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The White Shadow

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107

Peter stuck on the white wall. The wall was white, pure white, fully white. Nothing else except white! The sun
rays were attacking the wall with its full power and strength. The white sun rays on white wall! It was adding,
the brightness or dullness of whi te col or, to the wall. So the wall was wi th flat white color, containing in itself.
Peter was in search of some color, a bit of color other than the white. But, he disappoi nted. There were no
colors, except whi te. He knew that the white color hol ds the all seven colors of rainbow in i ts. But to get all
these colors, one has to crack the white. He coul d not crack it.
The white wall was looking like a white screen of a movie theatre.
Movie theatre!
Here, where there was a loneliness spread all over and no human being was assumed till the horizons, how
one coul d expect a movie and a theatre and a crowd of the movie? He laughed at his own thoug hts.
Peter coul d not sleep well his first night at that house. Till late night, he was awaken and tried hard to get
asleep, but failed. Later, in the earl y morning he managed for little sleep.
Suddenly he woke up and l ooked his wrist watch. It was showing 7.42 am.
When the Jack, the servant of the contractor, dropped hi m to this house, it was late evening and the night had
already knocked the door of the earth. There was a deep darkness and dark silence around the house. So he
coul d not judge the surroundings of the house as well as the area.
Jack instructed, while leaving the Peter, I will come at 10.30 am with tea and breakfast. Then we woul d
move straight to the forest and start the work.
Peter smiled and re-g azed at the watch. It was 7.42 am.
Still I have plenty of ti me. Lets fall asleep ag ain. He talked with himself. He tried a lot but agai n coul d not
fall asleep.
What to do, then? he asked again hi mself. The question arose like a big mountain in front of him. He
thought deepl y for a long but remained unans wered.
It was a ti me of confluence of s pring and wi nter. The warmth was tryi ng to meet the coolness. It was like a
hot womans attempt to hug the cool man. It was very attracting; and tempting.
Lets move out and see the worl d around. Lets breath some fresh air, too. His mind ordered him.
Let me see outsi de first, through the window He replied to his mind and opened the wi ndow. He looked
outside. There was nothing till the farthest.
There was a narrow track, full of dust. The col or of dust was dull. The forest was spread over on both the
sides of the track and a sky. The sky was wi de open, endless and deep.
Am I in forest? Is this house in forest? He doubted. It disturbed hi m. He was expecting the house; wi thin the
society of human beings apart from his pl ace of duty, the forest. He closed the window. He left the wi ndow.
He coul d not dare to rush out of the house.
He looked around and finally, found a staircase in his house; he used it and moved up. There was a room
there, too. One more staircase he found there. It led hi m to the terrace of the house. He found that the house
in which he passed last night was a two storey buil ding.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
He was under the open sky. He l ooked at the directi on in which he looked at it from his window. The story
was the same. There was nothing there except the dusty track, forest and the sky.
The loneliness was prevailed to the horizons; and the nothi ngness pervaded till the path ends , eye sight ends.
Peter sighed deeply; and closed his eyes. He was a social ani mal, after all. And he was expecting hi mself
wi thin the society. But, where was he? He g athered some courage and deci ded to l ook another side, the
opposite side.
He moved his sight slowl y, to the opposite direction. He found another terrace of a house, three -four feet
away. It was also two storey house. His sight left the house and tried to look beyond. He disappoi nted, again.
There was nothing, too, on that directi on. The same were there, a dusty track, a forest, the sky, the l oneliness
and the nothingness.
Is any human resides here? Or the l oneliness and nothingness alone are the citizens of this pl ace? Peter was
encircled with his own questions.
But, there is a house here, may some life exists here. his inner voice tried to assure him.
He concentrated on the nearby house and started observing it.
There was a room on the left si de of the terrace, covering half of the pl ace. Half terrace was open. He coul d
not see the door of the room as it might be on the opposite directi on. There was a wall on right hand si de.
The wall was white and big, may be 8 feet high and 17-18 feet wi de. It was 20-22 feet away from hi m. The
white sunrays were s pread over the white wall. The White light was on white wall making it was like a white
movie screen of the theatre.
Movie theatre!
Here, where there was a loneliness spread all over and no human being was assumed till the horizons, how
one coul d expect a movie and a theatre and a crowd of the movie? He laughed at his own thoug hts.
He laug hed l oudl y, first ti me till last evening. He liked it. It gave some positi ve vi bes to his heart.
