer and the
Superintending Engineer, over their dated signatures.
(3) Work of unique importance and character irrespective of the value of the work, should have
videography undertaken at various stages of construction right from the day of start of work to
date of completion / occupation, covering all major events, inspections, visits by dignitaries, etc.
In addition to the ISD, 3% of the bill amount shall be deducted from each bill towards the security
deposit. The earnest money deposit, the initial security deposit before and after acceptance of tender
together with the subsequent deduction from the contractor’s bill shall form part of the security deposit
equivalent to 7% of the contract value for the due fulfilment of the contract.
The security deposit of the contractor shall be refunded only 12 (twelve) months after the date of
completion of the work provided the final bill has been paid and defects if any rectified.
If however there is inevitable delay in payment of final bill, the earnest money deposit and initial security
deposit forming part of the security deposit may be refunded on orders of competent authority.
In addition, the contractor shall submit monthly day-wise work program one month in advance to Executive
Engineer for approval under intimation to the Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Khordha to ensure
speedy implementation of the work and effective monitoring at all levels. Failing to do so shall also invite
action under Clause-4.26.
4.18. Guarantee:
Defect liability period is 12 (twelve) months from the date of final acceptance of the work conforming to
provisions in scope of work. During this period, the contractor shall replace the defective materials if any or
rectify the defects if any at his own cost as pointed out by the Engineer-in-charge to the satisfaction of the
4.19. Land:
The Department may provide land if available for construction of site office to the contractor on payment of
usual rent.
4.26.1. In case of rescission of contract as per Clause-4.26 the contractor shall have no claim to
compensation for any loss sustained by him by regions of having purchased or procured any
materials or entered any engagement on account of or with a view to execute the work / performance
of the contractor.
4.27(b) Other statutory Taxes such as I.T., etc, will be deducted at sources from the bills of the
contractor and deposited with concerned authority.
4.27(c) Royalty at the prevailing rate on minerals will be deducted from the bills of the contractor and deposited
with concerned authority.
Explanation–“Fair Wage” means wages, whether for time or piece work prescribed by the State
Public Works Department provided that where higher rates have been prescribed under the
minimum wages Act 1948 wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
The Executive Engineer shall have the right to enquire into and decide any compliant alleging that
the wages paid by the contractor to any labourer for the work done by such labourer is less than
the wages as per sub-paragraph-I above.
(b) The contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to contrary, cause to be paid
a fair wage to labourers indirectly engaged on the work including any labour engaged by his sub-
contractors in connection with the said work, as if, the labourers had been immediately employed
by him.
(c) In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the performance of the
contractor’s part of this agreement, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be complied with
all regulations made by Government in regard to payment of wages, wage period deductions from
wages, recovery of wages not paid and deductions unauthorisedly made, maintenance of wage
register, wage cards, publication of scale of wages and other terms of employment, inspection
and submission of periodical returns and all other matters of a like nature.
(d) The Executive Engineer or Sub-Divisional Officer concerned shall have the right to deduct, from
the money due to the contractor, any such required or estimated to be required for making good
the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfilment of the conditions of the
contract for the benefit of the workers non-payment of wages or of deduction made from his or
their wages, which are not justified by their terms of the contract or non-observance of the
regulations. Money so deducted should be transferred to the workers concerned.
(e) Vis-à-vis, the Government of Odisha, the contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be
made under and for the observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to
claim indemnity from his sub-contractor.
(f) The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach thereof
shall be breach of this contract.
Odisha PWD / Electricity Department Contractor’s Labour Regulations
4.28.1. Short title – These regulations may be called “The Odisha Public Works Department / Electricity
Department Contractor’s Regulations”.
4.28.2. Definitions – In these Regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated the following words and
expressions shall have the meaning here by assigned to them respectively, that is to say -
i) “Labour” means a worker employed by a contractor of the Odisha Public Works Department /
Electricity Department directly or indirectly through a sub-contractor or other person, or by an
agent on his behalf.
ii) “Fair Wages” means wages whether for time or piece work prescribed by the State Public Works
Department provided that where higher rates have been prescribed under the minimum wages
Act, 1948 wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
iii) “Contractor” shall include every person whether a sub-contractor or headman or agent
employing labour on the work taken on contract.
iv) “Wages” shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act and include time
and piece rate wages, if any.
(2) The contractor shall also maintain a wage card for each worker employed on the work.
