Accomplishment Report Jan. 2023
Accomplishment Report Jan. 2023
Accomplishment Report Jan. 2023
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Nabua East District
2. Ensured the positive use of ICT to Shall prepare powerpoint Prepared powerpoint daily lesson
facilitate the teaching and learning daily lesson in all subject in all subject learning areas.
process learning areas.
5. Planned and delivered teaching Prepare and print first Prepared, distributed, conducted
strategies that are responsive to the periodical test papers in and checked test papers in all
special educational needs of learners all subject learning areas. subject learning areas.
in difficult circumstances*, Shall prepare and submit
including: geographic isolation; Daily Lesson Log/Daily Planned and delivered Araling
chronic illness; displacement due to Lesson Plan Panlipunan lesson about Natural
armed conflict, urban resettlement or Calamities or not.
disasters; child abuse and child labor
III. Curriculum and Planning Prepare lesson plan and Prepared lesson for class
powerpoint presentation observation in English 2
6. Used strategies for providing lesson for class
timely, accurate and constructive observation Monitored the learners’
feedback to improve learner Monitor the learners’ performance in class and Grade 2
performance performance in class. GC and reminded the pupils to
study and continue in reading as a
7. Selected, developed, organized Prepare and print first Prepared and printed test papers
and used appropriate teaching and periodical tests in all for first periodical.
learning resources, including ICT, to subject learning areas.
address learning goals
Use ICT in teaching and
learning process. Used ICT in some lessons.
8. Set achievable and appropriate Prepare and print Prepared and printed other work
learning outcomes that are aligned additional worksheets sheets based from MELC
with learning competencies
IV. Community Linkages and Shall attend district level Attended district level
Professional Engagement & Personal conferences. conferences.
Growth and Professional Attended Learning and
Development Shall encourage parents Development and PPSTA updates
to teach and guide their with RD Dr. Gilbert T. Sadsad
9. Built relationships with parents/ children in home studying
guardians and the wider school and assignment. Monitored and checked
community to facilitate involvement assignments of the learners
in the educative process through the help of the parents or
11. Developed a personal Design for personal Planned out for attending more
improvement plan based on improvement thru on- seminars for professional growth.
reflection of one’s practice and going professional
ongoing professional learning learning.
V. Plus Factor
Shall performed other Monitored the attendance of 4ps
12. Performed various related works/ related tasks as one of the recipients as school coordinator.
activities that contribute to the Dep. Ed. personnel.
teaching-learning process
Prepared by:
School Head