Peter tried to move his concentration from that wall, many ti mes. But, every ti me the wall attracted hi m
towards it. He coul d not leave the wall out of his sight.
Whats in this wall?
Peter coul d not deci de. But, he coul d not leave the wall either. He felt some illusion in that wall, there might
be some life on that wall, the life which was hi dden and trying to come out of the wall; the life, which was
calling him, inviting him. He was puzzled.
He remained stuck on the wall.
How many waves of time flown, Peter coul d not count. The white wall, the white sun shine and his white
sight! Everything was white, still Peter felt hopefully, the presence of colors of life!
A life knocked, at l ast. An i mage emerged on the white wall, all of sudden. It was like a shadow of someone.
The shadow, a bl ack shadow!. The dark bl ack shadow!. Peter liked that bl ack col or on colorles s white wall.
He was exited. He looked at the shadow.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
The shadow was moving gently. From the movements of the shadow, Peter concluded that it was the shadow
of any human being. He concentrated on that and judged, roughl y, that it was a shadow of a woman.
It means that, someone is residing in this house and is a woman, perhaps. Peter gazed to the shadow, again.
The poses and movements of the shadow were telling hi m that i t was a shadow of a woman. He assured
himself. He jumped wi th joy. Someone is here, I am not alone in this cal m.
For a while, the shadow became stable. It remained stable for some moments. Then it opened both the hands ,
parallel to the floor. It moved to right, then left. It took many moves to left and right. From her movements, it
seemed that the woman was wi th curves; many curves; and each curve was attracti ve.
The shadow tuned 90 degree. The shadow was exposing her body, fully. Everything was visible, clearly.
Untied and wavi ng hairs, beautiful shaped face, up two arms, under the ar ms- two medi um breasts, narrow
waist, full sloppy hi ps, attracti ve thighs, thin legs!
Peter was looking a uni que sculpture, which was busy in its own amorous gestures. The shadow was totally
ignorant that someone was looking at her, watching her keenly and was drinking the ocean of beauty through
the shadow. She continued her acts.
Peter continued to watch it, wi thout interruption.
He was not desirous to move from there as it was fascinating hi m, a bl ack shadow on the white wall. He was
feeling the every act of the black shadow. He was stunt, like a statue.
Was he stable or a ti me! He was unknown.
Suddenly, she rested both of her hands on her waist. The left hand was on her right waist and vice versa. She
uncovered her top cloth from her body and put it on the floor.
Peters eyes foll owed the cloth till floor. The cloth settled on the floor. He lifted his sight to the shadow. He
found the shadow of her breasts. They were straight and tight.
Still she had some cloth on her breasts, which was gri pping her curvy duo. He murmured.
The shadow removed one more piece of cloth from the breasts. Both curves turned little sloppy, but still they
were wavi ng tightly. Both the ni pples were rose and exited.
The shadow removed remaining cloths below her waist,too. She was uncovered; naked, totally. She bent
down from the waist, snatched some water from the bucket and poured on her naked body. She was bathing.
The water was touching the black shadow, gliding from it and was droppi ng on the floor.
It was like a s pring flowing and sliding slowl y from the peak of a bl ack mountain. It was creating a sound. A
beautiful sound of waterfalls landscape! The sound of droppi ng water was as sweet as a mel ody of flute, as
vi brant as the strings of guitar, as smooth as the tunes of Santoor.
Peter wanted to close the eyes and to get dissolve in that tune. But, the shadow on that white wall was not
allowi ng hi m to blink, either. He gazed her wi th wi de open eyes, for moments to go.
The shadow finished her bath. She wi ped her body with a towel. Peter was following the movements of a
towel. And the towel was moving and touching every part of her. Every gesture made her more attracti ve,
and hence was fascinating Peter. Peter was jealous of the towel.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
He wished to cross the 3 feet wall and reach to the shadow, to see her, to hug her, to hol d her in his arms.
Peter was full of sweat. A flowi ng spring dried. He coul dnt cross the 3 feet wall.
The shadow put the cloths and left the terrace. Peter too. He went on the job with Jack. Peter tried to
understand his duty and job from Jack, whole day. But, the shadow of that bl ack shadow occupied his mind
and thoughts, throughout the day.
Every moment during the job, he desired to leave the work and rush to the house and move to the terrace;
and look at the shadow, feel the shadow, dissol ve into the shadow, absorb the shadow in his existence and
surrender to the shadow. The waves of the time might flow or might stop like a still! It di d not matter to hi m.