(3) The Executive Engineer may grant an exemption form the maintenance of wage bond, wage cards
to a contractor who, in his opinion – may not directly or indirectly employ more than 100 persons
on the work.
(ii) No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be made from his
wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such fines or
(iii) The total amount of fines which may be imposed in any one wage period on a works shall not
exceed an amount equal to five paise in a rupee of the wages payable to him in respect of that
wage period.
(iv) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by instalments, or after the expiry of
60 days from the date on which it was imposed.
4.28.15. Amendments:
The Government of Odisha may from time to time, add to or amend these regulations and on any
question as to the application, interpretation of effect of these regulations, the decision of the Labour
Commissioner or any other person authorized by the Government of Odisha in that behalf shall be
The terms and conditions of the agreement have been read by Me/Us and I/We certify
that I/We clearly understand them and agree to abide by them.
The intent of this Section is to specify the work items to be covered on Percentage Rate Bids in
conformity with the technical specifications as enumerated in the subsequent clauses for the work As
per DTCN.
5.1. Location:
District : Khordha
State : Odisha
Connected to :
Railway Station :
The above scope of works is not exhaustive but gives only an idea about the type of
work involved. Any other items/works, which have not been specifically mentioned
but required for completeness and soundness of the systems, shall be automatically
covered within the scope of work & no extra claim shall be entertained due to such
The above works shall have to be executed in accordance with the detailed design criteria &
specifications given in Section-7 and other conditions mentioned elsewhere in the DTCN &
subsequent correspondences made if any.
All equipments, labour, tools & tackles, instruments and other facilities for testing shall be
provided by the contractor. He shall also maintain records of all the tests and furnish copies of
the same to the Department.
Whenever untested materials are used, written permission from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
obtained. Manufacturer’s test certificates shall be furnished by the contractor for such
equipments and materials used.
The Department reserves the right to test any material at any of the reputed laboratories if
necessity arises & the cost of such test(s) shall be borne by the contractor & rejected materials
shall have to be replaced by the contractor by approved material at his cost.
5.8. Completion Schedule:
The time is the essence of this contract. The entire job is to be completed within a time frame of
as per DTCN from the date of issue of work order by the Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad,
Khordha. The tenderer shall submit a Bar Chart indicating starting and completion dates of
each activity such as submission of designs & drawings, site mobilization, procurement of
materials and equipments, transportation, execution, assembly/ erection, testing, trial running
and commissioning without which the tender shall be liable for rejection.
6.1 D.I pipes shall not be issued to the contractor by the department.
6.2 All other materials required for the work will have to be supplied by the contractor.
The materials to be supplied by the contractor shall be of best description and quality in strict
accordance with the relevant IS specification approved by the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
6.3 As per Court Order No-07 Dated 18.12.2012 passed in WP(C) No-18565/2012 by Hon’ble
Odisha High Court, the successful bidder shall purchase materials necessary for execution of
work contract from local rate contract holders having ISI mark so that the interest of SSI Units
and M.S Enterprises is protected.
6.4 As per standing instructions of the Chief Engineer (PH) vide Letter No-9806 Dt 31.08.2013, the
DI/CI fittings, valves & specials should confirm relevant IS Specifications and should be used
after pre-delivery inspection by EPM/BIS/ISO having NABCB Certificate.
6.5 The contractor/agency after issue of work order should arrange for watching materials at their
own cost at the work site etc. till the work is completed in all respect and handed over to the
c) As & when required, the steel/cement & other building materials will be tested by
Department at the cost of contractor to ensure proper quality as per IS specification.
d) Machine mix shall be used in concrete work for all structure. Design mix of concrete will
be preferred. Vibrator of appropriate type shall be used for compaction of concrete.
e) All the structures are to be designed as permanent type and shall have aesthetic
f) Form work shall be of steel plates and frame, sound seasoned timber or any approved
materials as decided by Engineer-in-charge to be used for the centring and shuttering of
the structures.
g) Painting of all steel / MS structure to be done as per approved quality of enamel paint
over a coat of primer.
h) All electrical work / earthings including wiring of pump house to be done as per relevant
IS specification and Indian Electrical Rules. Single phase wiring shall be done for
lighting purpose & three phase wiring shall be done for running pump motors &
wherever necessary.
i) All the valves are to conform relevant IS specification and of reputed make.
j) The surplus earth and debris should be lifted after completion of work and proper
levelling of site as directed by Engineer-in-charge without any extra claim.
k) Pumps and motors to be of reputed and approved make.
