Inheritance Under Hanafi Law A Brief Introduction: The Hanafi School (Also Called Kufa School)
Inheritance Under Hanafi Law A Brief Introduction: The Hanafi School (Also Called Kufa School)
In India, a
b) Husband....1/2
Father......1/2(as rediduary)
c) Four widows ........1/4(each taking 1/16)
Father..........3/4(as residuary)
d) Mother ....1/3
Father.........2/3( as residuary)
e) Mother..........1/6 (because there are two sister)
Two sisters........ (excluded by father)
Father............5/6( as residuary)
Significance of Study: This research study focuses on the
inheritance aspects specifically only to Sunni Law. It fervently extols
the inheritance principles and the practical problems as well as the
loopholes in its application of succession.
2. What are the other inherent defects and loopholes in Sunni Law
which can be buried according to the true dictates of Islam and
Hypotheses: 1. Sunni Law as of now is a bit sophisticated, well-knit
and organized within its ambit. Certain rights not conferred to some
people deny them the very right of existence which needs to be
looked upon.
2. If sons take more share of the property, it is to be understood that
there is a visible discrimination over the daughters and an equal
status quo has to be attained as one of the loophole in this regard.
Research Methodology: The methodology adopted is purely
doctrinal in nature. Standard texts and authentic sources have been
chiefly relied upon during the course of this research study.
Standardized form of footnotes has been given wherever needed to
acknowledge the source.
Review of Literature: The study is basically descriptive, analytical
and investigative oriented approach. Books such as Lexis Nexis on
Family Law, Mulla on Muslim Law, Qureshi on Muslim Laws of
Inheritance, etc. and monthly and periodical journals and articles
have been widely referred to.