He rushed to the house, at the evening, straightly reached to the terrace and starred at the white wall. There
was no shadow on it. The onl y thing there was white, col orless and dry wall!
Peter waited for a l ong, but the wall re mained white, a pure whi te. The col or of wall not changed. B ut the
color of the sky changed.
The col or of the twilight at the western horizon was busy to say goodbye to the sun. The night knocked; and
the white wall vanished i n the darkness. He returned to his room disappoi ntedl y.
The shadow di d not allow Peter to sleep, whole night. Neither the night was passing nor was the sleep
showering. He wanted to sleep, but the sleep was insisting him to a wake.
Peter di d not like the flow of ti me which was moving very steadily , but he was hel pless. He had no option
except to wai t. He was waiting the daybreak to come.
At the early morning, he got some sleep, but he awoke. He di d not want to sleep more but the sleep was not in
a mood to allow hi m to awake. What a simulation? Peter was confused. He looked the watch. It was the same
time as yesterday.
Anyhow, he defeated the sleep and run to the terrace. He focused directly on that white wall.
That white wall! That shadow! The bl ack but very attracti ve, very fascinating shadow.
The wall was white, the whole white. There was no stigma, nor any color and not a shadow on it.
Peter looked at the whi te wall, with concentration , again and again. The wall remained as it was. He checked
the time and rel ooked at the wall. Nothing was changed, it was as it was. He l ost his patience. He was about to
cross the 3 feet wall to reach that terrace, the i mage emerged on the wall. He stopped hi mself.
An i mage turned into shadow. He gazed i t, tested it. It was the same as it was seen yesterday.
The shadow di d everything same as she di d yesterday.
She turned and twisted the body, moved curvy, removed cl oths, g ave some jerks to the body. She had the
same hairs, nose, neck, arms, breasts, waist and legs. She snatched the water, di d bath, wi ped the body, put
the cloths and disappeared.
Peter watched and observed all the acts, standing like a wall. The whole inci dent he l ooked, without blinking
the eyes for a while.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
After a long, he blinked his eyes and l ooked at the wall. The wall turned white, ag ain. The wall was lifeless; it
was still, colorless, detached from any emotion and was empty. It was lying as still as a saint in penance since
ages. Peter felt that the wall was changing the colors, rapi dl y. It cant be trusted. He returned to the rooms.
For next 8-10 days, the same thi ngs happened. The white wall, the black shadow, the all routine acts of the
shadow and right in front of the wall in this side, Peter; still like a wall and fascinated!
Peter want to remain vacant minded, no more. He deci ded that he woul d cross the 3 feet wall and catch the
origin of the bl ack shadow. He woul d grab the secret of the bl ack shadow on white wall.
Peter waited for the sai d shadow. The shadow arri ved and appeared on the wall. The shadow was doing all
the daily stuff which she was doing since last 8-10 days.
Peter looked at it and remained in thoug hts for some moments.
The shadow removed her cl oths, turned naked.
Peter jumped, crossed the 3 feet wall which was separati ng the two houses. He was on the terrace of the
He di d slide towards the origin of the shadow, very silently. He l ooked at it, hi di ng hi mself. He was astonished
by what he saw.
There was a 20-22 years ol d girl, who was wi thout cloths. Her half back and half breasts were visible. Her
hairs were untied and s pread over her shoul ders. Her right ear, right cheek and right shoul der coul d be seen
from the spot where Peter was standi ng. On one si de of the shoul der there was a back of her and on other
side the breast, opened.
There was a big curvy shape on her chest, on which the untied hairs were s pread. It was covering the breast
half and was keeping half open. An open ni pple was clearly visible on the curved shape.
Peter tried to look at it for a long, but coul d not. Somethi ng rankled insi de hi m. He withdrew his eyes from
the breasts, at once.
The next was waist, the sharp curvy waist, very lustful curves. He indulged in the curves. He found hi mself
caught in the whirl pools of the deep sea. After a deep struggle, he coul d come out of the whirl pools.
Below waist, two big hi ps, well shaped thighs, lustfully scul ptured two cal ves and at the end, smooth heels!
From top to bottom, she was a statue, a uni que statue, sculptured by the great scul ptor with great
invol vements. He stood there hol ding his breaths and gazed at her.
