Career Management and Compensation

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Career Management and Compensation

1. What do you understand by the term career management?

Career management is conscious planning of one’s activities and engagements in the

jobs one undertakes in the course of his life for better fulfilment, growth and financial

stability. It is a sequential process that starts from an understanding of oneself and

encompasses occupational awareness.

2. What is Career Development?

Career development involves taking correct actions to produce and increase skills and

to get ready for upcoming job opportunities, is meant to encourage the growth and


3. Enlist the types of Career Development Programs.

The most common career development programs offered by organizations are:

1. Mentoring
2. Coaching
3. Job rotation and
4. Tuition Assistance

4. What do you understand by career anchors?

A Career Anchor is something that develops over time and evolves into a selfconcept, shaping an
individual's personal identity or self-image and includes:

1. Talents, skills and abilities - the things that we believe we are good at, and not
2. so good at.
3. Motives and needs - what is important to us and take the form of goals, e.g.
4. money, status, challenge, autonomy.
5. Attitudes and values - the kind of organisation that we feel comfortable with,
6. one that matches our own values and beliefs.

5. What are the objectives of career development?

Objectives of Career Development Systems

 Fostering Better Communication in Organization: The main objective of designing a career

development system is to foster better communication within the organization as a whole. It
promotes communication at all levels of organizations for example manager and employee and
managers and top management. Proper communication is the lifeblood of any organization and
helps in solving several big issues.
 Assisting with Career Decisions: A career development system provides employees as well as
managers with helpful assistance with career decisions. They get an opportunity to assess their
skills and competencies and know their goals and future aspirations. It helps them give a
direction so that they can focus on achieving their long term career goals.

 Better Use of Employee Skills: A career development system helps organization make better use
of employee skills. Since managers know their skills and competencies and therefore, can put
them at a job where they will be able to produce maximum output.

 Setting Realistic Goals: Setting realistic goals and expectations is another main objective of a
career development system. It helps both employees and organization to understand what is
feasible for them and how they can achieve their goals.

 Creating a Pool of Talented Employees: Creating a pool of talented employees is the main
objective of organizations. After all, they need to meet their staffing needs in present and future
and a career development system helps them fulfill their requirements.

 Enhancing the Career Satisfaction: Organizations especially design career development systems
for enhancing the career satisfaction of their employees. Since they have to retain their valuable
assets and prepare them for top notch positions in future, they need to understand their career
requirements and expectations from their organization.

 Feedback: Giving feedback on every step is also required within an organization to measure the
success rate of a specific policy implemented and initiatives taken by the organization. In
addition to this, it also helps managers to give feedback for employees’ performance so that
they can understand what is expected of them.

6. What are the benefits of succession planning?

 It provides a logical approach for succession of top notch positions by the next lower-level employee.
It is all about identifying the skills and competencies and potential of an employee so that he or she can
be deployed at different jobs in the time of crisis.

 Succession planning gives the answers to all the questions regarding preparing an individual for the
next level in the organizational hierarchy. It helps HR specialists in knowing and understanding why a
specific individual should be developed and trained to promote to the next level.

 It reduces the randomness in organization’s processes and managerial development movements and
establishes formal steps and actions, policies and procedures to support the process of selecting the
CEO and other top management executives.

 A formal succession planning process is a proactive approach to fill a top position. It helps HR
professionals to anticipate problems in the process before they get started. This is very important to
avoid negative and dysfunctional situations.
 It fosters cross-functional development and facilitates the integration of HR planning components,
processes and procedures. Not only this, it supports connecting formats, guidelines, analyses, judgments
and discussions at their front.

 Formal succession planning helps in further exploitation of computer systems, HRP software
applications, HR tools and techniques in order to support the identification, development and training of
the individuals.

 It helps HR managers in overcoming the limitations of reactive management approaches and fosters
pro-active management approaches to make organization a better place to work.

 It establishes a logical basis for making choices among qualified candidates. Who should be selected,
why they should be selected and what skills and competencies they own and what needs to be
developed in them are critical factors while identifying the employees for succession planning.

 The process establishes a specific connection between the business objectives and HR strategic
planning. Along with this, it also increases internal promotion opportunities.

7. What do you understand by career path?

Definition: Career Path

Career path refers to the growth of the employee in an organization. Career Path basically means the
various positions an employee moves on one by one as he grows in an organization. The employee may
move vertically most of the time but also move laterally or cross functionally to move to a different type
of job role.

8. What is the importance of career path?

Career path is not only a series of positions one takes but also an opportunity to achieve overall positive
career development. Career path provides various options like in example below. The decision points
can determine how well your career would go farther. Right and informed decisions can help you move
to better positions and vice versa. The career path is the result of the decisions and hardwork put by an
individual. Company should also work towards ensuring that its employees move in career path the way
they want to. Proper job analysis should be done in order to make sure the employees are satisfied and
achieve higher positions in the organization itself rather than moving to other organizations in search for
better path.

9. Write short note on career counselling.

Career counselling or Employment counselling is an attempt to determine individual’s interests, desires,

aspirations and skills and competencies in various occupations and jobs. The information collected is
very important in order to understand where to put a particular employee to get maximum output from
him or her. It is one of the most popular services offered by organizations to their employees. It is also
known as a remedial approach as it is offered to provide employees with an expert’s assistance to deal
with their issues related to their professional life. It is also called a preventive approach that helps
employees realize their potential and career interests before it is too late to make a right career choice.
On the other hand, when employees get such services in their organizations, they develop a sense of
belongingness towards them and stick to them even in crisis. Employment counselling is beneficial for
both employees as well as employers as it has a positive impact on them and helps both the parties
achieve their short-term and long-term goals.

