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ENGLISH  Fashion and fabrics

 Multicultural arts
Analyzing great literature is just like examining
great art, and the integration or art is literature Drama- a mode of fictional representations
provides opportunities for students for all levels through dialogue & performance,
to build strong LITERARY SKILLS, as well as composed of VERSE & PROSE that presents
LITERACY SKILLS in WRITING, SPEAKING & a story either in pantomime or dialogue.
how teachers can, through arts urge students,
particularly those who encounter difficulties in  Makes connection in reading
learning make great strides in the domains of  Allows student to express
both reading and writing.  Motivate learners
 It is inclusive
In the second book “THINKING AND LEARNING  Use of bloom’s taxonomy
CLASSROOMS”- how drawing provides the  Integrates all modes of
avenue for children to be creative and to communication and literacy
express themselves with more freedom and less
restraint. Story dramatization- introduces children to the
writing process that allows them to creatively
Arts are powerful tool for literacy – students are express their ideas and feelings and develop
given art to work, have to master CRITICAL social skills. (RIEG & PAQUETTE 2009)
BARGAINING, COMMUNICATION, TEAM-WORK  Primary virtue is the text
& COLLABORATION. ( SMITH & HERRING 1986)  Interpreting the words
When arts activities are integrated into reading  Reader’s theater (famous type)
lessons, it is amazing how children do not get  Develops reading fluency
tired telling and retelling stories and their  Stage is unnecessary
experience. (MATHIESON 2015)  Puppetry
 Involves children reading parts in script
FUNG points out how the integration of
 Students do not memorize their parts
meaningful and purposeful artworks in the
study of literature serves as a fertile ground Reader’s theater- strategy that combines
reading practice and performing. Enhances
child’s reading skills & confidence because they
for innovativeness. Painting practice reading with expressions & with
purpose. (BAFILE 2003)
 Sketching
 Drawing Puppets- are movable dolls that a puppeteer
 Sculpture (clay, dough) manipulates. The body movement provides
 Photography & digital arts visual impressions that convey emotions
 Mosaics, pottery, crafts, stamping, through movements.
group murals
recommended. 2. Free writing- a process of writing without
stopping, editing, sharing, and worrying
Text-edged drama
about grammar. 10-15 minutes and can be
 Starts with a text and then explore it done at least 3 times a week. Also called
 Teacher-in-role AUTOMATIC WRITING that brings together
 Explorations is everyone’s responsibility the process of producing words and putting
 Critical space like critiquing questions them down on a page. (PETER ELBOW 1973)
 Emphasizes a dialogue approach to 3. Narrative writing- characterized by a
drama fictional story that has the main character in
a specific setting who encounters a problem
Teacher-in role feature- the practice of teacher or event. Writing narrative will involves the
structuring within the drama by participating in writers tone, purpose, voice, and structure.
fictional encounters with their students. The
teacher is not domineering. Both teacher and
students are engaged. (HEATHCOTE 1995) Visual learners- occupy a high percentage in the
pie compared to their auditory and kinesthetic
Critical space- allows children and their learners. (HIMMELE, P.W & POTTER)
teachers to live in the life of the drama. Focuses
on critical evaluation of the dramatic exercise. 1. Quotable quotes board- posts on the
(WOLF 2004) bulletin board the quotes they found in the
storybooks poems or short stories.
Ursula K. Le Guins says the VALUE OF CREATIVE 2. #My superhero wall- drawing about their
WRITING ideal character in the story and enhances
 Is someone WHO CARES about what words their reflective thinking.
mean 3. Butcher paper- title prompts selected by
 Storytellers & Poets STREGNTHEN THEIR the literature teacher and a blank space for
SOULS by using words students to write on. The graphic organizer
act as a memory aid for the pupils.
 Creative writing UNLOCKS A CHILD’S
4. Collecting word walls- teacher posts an
IMAGINATIONS inspiring them to have a
empty envelope on the board that will act
love for words
as a basket of difficult words.
5. Great opening lines wall- learners can be
reflective of their writing styles
asked to document the opening lines of the
 Students form a special connection of
book they’ve read.
writing which develop their higher-level
6. The class bookworm- add-on board for the
literacy skills.
pupils to write their thoughts related to
literary piece read in class, acts as freedom
1. Use of literary response journals- write
wall or a vandal wall regarding the literary
down their thoughts about texts that
include their personal questions,
7. The WIDU bank- acts as an avenue for them
predictions, feelings, and observations
to be heard in class w/o using their oral
about the text. (WOLF 2014)
3 kinds of responses
 Summarizing
 Anticipating predictions or asking questions
(Himmele and Himmele)- elicit answers to SSR is an essential form of encouragement.
be processed by the whole class. Teachers also works as a resource for
Collaborative approach, craft students, making recommendations based
CONTROVERSIAL, HIGHER-ORDER, and on students interests.