She rubbed the soap on her body. A white sheet of foam spread and covered her body. It was like a
trans parent white sheet on naked body; which was trying to cover the naked body, which covered it less and
exposed more. Her body under whi te trans parent foam was lustful.
She dropped the water on her body. The white foam started to slide slowly from her body, as she was
removing the white dress from her body, slowly-slowly!
Naked body, once ag ain, turned naked as the white sheet slipped.
She finished her bath. She turned to grab the towel. Her eyes caught Peter. B oth caught the glances of each
other. Peter attempted to hi de but failed.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
The girl gathered that there was a hands ome young boy in front of her and he was starring at her naked
body. And she was standi ng in front of hi m, totally naked. She was restless for a while, but recollected herself
very soon. She sighed deepl y.
She di dnt try to hi de her nakedness. She stood as it was. She neither shied nor attempted to cover the naked
body with the towel, not even ran to the room to hi de herself.
On one si de, there was a boy in full cloths and on another there was a girl without any cl oths, the naked girl.
Both remai ned as statue, l ooking each other. There was a wonder and surprise in all four eyes. The wonder
became the bri dge for those eyes. Both felt something travelled through that bri dge.
Peter started feeling guilty.
Girls li ps moved slightly, attempting to open. Peter l ooked at the li ps. Suddenly, Peter cl osed his eyes.
Hello, I am Lucy, and you? Words knocked on the ears of closed eyes. Her voice was full of s weetness.
There was no curse of complaint in her voice. It assure d Peter that the girl, Lucy, was nei ther angry nor
dis pleased.
Peter opened his eyes, slowly. Lucy was still there, standi ng as it was, naked. She was naked but natural , easy
and inherent. It was a wonderful pose of ti me.
A young girl was naked on her terrace and a young boy was there, wi th full cloths. Even though there was no
strain on her face, nor was she puzzled. No fear, no hesitati on, at all. She was just and natural. The same was
disturbi ng Peter.
Peter relooked the whole body of Lucy fr om head to heel. She was as it was seen in first sight. There was
intoxication, flowi ng from each part of her body. There was a s pring of beauty flowing from her body.
Peter closed his eyes, again. Lucy laughed, loudly. Her laug h dissolved in all directi ons of empty sky. Peter
felt that, l augh of Lucy was more beautiful, more attracti ve and lustful, than her body.
Dont you shy, like this Peter opened his eyes and tol d wi th eyes on Lucy.
Not at all, its normal. There is no matter to shy, at all. Lucy looked to her own body.
Like this, in front of me, without any cl oth on your body how naked you are. Peters voice was tumbling.
Nakedness is more in your mi nd than my body. She wanted to reply , but coul dnt.
Our thoughts, our thinking, our dreams, hope, ambitions, desires, our truth, our false, cons piracy, our
imaginati ons, all are naked. We are not ashamed for all those. Then why shoul d we shy for the naked body?
Why we hate so? Lucy passed the same message but with changed words.
Peter was answerless, speechless.
Lucy judged the mind ofPeter. She grabbed the towel lying there, and tied tightly on her body. Her developed
curves were covered under the towel, but still looking attracti ve. It was covering her body till hal f thigh. She
was more beautiful rather catchier, charmi ng and inviti ng under half covered body.
Peter looked at the towel covering her body. The towel was white and the color of body covered by the white
towel was black!

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
The black body covered by the white towel! First time, Peter noticed that, the color of the body, to watch it he
crossed and jumped the 3 feet wall, was bl ack and not a white. He g azed the half covered body. It was like a
white cl oud in the dark black sky.
He asked hi mself, How coul dnt I see the color of her body? Why I missed it?
When we are lustful , we miss many things which are right i n front of us . At that ti me, our eyes turn bli nd.
Lucy read the questions in Peters eyes and replied.
So you can read the face, too! Peter g ot new wonder.
Lucy just smiled, wi thout words. The all colors of rainbow settled on her red li ps, lying between bl ack cheeks.
Few moments elapsed silently. B oth kept gazing at each other.

Why are you standi ng there? Please come here, near this wall and relax. Come near to me. You woul d get
the ans wers for all your questions. Lucy invited Peter with her hands.
Lucy moved to the other corner of the terrace. Peter was hypnotized and followed her.
Lucy stopped at the wall, on which Peter was looking the bl ack shadow since 8-10 days. Lucy stood wi th hug
to that wall. Peter stopped beside Lucy.