l) All the work including supply of materials to be executed as per relevant IS specification
and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
m) Foundation of all structure including supply of materials shall be designed depending on
Ground water table / subsoil condition. In no case the Depth of foundation below virgin
soil shall be less than 1.0 mtr. at respective places.
n) All equipments, accessories, auxiliaries, piping, electrical instruments, installations,
construction, buildings etc. including all mechanical, electrical & civil engineering works
covered under the scope of work of contractor shall be subject to inspection & testing by
the Department for its material, quality, workmanship and the performance. The
contractor shall arrange and carryout all such inspection, testing, trial run etc. and
demonstrate in presence of the Engineer-in-charge of the Department.
o) The cost of such inspection, testing, trial run, demonstration etc. shall be borne by the
contractor. All responsibility of such inspection, testing, trial run, demonstration etc. and
any damage/loss that may cause directly or indirectly shall exclusively rest with the
p) Such inspection, testing, trial run, demonstration etc. shall, however, not relieve the
contractor of their liability for replacing / rectifying any defects, which may subsequently
appear or be detected during erection and guarantee period.
r) Testing for performance of equipments shall be carried out and be checked with the
approved parameters and performance characteristic curves for the purpose of
Inspection by the Engineer-in-charge of the Department shall not relieve the contractor of his
liability for rectifying the defects which may subsequently appear or be detected during testing
and commissioning or subsequent operation. After rectification of the defects or replacement,
the equipments shall be re-tested to the satisfaction of the Department.
All equipments, labour, tools & tackles, instruments and other facilities for testing shall be
provided by the contractor. He shall also maintain records of all the tests and furnish copies of
the same to the Department.
Whenever untested materials are used, written permission from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
obtained. Manufacturer’s test certificates shall be furnished by the contractor for such
equipments and materials used.
The Department reserves the right to test any material at any of the reputed laboratories if
necessity arises & the cost of such test(s) shall be borne by the contractor & rejected materials
shall have to be replaced by the contractor by approved material at his cost.
7.3 The agency has to submit Bar Chart for execution of work along with the tender
All provisions of the technical scope of work & terms & conditions of the contract have been
read by Me/Us and I/We certify that I/We clearly understand them & agree to abide by
Witness Contractor
1. General Information
a) Name of Applicant
e-Mail Address:
Telephone No. Fax :
e-Mail Address:
Telephone No. Fax :
e-Mail Address:
Telephone No. Fax :
h) Establishment details:
3. Needle Vibrator
4. Water Tanker
6. Excavator (Hydraulic)
7. Water Tank
12. Theodolite
1. (a) Is the applicant currently involved in any litigation relating to any contract works - Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details
2.(a) Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners have been debarred / expelled by any
agency in India during the last 5 years - Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details
3 (a) Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners failed to perform/absconded/ rescinded on
any contract work in India during the last 5 years - Yes/No
(b) If yes, give details
1. I/We have visited the site and have fully been acquainted myself/ourself with the local
situation regarding materials, labour and the factors pertaining to the work before
submitting the tender.
2. I/We have carefully studied the conditions of the contract, specification and other
documents of this work and I/We agree to execute the same accordingly.
3. I/We solemnly pledge that I/We shall be sincere in discharging my/our duties as
responsible contractor and complete the work within the prescribed time limit. I/We
shall submit detailed construction programme with target dates for various items and
stages of work keeping in view the time limit and shall accordingly arrange for necessary
labours, materials, and equipments etc., punctually. In case there are deviations from
the construction programme, I/We shall abide by the decision of the Engineer-in-charge
for revision of the programme and shall arrange for labour, materials, equipments etc
4. I/We shall follow all rules and regulations of the state in force with regard to
engagement of labour for the work.
5. The documents furnished with the tender are correct to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief and if any information found to be incorrect in future, the Department has the
liberty to take any action as deemed fit.
6. Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms
and provisions of the said conditions and special conditions of the contract annexed
hereto or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Odisha the sums of
money mentioned in the said conditions and in the event of such default the transaction
effected by this tender shall cease and determine.
1. I/We ________________________________ certify that all information furnished is true and
agree that my / our Tender shall be rejected if I / we am / are found to have misled or made
false representation in the form of any of the Schedules of Supplementary information and / or
statements submitted in proof of the eligibility and qualification requirements or if I / We have a
record of poor performance such as absconding from work, works not properly completed as per
contract, in ordinate delays in completion, financial failure and / or has / have participated in
previous Tendering for the same work/s and had quoted unreasonable high Tender premium.