& DIVERGENT THINKING SKILLS. Used a school-wide activity, all teachers buy in
either before or after reading. and commit to the program. The role of
2. LINK-IT CARDS- pupils take the initiatives teachers is an active one in SSR. Having
for their own thought-sharing experience. workshops and presentations can improve
Banks on the power of SCAFFOLDING or the success of SSR programs.
LEARNER-SUPPORT in the initial stage of 6. NON-ACCOUNTABILITY- to omit any activity
thought processing for them to become that gives students the message that they
active learner. are responsible for completing a task,
3. FINDING PARTNER IN A MUSIC MINGLE- comprehending a particular portion of their
teacher uses an activity to develop the reading, or showing that they have made
DIVERGENT THINKING ability of the pupils. improvement in some way.
Repeated at least 3 rounds, rules must also 7. FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES- extends the
be discussed. excitement of reading a good book. This can
4. EXPANDING YOUR NETWORK- used for involve teacher-to-student, student-to-
DEBRIEFING or as LESSON-ENDER. Teachers student, and whole-class discussions.
provide debriefing prompts, questions or 8. DISTRIBUTED TIME TO READ- how long
incomplete statements. Teacher should should students be given to read and how
offer metacognitive questions to engage the often SSR should take place. Students have
pupils. 15 to 30 minutes to read. The length of time
5. HUMAN LIKERT SCALE AND SAVVY given to read is less influential on students
SURVEY- pupils have the chance to enhance success than the frequency with which
their decision making skills and to let them students are given SSR time.
make a stand on an issue.
This strategy is also effective in developing literacy
SUSTAINED SILENT READING- a period of skills of the students. It involve the writer’s tone,
uninterrupted silent reading. Based upon a purpose, voice and structure also, characterized by a
fictional story that has the main character in a
single principal. READING IS A SKILL.
specific setting who encounters a problem or event.
8 FACTORS FOR SSR SUCCESS C. Narrative Writing

1. ACCESS- students must have access to In order to develop a child’s literacy skills in creative
BOOKS, collecting books and creating a writing, teachers should________
classroom library. A. Allow students to express their own narratives
2. APPEAL- reading materials are sufficiently through writing
interesting and provocative enough for
students to want to read them. Which of the following techniques in pupil-
3. CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT- SSR should be participation is best for debriefing?
SILENT, QUIET & UNINTERRUPTED, having B. Expanding Your Network
Which of the following experiences of teacher Cathy Which statement about pupils' participation is
is an example of total pupil participation in her FALSE?
English class? A. Entertainment is superior to learning.
C. Using leveled games
Teacher Gellie aims to develop the critical thinking
She is an ambassador for the National Literacy Trust skills of her pupils in Grade 6. She plans to give
in UK and urges that children should have a activities. Which should be her best choice?
notebook to write or draw for the fun of it and to D. Ask the pupils to answer real-life situations
write what they want to write without that fear of related to the text.
getting red marks or corrections. Who is this
ambassador? Leinard, a Grade 5 pupil, picked a piece of paper
A. Cowell from the envelope posted on the display board. He
tried to define a troublesome word on the piece of
Using Link-It Cards as a technique primarily banks on paper and wrote a sentence using that word. The
what specific learning theory? pupils were engaged into what display board
A. Scaffolding technique?
B. Collecting Words Wall
Peter Elbow developed freewriting as a writing
strategy. His strategy is particular with the following Teacher Joy used pupil-generated board displays as a
statements, EXCEPT: teaching strategy for the pupils to appreciate
D. Freewriting is a process of writing without literature and improve literacy. She asked the pupils
stopping and editing to pick the lines that attracted them most and post
them on the display board. What technique did she
In the following total pupil-participation techniques use?
(Rippling and Bouncing Answers and Finding Partner C. Quotable Quotes Board
in a Music Mingle), what element is present in both
of them? Teacher Kuku Martin noticed that the majority of his
B. Wait-time Grade 4 pupils love to draw. He, therefore, asked
them to illustrate the main character of the
Why is teaching literature essential to the pupils? respective stories they were reading and post them
D. For the pupils to develop critical thinking skills on the display board. What technique did Teacher
Kuku Martin employ?