The empti ness of the pl ace was spread over there, but there was no emptiness in Lucy. She was full of
something wonderful in her, completel y. At one side there was endless empti ness while on other side there
was a full completeness.
How naturally, the presence of someone defeats the endless emptiness and fills with the completeness!
Still Peter was puzzled wi th many doubts. Lucy was natural . She read the face of Peter, and smiled again.
One cant li ve with so many doubts and questions. Lets break the silence. OK. Say something about
yourself. Hamm, Whats your name, man? Lucys red li ps asked.
Peter realized that he hadnt introduced hi mself to Lucy, not revealed his name, either. Even though, Lucy
behaved normally, naturally. And he was still encircled and puzzled. The natural behavi or of Lucy was
disturbi ng Peter, shaking Peter.
What was in that girl? Why was she so natural? Coul d anyone be so normal while meeting the unknown,
whom he was meeting first time? To whom who had seen her naked body?
Something was there in the Lucys personality which was attracting Peter to her. It might be a magnet, the
bl ack magnet. Yes, Lucy was a magnet. Magnets are bl ack, al ways and Lucy, too, was bl ack.
Peter is my name. He coul d say just these words. Lucy laughed.
Peter, its good name, man. So, are you here to look after the forest?
Yes. But how di d you know this?

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
There are only two houses in this place which is full of emptiness. The owner of this forest is also owner of
these two houses. One, in which I am li ving and this second house, is for the person who looks after this
forest. I am teacher i n nearby school. The school also belongs to the owner of this forest.
Since long, no one was residing in your house. When you took the charge? Lucy breathed deepl y.
Since 8-10 days. Since then I am li ving in this house. And
And l ooking me from your terrace? To my naked body Lucy s miled. She was little naughty but natural.
Not body, just the shadow was I l ooking. I looked body today only. It is beautiful. Peter was under total
What were you doing since 8-10 days on this terrace? How coul d you know that a girl is living here? Lucy
asked gazing his eyes.
Peter remained unstable for some moment then gathered some courage and tol d, I was watching this whi te
wall, and it was reflecting your bl ack shadow while you were bathing. I was looking that only. The black,
naked shadow
The color of shadow remains black, al ways, irrespecti ve of the color of body. It remains naked too. In s pite
of covered fully, it woul d be naked, al ways. She laug hed again. Stopped for a while and took deep breaths.
Peter, your body is white, but the shadow of your body on this wall is black. And look, you are in full
clothes; still your shadow is naked. She laughed, loudly this time. Her l augh spread over the forest.
Dont you feel shy while bathing naked, and fear that someone may l ook you in that pose?
No. There are only two houses here. One in which I am li vi ng and another was vacant since months. No one
else is living here. Why shoul d I fear? Shy to whom?
But, I am residing here, now.
So? You had watched me naked, already. Now, I have nothing to hi de.
Then woul d you conti nue bath like this?
Yes. Why not, Peter? Her lips smiled, s weetly.
Peter was disturbed, totally, wi th many things Lucy had.
One, she was natural, just natural.
Two, her s mile was amazing.
Three, there was some magnet in her.
Four, her nakedness was just simple and normal.
Fi ve, she was bl ack.
Peter remained puzzled.
Its ti me for my school. I have to go. Lucy left the Peter in puzzle.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
Peter stood there slaying the white wall. He was l ooking for the bl ack and naked shadow of Lucy. But,
nothing was there. It was only wall, the whi te wall, the lifeless wall; again.
He felt that he too, was white, col orless and lifeless, like the wall. His heart missed the beat or his breath
stopped? Peter di d not know.
There was emptiness, forest and nowhere reaching l onely path, in front of his sight. Everything was stable,
moti onless, and empty; like Peter.
Suddenly her eyes caught one image on that lonely path. It was Lucy, in full cl othes, wi th fully covered body.
She was wi th light tawny T-Shirt and bl ue tight jeans, with a scarf on her head. She was not naked from any
angle. Her nakedness vanished. She was on the way to her school.
Her walk was just normal, as she was. It was beautiful, attracti ve and magnetic, but was not bl ack. The mark
of her steps on colored soil, made it more colorful. Peters eyes followed the back of Lucy who was moving
away from Peter, with vacant mind. She vanished rapi dl y in the forest.
Next day, Lucy di d all the stuff and bath on her terrace ; as usual. She expected Peters presence but he di d
not turn. Lucy glanced at Peters terrace, but he was not there. He was nowhere.
