Employee Development Programs
Employee Development Programs
Employee Development Programs
Today, HR encourages employees to manage their own career development while HR still
ensures that the organization provides ways for employees to be more effective in their
current roles. HR needs to show both managers and employees that development brings
benefits. Without a clear payoff, managers will balk at training costs and at lost
productivity time. Moreover, employees will be less enthusiastic about development
programs if they fail to see gains in their job performance and career opportunities.
Employee Development Programs for
Performance Improvement
Employee Development Methods:
Some methods of employee development occur on the
job, with the manager or an experienced co-worker
leading the development activity in the context of the
actual work environment. Other development occurs
at training facilities or other locations. And
increasingly organizations use online methods to
develop employees.
Employee Development Programs for
Performance Improvement
Mentoring matches less experienced employees with
more experienced colleagues through formal or
informal programs. Formal mentoring programs can
reduce turnover, enhance recruitment, and improve
performance and the work environment, especially for
women and people of color.
Employee Development Programs for
Performance Improvement
Succession planning
Succession planning identifies long-range needs and cultivates internal talent to
meet those needs. Succession plans typically focus on a one- to three-year process
of preparing employees—not preselecting them—for new roles in the organization.