Teacher Gloria picked a controversy from the text D. #MySuperhero Wall
the class has just read. She used it as a situation for
the pupils to react to dyads, triads, and bigger Which among the following pedagogical concepts
circles. What technique did she use? can be highly associated with the development of
C. Rippling and Bouncing Answers higher-order thinking skills?
A. Inquiry-based teaching - “Six Thinking Hats
What technique is used by the beginning elementary approach”to immerse the pupils to use their HOTS
English teacher when she used a sound signal for the and in literature questioning matters.
pupils to communicate with their classmates?
A. Finding Partner in a Music Mingle Educationalists agree that thinking skills can be
classified into higher- or lower- order. Which among
Ella is always caught daydreaming in Teacher the following does NOT belong to the group?
Makaspak's English class. What is the best choice B. Applying
that Teacher Makaspak should consider?
C. Provide a group activity where Ella becomes the One beginning teacher wants to develop an activity
leader. that triggers the use of critical thinking among her
pupils in English. Which of the following does NOT Heighted by Christie, Thompson, and Whiteley
belong? 2009
A. Ask the pupils to restate the quotable quote.
1. Developing a deep understanding of how
Using drama in the classroom helps make to support teachers - school learners should
connections in reading, whether it be text-to-text, understand the need of the teacher that
text-to-self-and text-to-world. Which of the will capacitate them in order to become
following statements reflects text-to-world? effective teachers.
A. What I just read makes me wonder about the
2. Managing the curriculum in ways that
future because…
promote students learning - learners have
One distinct feature of Text-Edged Drama is critical
different styles hence curriculum shall be
space. Which of the following questions is the best careful managed accordingly by planning for
question to ask for critical evaluation? appropriate strategies and curriculum
D. Could you feel the pain of the protagonist after delivery that will suit the learning style of
he lost his best friend? students.
3. Developing the ability to transform school
Analyzing painting, sculpture, photography, or into more effective organization to foster
architecture can develop literacies such as powerful teaching and learning for all
deepening understanding, identifying new details,
students - transformational leadership is
making connections, and expanding knowledge of
one of the leadership theories that requires
the world. This statement is:
A. True leader to have passion and energy to
achieve great things
Which concept pertains to the ability to think
clearly and rationally and to understand the Jackson(cited in ASCD, 2015) teacher leader
logical connection between ideas? transcends formally defined the role in building
C. Critical thinking which means that every teacher any teacher at
some point their career become a teacher
When planning visual art and literature-based leader.
experiences, a combination of free- time
activities and planned activities must be  Grade level/Subject Coordinator - this may
provided. The methods of including visual art include instructional leadership and
and literature elements into free time include administrative function
the following, EXCEPT:  Department chair/Coordinator- serves as
C. Provide writing paper and pencils available liaison officer between administration and
for children to write whenever the mood colleagues
strikes.  Curriculum and assessment specialist -
leads teacher to follow curriculum
standards and develop appropriate
EDU 536 assessment.
 Instructional Leadership - the primary role
School leadership - is an essential factor that of a school principle is to promote learning
contributes to the successful operation of an and make students successful in their
organization. academic endeavor.
 Transformational Leadership - according to
bass and riggio 2009 this leadership theory
was conceptualize by James macgregor kindergarten and two more years of senior
burn in 1978. It is a type of leader who high school in basic education.
inspire their followers to achieve  RA 8672- Barangay level total protection of
extraordinary outcomes by inspiring them child act of 199
and in the process develop their own  RA 8980- Early childhood care and
capacity. development council (ECCD) act 2001).
 Distributed leadership - consider as a  RA no. 10517(2011)- kindergarten
shared effort by more than one person it educational act.
serves interest of systematic thrivability.  RA 10517- mother tongue based
Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) was
The school as an educational organization (DECS made as medium of instruction for teaching
order No. 12, series of 1991) and learning in the kindergarten level by
 Administrator/Principal- each group need
leader that will guide faculty members and The Enhanced Basic education - Senate
support staff in fulfilling schools mandate. economic planning office (SECO 2011) . The
 Teaching personnel/faculty members -- Philippines together with Djibouti and Angola of
they are the licensed teacher in different Africa are the only three remaining countries in
subject areas in different grade levels. the world that retains 10 years basic education
 Academic Non-teaching Personnel- system
assigned to support to help maintain a
positive learning environment and to keep Institutionalization of Kindergarten-General
the school clean and safe from harm. kindergarten program refers to the 10 months
 Students - primary stakeholders that program provide to children who are at least
benefits from school five years old
 Community - it is the location with the
school is situated. Mother tongue-based Multilingual Education -
Consistent with the policy of the state to make
Reform in the DepEd of education - The education learner oriented and responsive to
trifocalization of the Philippines education the needs.
system took place in the early nineties.