In addition I/we shall be blacklisted and the work be taken over invoking relevant clause of the
General conditions of contract and conditions of particular application.
1. dated
2. dated
3. dated
(Add if the addenda issued are more than 3)
(Block Capitals)
That in the event I/we withdraw/ modify our bid during the period of validity or I/we fail to
execute formal contract agreement within the given timeline or I/we commit any breach of tender
conditions/ contract which attracts penal action of forfeiture of EMD and I/we will be suspended from
being eligible for bidding / award of all future contract(s) of Government of Odisha for a period of three
Mobile No.:
Email Id:
Guidelines/ Procedure to be followed in introduction of
e-Procurement in Government of Odisha.
Government of Odisha
Works Department
Office Memorandum
File No.FA-R-3/08 – 1027 /W, Dated 24.01.2009
1. This office memorandum consists of the procedural requirement of e-Procurement and shall be made part
of the Detailed Tender Call Notice or Instruction to Bidder for all “Works” tenders hosted in the portal.
3. Use of valid Digital Signature Certificate of appropriate class (class II or Class III) issued from a registered
Certifying Authority (CA) as stipulated by Controller of Certifying Authorities. (CCA), Government of India
such as n-Code, Sify, TCS, MTNL, e-Mudhra etc is mandatory for all users.
4. The DSC issued to the Department users is valid for the period of two years only. All the Department users
are responsible to revalidate their DSC prior to expiry.
5. For all purpose, the server time displayed in the e-procurement portal shall be the time to be followed by
all the users.
6. Government after careful consideration has decided to host all tenders costing 20 lakhs or above in the e-
procurement portal. This will be applicable across all Engineering Departments such as Works Department,
Department of Water Resources, Rural Development and Housing & Urban Development Department.
Government of Odisha also welcomes hosting of tenders by any other departments, authority, corporations,
local bodies etc of the State with prior approval from Information Technology Department.
7. The e-procurement shall be operated compliant to relevant provisions of OGFR / OPWD code/ Accounts
Code/ Government statutes including any amendments brought from time to time to suit to the
requirement of the best national practice.
7. Registration in the e-procurement portal is without levy of any charges but Government reserves the right
to levy any charges for such value added services in future.
9. Contractors not registered with Government of Odisha, can participate in the e-procurement after
necessary enrolment in the portal but have to subsequently register themselves with the appropriate
registering authority of the State Government before award of the work as per prevalent registration norms
of the State.
10. For the role management “Department”, is the Administrative Department, Organisation or wing is the
Chief Engineer or highest tender accepting authority or equivalent officer under the Administrative
Department, Division-II is the Executive Engineer or equivalent officer, Division is the Executive Engineer or
equivalent officer and sub-division is the Assistant Engineer or equivalent officer.
11. The e-procurement software assigns role for operation of the module for specific function. The
terminologies used in the Portal and their respective functions in the software are as follows:
b. Nodal Officer: (At Organisation level not below the Executive Engineer or equivalent rank).
i. Creation of Users
ii. Role Assignment
iii. Transfers and blocking of Officers
e. Procurement officer – Opener: (Generally sub-ordinate officer to officer inviting the Tender).
i. Opening of Bid
c. All the volumes/ documents shall be uploaded in the portal by the Procurement Officer
Administrator and published by Procurement Officer Publisher (Officer inviting tender) using their
DSCs in appropriate format so that the document is not tampered with.
d. The tender documents published by the Tender Inviting Officer (Procurement Officer Publisher) in
the website https://tendersodisha.gov.in will appear in the “Latest Active Tenders”. The
Bidders/ Guest Users can downloaded the Bid documents only after the due date & time of sale.
the publication of the tender will be for specific period of time till the last date of submission of
bids as mentioned in the ‘Notice Inviting Bid’ after which the same will be removed from the list of
Latest Active tenders.
ii. Any third party/ company/ person under a service contract for operation of e-procurement system
in the State or his/ their subsidiaries or their parent companies shall be ineligible to participate in
the procurement processes that are undertaken through the e-procurement system irrespective of
who operates the system.
b. LOGGING TO THE PORTAL: The Contractor/ Bidder is required to type his/ her Login ID and
password. The system will again ask to select the DSC and confirm it with the password of DSC as a
second stage authentication. For each login, a user’s DSC will be validated against its date of validity
and also against the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) of respective CA stored in system database. The
system checks the unique Login ID, password & DSC combination and authenticates the login process
for use of portal.