Every day, Lucy used to go on terrace, take bath and l ooking for Peter. B ut Peter was vanished, was missing.
For many days, Lucy coul dnt find Peter on his or her terrace , not even anywhere.
More than a month elapsed. One late evening, she rushed to Peters house.
Peter, you are missing since long, on terrace Lucy tried to talk to Peter.
Peter not reacted nor replied. He starred at Lucy, with affectionless eyes.
Woul d you be my friend? Lucy asked naturally. She extended her right hand to Peter. He g ave a drear
glance to her black pal m and fingers.
But, you are bl ack girl. The col or of your bodyPeter uttered breaking a long silence .
The color of my skin is black, but the col or of my soul is
Peter sparked before Lucy coul d complete her talk, I dont like black people. He was in anger.

The people with bl ack skin are not human beings? Dont they have any affection? Dont they possess a heart
in their chest? Are their hearts without bits? Dont they feel happy, sorrow, sensati on like you people? Black
people, too, are human beings, live! They are not dull i dol of stone. Lucy wanted to reply Peter, but kept
quiet. She just smiled.
Her smile, natural s mile, disturbed Peter; again.
Black people are bl ack, only. I know Peter kept talking.
People are not black or white. In fact, their thoug hts and thinking are bl ack, like you. The white skin with
bl ack mind! still Lucy was normal. She threw a sweet smile at Peter and left his house.
Since then, Lucy never looked at that house or at Peter. For her, that house was barren, where no one was

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
After a long durati on, one fine morning Lucy observed some movements at the door of Peters house. He was
wi th white girl.
Both were busy to load some stuff on the car. They finished, settled in the car and the car vanished on the
road to the destination, not known to Lucy. Jack locked the house. Lucy asked Jack about them, nothing,
She smiled al one, closed her eyelash and lost in her house, naturally. She took it easily.
Around three years passed. Lucy was on her terrace, drinking the ocean of nature. A car stopped at the door
of nearby house. Lucy found that it was the same car in which Peter left the place with white girl.
Peter came out of car, white girl followed. She was with a little baby, whi te baby like Peter and his white girl.
Baby was cute and healthy. But, the white girl was looking weak and ill. Her body was so dull, as a life was
waiti ng to die under her body.
Jack unlocked the door, all three disappeared into the house.
Lucy instructed herself, in the nearby house, no one was residing and no one is residing today, too. She
vanished in her house.
Lucy g azed at her baby, bent down, lift her, hugged her and showered her l ove, for l ong. B aby was blessed
under the spring of her l ove. Ti me stopped its journey for a while to look both of them.
During those three years, Lucy g ot married. Her hus band was soldier in Air Force and use d to come to the
forest during leave peri od. Lucy had one baby, bl ack like her, who was now 6 months ol d. The baby was
inherent as Lucy.
Lucy fed her milk to her baby. Some liqui d born inside her, turned into s pring; that cut the bl ack mountains
and fl owed, was white milk!
The white s pring fl owing from the bl ack mountains was setting in to black valley. The baby gratified with
white s pring, embraced Lucy and slept in deep, calm sleep. There was a di vi ne peace on her face. A col d
breeze, the wi nd of memory of her first meeting wi th Peter, waved in Lucys heart. Lucy remained cal m and
cool; inherent as usual.
A cry of a baby from nearby house was knocking her heart, on regul ar intervals, which was reminding her
that someone was residing there. Lucy persuade her heart, every ti me, that no one was residi ng there. But,
the white baby was remindi ng her continuously that he was her neighbor, he was residing there, i n the same
house where Peter was residing.
Graduall y, Lucy accustomed to the cry of baby, who was her neighbor. Lucy accepted it normally, easily.
More than 15 days passed since the baby arri ved. During the time, Jack informed Lucy that,
After his marriage with white girl, Peter settled at the City. Her wife Julie gave a birth to a baby. But, with
her birth, Julie was caught by some weird disease. Doctors tried hard, but coul dnt di agnose her disease.
They coul dnt treat her properly. The health of Julie was deteriorating rapi dl y. Julie envisaged that she has a
life with very little ti me.
I dont want to die in this City, take me to One day Julie cried to Peter. Peter put his fingers on her li ps
and remai ned silent. Julie understood the language of silence.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
And one day, they left the city and arri ved in the forest. Julie wanted to pass the remaining life with the
forest. It was the same forest, Julie left it disdainfully.