Contextualization Curriculum - terms of
 RA 7722 and RA 7784- The commission on curriculum deped has restructured the content
higher education and technical education of the old basic education curry to make it more
and skills development authority were relevant to learners
created. CHED TECH-VOC
 RA 9155(2001) - GOVERNMENT OF BASIC Senior High school - additional 2 years of senior
EDUCATION ACT was passed transforming high school is one of the most relevant reform
the name of DECS to the development of that may be considered.
 RA no. 10533 (2012)-enhanced basic Organizational Structures of the department of
education act was passed institutionalizing education - restructured in 2002 through the
the k12 curriculum which added passage of RA 9155 DECS was renamed to
DepEd and shifted the focus of its mandate to 3. The interest of the Stakeholders - aware
basic education. fortunate that continuing professional
development is promoted and supported by the
Pedagogical Competencies of Teachers- study government. CPD
of teaching methods including the aims of
education in the ways in which goals may be  The Light - The teacher should provide the
achieved. driving force to look into the DARK SPOTS in
the community
ACTICLE XIV of the 1987 Philippines  The impetus- There is a need for every
Constitution - they will be vigilant enough in teacher to be the impetus- or the prime
integrating very fundamental legal basis mover to take the initiative
 The news- The PTA is a fertile ground for
 Purpose - teachers are responsible for the school and parents communication.
delivering lessons that are planned,  The key- if the school wants to prevent any
organized and implemented. adversarial relationship with the community
 Content - description will be covered then it must develop the potential of its
evident in a reference book or school faculty
 Unravel- latent learning skills of the 1. Culture unique human effort - as different
learners in order to provide the learners from nature and biology example is culture
with novel concept is the bulwark against the ravages of nature
 Sharpen- the mind of the students is 2. Culture refinement mannerism- as
seemingly difficult if the content is different from things that are crude vulgar
bordering on the practice of the past. and unrefined example is look at the way in
 Enhance - learners desire to explore by which he chows down his food.
themselves thereby allowing them to 3. Culture shared language beliefs values- a
experience on a first hand basis. different from language beliefs and values
 Steers- the students make significant that are not shared language and we share
contribution to the daily lesson. the same tradition
4. Culture dominant or hegemonic culture- as
Community Skills- communicative competence different from marginal culture example is it
of the teacher both in writing and speaking. is the culture of ruling class that determines
what is moral and what is deviant.
Professional Development - improve the 5. Culture the shifting tensions between the
teaching learning process for the sake of the shared and the unshared- as different from
students. shared or unshared things example is
1. The Demands of the Local and Global American culture has change from
Standards- this age of information and master/slave to white only/black only to
innovation is saturated with knowledge antiwar and black power.
technologies and scientific advances.
2. The Overwhelming Trends in Science and  Culture is learned- from various people you
Technology - There is no stopping for the fast have encountered and interacted with
paced technology our world is exposed. through forms of socialization with parent’s
and family members.
 Culture is shared- Cultural patterns are thinking behavior and even views and many
shared aspect of life
 Cultural Involves Large Group of People-  Culture is the treasury of knowledge-man's
interaction with a larger group of people physical and equal existence relies in
makes it more associated with culture. knowledge of which culture plays a vital
 Cultural is Dynamic and Heterogeneous- role.
it's dynamism and may vary across time and  Culture decides our career-culture
place as Human adapt to the physical and somehow sit the mind of a person and what
social environment around them. he or she may become and what he or she
 Culture Affects Behavior- which a person wanted to be.
has grown will dictate how a person looking  Culture provides behavior pattern- a
and behave. person is trapped in case or her culture
 Culture Involves Feelings- it deals with how when he or she allows it to contain himself
a person feels or what he or she senses in a or herself within the limitation or boundary
certain situation or scenario. of suggested outcomes.
 Culture Involves belief values norms and
social practices- the basis of a person on Cultural Transmission and education - defined
what to believe in or her belief how a simply as the process of passing on from
person views the right from the wrong. generation to another the knowledge necessary
to maintain cultural identity.