c. DOWNLOADING OF BID: The bidder can download the tender of his choice and save it in his
system to undertake necessary preparatory work off-line and upload the completed tender at his
convenience before the closing date and time of submission.
d. CLARIFICATION ON BID: The bidder may ask question online in the e-procurement portal using
his/ her DSC; provided the questions are raised within the period of seeking clarification as mentioned
in tender call notice/ Bid. The officer inviting the bid/ procurement officer- publisher will clarify queries
related to the tender.
i) The bids may consist of general arrangements drawings or typical or any other drawing relevant
to the work for which bid has been invited. Bidder may download these drawings and take out the
print for detail study and preparation of his bid. Any other drawings and documents pertaining to
the works available with the officer inviting the Bid will be open for inspection by the bidders.
ii) The bidder shall go through the Bid carefully and list the documents those are asked for
submission. He shall prepare all documents including cost of Bid document, Bid security,
Declaration form, price bid etc and store in the system.
ii) The EMD or Bid Security payable along with the bid is 1% of the estimated contract value (ECV)
or as mentioned in the bid document. The validity period of the EMD or Bid Security shall be as
mentioned in the bid document. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not
secured as indicated in the bid document shall be rejected as non-responsive. The bid security
shall be retained till such time the successful bidder furnishes Initial Security Deposit (ISD) or
Performance security acceptable to the officer inviting the Bid. Failure of the successful Bidder to
comply with the requirements shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and
forfeiture of the Bid Security. The Bid security in the form of FD/ BG shall be from a Nationalized
Bank valid for a period of 45 days beyond the validity of the Bid. Bid Security in other form is
acceptable if the bid documents provides for it.
iii) The Fixed Deposit / Bank Guarantee or any other form as mentioned in detailed tender call notice
in respect of Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security and the Bank Draft in respect of cost of Bid are
to be scanned and uploaded in portable document format (PDF) along with the bid.
iv) The bidder shall provide the cost of bid and the Bid Security in a sealed cover superscripting the
name of the work for which the instruments are intended and the Officer Inviting the Bid. He/ she
is not required to write his/ her name on the cover. The original FD/BG/BD shall be physically
produced before the Officer inviting the Bid or the concerned Division/ Division-II/ Chief Engineer
before the specified period mentioned in the bid; which in no case shall be less than three days
excluding the last date of submission and opening of bids (Technical cover opening in case of
Double Cover System). The bidder is also allowed to submit the original FD/BG/BD by Registered
Post/ Speed post or any other delivery system before the last date & time of opening of tender.
v) The officers authorized by the Procurement Officer–Publisher (Officer Inviting Tender) shall
transmit the sealed envelopes carefully to the Procurement Officer–Publisher prior to opening of
the Bid. The Procurement Officer–Publisher shall provide signed receipt with date and time for
having received the number of sealed envelopes.
vi) The Procurement Officer–Publisher (Officer Inviting the Tender) or other concerned officers
authorized to receive the Original Bid Security and Bid Cost on behalf of the Procurement Officer–
Publisher shall not be responsible for any postal delay and/ or non–receipt of the original copy of
the bid security on or before specified date and time. Non submission of bid security within the
designated period shall debar the bidder from participating in the on-line bidding system and his
portal registration shall be blocked. His name shall also be informed to the registering authority
for cancellation of his registration as contractor.
vii) Contractor exempted from payment of EMD will be able to participate in the tender directly by
uploading documentary evidence towards his eligibility for such exemption.
viii) Government of Odisha has been actively considering integrating e-payment gateway into the
portal for payment of cost of Bid and Bid Security/ Earnest Money Deposit. The process of using e-
payment gateway shall be issued separately after it is established.
b. The protected Bill of Quantities (BoQ) uploaded by the Procurement Officer – Publisher for the Bid is
the authentic BoQ. Any alteration or deletion or manipulation in BoQ shall lead to cancellation of Bid.
c. The Bidder shall up load the scanned copy/ copies of document in support of eligibility criteria and
qualification information in prescribed format in Portable Document Format (PDF) to the portal in the
designated locations of Technical Bid.
d. The Bidder shall write his name in the space provided in the specified location in the Protected Bill of
Quantities (BoQ) published by the officer inviting tender. the bidder shall type rates in figure only in
the rate column of respective item(s) without leaving any blank cell in the rate column in case of item
rate tender and type percentage excess or less upto one decimal place only in case of percentage rate
e. The bidder shall log on to the portal with his/ her DSC and move to the desired tender for uploading
the documents in appropriate place one by one simultaneously checking the documents.