Peter never talked about Lucy to J ulie.
Peter, Julie and the baby used to stay at home. The shadow of peace and silence prevailed at home. The cry of
baby, periodically, was broking the shadow of silence. As and when baby stopped crying, the shadow was
reappearing. Lucy used to listen the cry of baby, now it was her routine practice.
Her ears coul d clearl y distinguish between the cry of her baby and the cry of Peters baby.

On one l ate night, Peters baby cried. Her cry was usual hence Lucy heard it casuall y. She kept looking
beyond the wi ndow.
It was full moon night. The silence was prevailing to all directions. The forest was in deep sleep. The white big
moon was pl aying in the l ap of a bl ack sky, like a whi te baby embraced the bl ack chest.
The white baby! It was residing in the neighbors house who cried before some ti me, as usual. She gazed at
the Moon. The moon like baby cried ag ain, turned silent. She liked her cry as routine.
Baby cried again. Lucy noticed again. Baby kept crying, continuously. Normally, i t crie s for a while and then
turns silent within seconds. But she cried and cried, for a l ong period, uninterrupted. Lucy felt awk ward.
Lucy concentrated on the cry of the baby. The cry was different from routine. It was not natural. There was a
pain in it. She was crying and crying.
Her cry disturbed Lucy, who otherwise, remained cal m and cool, normal and inherent. A thorn stuck in her
heart. The pain of crying baby hurt her heart.
She felt that the baby was calling her, she needed Lucy, badly.
No, No. it is my illusion. She is crying but not calling me. Lucy tried to assure herself.
Baby was still crying, painfully. Lucy was feeling that pain in her heart, but remained quiet. She was
disturbed, but steady. The pain was born in her heart and she was denying that pain. The pai n and the
inherency, both were in her heart, simultaneously. A terri ble war declared between them. The cry of baby
and the war both existed simultaneously. B aby coul dnt stop but the war was over. The pain won.
Lucy opened her door and rushed to the nearby house. To that house where, her heart declared that, no one
was residing.
The door of Peters house was open. She pushed i t, and rushed inside. On one corner, Peter was trying to
keep calm the cryi ng baby, but he coul dnt. Peter was expressionless. On other corner, Julie was lying on the
bed. She was stable, lifeless.
Lucy understood quickly, what was happened there and why the baby was crying so hard? Why Peter was
She wasted no moment. She thrashed to Peter, snatched baby from his arms, and embraced to her chest.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
She opened her gown, at once. Two black, full of milk breasts jumped out. She pressed brown ni pples. A
splash full of white milk rushed out of her breasts. Lucy opened the mouth of baby and pushed her ni pple in
it. Baby was feeding.
The col or of the milk, born from bl ack body, flown wi thin black vei ns, passed throug h bl ack breasts, was
white. The whi te baby was drinking the white milk from the black breasts.
Peter was watching that, the baby was drinking the milk, who was ignorant about the col or of the feeding
breasts. She slept hugging bl ack chest of Lucy. There was no pain on her face, was nor on face of Lucy.
Lucy was feeding wi th cl osed eyes. Peter was watching it with opened eyes. A white shadow on black wall was
in front of his eyes. The shadow was real, as real as the wall.
Lucy, you were wrong. The col or of shadow is not al ways black. If the wall is bl ack, the shadow may be
white, Peter murmured.
The end

In that house, peter coul d not sleep till late night, but at earl y morning he got little. He coul d not sleep for a
long due to new place. When he awoke, 7.38 am was the ti me shown by his wrist watch.
Last night, when the servant of the contractor led hi m to this house, the night had already knocked. There
was a rule of the deep darkness, everywhere. Hence he coul d not see what was around that house. So, peter
rushed blindl y to the house.
Whole night he tried to sleep in vai n and now he was sleepless, again.
Servant, what was the name of that servant? Perhaps, J ack. Yes he was J ack onl y.
I will come with breakfast and cup of tea at 11 am. Be ready by the time. Then after we woul d move to the
job. Jack gui ded last night.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
Peter gave a re-l ook at the watch. It was 7.42 am.
Plenty of ti me I have. Lets sleep again. Peter gui ded hi mself and ag ain tried to get sleep. He tried hard, but
coul dnt succeed.
What coul d be done? the question rose in front of his eyes. He worked out hard but coul d not get the anser
to such silly question. He smiled.