 Values- to make judgments about the
world's According to Kim and Abreu 2001) enculturation
 Beliefs- shared ideas held collectively by and acculturation construct and encompasses
people four dimensions: BEHAVIOR VALUES
 Knowledge- awareness and understanding KNOWLEDGE IDENTITY
that helps us navigate our world
 Norms- set established rules of behavior or FILIPINO
conduct a cultures expectations Panahon ng Kastila- Layunin na ipalaganap ang
 Language- ability to communicate in kristiyanismo
symbols in an abstract system
 Symbols- Gestures words sounds GOD, GOLD, GLORY- layunin ng mga kastila
 Behavior- action associated with group that
help reproduce a distinct way of life ang patula na ginawang laro ang bugtong ay
ginawang pampatalas ng isipan
 Culture objects- a basic elements of
materials culture these are physical items Berlaan at Josephat- pinagmulan ng nobela
that are created with people who share a
culture. Ang Panitikan ng Pananampalataya at
 Culture defines situation - culture Kabutihang- Asal- Pili lamang ang nakasulat
somehow decides what should be done and
thought by an individual Moro-Moro- isang dula na pumapaksa ng
 Culture defines attitudes values and goods- tagumpay ng mga kastila laban sa mga muslim
culture serves as the basis of persons
Carillo- Dulang puppet na yari sa karton
Doctrina Christian (1553)- pinakaunang aklat sa  Karilyo- isang laro ng mga tau-tauhang
pilipinas ginagmpanan ng mga aninong ginawa mula
sa karton
Ang Mahal na Pasyon ni Hesukristo Panginoon  Kurido- kasalukuyang balita (current events)
Natin- Isinulat ni Gaspar Aquino de Belen sa mga mahikano
 Sarsuela- melodrama o dulang musical ma
Urbana at Feliza- panatikan tungol sa tatluhing yugto.
kabutihang asal
Kasapi ng Propaganda (kilusan sa Barcelona
 Dalit- iba’t ibang ssanto’t santa ang Espanya 1872-1892)
pinagdadalitaan. Kaugalian na sa mga  Jose Rizal
lalawigan ng Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Rizal,  Graciano Lopez Jaena
Laguna, Cavite, Quezon, Marinduque at  Marcelo h. del Pilar
Mindoro. Ginagawa ito tuwing mayo.
 Komedya- Pukawin ang kawilihan ng Sinimulan sa tatlong pari na sila Marian Gomez,
manonood Jose Burgos at Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA)
 Melodrama- ginagamit sa dulang musical
kasama ng opera La Solidaridad- pahayagan ng mga propagadista
 Trahedya- tunggaliang nagwawakas sa na unang inithala sa Barcelona, Espanya noong
pagkasawi ng angunahing tauhan Pebrero 15, 1895
 Parsa- Magpasaya sa pamamagitan ng mga
kawing-kawing na mga pangyayaring  Antonio Luna- Kapatid ng dakilang
nakakatawa pintor na si Juan Luna o mas kilalang
 Saynete- paksa ng ganitong dula ay mga heneral ng hukbo
karaniwang pang-uugali ng tao o pook  Pedro Patemo- isang iskolar,
 Karagatan- batay sa alamat ng singsing ng mananliksik, dramaturgo, at nobelista .
prinsesa na naihulog niysa sa dagat sa Isinulat niya ang “ninay” “A Mi Madre”
hangarin nitong mapangasawa ang  Pascual Poblete- isang pangunahin at
kasintahang mahirap napakasipag na peryodista, makata.
 Duplo- Humalili sa karagatab itoý Itinatag niya ang “El Resumen”El Grito
paligsahan ng husay sa pagbigkas at del Pueblo. Itinuturing na ama ng
angangatwiran nang patul. pahayagan
 Balagtasan- pumalit sa dduplo at itoý sa  Jose Maria Panganiban- sa ilalim ng
karangalan ng siense ng panginay na si sagisag na homapa ay nagging tagapag-
Francisco “balagtasan”Baltazar ambag ng mga sanaysay at lathalain sa
 Tibag-Dala ito satin ng kastila( St. Elena) pahayan ng mga propagandista.
 Lagaylay- Pilarenos ng Sorsogon, isang  Pedro Serrano Laktaw- pinahunahan
pagkakataon at pag iipun-ipon kung buwan niya ang pagbubuo ng masonaryo sa
ng mayo pilipinas.
 Sinakulo- PASYON  Isabelo Delos Reyes- isang peryodista
 Panunuluyan- pagtatanghal bago mag alas obrero, politico, at kinkilalang ama ng
dose ng gabi ng kapaskuhan unyonismo sa Filipinas. Itinuturing Ama
 Panubong- parangal sa may kaarawan o ng Sosyalismong Filipino.

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