i) Bids can not be submitted after due date and time. The bids once submitted can not be viewed,
retrieved or corrected. The Bidder should ensure correctness of the bid prior to uploading and
take print out of the system generated summary of submission to confirm successful uploading of
bid. The bids can not be opened even by the OIT or the Procurement Officer–Publisher/Opener
before the due date and time of opening.
ii) Each process in the e-procurement is time stamped and the system can detect the time of log in
of each user including the Bidder.
iii) The Bidder should ensure clarity / legibility of the document uploaded by him to the portal.
iv) The system shall require all the mandatory forms and fields filled up by the contractor during the
process of submission of the bid/ tender.
v) The bidder should check the system generated confirmation statement on the status of the
vi) The Bidder should upload sufficiently ahead of the bid closure time to avoid traffic rush and failure
in the network.
vii) The tender inviting officer is not responsible for any failure, malfunction, or breakdown of the
electronic system used during the e-procurement process.
viii) The Bidder is required to up load documents related to his eligibility criteria and qualification
information and Bill of Quantities duly filled in. It is not necessary for the part of the Bidder to up-
load the drawings and other Bid documents (after signing) while up-loading his bid. It is assumed
that the bidder has referred all the drawings and documents uploaded by the Officer inviting the
ix) Seeking any revision of rates or backing out of the bid claiming for not having referred to any or
all documents provided in the Bid by the Officer inviting the Bid will be construed as plea to
disrupt the bidding process and in such cases the bid security shall be forfeited.
x) The bidder will not be able to submit his bid after expiry of the date and time of submission of Bid
(server time). The date & time of bid submission shall remain unaltered even if the specified date
for the submission of bids declared as a holiday for the Officer inviting the Bid.
f. SIGNING OF BID: The ‘online bidder’ shall digitally sign on all statements, documents, certificates,
uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/ authenticity as per IT ACT 2000. If any of
the information furnished by the bidder is found to be false/ fabricated / bogus, his EMD/ Bid security
shall stand forfeited and the bidder is liable to be blacklisted.
b. The encrypted Bid can only be decrypted/ opened by the authorised openers on or after the due date
and time.
a. Resubmission of bid by the bidders for any number of times before the final date and time of
submission is allowed.
b. Resubmission of bid shall require uploading of all documents including price bid afresh.
c. If the bidder falls to submit his modified bids) within the pre-defined time of receipt, the system shall
consider only the last bid submitted.
d. The bidder should avoid submission of bid at the last moment to avoid system failure or malfunction of
internet or traffic jam or power failure etc.
e. The Bidder can withdraw his bid before the closure date and time of receipt of the bid by uploading
scanned copy of a letter addressing to the Procurement Officer–Publisher (Officer Inviting Tender)
citing reasons for withdrawal. The system shall not allow any withdrawal after expiry of the closure
time of the bid.
b. All bid openers have to log on to the portal to decrypt the bid submitted by the bidders.
c. The bidders & guest users can view the summary of opening of bids from any system. Contractors are
not required to be present during the bid opening at the opening location if they so desire.
d. In the event of the specified date of bid opening being declared a holiday for the officer inviting the
Bid, the bids will be opened at the appointed time on the next working day.
e. In case bids are invited for more than one package, the order for opening of the “Bid” shall be that in
which they appear in the “Invitation for Bid”.
f. During bid opening, the covers containing original financial instruments towards cost of bid and Bid
Security in the form specified in the DTCN/ ITB valid for the period stated in the Bid, received after last
date of receipt of bid and before opening of the bids shall be opened and declared. The Procurement
Officer–Opener shall continue opening of other documents if he is satisfied about the appropriateness
of the cost of Bid and the Bid security.
g. Combined bid security for more than one work is not acceptable.
h. The electronically submitted bids may be permitted to be opened by the predefined Bid opening officer
from their new location if they are transferred after the issue of Notice Inviting Bid and before bid
opening. Further action on bid documents shall be taken by the new incumbent of the post.
b. The Procurement Officer–Evaluators shall take up evaluation of bids with respect to the qualification
information and other information furnished subject to confirmation of the bid security by the issuing
c. After receipt of confirmation of the bid security, the bidder may be asked in writing to clarify on the
documents provided in the Technical Bid, if necessary, with respect to any doubts or illegible
documents. The Officer Inviting Tender may ask for any other document of historical nature during
Technical evaluation of the tender. Provided in all such cases, furnishing of any document in no way
alters the Bidder’s price bid. Non submission of legible documents may render the bid non-responsive.