10. What do you understand by the term glass ceiling?

It is a term used as a simile for the unseen yet consequential barrier that prevents a certain set of
individuals from ascending hierarchy, especially in the corporate sense, irrespective of their qualification
or contribution. The term was coined in the context of feminism, but is now used in the context of
minorities too

11. Write the objectives of career planning? Explain the process of career planning?

Career planning seeks to meet the following objectives:

a. Attract and retain talent by offering careers, not jobs.

b. Use human resources effectively and achieve greater productivity.

c. Reduce employee turnover.

d. Improve employee morale and motivation.

e. Meet the immediate and future human resource needs of the organization on a

timely basis

Career Planning Process

i. Identifying individual needs and aspirations: Most individuals do not have a clear cut idea about their
career aspirations, anchors and goals. The human resource professionals must, therefore, help an
employee by providing as much information as possible showing what kind of work would suit the
employee most, taking his skills, experience, and aptitude into account. Such assistance is extended
through workshops/seminars while the employees are subjected to psychological testing, simulation
exercises, etc. The basic purpose of such an exercise is to help an employee form a clear view about
what he should do to build his career within the company. Workshops and seminars increase employee
interest by showing the value of career planning. They help employees set career goals, identify career
paths and uncover specific career development activities (discussed later). These individual efforts may
be supplemented by printed or taped information. To assist employees in a better way, organizations
construct a data bank consisting of information on the career histories, skill evaluations and career
preferences of its employees (known as skill or talent inventory).

ii. Analyzing career opportunities:

Once career needs and aspirations of employees are known, the organization has to provide career
paths for each position. Career paths show career progression possibilities clearly. They indicate the
various positions that one could hold over a period of time, if one is able to perform well. Career paths
change over time, of course, in tune with employee’s needs and organizational requirements. While
outlining career paths, the claims of experienced persons lacking professional degrees and that of young
recruits with excellent degrees but without experience need to be balanced properly.

iii. Aligning needs and opportunities:

After employees have identified their needs and have realized the existence of career opportunities the
remaining problem is one of alignment. This process consists of two steps: first, identify the potential of
employees and then undertake career development programmers with a view to align employee needs
and organizational opportunities. Through performance appraisal, the potential of employees can be
assessed to some extent. Such an appraisal would help reveal employees who need further training,
employees who can take up added responsibilities, etc. After identifying the potential of employees
certain developmental techniques such as special assignments, planned position rotation, supervisory
coaching, job enrichment, understudy programs can be undertaken to update employee knowledge and

iv. Action plans and periodic review:

The matching process would uncover gaps. These need to be bridged through individual career
development efforts and organization supported efforts from time to time. After initiating these steps, it
is necessary to review the whole thing every now and then. This will help the employee know in which
directionhe is moving, what changes are likely to take place, what kind of skills areneeded to face new
and emerging organizational challenges. From an organizational standpoint also, it is necessary to find
out how employees are doing, what are their goals and aspirations, whether the career paths are in tune
with individual needs and serve the overall corporate objectives, etc.

12. Define the meaning of career development system? Discuss the benefits of career development
system to organization and employees?

Career development programs are most effective when they are integrated with the organization’s
ongoing training and development strategies. For being able to do this, an organization must have a
carefully designed career development system especially designed to meet its own unique needs and
requirements. An automated and welldesigned career management system not only benefits
organizations but also help employees and managers or supervisors in establishing effective
communication with each other. All the parties gain different benefits and combining which they can
together set an organizational culture that supports such types of activities in an organization.

Benefits of a Career Development System to Organization

 Once organization has a fair idea about employee’s strengths and weaknesses, attitude and behaviour,
values and future aspirations and skills and competencies, they are able to make better use of employee
skills and put them at the right place.

 The organization can disseminate all important details and information at all organizational levels in
order to ensure effective communication at all levels. It fosters and lays emphasis on better
communication within the organization as a whole.
 It also helps organization retain valued employees by providing them what they want. Since the
organization is able to collect all necessary information about a specific individual, it can make efforts to
retain them.

 It establishes a reputation of the organization in the market. More and more working professionals see
it as a people developer and get attracted towards it.

Benefits of a Career Development System to Employees

 The major benefit of career development system to employees is that they get helpful assistance and
guidance with their career decisions. They get to know about their own aspirations, objectives and
desires and understand how to shape their career.

 By using this system, they can set more realistic goals and objectives that are feasible to be
accomplished over the span of one’s life.

 It fosters better communication between the employee and the manager as well as at all levels of the

 The best part is that they can get feedback on their performance. This helps them improve their
working style and compels them to upgrade their skills.

 The process leads to job enrichment and enhanced job satisfaction.

Benefits of a Career Development System to Managers/Supervisors

 A career development system helps managers and supervisors in improving and upgrading their skills
in order to manage their own career. Even they get to where they are heading to and what their
aspirations are.

 It fosters better communication between managers and employees.

 It helps them in retaining valued employees as they get to know about their skills and competencies
and future aspirations as well.

 It helps in discussing productive performance appraisal of employees and planning their promotions as
well as their career graph.

 It leads to greater understanding of the organization as a whole and cultivate a supportive and
conducive culture in the organization.

 It helps managers in understanding the hidden aspects of employees and guides them to allocate
employees the right job that matches to their skills and competencies.

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