The White Shadow
The White Shadow
The White Shadow
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Why are you standi ng there? Please come here, near this wall and relax. Come near to me. You woul d get
the ans wers for all your questions. Lucy invited Peter with her hands.
Lucy moved to the other corner of the terrace. Peter was hypnotized and followed her.
Lucy stopped at the wall, on which Peter was looking the bl ack shadow since 8-10 days. Lucy stood wi th hug
to that wall. Peter stopped beside Lucy.
The empti ness of the pl ace was spread over there, but there was no emptiness in Lucy. She was full of
something wonderful in her, completel y. At one side there was endless empti ness while on other side there
was a full completeness.
How naturally, the presence of someone defeats the endless emptiness and fills with the completeness!
Still Peter was puzzled wi th many doubts. Lucy was natural . She read the face of Peter, and smiled again.
One cant li ve with so many doubts and questions. Lets break the silence. OK. Say something about
yourself. Hamm, Whats your name, man? Lucys red li ps asked.
Peter realized that he hadnt introduced hi mself to Lucy, not revealed his name, either. Even though, Lucy
behaved normally, naturally. And he was still encircled and puzzled. The natural behavi or of Lucy was
disturbi ng Peter, shaking Peter.
What was in that girl? Why was she so natural? Coul d anyone be so normal while meeting the unknown,
whom he was meeting first time? To whom who had seen her naked body?
Something was there in the Lucys personality which was attracting Peter to her. It might be a magnet, the
bl ack magnet. Yes, Lucy was a magnet. Magnets are bl ack, al ways and Lucy, too, was bl ack.
Peter is my name. He coul d say just these words. Lucy laughed.
Peter, its good name, man. So, are you here to look after the forest?
Yes. But how di d you know this?
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The people with bl ack skin are not human beings? Dont they have any affection? Dont they possess a heart
in their chest? Are their hearts without bits? Dont they feel happy, sorrow, sensati on like you people? Black
people, too, are human beings, live! They are not dull i dol of stone. Lucy wanted to reply Peter, but kept
quiet. She just smiled.
Her smile, natural s mile, disturbed Peter; again.
Black people are bl ack, only. I know Peter kept talking.
People are not black or white. In fact, their thoug hts and thinking are bl ack, like you. The white skin with
bl ack mind! still Lucy was normal. She threw a sweet smile at Peter and left his house.
Since then, Lucy never looked at that house or at Peter. For her, that house was barren, where no one was
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On one l ate night, Peters baby cried. Her cry was usual hence Lucy heard it casuall y. She kept looking
beyond the wi ndow.
It was full moon night. The silence was prevailing to all directions. The forest was in deep sleep. The white big
moon was pl aying in the l ap of a bl ack sky, like a whi te baby embraced the bl ack chest.
The white baby! It was residing in the neighbors house who cried before some ti me, as usual. She gazed at
the Moon. The moon like baby cried ag ain, turned silent. She liked her cry as routine.
Baby cried again. Lucy noticed again. Baby kept crying, continuously. Normally, i t crie s for a while and then
turns silent within seconds. But she cried and cried, for a l ong period, uninterrupted. Lucy felt awk ward.
Lucy concentrated on the cry of the baby. The cry was different from routine. It was not natural. There was a
pain in it. She was crying and crying.
Her cry disturbed Lucy, who otherwise, remained cal m and cool, normal and inherent. A thorn stuck in her
heart. The pain of crying baby hurt her heart.
She felt that the baby was calling her, she needed Lucy, badly.
No, No. it is my illusion. She is crying but not calling me. Lucy tried to assure herself.
Baby was still crying, painfully. Lucy was feeling that pain in her heart, but remained quiet. She was
disturbed, but steady. The pain was born in her heart and she was denying that pain. The pai n and the
inherency, both were in her heart, simultaneously. A terri ble war declared between them. The cry of baby
and the war both existed simultaneously. B aby coul dnt stop but the war was over. The pain won.
Lucy opened her door and rushed to the nearby house. To that house where, her heart declared that, no one
was residing.
The door of Peters house was open. She pushed i t, and rushed inside. On one corner, Peter was trying to
keep calm the cryi ng baby, but he coul dnt. Peter was expressionless. On other corner, Julie was lying on the
bed. She was stable, lifeless.
Lucy understood quickly, what was happened there and why the baby was crying so hard? Why Peter was
She wasted no moment. She thrashed to Peter, snatched baby from his arms, and embraced to her chest.
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In that house, peter coul d not sleep till late night, but at earl y morning he got little. He coul d not sleep for a
long due to new place. When he awoke, 7.38 am was the ti me shown by his wrist watch.
Last night, when the servant of the contractor led hi m to this house, the night had already knocked. There
was a rule of the deep darkness, everywhere. Hence he coul d not see what was around that house. So, peter
rushed blindl y to the house.
Whole night he tried to sleep in vai n and now he was sleepless, again.
Servant, what was the name of that servant? Perhaps, J ack. Yes he was J ack onl y.
I will come with breakfast and cup of tea at 11 am. Be ready by the time. Then after we woul d move to the
job. Jack gui ded last night.
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Spring had already knocked. The warmness was attempting to get invol ved in the col d air, like a hot girl
wanted to hug the cool man. It was wonderful and tempting.
Lets move out and take some fresh breathes . His mind ordered Peter. He opened the wi ndow and l ooked
outside. There was nothing till the horizons. There was uncovered sky, the path full of dust, and a green
forest s pread over there.
Am I in forest? Is this house in forest? His thought disturbed Peter. He left the window and cl osed i t.
He climbed the stairs and reached up. He found a room. One more stair was there to go up. He crossed it at
reached at terrace. He gathered that the house in which he spent l ast night was a two storied buil ding.
He stared at the directi on which he looked from his window. He found that there was nothi ng there, except
dusty road, forest and the sky. The infinite l oneliness and emptiness was prevailing all over the quarter of the
Peter looked to opposite side. There was another two storied house adjoined to his house. It was just two
three feet away. He wanted to see beyond that house. He disappoi nted, again. There was nothing in that
directi on too. The same deep silence, green forest and sky spread all over.
Is the emptiness resided here? Does any human being exist here? Or I have to stri ve for human being? Peter
encircled with his own questions.
Arr.. one house is there. May some life exist there. He assured hi mself. He focused on the nearby house.
There was a s mall room on the terrace, on left side, covering half of the terrace. Another hal f was open. He
coul d not see the door of the room. i t might be on another direction.
On the right side, there was a big white wall, may be 8 feet high and 17 to 18 feet wi de. The wall was at the
distance of 20-22 feet. The sun was shining on that wall, brightly. The white sunshine on white wall! It was
looking like a movie screen.
There was no man in this loneliness. How can one expect the movie here? Peter laughed on his own thoughts.
He attempted to leave his attenti on from that wall, so many times, but every time the wall attracted him
towards it. What was in that wall? He di d not know nor deci ded. Every ti me his eyes stuck to the wall.
In that wall, here might be some life or the illusion of life. He continued to stare at the wall.
How many waves of time passed, peter was unknown. The white wall, the whi te sunshine and peters whi te
sight! Everything was white; still peter fel t that there was some faint of col ors in that wall.
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Inherent, easy =
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