d. The bidders will respond in not more than 7 days of issue of the clarification letter, failing which the
bid of the bidder will be evaluated on its own merit.
e. Technical evaluation of all bids shall be carried out as per information furnished by Bidders. But
evaluation of bids does not exonerate bidders from checking their original documents at later date. If
the bidder is found to have misled the evaluation through wrong information, action as per relevant
clause of DTCN / ITB shall be taken against the bidder/ contractor.
f. The procurement Officer- Evaluators; will evaluate bids and finalize list of responsive bidders.
g. The financial bids of the technically responsive bidders shall be opened on the due date of opening.
The Procurement Officer – Openers shall log on to the system in sequence and open the financial bids.
i. The Financial Bid will be opened on the notified date & time in the presence of bidders or their
authorised representative who wish to be present.
ii. At the time of opening of “Financial Bid”, bidders whose technical bids were found responsive will
be opened.
a. The responsive bidders name, bid prices, item wise rates, total amount of each item in case
of item rate tender and percentage above or less in case of percentage rate tenders will be
b. Procurement Officer-Openers shall sign on each page of the downloaded BoQ and the
comparative statement and furnish a certificate to that respect.
c. Bidder can witness principal activities and view the documents/ summary reports for that
particular work by logging on to the portal with his DSC from any where.
b. The Contractor after furnishing the required acceptable performance security and additional
performance security, “Letter to Proceed” or “Work Order” shall be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge
with copy thereof to the Procurement Officer–Publisher. The Procurement Officer–Publisher shall up
load the summary and declare the process as complete.
Appendix - II
Online Receipt of Tender Paper Cost & Earnest Money Deposit
through e-Procurement Portal as per
Works Department Letter No.17276/W Dt.06.12.2017
Government of Odisha
Works Department
Office Memorandum
File No.07556900012016–17254/W Dt.05.12.2017
Sub: Electronic receipt, accounting and reporting of Cost of
Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of
1. The State Government have formulated rules and procedures for Electronic
receipt, accounting and reporting of the receipt of Cost of Tender Paper and
Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids through the e-procurement portal
of Government of Odisha i.e. "https://tendersodisha.gov.in".
2. Electronic receipt of cost of tender paper has been successfully tested through
SBI payment gateway. Now it has been decided to introduce electronic receipt
of Cost of Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of
bids through payment gateway of designated banks such as SBI/ICICI
Bank/HDFC Bank for all Government Departments, State PSUs. Statutory
Corporations, Autonomous Bodies and Local Bodies etc. in phases (ANNEXURE-
I). The process outline as well as accounting and reporting structure are
indicated below :
a) It will be carried out through a single banking transaction by the bidder
for multiple payments like Cost of Tender Paper and Earnest Money
Deposit on submission of bids.
b) Various payment modes like Internet banking/ NEFT/RTGS of
Designated Banks and their Aggregator Banks as well can be accessed by
the intending bidders.
c) Reporting and accounting of the e-receipts will be made from a single
d) Credit of receipts into the Government accounts and to the designated
Bank account of the participating entities indicated in Para 2 above would
be faster.
3. Only those bidders who successfully remit their Cost of Tender Paper and
Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids would be eligible to
participate in the tender/bid process. The bidders with pending or failure
payment status shall not be able to submit their bid. Tender inviting authority,
State Procurement Cell, NIC, the designated Banks shall not be held responsible
for such pendency or failure.
4. Banking arrangement:
a) Designated Banks (SBI/ICICI Bank/HDFC Bank) payment gateway
are being integrated with e-Procurement portal of Government of Odisha
b) The Designated Banks participating in Electronic receipt, accounting
and reporting of Cost of Tender Paper and Earnest Money
Deposit on submission of bids will nominate a Focal Point Branch
called e-FPB, who is authorized to collect and collate all e-Receipts. Each
such branch will act as the Receiving branch and Focal Point Branch
notwithstanding the fact that the bidder might have debited his account
in any of the bank's branches while making payment.
