Course Outline MAT 125.9 Summer2023
Course Outline MAT 125.9 Summer2023
Course Outline MAT 125.9 Summer2023
Marks Distribution:
Attendance 10%
Assignments 10%
Quizzes 20%
Mid-Term 25%
Final Exam 35%
Grading Policy:
This is an introductory course in linear algebra. The course will introduce the basic concepts
and techniques of linear algebra, along with the insights of its wide applications in physics,
economics and social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. The course will require the
development of theoretical results, which will require the use of mathematical rigor, algebraic
manipulation, and geometry.
This course covers, but is not limited to, the study of systems of linear equations, matrices,
determinants, vectors and vector spaces, basis and dimension of vector spaces, linear
transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and their applications. Computer software will
be used to enhance the learning of the topics and techniques covered.
Course Objectives
1 Matrices and Matrix Operations, Inverse; 1.3, 1.4, 1.7 Quiz1, CO-1
Rules of Matrix Arithmetic, Discussions
2 Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric 1.3, 1.4, Quiz 1, CO-1
Matrices, Matrices and Matrix Operations, Discussions
3 Inverse; Rules of Matrix Arithmetic, 1.7 Assignment I, CO-1
Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric Midterm
4 Elementary Matrices and a Method for 1.5 Assignment I, CO-1
Finding inverse of Matrix, Elementary Midterm
Matrices and a Method for Finding inverse
of Matrix
5 2.1 Quiz 1, CO-1
Determinant by Cofactor Expansion
6 Evaluating Determinants by Row Reduction 2.2 Midterm CO-1
7 2.3 Midterm, CO-1
Properties of Determinant Function
Assignment I
8 Introduction to System of Linear Equations, 1.1, 1.2 Discussions, CO-2
Gaussian Eliminations
9 Gaussian Eliminations (No solution and 1.2 Midterm, CO-2
Unique solution)
10 Gaussian Eliminations (many 1.2 Midterm, CO-2
solutions),Solution of Homogeneous system
of Linear Equations
11 Further Results on Systems of Equations 1.2 Midterm, CO-2
and Invertibility,
12 Euclidean n-space and properties, Euclidean 1.6 Discussions CO-2, CO-
n-space and Gramsmith Orthogonalization Midterm 3
13 Midterm Exam
14 4.2 Final, CO-1
Linear Transformation
15 Linear Transformation and properties, 4.2 , 4.3 Final, CO-1
General Linear Transformations, Kernel and
16 Inverse Linear Transformations, Matrices 8.1, 8.2, Final, CO-2, CO-
of General Linear Transformations Assignment II 3
17 Inverse Linear Transformations, Matrices 8.3, 8.4 Final, CO-2, CO-
of General Linear Transformations Assignment II 3
18 5.1 Quiz 2 CO-1
Real Vector Spaces, Subspaces
19 Linear combination,Linear Independence 5.2 Final CO-3
and Dependence
21 Basis, Dimension, Solution Space and Null 5.4 Quiz 2, Final CO-3
Space Exam
22 Fundamental Subspace of Linear Algebra 5.5 Quiz 3, Final CO-3
(Row Space, Column Space and Null Space) Exam
23 Fundamental Subspace of Linear Algebra 5.5 Quiz 3, Final CO-3
(Row Space, Column Space and Null Space) Exam
24 Rank and Nullity 5.6 Final Exam CO-3
25 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 7.1 Quiz 3 CO-3
29 Diagonalization 7.2 Final Exam CO-3
26 7.2 Final exam, CO-3
Algebraic and Geometric Multiplicity
Assignment II
27 Cheley Hamilton Theorem (CHT) and its 7.3 Final exam, CO-3
applications Quiz3
28 11.2, 11.3 Discussions CO-4
Applications of Linear Algebra
Final exam
29 11.6, 11.7 Discussions CO-4
Applications of Linear Algebra
Final exam
30 11.16 Discussions, CO-4
Applications of Linear Algebra
Final exam
Final Exam (Declared by the Controller of Examinations)
Mapping of Course Outcomes
Class Schedule
Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus if necessary.
NO makeup for quizzes and NO Formative assessment will be retaken under any
circumstances. If a student misses the Midterm and/or Final exams due to circumstances
beyond their control (official valid documents are required) and is informed beforehand (if
possible), reasonable arrangement may be considered. Please note that the retake exam
questions are generally a bit tricky and critical compare to the regular exam questions.
Students may get the opportunity to see/recheck their midterm and Final exam scripts.
Cell phones are prohibited in exam sessions.