Spring had already knocked. The warmness was attempting to get invol ved in the col d air, like a hot girl
wanted to hug the cool man. It was wonderful and tempting.
Lets move out and take some fresh breathes . His mind ordered Peter. He opened the wi ndow and l ooked
outside. There was nothing till the horizons. There was uncovered sky, the path full of dust, and a green
forest s pread over there.
Am I in forest? Is this house in forest? His thought disturbed Peter. He left the window and cl osed i t.
He climbed the stairs and reached up. He found a room. One more stair was there to go up. He crossed it at
reached at terrace. He gathered that the house in which he spent l ast night was a two storied buil ding.
He stared at the directi on which he looked from his window. He found that there was nothi ng there, except
dusty road, forest and the sky. The infinite l oneliness and emptiness was prevailing all over the quarter of the
Peter looked to opposite side. There was another two storied house adjoined to his house. It was just two
three feet away. He wanted to see beyond that house. He disappoi nted, again. There was nothing in that
directi on too. The same deep silence, green forest and sky spread all over.
Is the emptiness resided here? Does any human being exist here? Or I have to stri ve for human being? Peter
encircled with his own questions.
Arr.. one house is there. May some life exist there. He assured hi mself. He focused on the nearby house.
There was a s mall room on the terrace, on left side, covering half of the terrace. Another hal f was open. He
coul d not see the door of the room. i t might be on another direction.
On the right side, there was a big white wall, may be 8 feet high and 17 to 18 feet wi de. The wall was at the
distance of 20-22 feet. The sun was shining on that wall, brightly. The white sunshine on white wall! It was
looking like a movie screen.
There was no man in this loneliness. How can one expect the movie here? Peter laughed on his own thoughts.
He attempted to leave his attenti on from that wall, so many times, but every time the wall attracted him
towards it. What was in that wall? He di d not know nor deci ded. Every ti me his eyes stuck to the wall.
In that wall, here might be some life or the illusion of life. He continued to stare at the wall.
How many waves of time passed, peter was unknown. The white wall, the whi te sunshine and peters whi te
sight! Everything was white; still peter fel t that there was some faint of col ors in that wall.

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The White Shadow Vrajesh Dave

Email- [email protected], whatsapp - 00919426041107
Suddenly some shape fl ashed on he wall. It was a shadow of something. The col or of shadow was bl ack. He
liked that bl ack colors on the wall. He stared to the wall attenti vel y.
He observed that the shadow was not motionless. From the motion of the shadow, Peter understo od that the it
was a shadow of a human being. He stared at the shadow with full concentrati on. He found that, perhaps, it
was the shadow of a woman.
It means that someone is residing in this house and is a woman. Peter talked to hi mself. He gave a secon d
look to the shadow. Now he was confi dent that that shadow is of a woman. Peter was looking continuously at
the postures and gestures of the shadow of the woman.
For some moments, the shadow turned stunt. After some moments, it spread her both the hands parallel to
the ground. Then it turned to right, then the same on left. From both the turns, it seemed that there are
curves in her body; many curves. And all curves were attracti ve.
She turned 90 degree. Now, from the shadow of it, it was clear that it is a shadow of a woman. No doubt about
it. Now, her full body was exposed as shadow. There were stranded hairs, good looking face, both the arms
up, two well shaped breasts under the arms, thin waist, fully hi ps, beautiful thighs, and slim legs.
Peter was watching a awesome i dol.
She was busy in her acti vi ties. She was ignorant that someone is watching, looking her shadow. He was
drinking the beauty through the shadow.
Peter was starring at her. His mind was not i n a mood to move from that pl ace. He was fascinated by the
bl ack shadow on white wall. He remained that, looking every pose, like a statue. Still he was or the ti me.
Suddenly the shadow posed her both the arms on her waist. Left hand on right waist and right hand on left
waist. With the hel p of both the hands, she remove d her top from her body and kept i t on the floor.
Peters eyes foll owed the top of the l ady. The top was lying on the fl oor. He lifted his eyes up. He found the
shadow of the breasts. The breasts were not sloppy or loose even after she removed the top. He thought that,
still she was wi th some clothes on her breasts which gripped her breast duo.
She removed her all remaining clothes of upper part. Though both the breasts slipped little, still they were
flagging in the air, straight and up. B oth the ni pples were up and exited.
The shadow removed her cl othes from lower part too. The shadow was full y uncovered, and naked.

Inherent, easy =

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