5. Procedures of bid submission using electronic payment of tender
paper cost and EMD by bidder:
successful bid submission. The bidder should make a note of 'Bid ID'
generated in the acknowledgement receipt for tracking their bid status.
b) For the time being, the State Procurement Cell (SPC) will use over the
counter payment facility of the Odisha Treasury portal. Thereafter,
remittance through NEFT & RTGS will be facilitated through the Odisha
Treasury portal.
c) Similarly, in case of State PSUs, Statutory Corporations, Autonomous
Bodies and Local Bodies etc., Cost of Tender Paper, the e-Procurement
portal shall generate a MIS for the State Procurement Cell (SPC). The MIS
will contain an abstract of the cost of tender paper collected with
reference to Bid Identification Number. The State Procurement Cell
shall generate Bank-wise list of challans and instruct the designated
Banks to remit the money through the Odisha Treasury portal. The cost
of tender papers will be credited to the registered Bank account of the
concerned State PSUs, Statutory Corporations, Autonomous Bodies and
Local Bodies etc.
d) Bank will refund (in case the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) issues such
instructions) the tender fee, EMD to the bidder, in case the tender is
cancelled before opening of Bid as per direction received from TIA
through e-procurement system.
8. Forfeiture of EMD :
Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bid of defaulting
bidder is occasioned for various reasons.
a) In case the Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bid is forfeited,
the e-Procurement portal will direct the Bank to transfer the EMD value
from the Pooling Account of SPC to the registered account of the tender
inviting authority.
15. These arrangements would be made effective after signing of MoU between the
designated Banks and the State Procurement Cell, firming up of Banking
arrangements and technical integration between designated Bank and e-
Procurement Portal.
1. This shall take effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
2. Accordingly, relevant existing codal/ contractual provision exist vide Office
Memorandum No.6785/W Dt.09.05.2017 of Works Department stands modified
to the above extent.
3. This has been concurred in by the Finance Department vide their UOR No.-39-
WF-I Dt.09.11.2017.
E.I.C-cum-Secretary to Govt.
[For any Technical related queries please call at Help desk numbers of State
Procurement Cell (SPC), Govt. of Odisha – 1800 3456 765, (0674) 2530998 /
ANNXURE-I of Appendix - II
Back-end Transaction Matrix of Electronic receipt and remittance of Cost of
Tender Paper and Earnest Money Deposit on submission of bids.
Cost of Tender Paper on submission Earnest Money Deposit on
of bids submission of bids
Government I. The payment towards the cost of I. In case of tenders of Government
Departments Tender Paper, in case Government Departments, amount towards
Departments, shall be collected in Earnest Money Deposit on
separate Pooling accounts opened in submission of bids shall be collected in
Focal Point Branch called e-FPB of a pooling account opened for this
respective designated banks [as stated purpose at Focal Point Branch called e-
in Para 2] at Bhubaneswar on FPB of respective designated banks at
T+1_day. Bhubaneswar and the banks will remit
the amount to respective bidder’s
account within two working days on
receipt of instruction from TIA through
refund and settlement of e-
procurement system.
II. With reference to the Notice Inviting
Tender/ Bid Identification Number, the II. In case of forfeiture of Earnest
amount so realized is to be remitted to Money Deposit on submission of
Government Account under the Head bids, the e- Procurement portal will
Of Account 0075-Misc. General direct the Bank to transfer the EMD
Services-800-Other Receipts-0097- value from the Pooling Account of SPC
Misc. Receipts-02237-Cost of Tender to the registered account of the tender
Paper through Odisha Treasury Portal inviting authority within two working
after opening of the bid. days of receipt of instruction from TIA.
State PSUs I. In case of State PSUs, Statutory I. Amount towards EMD on submission
Statutory corporations, Autonomous Bodies and of bids shall be collected in a separate
Corporations, Local Bodies etc. the amount towards pooling account of Focal Point Branch
Autonomous Cost of Tender Paper, on called e-FPB of respective designated
Bodies and submission of bids shall be collected banks at Bhubaneswar and the banks
Local Bodies. in separated pooling accounts opened will remit the amount to respective
in Focal Point Branch called e-FPB of bidder’s account on receipt of
respective designated Banks at instruction from TIA through refund
Bhubaneswar on T+1 days. and settlement of e-procurement
system within two working days from
receipt of such instruction.
II. The Paper cost will be transferred to II. In case of forfeiture of Earnest
the respective current accounts of Money deposit on submission of
concerned State PSUs, Statutory bids, the e- Procurement portal will
Corporation, Autonomous Bodies and direct the Bank to transfer the EMD
Local Bodies etc. after opening of bid. value from the Pooling Account of SPC
to the registered account of the tender
inviting authority within two working
days of receipt of instruction from TIA.